/** * jquery.flips.js * * Copyright 2011, Pedro Botelho / Codrops * Free to use under the MIT license. * * Date: Fri May 4 2012 */ /** * Note: This is highly experimental and just a proof-of-concept! * There are some few "hacks", probably some bugs, and some functionality * is incomplete... definitely not ready for a production environment. * * * Tested and working on: * - Google Chrome 18.0.1025.168 * - Apple Safari 5.1.5 * - Apple Safari 5.1 Mobile * */ (function( window, undefined ) { $.Flips = function( options, element ) { this.$el = $( element ); this._init( options ); }; $.Flips.defaults = { flipspeed : 900, fliptimingfunction : 'linear', current : 0 }; $.Flips.prototype = { _init : function( options ) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.Flips.defaults, options ); this.$pages = this.$el.children( 'div.f-page' ); this.pagesCount = this.$pages.length; this.History = window.History; this.currentPage = this.options.current; this._validateOpts(); this._getWinSize(); this._getState(); this._layout(); this._initTouchSwipe(); this._loadEvents(); this._goto(); }, _validateOpts : function() { if( this.currentPage < 0 || this.currentPage > this.pagesCount ) { this.currentPage = 0; } }, _getWinSize : function() { var $win = $( window ); this.windowProp = { width : $win.width(), height : $win.height() }; }, _goto : function() { var page = ( this.state === undefined ) ? this.currentPage : this.state; if( !this._isNumber( page ) || page < 0 || page > this.flipPagesCount ) { page = 0; } this.currentPage = page; }, _getState : function() { this.state = this.History.getState().url.queryStringToJSON().page; }, _isNumber : function( n ) { return parseFloat( n ) == parseInt( n ) && !isNaN( n ) && isFinite( n ); }, _adjustLayout : function( page ) { var _self = this; this.$flipPages.each( function( i ) { var $page = $(this); if( i === page - 1 ) { $page.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'rotateY( -180deg )', '-moz-transform' : 'rotateY( -180deg )', 'z-index' : _self.flipPagesCount - 1 + i }); } else if( i < page ) { $page.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'rotateY( -181deg )', // todo: fix this (should be -180deg) '-moz-transform' : 'rotateY( -181deg )', // todo: fix this (should be -180deg) 'z-index' : _self.flipPagesCount - 1 + i }); } else { $page.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'rotateY( 0deg )', '-moz-transform' : 'rotateY( 0deg )', 'z-index' : _self.flipPagesCount - 1 - i }); } } ); }, _saveState : function() { // adds a new state to the history object and triggers the statechange event on the window var page = this.currentPage; if( this.History.getState().url.queryStringToJSON().page !== page ) { this.History.pushState( null, null, '?page=' + page ); } }, _layout : function() { this._setLayoutSize(); for( var i = 0; i <= this.pagesCount - 2; ++i ) { var $page = this.$pages.eq( i ), pageData = { theClass : 'page', theContentFront : $page.html(), theContentBack : ( i !== this.pagesCount ) ? this.$pages.eq( i + 1 ).html() : '', theStyle : 'z-index: ' + ( this.pagesCount - i ) + ';left: ' + ( this.windowProp.width / 2 ) + 'px;', theContentStyleFront : 'width:' + this.windowProp.width + 'px;', theContentStyleBack : 'width:' + this.windowProp.width + 'px;' }; if( i === 0 ) { pageData.theClass += ' cover'; } else { pageData.theContentStyleFront += 'left:-' + ( this.windowProp.width / 2 ) + 'px'; if( i === this.pagesCount - 2 ) { pageData.theClass += ' cover-back'; } } $( '#pageTmpl' ).tmpl( pageData ).appendTo( this.$el ); } this.$pages.remove(); this.$flipPages = this.$el.children( 'div.page' ); this.flipPagesCount = this.$flipPages.length; this._adjustLayout( ( this.state === undefined ) ? this.currentPage : this.state ); }, _setLayoutSize : function() { this.$el.css( { width : this.windowProp.width, height : this.windowProp.height } ); }, _initTouchSwipe : function() { var _self = this; this.$el.swipe( { threshold : 0, swipeStatus : function( event, phase, start, end, direction, distance ) { var startX = start.x, endX = end.x, sym, angle, oob = false, noflip = false; // check the "page direction" to flip: // if the page flips from the right to the left (right side page) // or from the left to the right (left side page). // check only if not animating if( !_self._isAnimating() ) { ( startX < _self.windowProp.width / 2 ) ? _self.flipSide = 'l2r' : _self.flipSide = 'r2l'; } if( direction === 'up' || direction === 'down' ) { if( _self.angle === undefined || _self.angle === 0 ) { _self._removeOverlays(); return false; } else { ( _self.angle < 90 ) ? direction = 'right' : direction = 'left'; } }; _self.flipDirection = direction; // on the first & last page neighbors we don't flip if( _self.currentPage === 0 && _self.flipSide === 'l2r' || _self.currentPage === _self.flipPagesCount && _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { return false; } // save ending point (symetric point): // if we touch / start dragging on, say [x=10], then // we need to drag until [window's width - 10] in order to flip the page 100%. // if the symetric point is too close we are giving some margin: // if we would start dragging right next to [window's width / 2] then // the symmetric point would be very close to the starting point. A very short swipe // would be enough to flip the page.. sym = _self.windowProp.width - startX; var symMargin = 0.9 * ( _self.windowProp.width / 2 ); if( Math.abs( startX - sym ) < symMargin ) { ( _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) ? sym -= symMargin / 2 : sym += symMargin / 2; } // some special cases: // Page is on the right side, // and we drag/swipe to the same direction // ending on a point > than the starting point // ----------------------- // | | | // | | | // | sym | s | // | | e | // | | | // ----------------------- if( endX > startX && _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { angle = 0; oob = true; noflip = true; } // Page is on the right side, // and we drag/swipe to the opposite direction // ending on a point < than the symmetric point // ----------------------- // | | | // | | | // | sym | s | // | e | | // | | | // ----------------------- else if( endX < sym && _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { angle = 180; oob = true; } // Page is on the left side, // and we drag/swipe to the opposite direction // ending on a point > than the symmetric point // ----------------------- // | | | // | | | // | s | sym | // | | e | // | | | // ----------------------- else if( endX > sym && _self.flipSide === 'l2r' ) { angle = 0; oob = true; } // Page is on the left side, // and we drag/swipe to the same direction // ending on a point < than the starting point // ----------------------- // | | | // | | | // | s | sym | // | e | | // | | | // ----------------------- else if( endX < startX && _self.flipSide === 'l2r' ) { angle = 180; oob = true; noflip = true; } // we drag/swipe to a point between // the starting point and symetric point // ----------------------- // | | | // | s | sym | // | sym | s | // | e| | // | | | // ----------------------- else { var s, e, val; ( _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) ? ( s = startX, e = sym, val = startX - distance ) : ( s = sym, e = startX , val = startX + distance ); angle = _self._calcAngle( val, s, e ); if( ( direction === 'left' && _self.flipSide === 'l2r' ) || ( direction === 'right' && _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) ) { noflip = true; } } switch( phase ) { case 'start' : if( _self._isAnimating() ) { // the user can still grab a page while one is flipping (in this case not being able to move) // and once the page is flipped the move/touchmove events are triggered.. _self.start = true; return false; } else { _self.start = false; } // check which page is clicked/touched _self._setFlippingPage(); // check which page comes before & after the one we are clicking _self.$beforePage = _self.$flippingPage.prev(); _self.$afterPage = _self.$flippingPage.next(); break; case 'move' : if( distance > 0 ) { if( _self._isAnimating() || _self.start ) { return false; } // adds overlays: shows shadows while flipping if( !_self.hasOverlays ) { _self._addOverlays(); } // save last angle _self.angle = angle; // we will update the rotation value of the page while we move it _self._turnPage( angle , true ); } break; case 'end' : if( distance > 0 ) { if( _self._isAnimating() || _self.start ) return false; _self.isAnimating = true; // keep track if the page was actually flipped or not // the data flip will be used later on the transitionend event ( noflip ) ? _self.$flippingPage.data( 'flip', false ) : _self.$flippingPage.data( 'flip', true ); // if out of bounds we will "manually" flip the page, // meaning there will be no transition set if( oob ) { if( !noflip ) { // the page gets flipped (user dragged from the starting point until the symmetric point) // update current page _self._updatePage(); } _self._onEndFlip( _self.$flippingPage ); } else { // save last angle _self.angle = angle; // calculate the speed to flip the page: // the speed will depend on the current angle. _self._calculateSpeed(); switch( direction ) { case 'left' : _self._turnPage( 180 ); if( _self.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { _self._updatePage(); } break; case 'right' : _self._turnPage( 0 ); if( _self.flipSide === 'l2r' ) { _self._updatePage(); } break; }; } } break; }; } } ); }, _setFlippingPage : function() { var _self = this; ( this.flipSide === 'l2r' ) ? this.$flippingPage = this.$flipPages.eq( this.currentPage - 1 ) : this.$flippingPage = this.$flipPages.eq( this.currentPage ); this.$flippingPage.on( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips', function( event ) { if( $( event.target ).hasClass( 'page' ) ) { _self._onEndFlip( $(this) ); } }); }, _updatePage : function() { if( this.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { ++this.currentPage; } else if( this.flipSide === 'l2r' ) { --this.currentPage; } }, _isAnimating : function() { if( this.isAnimating ) { return true; } return false; }, _loadEvents : function() { var _self = this; $( window ).on( 'resize.flips', function( event ) { _self._getWinSize(); _self._setLayoutSize(); var $contentFront = _self.$flipPages.children( 'div.front' ).find( 'div.content' ), $contentBack = _self.$flipPages.children( 'div.back' ).find( 'div.content' ) _self.$flipPages.css( 'left', _self.windowProp.width / 2 ); $contentFront.filter( function( i ) { return i > 0; }).css( { width : _self.windowProp.width, left : -_self.windowProp.width / 2 } ); $contentFront.eq( 0 ).css( 'width', _self.windowProp.width ); $contentBack.css( 'width', _self.windowProp.width ); } ); $( window ).on( 'statechange.flips', function( event ) { _self._getState(); _self._goto(); if( !_self.isAnimating ) { _self._adjustLayout( _self.currentPage ); } } ); this.$flipPages.find( '.box' ).on( 'click.flips', function( event ) { var $box = $(this), $boxClose = $( 'close' ), transitionProp = { speed : 450, timingfunction : 'linear' }, $overlay = $( '
' ).css( { 'z-index' : 9998, '-webkit-transition' : 'opacity ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction, '-moz-transition' : 'opacity ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction } ).prependTo( $( 'body' ) ), prop = { width : $box.outerWidth(true), height : $box.outerHeight(true), left : $box.offset().left, top : $box.offset().top }, $placeholder = $box.clone().css( { 'position' : 'absolute', 'width' : prop.width, 'height' : prop.height, 'left' : prop.left, 'top' : prop.top, 'zIndex' : 9999, 'overflow-y' : 'auto', '-webkit-transition': 'all ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction, '-moz-transition': 'all ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction } ) .insertAfter( $overlay ) .end() .append( $boxClose.on( 'click.flips', function( event ) { $overlay.css( 'opacity', 0 ); $placeholder.children().hide().end().removeClass( 'box-expanded' ).css( { width : _self.windowProp.width, height : _self.windowProp.height, 'overflow-y' : 'hidden' } ); setTimeout( function() { $placeholder.css( { left : prop.left, top : prop.top, width : prop.width, height : prop.height, '-webkit-transition' : 'all ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction, '-moz-transition' : 'all ' + transitionProp.speed + 'ms ' + transitionProp.timingfunction }); }, 0 ); }) ) .children() .hide() .end() .on( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips', function( event ) { if( $( event.target ).hasClass( 'box-expanded' ) ) { // expanding $(this).css( { width : '100%', height : '100%', '-webkit-transition' : 'none', '-moz-transition' : 'none' } ).children().fadeIn(); } else { // collapsing $overlay.remove(); $(this).remove(); } }); setTimeout( function() { $overlay.css( { opacity : 1 } ); $placeholder.addClass( 'box-expanded' ).css( { left : 0, top : 0, width : _self.windowProp.width, height : _self.windowProp.height }); }, 0 ); } ); }, _onEndFlip : function( $page ) { // if the page flips from left to right we will need to change the z-index of the flipped page if( ( this.flipSide === 'l2r' && $page.data( 'flip' ) ) || ( this.flipSide === 'r2l' && !$page.data( 'flip' ) ) ) { $page.css( 'z-index', this.pagesCount - 2 - $page.index() ); } this.$flippingPage.css( { '-webkit-transition' : 'none', '-moz-transition' : 'none' } ); // remove overlays this._removeOverlays(); this._saveState(); this.isAnimating = false; // hack (todo: issues with safari / z-indexes) if( this.flipSide === 'r2l' || ( this.flipSide === 'l2r' && !$page.data( 'flip' ) ) ) { this.$flippingPage.find('.back').css( '-webkit-transform', 'rotateY(-180deg)' ); } }, // given the touch/drag start point (s), the end point (e) and a value in between (x) // calculate the respective angle ( 0deg - 180deg ) _calcAngle : function( x, s, e ) { return ( -180 / ( s - e ) ) * x + ( ( s * 180 ) / ( s - e ) ); }, // given the current angle and the default speed, calculate the respective speed to accomplish the flip _calculateSpeed : function() { ( this.flipDirection === 'right' ) ? this.flipSpeed = ( this.options.flipspeed / 180 ) * this.angle : this.flipSpeed = - ( this.options.flipspeed / 180 ) * this.angle + this.options.flipspeed; }, _turnPage : function( angle, update ) { // hack / todo: before page that was set to -181deg should have -180deg this.$beforePage.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'rotateY( -180deg )', '-moz-transform' : 'rotateY( -180deg )' }); // if not moving manually set a transition to flip the page if( !update ) { this.$flippingPage.css( { '-webkit-transition' : '-webkit-transform ' + this.flipSpeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction, '-moz-transition' : '-moz-transform ' + this.flipSpeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction } ); } // if page is a right side page, we need to set its z-index higher as soon the page starts to flip. // this will make the page be on "top" of the left ones. // note: if the flipping page is on the left side then we set the z-index after the flip is over. // this is done on the _onEndFlip function. var idx = ( this.flipSide === 'r2l' ) ? this.currentPage : this.currentPage - 1; if( this.flipSide === 'r2l' ) { this.$flippingPage.css( 'z-index', this.flipPagesCount - 1 + idx ); } // hack (todo: issues with safari / z-indexes) this.$flippingPage.find('.back').css( '-webkit-transform', 'rotateY(180deg)' ); // update the angle this.$flippingPage.css( { '-webkit-transform' : 'rotateY(-' + angle + 'deg)', '-moz-transform' : 'rotateY(-' + angle + 'deg)' } ); // show overlays this._overlay( angle, update ); }, _addOverlays : function() { var _self = this; // remove current overlays this._removeOverlays(); this.hasOverlays = true; // overlays for the flipping page. One in the front, one in the back. this.$frontoverlay = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$flippingPage.find( 'div.front > .outer' ) ); this.$backoverlay = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$flippingPage.find( 'div.back > .outer' ) ) // overlay for the page "under" the flipping page. if( this.$afterPage ) { this.$afterOverlay = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$afterPage.find( 'div.front > .outer' ) ); } // overlay for the page "before" the flipping page if( this.$beforePage ) { this.$beforeOverlay = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$beforePage.find( 'div.back > .outer' ) ); } }, _removeOverlays : function() { // removes the 4 overlays if( this.$frontoverlay ) this.$frontoverlay.remove(); if( this.$backoverlay ) this.$backoverlay.remove(); if( this.$afterOverlay ) this.$afterOverlay.remove(); if( this.$beforeOverlay ) this.$beforeOverlay.remove(); this.hasOverlays = false; }, _overlay : function( angle, update ) { // changes the opacity of each of the overlays. if( update ) { // if update is true, meaning we are manually flipping the page, // we need to calculate the opacity that corresponds to the current angle var afterOverlayOpacity = - ( 1 / 90 ) * angle + 1, beforeOverlayOpacity = ( 1 / 90 ) * angle - 1; if( this.$afterOverlay ) { this.$afterOverlay.css( 'opacity', afterOverlayOpacity ); } if( this.$beforeOverlay ) { this.$beforeOverlay.css( 'opacity', beforeOverlayOpacity ); } // the flipping page will have a fixed value. // todo: add a gradient instead. var flipOpacity = 0.1; this.$frontoverlay.css( 'opacity', flipOpacity ); this.$backoverlay.css( 'opacity', flipOpacity ); } else { var _self = this; // if we release the mouse / touchend then we will set a transition for the overlays. // we will need to take in consideration the current angle, the speed (given the angle) // and the delays for each overlay (the opacity of the overlay will only change // when the flipping page is on the same side). var afterspeed = this.flipSpeed, beforespeed = this.flipSpeed, margin = 60; // hack (todo: issues with safari / z-indexes) if( this.$afterOverlay ) { var afterdelay = 0; if( this.flipDirection === 'right' ) { if( this.angle > 90 ) { afterdelay = Math.abs( this.flipSpeed - this.options.flipspeed / 2 - margin ); afterspeed = this.options.flipspeed / 2 - margin ; } else { afterspeed -= margin; } } else { afterspeed = Math.abs( this.flipSpeed - this.options.flipspeed / 2 ); } if( afterspeed <= 0 ) afterspeed = 1; this.$afterOverlay.css( { '-webkit-transition' : 'opacity ' + afterspeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction + ' ' + afterdelay + 'ms', '-moz-transition' : 'opacity ' + afterspeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction + ' ' + afterdelay + 'ms', 'opacity' : ( this.flipDirection === 'left' ) ? 0 : 1 } ).on( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips', function( event ) { if( _self.$beforeOverlay ) _self.$beforeOverlay.off( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips'); setTimeout( function() { _self._adjustLayout(_self.currentPage); }, _self.options.flipspeed / 2 - margin ); } ); } if( this.$beforeOverlay ) { var beforedelay = 0; if( this.flipDirection === 'left' ) { if( this.angle < 90 ) { beforedelay = Math.abs( this.flipSpeed - this.options.flipspeed / 2 - margin ) ; beforespeed = this.options.flipspeed / 2 - margin; } else { beforespeed -= margin; } } else { beforespeed = Math.abs( this.flipSpeed - this.options.flipspeed / 2 ); } if( beforespeed <= 0 ) beforespeed = 1; this.$beforeOverlay.css( { '-webkit-transition' : 'opacity ' + beforespeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction + ' ' + beforedelay + 'ms', '-moz-transition' : 'opacity ' + beforespeed + 'ms ' + this.options.fliptimingfunction + ' ' + beforedelay + 'ms', 'opacity' : ( this.flipDirection === 'left' ) ? 1 : 0 } ).on( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips', function( event ) { if( _self.$afterOverlay ) _self.$afterOverlay.off( 'webkitTransitionEnd.flips transitionend.flips OTransitionEnd.flips'); _self._adjustLayout(_self.currentPage); } ); } } } }; var logError = function( message ) { if ( this.console ) { console.error( message ); } }; $.fn.flips = function( options ) { if ( typeof options === 'string' ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, 'flips' ); if ( !instance ) { logError( "cannot call methods on flips prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" ); return; } if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) { logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for flips instance" ); return; } instance[ options ].apply( instance, args ); }); } else { this.each(function() { var instance = $.data( this, 'flips' ); if ( !instance ) { $.data( this, 'flips', new $.Flips( options, this ) ); } }); } return this; }; })( window );