=========== .. py:module:: mastodon .. py:class: Mastodon .. code-block:: python from mastodon import Mastodon # Register app - only once! ''' Mastodon.create_app( 'pytooterapp', to_file = 'pytooter_clientcred.txt' ) ''' # Log in - either every time, or use persisted ''' mastodon = Mastodon(client_id = 'pytooter_clientcred.txt') mastodon.log_in( 'pytooter', 'incrediblygoodpassword', to_file = 'pytooter_usercred.txt' ) ''' # Create actual instance mastodon = Mastodon( client_id = 'pytooter_clientcred.txt', access_token = 'pytooter_usercred.txt' ) mastodon.toot('Tooting from python!') `Mastodon`_ is an ostatus based twitter-like federated social network node. It has an API that allows you to interact with its every aspect. This is a simple python wrapper for that api, provided as a single python module. By default, it talks to the `Mastodon flagship instance`_, but it can be set to talk to any node running Mastodon. A note about IDs ---------------- Mastodons API uses IDs in several places: User IDs, Toot IDs, ... While debugging, it might be tempting to copy-paste in IDs from the web interface into your code. This will not work, as the IDs on the web interface and in the URLs are not the same as the IDs used internally in the API, so don't do that. Return values ------------- Unless otherwise specified, all data is returned as python dictionaries, matching the JSON format used by the API. User dicts ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python { 'display_name': The user's display name 'acct': The user's account name as username@domain (@domain omitted for local users) 'following_count': How many people they follow 'url': Their URL; usually '' 'statuses_count': How many statuses they have 'followers_count': How many followers they have 'avatar': URL for their avatar 'note': Their bio 'header': URL for their header image 'id': Same as 'username': The username (what you @ them with) } Toot dicts ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python mastodon.toot("Hello from Python") # Returns the following dictionary: { 'sensitive': Denotes whether the toot is marked sensitive 'created_at': Creation time 'mentions': A list of account dicts mentioned in the toot 'uri': Descriptor for the toot EG ',2016-11-25:objectId=:objectType=Status' 'tags': A list of hashtag dicts used in the toot 'in_reply_to_id': Numerical id of the toot this toot is in response to 'id': Numerical id of this toot 'reblogs_count': Number of reblogs 'favourites_count': Number of favourites 'reblog': Denotes whether the toot is a reblog 'url': URL of the toot 'content': Content of the toot, as HTML: '

Hello from Python

' 'favourited': Denotes whether the logged in user has favourited this toot 'account': Account dict for the logged in account } Relationship dicts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python mastodon.account_follow() # Returns { 'followed_by': Boolean denoting whether they follow you back 'following': Boolean denoting whether you follow them 'id': Numerical id (same one as ) 'blocking': Boolean denoting whether you are blocking them } Context dicts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python mastodon.status_context() # Returns { 'descendants': A list of toot dicts 'ancestors': A list of toot dicts } Media dicts ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python mastodon.media_post("image.jpg", "image/jpeg") # Returns { 'text_url': The display text for the media (what shows up in toots) 'preview_url': The URL for the media preview 'type': Media type, EG 'image' 'url': The URL for the media } App registration and user authentication ---------------------------------------- Before you can use the mastodon API, you have to register your application (which gets you a client key and client secret) and then log in (which gets you an access token). These functions allow you to do those things. For convenience, once you have a client id, secret and access token, you can simply pass them to the constructor of the class, too! Note that while it is perfectly reasonable to log back in whenever your app starts, registering a new application on every startup is not, so don't do that - instead, register an application once, and then persist your client id and secret. Convenience methods for this are provided. .. automethod:: Mastodon.create_app .. automethod:: Mastodon.__init__ .. automethod:: Mastodon.log_in Reading data: Timelines ----------------------- This function allows you to access the timelines a logged in user could see, as well as hashtag timelines and the public timeline. .. automethod:: Mastodon.timeline .. automethod:: Mastodon.timeline_home .. automethod:: Mastodon.timeline_mentions .. automethod:: Mastodon.timeline_public .. automethod:: Mastodon.timeline_hashtag Reading data: Statuses ---------------------- These functions allow you to get information about single statuses. .. automethod:: Mastodon.status .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_context .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_reblogged_by .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_favourited_by Reading data: Notifications --------------------------- This function allows you to get information about a users notifications. .. automethod:: Mastodon.notifications Reading data: Accounts ---------------------- These functions allow you to get information about accounts and their relationships. .. automethod:: Mastodon.account .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_verify_credentials .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_statuses .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_following .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_followers .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_relationships .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_search Writing data: Statuses ---------------------- These functions allow you to post statuses to Mastodon and to interact with already posted statuses. .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_post .. automethod:: Mastodon.toot .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_reblog .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_unreblog .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_favourite .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_unfavourite .. automethod:: Mastodon.status_delete Writing data: Accounts ---------------------- These functions allow you to interact with other accounts: To (un)follow and (un)block. .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_follow .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_unfollow .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_block .. automethod:: Mastodon.account_unblock Writing data: Media ------------------- This function allows you to upload media to Mastodon. The returned media IDs (Up to 4 at the same time) can then be used with post_status to attach media to statuses. .. automethod:: Mastodon.media_post .. _Mastodon: .. _Mastodon flagship instance: .. _Mastodon api docs: