version: "3" services: freshrss: image: freshrss/freshrss:edge container_name: freshrss restart: always logging: options: max-size: 10m volumes: # Recommended volume for FreshRSS persistent data such as configuration and SQLite databases - {{ rss_home }}/data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data # Optional volume for storing third-party extensions - {{ rss_home }}/extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions ports: # If you want to open a port 8080 on the local machine: - 30082:80 environment: # A timezone (default is UTC) TZ: America/Vancouver rssbot: build: context: . dockerfile: ./Dockerfile.rssbot container_name: ttrss_rssbot restart: always environment: - TOKEN={{ lookup('aws_ssm', '/jinwei-me/tgbot/token') }}