--- network: # These interface names are used to pull IP addresses into templates. # interface.public has the IP we use to open ports to the world (mail, web, etc) # interface.private has the IP for private services (ssh login, reporting, etc) # Right now we don't support multiple IPs per interface, we just grab the IPv4 # address as presented by ansible fact e.g. 'ansible_{{interface.public}}.ipv4.address' interface: private: ens3 public: ens4 hostname: # network.hostname.public is used populate templates with # server's public hostname, including: # - TLS certs to use with this pattern: # /etc/ssl/[hostname]-cert-combined.pem # /etc/ssl/[hostname]-key.pem # - Postfix config parameter "myhostname" public: yourmail.server.com # Below is almost (almost!) the netplan schema with three changes: # - only one "interface" per system because ansible can't seem to generate multiple # templates from one yaml dict? # - so, the 'interface' key is added, other wise it would just be ethernets: ens4: ... # - also, 'addresses' needs per-address broadcast, so addresses are now lists # of dicts, so 'ip' is a new name as is 'broadcast' ethernets: interface: ens4 macaddress: 02:00:00:7d:ca:ab networks: - subnet: gateway: addresses: - routes: - to: via: on-link: true