--- # postfix install and configuration # note: this postfix config requires open ports: 25 and 587 - name: install postfix apt: state: latest pkg: - postfix - postfix-doc - postfix-pcre - name: give postfix user permission to read private keys user: name: postfix groups: ssl-cert append: yes - name: copy postfix config copy: src: postfix/ dest: /etc/postfix/ mode: preserve notify: - restart postfix # NB this could be a reload instead - rehash postfix aliases - name: instantiate postfix main.cf template template: src: postfix/main.cf.j2 dest: /etc/postfix/main.cf notify: - reload postfix # verify everything is running - name: verify services are running in dependency order service: name: "{{ item }}" enabled: yes state: started loop: - postfix - name: reload if certs newish include_role: name: certreload vars: certreload: notifiers: - reload postfix