PROMPT_START = "Hello, this is ``. \n\n" \
"This is a Telegram bot with functionality similar to Foursquare Swarm, " \
"but check in and post your location to the Fediverse (Mastodon/Pleroma) instead of Twitter.\n\n" \
"Aware of privacy concerns, this bot will not store your location data." \
"*Be safe and cautious when sharing your real time location on the web.* \n\n" \
"Start using this bot by sharing your location using Telegram context menu to it."
By using this bot, you agree to the following terms of service:\n\n
Data Collection
Server Logs
Server Locations
Data Sharing
PROMPT_FEDI_LOGIN_WHERE_IS_INSTANCE = "Where is your home instance in the Fediverse? (e.g. ``)"
PROMPT_FEDI_LOGIN = "Please login to your Fediverse account by clicking the link below:"
PROMPT_INVALID_INSTANCE = "Your home instance (Probably a Misskey or GotoSocial instance?) is not supported. " \
"Currently, only Mastodon or Pleroma instances are supported."
PROMPT_CHOOSE_ACTION = "Use bot keyboard to choose an action"
PROMPT_ADD_COMMENT = "You can continue adding comments, or press skip"
PROMPT_ADD_MEDIA = "You can continue adding photos, or press skip"
PROMPT_LOCATION_KEYWORD = "You can input location search keywords or press skip"
PROMPT_WAIT_LOCATION_CONFIRMATION_NO_NEARBY_POI = "No nearby places found. But you can input location name manually."
PROMPT_MAX_PHOTO_REACHED = "Cannot attach more than 4 medias, only first 4 will be posted"
PROMPT_HELP = "Available commands:" \
"\n`/login` - login to Fediverse account. " \
"You can use this command to login to multiple Fediverse accounts" \
"\n`/list` - list current linked Fediverse accounts" \
"\n`/logout` - logout from specified Fediverse account, default logout from all" \
"\n`/vis` - toggle visibility of your checkins on specified instances, default=private" \
"\n`/delay` - set delayed checkin in minutes, default=0" \
"\n`/tos` - show ToS message" \
"\n`/cancel` - cancel current operation during checkins"
PROMPT_DELAYED_CHECKIN = "How many minutes to delay your checkin? By default, checkin will be posted immediately.\n" \
"If you wish to set delayed checkin, at least 5 minutes is required. \n" \
"Input less than 5 will be set to 0 (immediate checkin)."
PROMPT_LIST = "You are linked with the following Fediverse accounts:"
PROMPT_LIST_NO_RESULT = "You are not linked with any Fediverse account yet. \n\n Input /login
to login."
PROMPT_LOGOUT = "Choose Fediverse account to logout"
PROMPT_LOGOUT_SUCCESS = "Successfully logged out from Fediverse account"
PROMPT_TOGGLE_VIS = "Change default toot visibility of your checkins on Fediverse.\nCurrent: {}"