jinwei.me ========= A storge of source files of website http://jinwei.me Update Logs: 2014.2.28 Add Chinese version of README.md 2014.2.24 Update the forked version from Uucky.me 2014.2.21 Update the Train version of jinwei.me,which include JavaScript effects learned from Codeacademy.com 2014.2.20 Update the first version of jinwei.me,which is forked from jemery.co. ========= 说明: 该Repo只用于存放http://jinwei.me 的各个版本的源代码 ========= 更新记录: 2014.2.28 为该文档增加了中文版本 2014.2.24 从uucky.me网站fork了一份代码,略作修改后用于网站 2014.2.21 上传了已火车为主题的首页版本 2014.2.20 上传了最初的版本,fork自jemery.co