function settime() { const timestamp = document.querySelector('[data-timestamp-text]') if (!timestamp || !('Intl' in window)) return const options = { timeZone: "Asia/Taipei", timeStyle: "short", hour12: false } // let time = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(navigator.language || "zh-TW", options).format(new Date()) // if (time.match(/^24:/)) time = time.replace('24:', '00:') // Setting interpolated string instead of just the time because // if there's no JS there should be no mentions of current time const text = timestamp.getAttribute('data-timestamp-text').replace('{time}', time) timestamp.innerHTML = text.replace(':', ':') const now = new Date() const sec = now.getSeconds() const secondIsEven = sec % 2 === 0 const colon = document.querySelector('[data-colon]') if (colon) = `${(secondIsEven ? 0 : 1000) - now.getMilliseconds()}ms` const delay = 60000 - ((sec * 1000) + now.getMilliseconds()) setTimeout(settime, delay) } settime()