## Running To run this test suite, install the testing dependencies: pip install -e .[test] Then, run `pytest`. If you wish to check test coverage: pytest --cov=mastodon And if you want a complete HTML coverage report: pytest --cov=mastodon --cov-report html:coverage # then open coverage/index.html in your favourite web browser Note that some tests are slightly unstable, as they require sidekiq to do things at the right time, and will thus sometimes break. ## Contributing [VCR.py]: https://vcrpy.readthedocs.io/ This test suite uses [VCR.py][] to record requests to Mastodon and replay them in successive runs. If you want to add or change tests, you will need a Mastodon development server running on `http://localhost:3000`, with the default `admin` user and default password. To set this up, follow the development guide and set up the database using "rails db:setup". It also needs various things to be set up for it. The following command should do the trick: sudo redis-cli flushall && sleep 3 && \ sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server restart && \ RAILS_ENV=development rails db:setup && \ RAILS_ENV=development bin/tootctl accounts create admin2 --email zerocool@example.com --confirmed --role Owner && \ RAILS_ENV=development bin/tootctl accounts create mastodonpy_test --email mastodonpy_test@localhost:3000 --confirmed && \ RAILS_ENV=development bin/tootctl accounts create mastodonpy_test_2 --email mastodonpy_test_2@localhost:3000 --confirmed && \ sql -d mastodon_development < ~/masto/Mastodon.py/tests/setup.sql && sleep 4 && \ RAILS_ENV=development DB_PASS="" foreman start You _may_ additionally have to set up a database password and pass it as DB_PASS for the streaming tests to function. Tests that send requests to Mastodon should be marked as needing VCR with the `pytest.mark.vcr` decorator. ```python import pytest @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_fun_new_feature(api): foo = api.fun_new_feature() assert foo = "bar" ```