import six import pytest import itertools from mastodon.streaming import StreamListener, CallbackStreamListener from mastodon.Mastodon import MastodonMalformedEventError from mastodon import Mastodon import threading import time import select # For monkeypatching so we can make vcrpy better import vcr.stubs streaming_is_patched = False real_connections = [] close_connections = False def patch_streaming(): global streaming_is_patched global close_connections if streaming_is_patched == True: return streaming_is_patched = True real_get_response = vcr.stubs.VCRConnection.getresponse def fake_get_response(*args, **kwargs): global close_connections close_connections = False if args[0]._vcr_request.path.startswith("/api/v1/streaming/"): real_connections.append(args[0].real_connection) real_connection_real_get_response = args[0].real_connection.getresponse def fakeRealConnectionGetresponse(*args, **kwargs): response = real_connection_real_get_response(*args, **kwargs) real_body = b"" try: while close_connections == False: if len([response], [], [], 0.01)[0]) > 0: chunk = real_body += chunk except AttributeError: pass # Connection closed print(real_body) = (lambda: real_body) return response args[0].real_connection.getresponse = fakeRealConnectionGetresponse return real_get_response(*args, **kwargs) vcr.stubs.VCRConnection.getresponse = fake_get_response def streaming_close(): global real_connections for connection in real_connections: connection.close() real_connections = [] close_connections = True class Listener(StreamListener): def __init__(self): self.updates = [] self.notifications = [] self.deletes = [] self.heartbeats = 0 self.bla_called = False self.do_something_called = False def on_update(self, status): self.updates.append(status) def on_notification(self, notification): self.notifications.append(notification) def on_delete(self, status_id): self.deletes.append(status_id) def on_blahblah(self, data): self.bla_called = True pass def on_do_something(self, data): self.do_something_called = True pass def handle_heartbeat(self): self.heartbeats += 1 def handle_stream_(self, lines): """Test helper to avoid littering all tests with six.b().""" class MockResponse(): def __init__(self, data): = data def iter_content(self, chunk_size): for line in for byte in line: bytearr = bytearray() bytearr.append(byte) yield(bytearr) yield(b'\n') return self.handle_stream(MockResponse(map(six.b, lines))) def test_heartbeat(): listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([':one', ':two']) assert listener.heartbeats == 2 def test_status(): listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": "bar"}] def test_notification(): listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: notification', 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', '', ]) assert listener.notifications == [{"foo": "bar"}] def test_delete(): listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: delete', 'data: 123', '', ]) assert listener.deletes == [123] @pytest.mark.parametrize('events', itertools.permutations([ ['event: update', 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', ''], ['event: notification', 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', ''], ['event: delete', 'data: 123', ''], [':toot toot'], [':beep beep'], ])) def test_many(events): listener = Listener() stream = [ line for event in events for line in event ] listener.handle_stream_(stream) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": "bar"}] assert listener.notifications == [{"foo": "bar"}] assert listener.deletes == [123] assert listener.heartbeats == 2 def test_unknown_event(): """Be tolerant of new event types""" listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: blahblah', 'data: {}', '', ]) assert listener.bla_called == True assert listener.updates == [] assert listener.notifications == [] assert listener.deletes == [] assert listener.heartbeats == 0 def test_unknown_handled_event(): """Be tolerant of new unknown event types, if on_unknown_event is available""" listener = Listener() listener.on_unknown_event = lambda name, payload: None listener.handle_stream_([ 'event:', 'data: {"k": "v"}', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [] assert listener.notifications == [] assert listener.deletes == [] assert listener.heartbeats == 0 def test_dotted_unknown_event(): """Be tolerant of new event types with dots in the event-name""" listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: do.something', 'data: {}', '', ]) assert listener.do_something_called == True assert listener.updates == [] assert listener.notifications == [] assert listener.deletes == [] assert listener.heartbeats == 0 def test_invalid_event(): """But not too tolerant""" listener = Listener() with pytest.raises(MastodonMalformedEventError): listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: whatup', 'data: {"k": "v"}', '', ]) def test_invalid_json(): """But not too tolerant""" listener = Listener() with pytest.raises(MastodonMalformedEventError): listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: blahblah', 'data: {kjaslkdjalskdjasd asdkjhak ajdasldasd}', '', ]) def test_missing_event_name(): listener = Listener() with pytest.raises(MastodonMalformedEventError): listener.handle_stream_([ 'data: {}', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [] assert listener.notifications == [] assert listener.deletes == [] assert listener.heartbeats == 0 def test_missing_data(): listener = Listener() with pytest.raises(MastodonMalformedEventError): listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [] assert listener.notifications == [] assert listener.deletes == [] assert listener.heartbeats == 0 def test_sse_order_doesnt_matter(): listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', 'event: update', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": "bar"}] def test_extra_keys_ignored(): """ defines 'id' and 'retry' keys which the Mastodon streaming API doesn't use, and alleges that "All other field names are ignored". """ listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', 'data: {"foo": "bar"}', 'id: 123', 'retry: 456', 'ignoreme: blah blah blah', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": "bar"}] def test_valid_utf8(): """Snowman Cat Face With Tears Of Joy""" listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', 'data: {"foo": "\xE2\x98\x83\xF0\x9F\x98\xB9"}', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": u"\u2603\U0001F639"}] def test_invalid_utf8(): """Cat Face With Tears O""" listener = Listener() with pytest.raises(MastodonMalformedEventError): listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', 'data: {"foo": "\xF0\x9F\x98"}', '', ]) def test_multiline_payload(): """ says that newlines in the 'data' field can be encoded by sending the field twice! This would be really pathological for Mastodon because the payload is JSON, but technically literal newlines are permissible (outside strings) so let's handle this case. """ listener = Listener() listener.handle_stream_([ 'event: update', 'data: {"foo":', 'data: "bar"', 'data: }', '', ]) assert listener.updates == [{"foo": "bar"}] @pytest.mark.vcr(match_on=['path']) def test_stream_user(api, api2): patch_streaming() # Make sure we are in the right state to not receive updates from api2 user = api2.account_verify_credentials() api.account_unfollow(user) time.sleep(2) updates = [] notifications = [] deletes = [] listener = CallbackStreamListener( update_handler = lambda x: updates.append(x), notification_handler = lambda x: notifications.append(x), delete_handler = lambda x: deletes.append(x) ) posted = [] def do_activities(): time.sleep(5) posted.append(api.status_post("only real cars respond.")) posted.append(api2.status_post("@mastodonpy_test beep beep I'm a jeep")) posted.append(api2.status_post("on the internet, nobody knows you're a plane")) time.sleep(1) api.status_delete(posted[0]) time.sleep(10) streaming_close() t = threading.Thread(args=(), target=do_activities) t.start() stream = api.stream_user(listener, run_async=True) time.sleep(20) stream.close() assert len(updates) == 1 assert len(notifications) == 1 assert len(deletes) == 1 assert updates[0].id == posted[0].id assert deletes[0] == posted[0].id assert notifications[0] == posted[1].id t.join() @pytest.mark.vcr(match_on=['path']) def test_stream_user_local(api, api2): patch_streaming() # Make sure we are in the right state to not receive updates from api2 user = api2.account_verify_credentials() api.account_unfollow(user) updates = [] listener = CallbackStreamListener( local_update_handler = lambda x: updates.append(x), ) posted = [] def do_activities(): time.sleep(5) posted.append(api.status_post("it's cool guy")) time.sleep(10) streaming_close() t = threading.Thread(args=(), target=do_activities) t.start() stream = api.stream_user(listener, run_async=True) time.sleep(20) stream.close() assert len(updates) == 1 assert updates[0].id == posted[0].id t.join() @pytest.mark.vcr(match_on=['path']) def test_stream_direct(api, api2): patch_streaming() conversations = [] listener = CallbackStreamListener( conversation_handler = lambda x: conversations.append(x), ) def do_activities(): time.sleep(5) api2.status_post("@mastodonpy_test todo funny text here", visibility = "direct") time.sleep(10) streaming_close() t = threading.Thread(args=(), target=do_activities) t.start() stream = api.stream_direct(listener, run_async=True) time.sleep(20) stream.close() assert len(conversations) == 1 @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_stream_healthy(api_anonymous): assert api_anonymous.stream_healthy()