/*** P R O C E S S I N G . J S - 1.4.1 a port of the Processing visualization language Processing.js is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE. For a list of copyright holders, please refer to AUTHORS. http://processingjs.org ***/ (function(D, d, q, t) { var G = function() {}; var s = function() { if ("console" in D) { return function(N) { D.console.log("Processing.js: " + N) } } return G }(); var w = function(N) { var O = new XMLHttpRequest; O.open("GET", N, false); if (O.overrideMimeType) { O.overrideMimeType("text/plain") } O.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Fri, 01 Jan 1960 00:00:00 GMT"); O.send(null); if (O.status !== 200 && O.status !== 0) { throw "XMLHttpRequest failed, status code " + O.status } return O.responseText }; var n = "document" in this && !("fake" in this.document); d.head = d.head || d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; function C(N, O) { if (N in D) { return D[N] } if (typeof D[O] === "function") { return D[O] } return function(Q) { if (Q instanceof Array) { return Q } if (typeof Q === "number") { var P = []; P.length = Q; return P } } } if (d.documentMode >= 9 && !d.doctype) { throw "The doctype directive is missing. The recommended doctype in Internet Explorer is the HTML5 doctype: " } var e = C("Float32Array", "WebGLFloatArray"), K = C("Int32Array", "WebGLIntArray"), y = C("Uint16Array", "WebGLUnsignedShortArray"), b = C("Uint8Array", "WebGLUnsignedByteArray"); var B = { X: 0, Y: 1, Z: 2, R: 3, G: 4, B: 5, A: 6, U: 7, V: 8, NX: 9, NY: 10, NZ: 11, EDGE: 12, SR: 13, SG: 14, SB: 15, SA: 16, SW: 17, TX: 18, TY: 19, TZ: 20, VX: 21, VY: 22, VZ: 23, VW: 24, AR: 25, AG: 26, AB: 27, DR: 3, DG: 4, DB: 5, DA: 6, SPR: 28, SPG: 29, SPB: 30, SHINE: 31, ER: 32, EG: 33, EB: 34, BEEN_LIT: 35, VERTEX_FIELD_COUNT: 36, P2D: 1, JAVA2D: 1, WEBGL: 2, P3D: 2, OPENGL: 2, PDF: 0, DXF: 0, OTHER: 0, WINDOWS: 1, MAXOSX: 2, LINUX: 3, EPSILON: 0.0001, MAX_FLOAT: 3.4028235e+38, MIN_FLOAT: -3.4028235e+38, MAX_INT: 2147483647, MIN_INT: -2147483648, PI: q.PI, TWO_PI: 2 * q.PI, HALF_PI: q.PI / 2, THIRD_PI: q.PI / 3, QUARTER_PI: q.PI / 4, DEG_TO_RAD: q.PI / 180, RAD_TO_DEG: 180 / q.PI, WHITESPACE: " \t\n\r\u000c\u00a0", RGB: 1, ARGB: 2, HSB: 3, ALPHA: 4, CMYK: 5, TIFF: 0, TARGA: 1, JPEG: 2, GIF: 3, BLUR: 11, GRAY: 12, INVERT: 13, OPAQUE: 14, POSTERIZE: 15, THRESHOLD: 16, ERODE: 17, DILATE: 18, REPLACE: 0, BLEND: 1 << 0, ADD: 1 << 1, SUBTRACT: 1 << 2, LIGHTEST: 1 << 3, DARKEST: 1 << 4, DIFFERENCE: 1 << 5, EXCLUSION: 1 << 6, MULTIPLY: 1 << 7, SCREEN: 1 << 8, OVERLAY: 1 << 9, HARD_LIGHT: 1 << 10, SOFT_LIGHT: 1 << 11, DODGE: 1 << 12, BURN: 1 << 13, ALPHA_MASK: 4278190080, RED_MASK: 16711680, GREEN_MASK: 65280, BLUE_MASK: 255, CUSTOM: 0, ORTHOGRAPHIC: 2, PERSPECTIVE: 3, POINT: 2, POINTS: 2, LINE: 4, LINES: 4, TRIANGLE: 8, TRIANGLES: 9, TRIANGLE_STRIP: 10, TRIANGLE_FAN: 11, QUAD: 16, QUADS: 16, QUAD_STRIP: 17, POLYGON: 20, PATH: 21, RECT: 30, ELLIPSE: 31, ARC: 32, SPHERE: 40, BOX: 41, GROUP: 0, PRIMITIVE: 1, GEOMETRY: 3, VERTEX: 0, BEZIER_VERTEX: 1, CURVE_VERTEX: 2, BREAK: 3, CLOSESHAPE: 4, OPEN: 1, CLOSE: 2, CORNER: 0, CORNERS: 1, RADIUS: 2, CENTER_RADIUS: 2, CENTER: 3, DIAMETER: 3, CENTER_DIAMETER: 3, BASELINE: 0, TOP: 101, BOTTOM: 102, NORMAL: 1, NORMALIZED: 1, IMAGE: 2, MODEL: 4, SHAPE: 5, SQUARE: "butt", ROUND: "round", PROJECT: "square", MITER: "miter", BEVEL: "bevel", AMBIENT: 0, DIRECTIONAL: 1, SPOT: 3, BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, ENTER: 10, RETURN: 13, ESC: 27, DELETE: 127, CODED: 65535, SHIFT: 16, CONTROL: 17, ALT: 18, CAPSLK: 20, PGUP: 33, PGDN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, NUMLK: 144, META: 157, INSERT: 155, ARROW: "default", CROSS: "crosshair", HAND: "pointer", MOVE: "move", TEXT: "text", WAIT: "wait", NOCURSOR: "url(''), auto", DISABLE_OPENGL_2X_SMOOTH: 1, ENABLE_OPENGL_2X_SMOOTH: -1, ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH: 2, ENABLE_NATIVE_FONTS: 3, DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST: 4, ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST: -4, ENABLE_DEPTH_SORT: 5, DISABLE_DEPTH_SORT: -5, DISABLE_OPENGL_ERROR_REPORT: 6, ENABLE_OPENGL_ERROR_REPORT: -6, ENABLE_ACCURATE_TEXTURES: 7, DISABLE_ACCURATE_TEXTURES: -7, HINT_COUNT: 10, SINCOS_LENGTH: 720, PRECISIONB: 15, PRECISIONF: 1 << 15, PREC_MAXVAL: (1 << 15) - 1, PREC_ALPHA_SHIFT: 24 - 15, PREC_RED_SHIFT: 16 - 15, NORMAL_MODE_AUTO: 0, NORMAL_MODE_SHAPE: 1, NORMAL_MODE_VERTEX: 2, MAX_LIGHTS: 8 }; function h(P) { if (typeof P === "string") { var O = 0; for (var N = 0; N < P.length; ++N) { O = O * 31 + P.charCodeAt(N) & 4294967295 } return O } if (typeof P !== "object") { return P & 4294967295 } if (P.hashCode instanceof Function) { return P.hashCode() } if (P.$id === t) { P.$id = q.floor(q.random() * 65536) - 32768 << 16 | q.floor(q.random() * 65536) } return P.$id } function r(O, N) { if (O === null || N === null) { return O === null && N === null } if (typeof O === "string") { return O === N } if (typeof O !== "object") { return O === N } if (O.equals instanceof Function) { return O.equals(N) } return O === N } var o = function(O) { if (O.iterator instanceof Function) { return O.iterator() } if (O instanceof Array) { var N = -1; this.hasNext = function() { return ++N < O.length }; this.next = function() { return O[N] } } else { throw "Unable to iterate: " + O } }; var f = function() { function O(Q) { var P = 0; this.hasNext = function() { return P < Q.length }; this.next = function() { return Q[P++] }; this.remove = function() { Q.splice(P, 1) } } function N(P) { var Q; if (P instanceof N) { Q = P.toArray() } else { Q = []; if (typeof P === "number") { Q.length = P > 0 ? P : 0 } } this.get = function(R) { return Q[R] }; this.contains = function(R) { return this.indexOf(R) > -1 }; this.indexOf = function(T) { for (var S = 0, R = Q.length; S < R; ++S) { if (r(T, Q[S])) { return S } } return -1 }; this.lastIndexOf = function(S) { for (var R = Q.length - 1; R >= 0; --R) { if (r(S, Q[R])) { return R } } return -1 }; this.add = function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { Q.push(arguments[0]) } else { if (arguments.length === 2) { var R = arguments[0]; if (typeof R === "number") { if (R >= 0 && R <= Q.length) { Q.splice(R, 0, arguments[1]) } else { throw R + " is not a valid index" } } else { throw typeof R + " is not a number" } } else { throw "Please use the proper number of parameters." } } }; this.addAll = function(S, R) { var T; if (typeof S === "number") { if (S < 0 || S > Q.length) { throw "Index out of bounds for addAll: " + S + " greater or equal than " + Q.length } T = new o(R); while (T.hasNext()) { Q.splice(S++, 0, T.next()) } } else { T = new o(S); while (T.hasNext()) { Q.push(T.next()) } } }; this.set = function() { if (arguments.length === 2) { var R = arguments[0]; if (typeof R === "number") { if (R >= 0 && R < Q.length) { Q.splice(R, 1, arguments[1]) } else { throw R + " is not a valid index." } } else { throw typeof R + " is not a number" } } else { throw "Please use the proper number of parameters." } }; this.size = function() { return Q.length }; this.clear = function() { Q.length = 0 }; this.remove = function(R) { if (typeof R === "number") { return Q.splice(R, 1)[0] } R = this.indexOf(R); if (R > -1) { Q.splice(R, 1); return true } return false }; this.removeAll = function(V) { var S, R, U, T = new N; T.addAll(this); this.clear(); for (S = 0, R = 0; S < T.size(); S++) { U = T.get(S); if (!V.contains(U)) { this.add(R++, U) } } if (this.size() < T.size()) { return true } return false }; this.isEmpty = function() { return !Q.length }; this.clone = function() { return new N(this) }; this.toArray = function() { return Q.slice(0) }; this.iterator = function() { return new O(Q) } } return N }(); var x = function() { function N() { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof N) { return arguments[0].clone() } var W = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : 16; var X = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : 0.75; var Q = []; Q.length = W; var S = 0; var O = this; function U(Z) { var Y = h(Z) % Q.length; return Y < 0 ? Q.length + Y : Y } function R() { if (S <= X * Q.length) { return } var ab = []; for (var aa = 0; aa < Q.length; ++aa) { if (Q[aa] !== t) { ab = ab.concat(Q[aa]) } } var ac = Q.length * 2; Q = []; Q.length = ac; for (var Z = 0; Z < ab.length; ++Z) { var Y = U(ab[Z].key); var ad = Q[Y]; if (ad === t) { Q[Y] = ad = [] } ad.push(ab[Z]) } } function P(ad, ae) { var Y = 0; var ac = -1; var ab = false; var aa; function Z() { while (!ab) { ++ac; if (Y >= Q.length) { ab = true } else { if (Q[Y] === t || ac >= Q[Y].length) { ac = -1; ++Y } else { return } } } } this.hasNext = function() { return !ab }; this.next = function() { aa = ad(Q[Y][ac]); Z(); return aa }; this.remove = function() { if (aa !== t) { ae(aa); --ac; Z() } }; Z() } function V(Y, Z, aa) { this.clear = function() { O.clear() }; this.contains = function(ab) { return Z(ab) }; this.containsAll = function(ac) { var ab = ac.iterator(); while (ab.hasNext()) { if (!this.contains(ab.next())) { return false } } return true }; this.isEmpty = function() { return O.isEmpty() }; this.iterator = function() { return new P(Y, aa) }; this.remove = function(ab) { if (this.contains(ab)) { aa(ab); return true } return false }; this.removeAll = function(ae) { var ab = ae.iterator(); var ad = false; while (ab.hasNext()) { var ac = ab.next(); if (this.contains(ac)) { aa(ac); ad = true } } return true }; this.retainAll = function(af) { var ad = this.iterator(); var ac = []; while (ad.hasNext()) { var ae = ad.next(); if (!af.contains(ae)) { ac.push(ae) } } for (var ab = 0; ab < ac.length; ++ab) { aa(ac[ab]) } return ac.length > 0 }; this.size = function() { return O.size() }; this.toArray = function() { var ab = []; var ac = this.iterator(); while (ac.hasNext()) { ab.push(ac.next()) } return ab } } function T(Y) { this._isIn = function(Z) { return Z === O && Y.removed === t }; this.equals = function(Z) { return r(Y.key, Z.getKey()) }; this.getKey = function() { return Y.key }; this.getValue = function() { return Y.value }; this.hashCode = function(Z) { return h(Y.key) }; this.setValue = function(aa) { var Z = Y.value; Y.value = aa; return Z } } this.clear = function() { S = 0; Q = []; Q.length = W }; this.clone = function() { var Y = new N; Y.putAll(this); return Y }; this.containsKey = function(aa) { var Y = U(aa); var ab = Q[Y]; if (ab === t) { return false } for (var Z = 0; Z < ab.length; ++Z) { if (r(ab[Z].key, aa)) { return true } } return false }; this.containsValue = function(aa) { for (var Z = 0; Z < Q.length; ++Z) { var ab = Q[Z]; if (ab === t) { continue } for (var Y = 0; Y < ab.length; ++Y) { if (r(ab[Y].value, aa)) { return true } } } return false }; this.entrySet = function() { return new V(function(Y) { return new T(Y) }, function(Y) { return Y instanceof T && Y._isIn(O) }, function(Y) { return O.remove(Y.getKey()) }) }; this.get = function(aa) { var Y = U(aa); var ab = Q[Y]; if (ab === t) { return null } for (var Z = 0; Z < ab.length; ++Z) { if (r(ab[Z].key, aa)) { return ab[Z].value } } return null }; this.isEmpty = function() { return S === 0 }; this.keySet = function() { return new V(function(Y) { return Y.key }, function(Y) { return O.containsKey(Y) }, function(Y) { return O.remove(Y) }) }; this.values = function() { return new V(function(Y) { return Y.value }, function(Y) { return O.containsValue(Y) }, function(Y) { return O.removeByValue(Y) }) }; this.put = function(aa, ac) { var Y = U(aa); var ad = Q[Y]; if (ad === t) { ++S; Q[Y] = [{ key: aa, value: ac }]; R(); return null } for (var Z = 0; Z < ad.length; ++Z) { if (r(ad[Z].key, aa)) { var ab = ad[Z].value; ad[Z].value = ac; return ab } }++S; ad.push({ key: aa, value: ac }); R(); return null }; this.putAll = function(Y) { var Z = Y.entrySet().iterator(); while (Z.hasNext()) { var aa = Z.next(); this.put(aa.getKey(), aa.getValue()) } }; this.remove = function(aa) { var Y = U(aa); var ac = Q[Y]; if (ac === t) { return null } for (var Z = 0; Z < ac.length; ++Z) { if (r(ac[Z].key, aa)) { --S; var ab = ac[Z].value; ac[Z].removed = true; if (ac.length > 1) { ac.splice(Z, 1) } else { Q[Y] = t } return ab } } return null }; this.removeByValue = function(aa) { var ac, Z, Y, ab; for (ac in Q) { if (Q.hasOwnProperty(ac)) { for (Z = 0, Y = Q[ac].length; Z < Y; Z++) { ab = Q[ac][Z]; if (ab.value === aa) { Q[ac].splice(Z, 1); return true } } } } return false }; this.size = function() { return S } } return N }(); var A = function() { function N(Q, S, R) { this.x = Q || 0; this.y = S || 0; this.z = R || 0 } N.dist = function(R, Q) { return R.dist(Q) }; N.dot = function(R, Q) { return R.dot(Q) }; N.cross = function(R, Q) { return R.cross(Q) }; N.angleBetween = function(R, Q) { return q.acos(R.dot(Q) / (R.mag() * Q.mag())) }; N.prototype = { set: function(Q, S, R) { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.set(Q.x || Q[0] || 0, Q.y || Q[1] || 0, Q.z || Q[2] || 0) } else { this.x = Q; this.y = S; this.z = R } }, get: function() { return new N(this.x, this.y, this.z) }, mag: function() { var Q = this.x, S = this.y, R = this.z; return q.sqrt(Q * Q + S * S + R * R) }, add: function(Q, S, R) { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.x += Q.x; this.y += Q.y; this.z += Q.z } else { this.x += Q; this.y += S; this.z += R } }, sub: function(Q, S, R) { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.x -= Q.x; this.y -= Q.y; this.z -= Q.z } else { this.x -= Q; this.y -= S; this.z -= R } }, mult: function(Q) { if (typeof Q === "number") { this.x *= Q; this.y *= Q; this.z *= Q } else { this.x *= Q.x; this.y *= Q.y; this.z *= Q.z } }, div: function(Q) { if (typeof Q === "number") { this.x /= Q; this.y /= Q; this.z /= Q } else { this.x /= Q.x; this.y /= Q.y; this.z /= Q.z } }, dist: function(T) { var S = this.x - T.x, R = this.y - T.y, Q = this.z - T.z; return q.sqrt(S * S + R * R + Q * Q) }, dot: function(Q, S, R) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.x * Q.x + this.y * Q.y + this.z * Q.z } return this.x * Q + this.y * S + this.z * R }, cross: function(R) { var Q = this.x, T = this.y, S = this.z; return new N(T * R.z - R.y * S, S * R.x - R.z * Q, Q * R.y - R.x * T) }, normalize: function() { var Q = this.mag(); if (Q > 0) { this.div(Q) } }, limit: function(Q) { if (this.mag() > Q) { this.normalize(); this.mult(Q) } }, heading2D: function() { return -q.atan2(-this.y, this.x) }, toString: function() { return "[" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ", " + this.z + "]" }, array: function() { return [this.x, this.y, this.z] } }; function O(Q) { return function(T, S) { var R = T.get(); R[Q](S); return R } } for (var P in N.prototype) { if (N.prototype.hasOwnProperty(P) && !N.hasOwnProperty(P)) { N[P] = O(P) } } return N }(); function M() {} M.prototype = B; var g = new M; g.ArrayList = f; g.HashMap = x; g.PVector = A; g.ObjectIterator = o; g.PConstants = B; g.defineProperty = function(O, N, P) { if ("defineProperty" in Object) { Object.defineProperty(O, N, P) } else { if (P.hasOwnProperty("get")) { O.__defineGetter__(N, P.get) } if (P.hasOwnProperty("set")) { O.__defineSetter__(N, P.set) } } }; function m(O, N, R) { if (!O.hasOwnProperty(N) || typeof O[N] !== "function") { O[N] = R; return } var Q = O[N]; if ("$overloads" in Q) { Q.$defaultOverload = R; return } if (!("$overloads" in R) && Q.length === R.length) { return } var T, P; if ("$overloads" in R) { T = R.$overloads.slice(0); T[Q.length] = Q; P = R.$defaultOverload } else { T = []; T[R.length] = R; T[Q.length] = Q; P = Q } var S = function() { var U = S.$overloads[arguments.length] || ("$methodArgsIndex" in S && arguments.length > S.$methodArgsIndex ? S.$overloads[S.$methodArgsIndex] : null) || S.$defaultOverload; return U.apply(this, arguments) }; S.$overloads = T; if ("$methodArgsIndex" in R) { S.$methodArgsIndex = R.$methodArgsIndex } S.$defaultOverload = P; S.name = N; O[N] = S } function i(Q, P) { function R(S) { g.defineProperty(Q, S, { get: function() { return P[S] }, set: function(T) { P[S] = T }, enumerable: true }) } var O = []; for (var N in P) { if (typeof P[N] === "function") { m(Q, N, P[N]) } else { if (N.charAt(0) !== "$" && !(N in Q)) { O.push(N) } } } while (O.length > 0) { R(O.shift()) } Q.$super = P } g.extendClassChain = function(O) { var P = [O]; for (var N = O.$upcast; N; N = N.$upcast) { i(N, O); P.push(N); O = N } while (P.length > 0) { P.pop().$self = O } }; g.extendStaticMembers = function(N, O) { i(N, O) }; g.extendInterfaceMembers = function(N, O) { i(N, O) }; g.addMethod = function(Q, P, S, R) { var N = Q[P]; if (N || R) { var O = S.length; if ("$overloads" in N) { N.$overloads[O] = S } else { var T = function() { var V = T.$overloads[arguments.length] || ("$methodArgsIndex" in T && arguments.length > T.$methodArgsIndex ? T.$overloads[T.$methodArgsIndex] : null) || T.$defaultOverload; return V.apply(this, arguments) }; var U = []; if (N) { U[N.length] = N } U[O] = S; T.$overloads = U; T.$defaultOverload = N || S; if (R) { T.$methodArgsIndex = O } T.name = P; Q[P] = T } } else { Q[P] = S } }; function l(N) { if (typeof N !== "string") { return false } return ["byte", "int", "char", "color", "float", "long", "double"].indexOf(N) !== -1 } g.createJavaArray = function(S, T) { var O = null, P = null; if (typeof S === "string") { if (S === "boolean") { P = false } else { if (l(S)) { P = 0 } } } if (typeof T[0] === "number") { var N = 0 | T[0]; if (T.length <= 1) { O = []; O.length = N; for (var R = 0; R < N; ++R) { O[R] = P } } else { O = []; var U = T.slice(1); for (var Q = 0; Q < N; ++Q) { O.push(g.createJavaArray(S, U)) } } } return O }; var E = { aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", azure: "#f0ffff", beige: "#f5f5dc", bisque: "#ffe4c4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", blue: "#0000ff", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", brown: "#a52a2a", burlywood: "#deb887", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkred: "#8b0000", darksalmon: "#e9967a", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", darkviolet: "#9400d3", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", dimgray: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", forestgreen: "#228b22", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gray: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#adff2f", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", ivory: "#fffff0", khaki: "#f0e68c", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lightblue: "#add8e6", lightcoral: "#f08080", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgreen: "#90ee90", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lime: "#00ff00", limegreen: "#32cd32", linen: "#faf0e6", magenta: "#ff00ff", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", mediumblue: "#0000cd", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", mediumpurple: "#9370d8", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#f5fffa", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", orchid: "#da70d6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", palegreen: "#98fb98", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", palevioletred: "#d87093", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", peru: "#cd853f", pink: "#ffc0cb", plum: "#dda0dd", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", purple: "#800080", red: "#ff0000", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", royalblue: "#4169e1", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", salmon: "#fa8072", sandybrown: "#f4a460", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", sienna: "#a0522d", silver: "#c0c0c0", skyblue: "#87ceeb", slateblue: "#6a5acd", slategray: "#708090", snow: "#fffafa", springgreen: "#00ff7f", steelblue: "#4682b4", tan: "#d2b48c", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tomato: "#ff6347", turquoise: "#40e0d0", violet: "#ee82ee", wheat: "#f5deb3", white: "#ffffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", yellow: "#ffff00", yellowgreen: "#9acd32" }; (function(O) { var R = ("open() createOutput() createInput() BufferedReader selectFolder() dataPath() createWriter() selectOutput() beginRecord() saveStream() endRecord() selectInput() saveBytes() createReader() beginRaw() endRaw() PrintWriter delay()").split(" "), Q = R.length, N, S; function P(T) { return function() { throw "Processing.js does not support " + T + "." } } while (Q--) { N = R[Q]; S = N.replace("()", ""); O[S] = P(N) } })(g); g.defineProperty(g, "screenWidth", { get: function() { return D.innerWidth } }); g.defineProperty(g, "screenHeight", { get: function() { return D.innerHeight } }); g.defineProperty(g, "online", { get: function() { return true } }); var k = []; var J = {}; var L = function(N) { k.splice(J[N], 1); delete J[N] }; var a = function(N) { if (N.externals.canvas.id === t || !N.externals.canvas.id.length) { N.externals.canvas.id = "__processing" + k.length } J[N.externals.canvas.id] = k.length; k.push(N) }; function p(X) { var Q = 250, ae = X.size / Q, N = d.createElement("canvas"); N.width = 2 * Q; N.height = 2 * Q; N.style.opacity = 0; var W = X.getCSSDefinition(Q + "px", "normal"), Y = N.getContext("2d"); Y.font = W; var ac = "dbflkhyjqpg"; N.width = Y.measureText(ac).width; Y.font = W; var T = d.createElement("div"); T.style.position = "absolute"; T.style.opacity = 0; T.style.fontFamily = '"' + X.name + '"'; T.style.fontSize = Q + "px"; T.innerHTML = ac + "
" + ac; d.body.appendChild(T); var U = N.width, ab = N.height, V = ab / 2; Y.fillStyle = "white"; Y.fillRect(0, 0, U, ab); Y.fillStyle = "black"; Y.fillText(ac, 0, V); var P = Y.getImageData(0, 0, U, ab).data; var Z = 0, S = U * 4, aa = P.length; while (++Z < aa && P[Z] === 255) { G() } var R = q.round(Z / S); Z = aa - 1; while (--Z > 0 && P[Z] === 255) { G() } var ad = q.round(Z / S); X.ascent = ae * (V - R); X.descent = ae * (ad - V); if (d.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { var O = d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(T, null).getPropertyValue("height"); O = ae * O.replace("px", ""); if (O >= X.size * 2) { X.leading = q.round(O / 2) } } d.body.removeChild(T); if (X.caching) { return Y } } function H(N, O) { if (N === t) { N = "" } this.name = N; if (O === t) { O = 0 } this.size = O; this.glyph = false; this.ascent = 0; this.descent = 0; this.leading = 1.2 * O; var R = N.indexOf(" Italic Bold"); if (R !== -1) { N = N.substring(0, R) } this.style = "normal"; var Q = N.indexOf(" Italic"); if (Q !== -1) { N = N.substring(0, Q); this.style = "italic" } this.weight = "normal"; var P = N.indexOf(" Bold"); if (P !== -1) { N = N.substring(0, P); this.weight = "bold" } this.family = "sans-serif"; if (N !== t) { switch (N) { case "sans-serif": case "serif": case "monospace": case "fantasy": case "cursive": this.family = N; break; default: this.family = '"' + N + '", sans-serif'; break } } this.context2d = p(this); this.css = this.getCSSDefinition(); if (this.context2d) { this.context2d.font = this.css } } H.prototype.caching = true; H.prototype.getCSSDefinition = function(P, N) { if (P === t) { P = this.size + "px" } if (N === t) { N = this.leading + "px" } var O = [this.style, "normal", this.weight, P + "/" + N, this.family]; return O.join(" ") }; H.prototype.measureTextWidth = function(N) { return this.context2d.measureText(N).width }; H.prototype.measureTextWidthFallback = function(P) { var O = d.createElement("canvas"), N = O.getContext("2d"); N.font = this.css; return N.measureText(P).width }; H.PFontCache = { length: 0 }; H.get = function(Q, R) { R = (R * 10 + 0.5 | 0) / 10; var O = H.PFontCache, N = Q + "/" + R; if (!O[N]) { O[N] = new H(Q, R); O.length++; if (O.length === 50) { H.prototype.measureTextWidth = H.prototype.measureTextWidthFallback; H.prototype.caching = false; var P; for (P in O) { if (P !== "length") { O[P].context2d = null } } return new H(Q, R) } if (O.length === 400) { H.PFontCache = {}; H.get = H.getFallback; return new H(Q, R) } } return O[N] }; H.getFallback = function(N, O) { return new H(N, O) }; H.list = function() { return ["sans-serif", "serif", "monospace", "fantasy", "cursive"] }; H.preloading = { template: {}, initialized: false, initialize: function() { var P = function() { var R = "#E3KAI2wAgT1MvMg7Eo3VmNtYX7ABi3CxnbHlm7Abw3kaGVhZ7ACs3OGhoZWE7A53CRobXR47AY3AGbG9jYQ7G03Bm1heH7ABC3CBuYW1l7Ae3AgcG9zd7AI3AE#B3AQ2kgTY18PPPUACwAg3ALSRoo3#yld0xg32QAB77#E777773B#E3C#I#Q77773E#Q7777777772CMAIw7AB77732B#M#Q3wAB#g3B#E#E2BB//82BB////w#B7#gAEg3E77x2B32B#E#Q#MTcBAQ32gAe#M#QQJ#E32M#QQJ#I#g32Q77#"; var Q = function(S) { return "AAAAAAAA".substr(~~S ? 7 - S : 6) }; return R.replace(/[#237]/g, Q) }; var N = d.createElement("style"); N.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); N.innerHTML = '@font-face {\n font-family: "PjsEmptyFont";\n src: url(\'data:application/x-font-ttf;base64,' + P() + "')\n format('truetype');\n}"; d.head.appendChild(N); var O = d.createElement("span"); O.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; font-family: "PjsEmptyFont", fantasy;'; O.innerHTML = "AAAAAAAA"; d.body.appendChild(O); this.template = O; this.initialized = true }, getElementWidth: function(N) { return d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(N, "").getPropertyValue("width") }, timeAttempted: 0, pending: function(R) { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialize() } var P, N, Q = this.getElementWidth(this.template); for (var O = 0; O < this.fontList.length; O++) { P = this.fontList[O]; N = this.getElementWidth(P); if (this.timeAttempted < 4000 && N === Q) { this.timeAttempted += R; return true } else { d.body.removeChild(P); this.fontList.splice(O--, 1); this.timeAttempted = 0 } } if (this.fontList.length === 0) { return false } return true }, fontList: [], addedList: {}, add: function(N) { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialize() } var R = typeof N === "object" ? N.fontFace : N, Q = typeof N === "object" ? N.url : N; if (this.addedList[R]) { return } var P = d.createElement("style"); P.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); P.innerHTML = "@font-face{\n font-family: '" + R + "';\n src: url('" + Q + "');\n}\n"; d.head.appendChild(P); this.addedList[R] = true; var O = d.createElement("span"); O.style.cssText = "position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0;"; O.style.fontFamily = '"' + R + '", "PjsEmptyFont", fantasy'; O.innerHTML = "AAAAAAAA"; d.body.appendChild(O); this.fontList.push(O) } }; g.PFont = H; var F = this.Processing = function(be, ba) { if (!(this instanceof F)) { throw "called Processing constructor as if it were a function: missing 'new'." } var ae, cV = be === t && ba === t; if (cV) { ae = d.createElement("canvas") } else { ae = typeof be === "string" ? d.getElementById(be) : be } if (!(ae instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { throw "called Processing constructor without passing canvas element reference or id." } function dw(ea) { F.debug("Unimplemented - " + ea) } var cW = this; cW.externals = { canvas: ae, context: t, sketch: t }; cW.name = "Processing.js Instance"; cW.use3DContext = false; cW.focused = false; cW.breakShape = false; cW.glyphTable = {}; cW.pmouseX = 0; cW.pmouseY = 0; cW.mouseX = 0; cW.mouseY = 0; cW.mouseButton = 0; cW.mouseScroll = 0; cW.mouseClicked = t; cW.mouseDragged = t; cW.mouseMoved = t; cW.mousePressed = t; cW.mouseReleased = t; cW.mouseScrolled = t; cW.mouseOver = t; cW.mouseOut = t; cW.touchStart = t; cW.touchEnd = t; cW.touchMove = t; cW.touchCancel = t; cW.key = t; cW.keyCode = t; cW.keyPressed = G; cW.keyReleased = G; cW.keyTyped = G; cW.draw = t; cW.setup = t; cW.__mousePressed = false; cW.__keyPressed = false; cW.__frameRate = 60; cW.frameCount = 0; cW.width = 100; cW.height = 100; var d8, cQ, dY, bD = true, aH = true, bo = [1, 1, 1, 1], a1 = 4294967295, aq = true, ce = true, c0 = [0, 0, 0, 1], cv = 4278190080, b3 = true, dW = 1, ax = false, dO = false, aC = true, b4 = 0, bK = 0, cN = 3, a8 = 0, a7 = 0, a6 = 0, a2 = 0, dU = 60, az = 1000 / dU, Z = "default", ck = ae.style.cursor, dR = 20, cj = 0, d6 = [], aJ = 0, Q = 20, cM = false, a4 = -3355444, cy = 20, bU = 255, bJ = 255, bI = 255, bG = 255, cZ = false, aK = false, dN = 0, d5 = 0, cY = 1, bf = null, bw = null, a5 = false, dq = Date.now(), dt = dq, P = 0, cE, c3, aQ, aL, bz, cd, U, dC = { attributes: {}, locations: {} }, dx, dQ, bT, bh, cJ, dk, aB, b2, bg, b8, at, aG, bC, aw, af, c7, bS, cs = { width: 0, height: 0 }, d4 = 2, dT = false, cH, ac, R, N = 37, c1 = 0, cI = 4, Y = "Arial", d0 = 12, a3 = 9, dA = 2, d7 = 14, W = H.get(Y, d0), aj, cn = null, dV = false, d3, bZ = 1000, ag = [], dI = null, dX = [16, 17, 18, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 144, 155, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 157]; var ad, dp, aU, bX; if (d.defaultView && d.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { ad = parseInt(d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ae, null)["paddingLeft"], 10) || 0; dp = parseInt(d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ae, null)["paddingTop"], 10) || 0; aU = parseInt(d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ae, null)["borderLeftWidth"], 10) || 0; bX = parseInt(d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ae, null)["borderTopWidth"], 10) || 0 } var dL = 0; var bL = 0, bM = 0, bt = [], bs = [], br = [], ah = new e(720), bl = new e(720), cF, cA; var bV, ch, dJ, aT, am, da, ab, db, ap = false, ci = false, cK = 60 * (q.PI / 180), dl = cW.width / 2, dj = cW.height / 2, di = dj / q.tan(cK / 2), a0 = di / 10, av = di * 10, b5 = cW.width / cW.height; var bb = [], cb = [], c2 = 0, dP = false, aa = false, du = true; var S = 0; var bm = []; var dh = new e([0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); var bH = new e([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5]); var df = new e([0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]); var ak = new e([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]); var ai = new e([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]); var aO = "varying vec4 vFrontColor;attribute vec3 aVertex;attribute vec4 aColor;uniform mat4 uView;uniform mat4 uProjection;uniform float uPointSize;void main(void) { vFrontColor = aColor; gl_PointSize = uPointSize; gl_Position = uProjection * uView * vec4(aVertex, 1.0);}"; var bQ = "#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\nvarying vec4 vFrontColor;uniform bool uSmooth;void main(void){ if(uSmooth == true){ float dist = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5)); if(dist > 0.5){ discard; } } gl_FragColor = vFrontColor;}"; var dE = "varying vec4 vFrontColor;attribute vec3 aVertex;attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;uniform vec4 uColor;uniform mat4 uModel;uniform mat4 uView;uniform mat4 uProjection;uniform float uPointSize;varying vec2 vTextureCoord;void main(void) { gl_PointSize = uPointSize; vFrontColor = uColor; gl_Position = uProjection * uView * uModel * vec4(aVertex, 1.0); vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;}"; var aW = "#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\nvarying vec4 vFrontColor;varying vec2 vTextureCoord;uniform sampler2D uSampler;uniform int uIsDrawingText;uniform bool uSmooth;void main(void){ if(uSmooth == true){ float dist = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5)); if(dist > 0.5){ discard; } } if(uIsDrawingText == 1){ float alpha = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord).a; gl_FragColor = vec4(vFrontColor.rgb * alpha, alpha); } else{ gl_FragColor = vFrontColor; }}"; var bA = /Windows/.test(navigator.userAgent); var dn = "varying vec4 vFrontColor;attribute vec3 aVertex;attribute vec3 aNormal;attribute vec4 aColor;attribute vec2 aTexture;varying vec2 vTexture;uniform vec4 uColor;uniform bool uUsingMat;uniform vec3 uSpecular;uniform vec3 uMaterialEmissive;uniform vec3 uMaterialAmbient;uniform vec3 uMaterialSpecular;uniform float uShininess;uniform mat4 uModel;uniform mat4 uView;uniform mat4 uProjection;uniform mat4 uNormalTransform;uniform int uLightCount;uniform vec3 uFalloff;struct Light { int type; vec3 color; vec3 position; vec3 direction; float angle; vec3 halfVector; float concentration;};uniform Light uLights0;uniform Light uLights1;uniform Light uLights2;uniform Light uLights3;uniform Light uLights4;uniform Light uLights5;uniform Light uLights6;uniform Light uLights7;Light getLight(int index){ if(index == 0) return uLights0; if(index == 1) return uLights1; if(index == 2) return uLights2; if(index == 3) return uLights3; if(index == 4) return uLights4; if(index == 5) return uLights5; if(index == 6) return uLights6; return uLights7;}void AmbientLight( inout vec3 totalAmbient, in vec3 ecPos, in Light light ) { float d = length( light.position - ecPos ); float attenuation = 1.0 / ( uFalloff[0] + ( uFalloff[1] * d ) + ( uFalloff[2] * d * d )); totalAmbient += light.color * attenuation;}void DirectionalLight( inout vec3 col, inout vec3 spec, in vec3 vertNormal, in vec3 ecPos, in Light light ) { float powerFactor = 0.0; float nDotVP = max(0.0, dot( vertNormal, normalize(-light.position) )); float nDotVH = max(0.0, dot( vertNormal, normalize(-light.position-normalize(ecPos) ))); if( nDotVP != 0.0 ){ powerFactor = pow( nDotVH, uShininess ); } col += light.color * nDotVP; spec += uSpecular * powerFactor;}void PointLight( inout vec3 col, inout vec3 spec, in vec3 vertNormal, in vec3 ecPos, in Light light ) { float powerFactor; vec3 VP = light.position - ecPos; float d = length( VP ); VP = normalize( VP ); float attenuation = 1.0 / ( uFalloff[0] + ( uFalloff[1] * d ) + ( uFalloff[2] * d * d )); float nDotVP = max( 0.0, dot( vertNormal, VP )); vec3 halfVector = normalize( VP - normalize(ecPos) ); float nDotHV = max( 0.0, dot( vertNormal, halfVector )); if( nDotVP == 0.0 ) { powerFactor = 0.0; } else { powerFactor = pow( nDotHV, uShininess ); } spec += uSpecular * powerFactor * attenuation; col += light.color * nDotVP * attenuation;}void SpotLight( inout vec3 col, inout vec3 spec, in vec3 vertNormal, in vec3 ecPos, in Light light ) { float spotAttenuation; float powerFactor = 0.0; vec3 VP = light.position - ecPos; vec3 ldir = normalize( -light.direction ); float d = length( VP ); VP = normalize( VP ); float attenuation = 1.0 / ( uFalloff[0] + ( uFalloff[1] * d ) + ( uFalloff[2] * d * d ) ); float spotDot = dot( VP, ldir );" + (bA ? " spotAttenuation = 1.0; " : " if( spotDot > cos( light.angle ) ) { spotAttenuation = pow( spotDot, light.concentration ); } else{ spotAttenuation = 0.0; } attenuation *= spotAttenuation;") + " float nDotVP = max( 0.0, dot( vertNormal, VP ) ); vec3 halfVector = normalize( VP - normalize(ecPos) ); float nDotHV = max( 0.0, dot( vertNormal, halfVector ) ); if( nDotVP != 0.0 ) { powerFactor = pow( nDotHV, uShininess ); } spec += uSpecular * powerFactor * attenuation; col += light.color * nDotVP * attenuation;}void main(void) { vec3 finalAmbient = vec3( 0.0 ); vec3 finalDiffuse = vec3( 0.0 ); vec3 finalSpecular = vec3( 0.0 ); vec4 col = uColor; if ( uColor[0] == -1.0 ){ col = aColor; } vec3 norm = normalize(vec3( uNormalTransform * vec4( aNormal, 0.0 ) )); vec4 ecPos4 = uView * uModel * vec4(aVertex, 1.0); vec3 ecPos = (vec3(ecPos4))/ecPos4.w; if( uLightCount == 0 ) { vFrontColor = col + vec4(uMaterialSpecular, 1.0); } else { for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { Light l = getLight(i); if( i >= uLightCount ){ break; } if( l.type == 0 ) { AmbientLight( finalAmbient, ecPos, l ); } else if( l.type == 1 ) { DirectionalLight( finalDiffuse, finalSpecular, norm, ecPos, l ); } else if( l.type == 2 ) { PointLight( finalDiffuse, finalSpecular, norm, ecPos, l ); } else { SpotLight( finalDiffuse, finalSpecular, norm, ecPos, l ); } } if( uUsingMat == false ) { vFrontColor = vec4( vec3( col ) * finalAmbient + vec3( col ) * finalDiffuse + vec3( col ) * finalSpecular, col[3] ); } else{ vFrontColor = vec4( uMaterialEmissive + (vec3(col) * uMaterialAmbient * finalAmbient ) + (vec3(col) * finalDiffuse) + (uMaterialSpecular * finalSpecular), col[3] ); } } vTexture.xy = aTexture.xy; gl_Position = uProjection * uView * uModel * vec4( aVertex, 1.0 );}"; var aF = "#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\nvarying vec4 vFrontColor;uniform sampler2D uSampler;uniform bool uUsingTexture;varying vec2 vTexture;void main(void){ if( uUsingTexture ){ gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(uSampler, vTexture.xy)) * vFrontColor; } else{ gl_FragColor = vFrontColor; }}"; function d2(ec, eb, ee, ed) { var ea = dC.locations[ec]; if (ea === t) { ea = d8.getUniformLocation(eb, ee); dC.locations[ec] = ea } if (ea !== null) { if (ed.length === 4) { d8.uniform4fv(ea, ed) } else { if (ed.length === 3) { d8.uniform3fv(ea, ed) } else { if (ed.length === 2) { d8.uniform2fv(ea, ed) } else { d8.uniform1f(ea, ed) } } } } } function dZ(ec, eb, ee, ed) { var ea = dC.locations[ec]; if (ea === t) { ea = d8.getUniformLocation(eb, ee); dC.locations[ec] = ea } if (ea !== null) { if (ed.length === 4) { d8.uniform4iv(ea, ed) } else { if (ed.length === 3) { d8.uniform3iv(ea, ed) } else { if (ed.length === 2) { d8.uniform2iv(ea, ed) } else { d8.uniform1i(ea, ed) } } } } } function a9(ee, ec, ef, ed, eb) { var ea = dC.locations[ee]; if (ea === t) { ea = d8.getUniformLocation(ec, ef); dC.locations[ee] = ea } if (ea !== -1) { if (eb.length === 16) { d8.uniformMatrix4fv(ea, ed, eb) } else { if (eb.length === 9) { d8.uniformMatrix3fv(ea, ed, eb) } else { d8.uniformMatrix2fv(ea, ed, eb) } } } } function dc(ee, ec, ef, eb, ed) { var ea = dC.attributes[ee]; if (ea === t) { ea = d8.getAttribLocation(ec, ef); dC.attributes[ee] = ea } if (ea !== -1) { d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, ed); d8.vertexAttribPointer(ea, eb, d8.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); d8.enableVertexAttribArray(ea) } } function cg(ec, eb, ed) { var ea = dC.attributes[ec]; if (ea === t) { ea = d8.getAttribLocation(eb, ed); dC.attributes[ec] = ea } if (ea !== -1) { d8.disableVertexAttribArray(ea) } } var bF = function(ec, ee, eb) { var ef = ec.createShader(ec.VERTEX_SHADER); ec.shaderSource(ef, ee); ec.compileShader(ef); if (!ec.getShaderParameter(ef, ec.COMPILE_STATUS)) { throw ec.getShaderInfoLog(ef) } var ed = ec.createShader(ec.FRAGMENT_SHADER); ec.shaderSource(ed, eb); ec.compileShader(ed); if (!ec.getShaderParameter(ed, ec.COMPILE_STATUS)) { throw ec.getShaderInfoLog(ed) } var ea = ec.createProgram(); ec.attachShader(ea, ef); ec.attachShader(ea, ed); ec.linkProgram(ea); if (!ec.getProgramParameter(ea, ec.LINK_STATUS)) { throw "Error linking shaders." } return ea }; var aZ = function(ea, ee, eb, ed, ec) { return { x: ea, y: ee, w: eb, h: ed } }; var bk = aZ; var b1 = function(ea, ee, eb, ed, ec) { return { x: ea, y: ee, w: ec ? eb : eb - ea, h: ec ? ed : ed - ee } }; var aN = function(ea, ee, eb, ed, ec) { return { x: ea - eb / 2, y: ee - ed / 2, w: eb, h: ed } }; var ds = function() {}; var bR = function() {}; var bB = function() {}; var ca = function() {}; bR.prototype = new ds; bR.prototype.constructor = bR; bB.prototype = new ds; bB.prototype.constructor = bB; ca.prototype = new ds; ca.prototype.constructor = ca; ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction = G; var cl = {}; var bP = cW.Character = function(ea) { if (typeof ea === "string" && ea.length === 1) { this.code = ea.charCodeAt(0) } else { if (typeof ea === "number") { this.code = ea } else { if (ea instanceof bP) { this.code = ea } else { this.code = NaN } } } return cl[this.code] === t ? cl[this.code] = this : cl[this.code] }; bP.prototype.toString = function() { return String.fromCharCode(this.code) }; bP.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.code }; var O = cW.PShape = function(ea) { this.family = ea || 0; this.visible = true; this.style = true; this.children = []; this.nameTable = []; this.params = []; this.name = ""; this.image = null; this.matrix = null; this.kind = null; this.close = null; this.width = null; this.height = null; this.parent = null }; O.prototype = { isVisible: function() { return this.visible }, setVisible: function(ea) { this.visible = ea }, disableStyle: function() { this.style = false; for (var eb = 0, ea = this.children.length; eb < ea; eb++) { this.children[eb].disableStyle() } }, enableStyle: function() { this.style = true; for (var eb = 0, ea = this.children.length; eb < ea; eb++) { this.children[eb].enableStyle() } }, getFamily: function() { return this.family }, getWidth: function() { return this.width }, getHeight: function() { return this.height }, setName: function(ea) { this.name = ea }, getName: function() { return this.name }, draw: function(ea) { ea = ea || cW; if (this.visible) { this.pre(ea); this.drawImpl(ea); this.post(ea) } }, drawImpl: function(ea) { if (this.family === 0) { this.drawGroup(ea) } else { if (this.family === 1) { this.drawPrimitive(ea) } else { if (this.family === 3) { this.drawGeometry(ea) } else { if (this.family === 21) { this.drawPath(ea) } } } } }, drawPath: function(ec) { var ed, eb; if (this.vertices.length === 0) { return } ec.beginShape(); if (this.vertexCodes.length === 0) { if (this.vertices[0].length === 2) { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertices.length; ed < eb; ed++) { ec.vertex(this.vertices[ed][0], this.vertices[ed][1]) } } else { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertices.length; ed < eb; ed++) { ec.vertex(this.vertices[ed][0], this.vertices[ed][1], this.vertices[ed][2]) } } } else { var ea = 0; if (this.vertices[0].length === 2) { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertexCodes.length; ed < eb; ed++) { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 0) { ec.vertex(this.vertices[ea][0], this.vertices[ea][1], this.vertices[ea]["moveTo"]); ec.breakShape = false; ea++ } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 1) { ec.bezierVertex(this.vertices[ea + 0][0], this.vertices[ea + 0][1], this.vertices[ea + 1][0], this.vertices[ea + 1][1], this.vertices[ea + 2][0], this.vertices[ea + 2][1]); ea += 3 } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 2) { ec.curveVertex(this.vertices[ea][0], this.vertices[ea][1]); ea++ } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 3) { ec.breakShape = true } } } } } } else { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertexCodes.length; ed < eb; ed++) { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 0) { ec.vertex(this.vertices[ea][0], this.vertices[ea][1], this.vertices[ea][2]); if (this.vertices[ea]["moveTo"] === true) { bb[bb.length - 1]["moveTo"] = true } else { if (this.vertices[ea]["moveTo"] === false) { bb[bb.length - 1]["moveTo"] = false } } ec.breakShape = false } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 1) { ec.bezierVertex(this.vertices[ea + 0][0], this.vertices[ea + 0][1], this.vertices[ea + 0][2], this.vertices[ea + 1][0], this.vertices[ea + 1][1], this.vertices[ea + 1][2], this.vertices[ea + 2][0], this.vertices[ea + 2][1], this.vertices[ea + 2][2]); ea += 3 } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 2) { ec.curveVertex(this.vertices[ea][0], this.vertices[ea][1], this.vertices[ea][2]); ea++ } else { if (this.vertexCodes[ed] === 3) { ec.breakShape = true } } } } } } } ec.endShape(this.close ? 2 : 1) }, drawGeometry: function(ec) { var ed, eb; ec.beginShape(this.kind); if (this.style) { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertices.length; ed < eb; ed++) { ec.vertex(this.vertices[ed]) } } else { for (ed = 0, eb = this.vertices.length; ed < eb; ed++) { var ea = this.vertices[ed]; if (ea[2] === 0) { ec.vertex(ea[0], ea[1]) } else { ec.vertex(ea[0], ea[1], ea[2]) } } } ec.endShape() }, drawGroup: function(eb) { for (var ec = 0, ea = this.children.length; ec < ea; ec++) { this.children[ec].draw(eb) } }, drawPrimitive: function(ea) { if (this.kind === 2) { ea.point(this.params[0], this.params[1]) } else { if (this.kind === 4) { if (this.params.length === 4) { ea.line(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3]) } else { ea.line(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3], this.params[4], this.params[5]) } } else { if (this.kind === 8) { ea.triangle(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3], this.params[4], this.params[5]) } else { if (this.kind === 16) { ea.quad(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3], this.params[4], this.params[5], this.params[6], this.params[7]) } else { if (this.kind === 30) { if (this.image !== null) { var ee = bk; ea.imageMode(0); ea.image(this.image, this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3]); bk = ee } else { var eb = bK; ea.rectMode(0); ea.rect(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3]); bK = eb } } else { if (this.kind === 31) { var ec = cN; ea.ellipseMode(0); ea.ellipse(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3]); cN = ec } else { if (this.kind === 32) { var ed = cN; ea.ellipseMode(0); ea.arc(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2], this.params[3], this.params[4], this.params[5]); cN = ed } else { if (this.kind === 41) { if (this.params.length === 1) { ea.box(this.params[0]) } else { ea.box(this.params[0], this.params[1], this.params[2]) } } else { if (this.kind === 40) { ea.sphere(this.params[0]) } } } } } } } } } }, pre: function(ea) { if (this.matrix) { ea.pushMatrix(); ea.transform(this.matrix) } if (this.style) { ea.pushStyle(); this.styles(ea) } }, post: function(ea) { if (this.matrix) { ea.popMatrix() } if (this.style) { ea.popStyle() } }, styles: function(ea) { if (this.stroke) { ea.stroke(this.strokeColor); ea.strokeWeight(this.strokeWeight); ea.strokeCap(this.strokeCap); ea.strokeJoin(this.strokeJoin) } else { ea.noStroke() } if (this.fill) { ea.fill(this.fillColor) } else { ea.noFill() } }, getChild: function(ed) { var eb, ea; if (typeof ed === "number") { return this.children[ed] } var ec; if (ed === "" || this.name === ed) { return this } if (this.nameTable.length > 0) { for (eb = 0, ea = this.nameTable.length; eb < ea || ec; eb++) { if (this.nameTable[eb].getName === ed) { ec = this.nameTable[eb]; break } } if (ec) { return ec } } for (eb = 0, ea = this.children.length; eb < ea; eb++) { ec = this.children[eb].getChild(ed); if (ec) { return ec } } return null }, getChildCount: function() { return this.children.length }, addChild: function(ea) { this.children.push(ea); ea.parent = this; if (ea.getName() !== null) { this.addName(ea.getName(), ea) } }, addName: function(eb, ea) { if (this.parent !== null) { this.parent.addName(eb, ea) } else { this.nameTable.push([eb, ea]) } }, translate: function() { if (arguments.length === 2) { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.translate(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } else { this.checkMatrix(3); this.matrix.translate(arguments[0], arguments[1], 0) } }, checkMatrix: function(ea) { if (this.matrix === null) { if (ea === 2) { this.matrix = new cW.PMatrix2D } else { this.matrix = new cW.PMatrix3D } } else { if (ea === 3 && this.matrix instanceof cW.PMatrix2D) { this.matrix = new cW.PMatrix3D } } }, rotateX: function(ea) { this.rotate(ea, 1, 0, 0) }, rotateY: function(ea) { this.rotate(ea, 0, 1, 0) }, rotateZ: function(ea) { this.rotate(ea, 0, 0, 1) }, rotate: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.rotate(arguments[0]) } else { this.checkMatrix(3); this.matrix.rotate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]) } }, scale: function() { if (arguments.length === 2) { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.scale(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.scale(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]) } else { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.scale(arguments[0]) } } }, resetMatrix: function() { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.reset() }, applyMatrix: function(ea) { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.applyMatrix(ea.elements[0], ea.elements[1], 0, ea.elements[2], ea.elements[3], ea.elements[4], 0, ea.elements[5], 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } else { if (arguments.length === 6) { this.checkMatrix(2); this.matrix.apply(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], 0, arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } else { if (arguments.length === 16) { this.checkMatrix(3); this.matrix.apply(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15]) } } } } }; var cr = cW.PShapeSVG = function() { cW.PShape.call(this); if (arguments.length === 1) { this.element = arguments[0]; this.vertexCodes = []; this.vertices = []; this.opacity = 1; this.stroke = false; this.strokeColor = 4278190080; this.strokeWeight = 1; this.strokeCap = "butt"; this.strokeJoin = "miter"; this.strokeGradient = null; this.strokeGradientPaint = null; this.strokeName = null; this.strokeOpacity = 1; this.fill = true; this.fillColor = 4278190080; this.fillGradient = null; this.fillGradientPaint = null; this.fillName = null; this.fillOpacity = 1; if (this.element.getName() !== "svg") { throw "root is not , it's <" + this.element.getName() + ">" } } else { if (arguments.length === 2) { if (typeof arguments[1] === "string") { if (arguments[1].indexOf(".svg") > -1) { this.element = new cW.XMLElement(cW, arguments[1]); this.vertexCodes = []; this.vertices = []; this.opacity = 1; this.stroke = false; this.strokeColor = 4278190080; this.strokeWeight = 1; this.strokeCap = "butt"; this.strokeJoin = "miter"; this.strokeGradient = ""; this.strokeGradientPaint = ""; this.strokeName = ""; this.strokeOpacity = 1; this.fill = true; this.fillColor = 4278190080; this.fillGradient = null; this.fillGradientPaint = null; this.fillOpacity = 1 } } else { if (arguments[0]) { this.element = arguments[1]; this.vertexCodes = arguments[0].vertexCodes.slice(); this.vertices = arguments[0].vertices.slice(); this.stroke = arguments[0].stroke; this.strokeColor = arguments[0].strokeColor; this.strokeWeight = arguments[0].strokeWeight; this.strokeCap = arguments[0].strokeCap; this.strokeJoin = arguments[0].strokeJoin; this.strokeGradient = arguments[0].strokeGradient; this.strokeGradientPaint = arguments[0].strokeGradientPaint; this.strokeName = arguments[0].strokeName; this.fill = arguments[0].fill; this.fillColor = arguments[0].fillColor; this.fillGradient = arguments[0].fillGradient; this.fillGradientPaint = arguments[0].fillGradientPaint; this.fillName = arguments[0].fillName; this.strokeOpacity = arguments[0].strokeOpacity; this.fillOpacity = arguments[0].fillOpacity; this.opacity = arguments[0].opacity } } } } this.name = this.element.getStringAttribute("id"); var ea = this.element.getStringAttribute("display", "inline"); this.visible = ea !== "none"; var ef = this.element.getAttribute("transform"); if (ef) { this.matrix = this.parseMatrix(ef) } var ec = this.element.getStringAttribute("viewBox"); if (ec !== null) { var ee = ec.split(" "); this.width = ee[2]; this.height = ee[3] } var eb = this.element.getStringAttribute("width"); var ed = this.element.getStringAttribute("height"); if (eb !== null) { this.width = this.parseUnitSize(eb); this.height = this.parseUnitSize(ed) } else { if (this.width === 0 || this.height === 0) { this.width = 1; this.height = 1; throw "The width and/or height is not readable in the tag of this file." } } this.parseColors(this.element); this.parseChildren(this.element) }; cr.prototype = new O; cr.prototype.parseMatrix = function() { function ea(ec) { var eb = []; ec.replace(/\((.*?)\)/, function() { return function(ed, ee) { eb = ee.replace(/,+/g, " ").split(/\s+/) } }()); return eb } return function(ei) { this.checkMatrix(2); var eb = []; ei.replace(/\s*(\w+)\((.*?)\)/g, function(el) { eb.push(cW.trim(el)) }); if (eb.length === 0) { return null } for (var eg = 0, ee = eb.length; eg < ee; eg++) { var ec = ea(eb[eg]); if (eb[eg].indexOf("matrix") !== -1) { this.matrix.set(ec[0], ec[2], ec[4], ec[1], ec[3], ec[5]) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("translate") !== -1) { var eh = ec[0]; var ef = ec.length === 2 ? ec[1] : 0; this.matrix.translate(eh, ef) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("scale") !== -1) { var ek = ec[0]; var ej = ec.length === 2 ? ec[1] : ec[0]; this.matrix.scale(ek, ej) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("rotate") !== -1) { var ed = ec[0]; if (ec.length === 1) { this.matrix.rotate(cW.radians(ed)) } else { if (ec.length === 3) { this.matrix.translate(ec[1], ec[2]); this.matrix.rotate(cW.radians(ec[0])); this.matrix.translate(-ec[1], -ec[2]) } } } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("skewX") !== -1) { this.matrix.skewX(parseFloat(ec[0])) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("skewY") !== -1) { this.matrix.skewY(ec[0]) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("shearX") !== -1) { this.matrix.shearX(ec[0]) } else { if (eb[eg].indexOf("shearY") !== -1) { this.matrix.shearY(ec[0]) } } } } } } } } } return this.matrix } }(); cr.prototype.parseChildren = function(ef) { var eb = ef.getChildren(); var ee = new cW.PShape; for (var ed = 0, ec = eb.length; ed < ec; ed++) { var ea = this.parseChild(eb[ed]); if (ea) { ee.addChild(ea) } } this.children.push(ee) }; cr.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name }; cr.prototype.parseChild = function(ec) { var eb = ec.getName(); var ea; if (eb === "g") { ea = new cr(this, ec) } else { if (eb === "defs") { ea = new cr(this, ec) } else { if (eb === "line") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parseLine() } else { if (eb === "circle") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parseEllipse(true) } else { if (eb === "ellipse") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parseEllipse(false) } else { if (eb === "rect") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parseRect() } else { if (eb === "polygon") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parsePoly(true) } else { if (eb === "polyline") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parsePoly(false) } else { if (eb === "path") { ea = new cr(this, ec); ea.parsePath() } else { if (eb === "radialGradient") { dw("PShapeSVG.prototype.parseChild, name = radialGradient") } else { if (eb === "linearGradient") { dw("PShapeSVG.prototype.parseChild, name = linearGradient") } else { if (eb === "text") { dw("PShapeSVG.prototype.parseChild, name = text") } else { if (eb === "filter") { dw("PShapeSVG.prototype.parseChild, name = filter") } else { if (eb === "mask") { dw("PShapeSVG.prototype.parseChild, name = mask") } else { G() } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return ea }; cr.prototype.parsePath = function() { this.family = 21; this.kind = 0; var ef = []; var ez; var ey = cW.trim(this.element.getStringAttribute("d").replace(/[\s,]+/g, " ")); if (ey === null) { return } ey = cW.__toCharArray(ey); var ed = 0, ec = 0, ek = 0, ei = 0, ej = 0, eh = 0, eq = 0, ep = 0, eb = 0, ea = 0, em = 0, el = 0, eo = 0, en = 0, ex = 0, et = 0; var er = ""; var ev = []; var ew = false; var eg; var ee; var eu, es; while (ex < ey.length) { et = ey[ex].valueOf(); if (et >= 65 && et <= 90 || et >= 97 && et <= 122) { eu = ex; ex++; if (ex < ey.length) { ev = []; et = ey[ex].valueOf(); while (!(et >= 65 && et <= 90 || et >= 97 && et <= 100 || et >= 102 && et <= 122) && ew === false) { if (et === 32) { if (er !== "") { ev.push(parseFloat(er)); er = "" } ex++ } else { if (et === 45) { if (ey[ex - 1].valueOf() === 101) { er += ey[ex].toString(); ex++ } else { if (er !== "") { ev.push(parseFloat(er)) } er = ey[ex].toString(); ex++ } } else { er += ey[ex].toString(); ex++ } } if (ex === ey.length) { ew = true } else { et = ey[ex].valueOf() } } } if (er !== "") { ev.push(parseFloat(er)); er = "" } ee = ey[eu]; et = ee.valueOf(); if (et === 77) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { ed = ev[0]; ec = ev[1]; this.parsePathMoveto(ed, ec); if (ev.length > 2) { for (eu = 2, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { ed = ev[eu]; ec = ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } } } else { if (et === 109) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { ed += ev[0]; ec += ev[1]; this.parsePathMoveto(ed, ec); if (ev.length > 2) { for (eu = 2, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { ed += ev[eu]; ec += ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } } } else { if (et === 76) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { ed = ev[eu]; ec = ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } } else { if (et === 108) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { ed += ev[eu]; ec += ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } } else { if (et === 72) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu++) { ed = ev[eu]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } else { if (et === 104) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu++) { ed += ev[eu]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } else { if (et === 86) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu++) { ec = ev[eu]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } else { if (et === 118) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu++) { ec += ev[eu]; this.parsePathLineto(ed, ec) } } else { if (et === 67) { if (ev.length >= 6 && ev.length % 6 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 6) { ej = ev[eu]; eq = ev[eu + 1]; eh = ev[eu + 2]; ep = ev[eu + 3]; eb = ev[eu + 4]; ea = ev[eu + 5]; this.parsePathCurveto(ej, eq, eh, ep, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 99) { if (ev.length >= 6 && ev.length % 6 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 6) { ej = ed + ev[eu]; eq = ec + ev[eu + 1]; eh = ed + ev[eu + 2]; ep = ec + ev[eu + 3]; eb = ed + ev[eu + 4]; ea = ec + ev[eu + 5]; this.parsePathCurveto(ej, eq, eh, ep, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 83) { if (ev.length >= 4 && ev.length % 4 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 4) { if (eg.toLowerCase() === "c" || eg.toLowerCase() === "s") { em = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][0]; el = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][1]; eo = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; en = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1]; ej = eo + (eo - em); eq = en + (en - el) } else { ej = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; eq = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1] } eh = ev[eu]; ep = ev[eu + 1]; eb = ev[eu + 2]; ea = ev[eu + 3]; this.parsePathCurveto(ej, eq, eh, ep, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 115) { if (ev.length >= 4 && ev.length % 4 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 4) { if (eg.toLowerCase() === "c" || eg.toLowerCase() === "s") { em = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][0]; el = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][1]; eo = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; en = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1]; ej = eo + (eo - em); eq = en + (en - el) } else { ej = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; eq = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1] } eh = ed + ev[eu]; ep = ec + ev[eu + 1]; eb = ed + ev[eu + 2]; ea = ec + ev[eu + 3]; this.parsePathCurveto(ej, eq, eh, ep, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 81) { if (ev.length >= 4 && ev.length % 4 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 4) { ek = ev[eu]; ei = ev[eu + 1]; eb = ev[eu + 2]; ea = ev[eu + 3]; this.parsePathQuadto(ed, ec, ek, ei, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 113) { if (ev.length >= 4 && ev.length % 4 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 4) { ek = ed + ev[eu]; ei = ec + ev[eu + 1]; eb = ed + ev[eu + 2]; ea = ec + ev[eu + 3]; this.parsePathQuadto(ed, ec, ek, ei, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 84) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { if (eg.toLowerCase() === "q" || eg.toLowerCase() === "t") { em = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][0]; el = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][1]; eo = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; en = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1]; ek = eo + (eo - em); ei = en + (en - el) } else { ek = ed; ei = ec } eb = ev[eu]; ea = ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathQuadto(ed, ec, ek, ei, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 116) { if (ev.length >= 2 && ev.length % 2 === 0) { for (eu = 0, es = ev.length; eu < es; eu += 2) { if (eg.toLowerCase() === "q" || eg.toLowerCase() === "t") { em = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][0]; el = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 2][1]; eo = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][0]; en = this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1][1]; ek = eo + (eo - em); ei = en + (en - el) } else { ek = ed; ei = ec } eb = ed + ev[eu]; ea = ec + ev[eu + 1]; this.parsePathQuadto(ed, ec, ek, ei, eb, ea); ed = eb; ec = ea } } } else { if (et === 90 || et === 122) { this.close = true } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } eg = ee.toString() } else { ex++ } } }; cr.prototype.parsePathQuadto = function(ec, ee, ea, ef, eb, ed) { if (this.vertices.length > 0) { this.parsePathCode(1); this.parsePathVertex(ec + (ea - ec) * 2 / 3, ee + (ef - ee) * 2 / 3); this.parsePathVertex(eb + (ea - eb) * 2 / 3, ed + (ef - ed) * 2 / 3); this.parsePathVertex(eb, ed) } else { throw "Path must start with M/m" } }; cr.prototype.parsePathCurveto = function(ed, ef, eb, ee, ea, ec) { if (this.vertices.length > 0) { this.parsePathCode(1); this.parsePathVertex(ed, ef); this.parsePathVertex(eb, ee); this.parsePathVertex(ea, ec) } else { throw "Path must start with M/m" } }; cr.prototype.parsePathLineto = function(eb, ea) { if (this.vertices.length > 0) { this.parsePathCode(0); this.parsePathVertex(eb, ea); this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1]["moveTo"] = false } else { throw "Path must start with M/m" } }; cr.prototype.parsePathMoveto = function(eb, ea) { if (this.vertices.length > 0) { this.parsePathCode(3) } this.parsePathCode(0); this.parsePathVertex(eb, ea); this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1]["moveTo"] = true }; cr.prototype.parsePathVertex = function(ea, ec) { var eb = []; eb[0] = ea; eb[1] = ec; this.vertices.push(eb) }; cr.prototype.parsePathCode = function(ea) { this.vertexCodes.push(ea) }; cr.prototype.parsePoly = function(ee) { this.family = 21; this.close = ee; var eb = cW.trim(this.element.getStringAttribute("points").replace(/[,\s]+/g, " ")); if (eb !== null) { var ea = eb.split(" "); if (ea.length % 2 === 0) { for (var ed = 0, ec = ea.length; ed < ec; ed++) { var ef = []; ef[0] = ea[ed]; ef[1] = ea[++ed]; this.vertices.push(ef) } } else { throw "Error parsing polygon points: odd number of coordinates provided" } } }; cr.prototype.parseRect = function() { this.kind = 30; this.family = 1; this.params = []; this.params[0] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("x"); this.params[1] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("y"); this.params[2] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("width"); this.params[3] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("height"); if (this.params[2] < 0 || this.params[3] < 0) { throw "svg error: negative width or height found while parsing " } }; cr.prototype.parseEllipse = function(ec) { this.kind = 31; this.family = 1; this.params = []; this.params[0] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("cx") | 0; this.params[1] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("cy") | 0; var eb, ea; if (ec) { eb = ea = this.element.getFloatAttribute("r"); if (eb < 0) { throw "svg error: negative radius found while parsing " } } else { eb = this.element.getFloatAttribute("rx"); ea = this.element.getFloatAttribute("ry"); if (eb < 0 || ea < 0) { throw "svg error: negative x-axis radius or y-axis radius found while parsing " } } this.params[0] -= eb; this.params[1] -= ea; this.params[2] = eb * 2; this.params[3] = ea * 2 }; cr.prototype.parseLine = function() { this.kind = 4; this.family = 1; this.params = []; this.params[0] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("x1"); this.params[1] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("y1"); this.params[2] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("x2"); this.params[3] = this.element.getFloatAttribute("y2") }; cr.prototype.parseColors = function(ec) { if (ec.hasAttribute("opacity")) { this.setOpacity(ec.getAttribute("opacity")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("stroke")) { this.setStroke(ec.getAttribute("stroke")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("stroke-width")) { this.setStrokeWeight(ec.getAttribute("stroke-width")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("stroke-linejoin")) { this.setStrokeJoin(ec.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("stroke-linecap")) { this.setStrokeCap(ec.getStringAttribute("stroke-linecap")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("fill")) { this.setFill(ec.getStringAttribute("fill")) } if (ec.hasAttribute("style")) { var ef = ec.getStringAttribute("style"); var ed = ef.toString().split(";"); for (var eb = 0, ea = ed.length; eb < ea; eb++) { var ee = cW.trim(ed[eb].split(":")); if (ee[0] === "fill") { this.setFill(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "fill-opacity") { this.setFillOpacity(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "stroke") { this.setStroke(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "stroke-width") { this.setStrokeWeight(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "stroke-linecap") { this.setStrokeCap(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "stroke-linejoin") { this.setStrokeJoin(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "stroke-opacity") { this.setStrokeOpacity(ee[1]) } else { if (ee[0] === "opacity") { this.setOpacity(ee[1]) } } } } } } } } } } }; cr.prototype.setFillOpacity = function(ea) { this.fillOpacity = parseFloat(ea); this.fillColor = this.fillOpacity * 255 << 24 | this.fillColor & 16777215 }; cr.prototype.setFill = function(ea) { var eb = this.fillColor & 4278190080; if (ea === "none") { this.fill = false } else { if (ea.indexOf("#") === 0) { this.fill = true; if (ea.length === 4) { ea = ea.replace(/#(.)(.)(.)/, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3") } this.fillColor = eb | parseInt(ea.substring(1), 16) & 16777215 } else { if (ea.indexOf("rgb") === 0) { this.fill = true; this.fillColor = eb | this.parseRGB(ea) } else { if (ea.indexOf("url(#") === 0) { this.fillName = ea.substring(5, ea.length - 1) } else { if (E[ea]) { this.fill = true; this.fillColor = eb | parseInt(E[ea].substring(1), 16) & 16777215 } } } } } }; cr.prototype.setOpacity = function(ea) { this.strokeColor = parseFloat(ea) * 255 << 24 | this.strokeColor & 16777215; this.fillColor = parseFloat(ea) * 255 << 24 | this.fillColor & 16777215 }; cr.prototype.setStroke = function(ea) { var eb = this.strokeColor & 4278190080; if (ea === "none") { this.stroke = false } else { if (ea.charAt(0) === "#") { this.stroke = true; if (ea.length === 4) { ea = ea.replace(/#(.)(.)(.)/, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3") } this.strokeColor = eb | parseInt(ea.substring(1), 16) & 16777215 } else { if (ea.indexOf("rgb") === 0) { this.stroke = true; this.strokeColor = eb | this.parseRGB(ea) } else { if (ea.indexOf("url(#") === 0) { this.strokeName = ea.substring(5, ea.length - 1) } else { if (E[ea]) { this.stroke = true; this.strokeColor = eb | parseInt(E[ea].substring(1), 16) & 16777215 } } } } } }; cr.prototype.setStrokeWeight = function(ea) { this.strokeWeight = this.parseUnitSize(ea) }; cr.prototype.setStrokeJoin = function(ea) { if (ea === "miter") { this.strokeJoin = "miter" } else { if (ea === "round") { this.strokeJoin = "round" } else { if (ea === "bevel") { this.strokeJoin = "bevel" } } } }; cr.prototype.setStrokeCap = function(ea) { if (ea === "butt") { this.strokeCap = "butt" } else { if (ea === "round") { this.strokeCap = "round" } else { if (ea === "square") { this.strokeCap = "square" } } } }; cr.prototype.setStrokeOpacity = function(ea) { this.strokeOpacity = parseFloat(ea); this.strokeColor = this.strokeOpacity * 255 << 24 | this.strokeColor & 16777215 }; cr.prototype.parseRGB = function(eb) { var ec = eb.substring(eb.indexOf("(") + 1, eb.indexOf(")")); var ea = ec.split(", "); return ea[0] << 16 | ea[1] << 8 | ea[2] }; cr.prototype.parseUnitSize = function(eb) { var ea = eb.length - 2; if (ea < 0) { return eb } if (eb.indexOf("pt") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) * 1.25 } if (eb.indexOf("pc") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) * 15 } if (eb.indexOf("mm") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) * 3.543307 } if (eb.indexOf("cm") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) * 35.43307 } if (eb.indexOf("in") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) * 90 } if (eb.indexOf("px") === ea) { return parseFloat(eb.substring(0, ea)) } return parseFloat(eb) }; cW.shape = function(ec, eb, ee, ed, ea) { if (arguments.length >= 1 && arguments[0] !== null) { if (ec.isVisible()) { cW.pushMatrix(); if (S === 3) { if (arguments.length === 5) { cW.translate(eb - ed / 2, ee - ea / 2); cW.scale(ed / ec.getWidth(), ea / ec.getHeight()) } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { cW.translate(eb - ec.getWidth() / 2, -ec.getHeight() / 2) } else { cW.translate(-ec.getWidth() / 2, -ec.getHeight() / 2) } } } else { if (S === 0) { if (arguments.length === 5) { cW.translate(eb, ee); cW.scale(ed / ec.getWidth(), ea / ec.getHeight()) } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { cW.translate(eb, ee) } } } else { if (S === 1) { if (arguments.length === 5) { ed -= eb; ea -= ee; cW.translate(eb, ee); cW.scale(ed / ec.getWidth(), ea / ec.getHeight()) } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { cW.translate(eb, ee) } } } } } ec.draw(cW); if (arguments.length === 1 && S === 3 || arguments.length > 1) { cW.popMatrix() } } } }; cW.shapeMode = function(ea) { S = ea }; cW.loadShape = function(ea) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (ea.indexOf(".svg") > -1) { return new cr(null, ea) } } return null }; var cT = function(ee, ed, ea, eb, ec) { this.fullName = ee || ""; this.name = ed || ""; this.namespace = ea || ""; this.value = eb; this.type = ec }; cT.prototype = { getName: function() { return this.name }, getFullName: function() { return this.fullName }, getNamespace: function() { return this.namespace }, getValue: function() { return this.value }, getType: function() { return this.type }, setValue: function(ea) { this.value = ea } }; var b9 = cW.XMLElement = function(ea, ec, ed, eb) { this.attributes = []; this.children = []; this.fullName = null; this.name = null; this.namespace = ""; this.content = null; this.parent = null; this.lineNr = ""; this.systemID = ""; this.type = "ELEMENT"; if (ea) { if (typeof ea === "string") { if (ec === t && ea.indexOf("<") > -1) { this.parse(ea) } else { this.fullName = ea; this.namespace = ec; this.systemId = ed; this.lineNr = eb } } else { this.parse(ec) } } }; b9.prototype = { parse: function(ea) { var ec; try { var ee = ea.substring(ea.length - 4); if (ee === ".xml" || ee === ".svg") { ea = w(ea) } ec = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(ea, "text/xml"); var eb = ec.documentElement; if (eb) { this.parseChildrenRecursive(null, eb) } else { throw "Error loading document" } return this } catch (ed) { throw ed } }, parseChildrenRecursive: function(ei, eg) { var ef, eb, eh, ee, ed, ea; if (!ei) { this.fullName = eg.localName; this.name = eg.nodeName; ef = this } else { ef = new b9(eg.nodeName); ef.parent = ei } if (eg.nodeType === 3 && eg.textContent !== "") { return this.createPCDataElement(eg.textContent) } if (eg.nodeType === 4) { return this.createCDataElement(eg.textContent) } if (eg.attributes) { for (ee = 0, ed = eg.attributes.length; ee < ed; ee++) { eh = eg.attributes[ee]; eb = new cT(eh.getname, eh.nodeName, eh.namespaceURI, eh.nodeValue, eh.nodeType); ef.attributes.push(eb) } } if (eg.childNodes) { for (ee = 0, ed = eg.childNodes.length; ee < ed; ee++) { var ec = eg.childNodes[ee]; ea = ef.parseChildrenRecursive(ef, ec); if (ea !== null) { ef.children.push(ea) } } } return ef }, createElement: function(eb, ec, ed, ea) { if (ed === t) { return new b9(eb, ec) } return new b9(eb, ec, ed, ea) }, createPCDataElement: function(eb, ea) { if (eb.replace(/^\s+$/g, "") === "") { return null } var ec = new b9; ec.type = "TEXT"; ec.content = eb; return ec }, createCDataElement: function(ec) { var ed = this.createPCDataElement(ec); if (ed === null) { return null } ed.type = "CDATA"; var eb = { "<": "<", ">": ">", "'": "'", '"': """ }, ea; for (ea in eb) { if (!Object.hasOwnProperty(eb, ea)) { ec = ec.replace(new RegExp(ea, "g"), eb[ea]) } } ed.cdata = ec; return ed }, hasAttribute: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0]) !== null } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]) !== null } }, equals: function(ef) { if (!(ef instanceof b9)) { return false } var ec, eb; if (this.fullName !== ef.fullName) { return false } if (this.attributes.length !== ef.getAttributeCount()) { return false } if (this.attributes.length !== ef.attributes.length) { return false } var ej, eh, ea, eg, ei; for (ec = 0, eb = this.attributes.length; ec < eb; ec++) { ej = this.attributes[ec].getName(); eh = this.attributes[ec].getNamespace(); ei = ef.findAttribute(ej, eh); if (ei === null) { return false } if (this.attributes[ec].getValue() !== ei.getValue()) { return false } if (this.attributes[ec].getType() !== ei.getType()) { return false } } if (this.children.length !== ef.getChildCount()) { return false } if (this.children.length > 0) { var ee, ed; for (ec = 0, eb = this.children.length; ec < eb; ec++) { ee = this.getChild(ec); ed = ef.getChild(ec); if (!ee.equals(ed)) { return false } } return true } return this.content === ef.content }, getContent: function() { if (this.type === "TEXT" || this.type === "CDATA") { return this.content } var ea = this.children; if (ea.length === 1 && (ea[0].type === "TEXT" || ea[0].type === "CDATA")) { return ea[0].content } return null }, getAttribute: function() { var ea; if (arguments.length === 2) { ea = this.findAttribute(arguments[0]); if (ea) { return ea.getValue() } return arguments[1] } else { if (arguments.length === 1) { ea = this.findAttribute(arguments[0]); if (ea) { return ea.getValue() } return null } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { ea = this.findAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]); if (ea) { return ea.getValue() } return arguments[2] } } } }, getStringAttribute: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0]) } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]) }, getString: function(ea) { return this.getStringAttribute(ea) }, getFloatAttribute: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { return parseFloat(this.getAttribute(arguments[0], 0)) } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]) }, getFloat: function(ea) { return this.getFloatAttribute(ea) }, getIntAttribute: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], 0) } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]) } return this.getAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]) }, getInt: function(ea) { return this.getIntAttribute(ea) }, hasChildren: function() { return this.children.length > 0 }, addChild: function(ea) { if (ea !== null) { ea.parent = this; this.children.push(ea) } }, insertChild: function(ec, ea) { if (ec) { if (ec.getLocalName() === null && !this.hasChildren()) { var eb = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; if (eb.getLocalName() === null) { eb.setContent(eb.getContent() + ec.getContent()); return } } ec.parent = this; this.children.splice(ea, 0, ec) } }, getChild: function(eb) { if (typeof eb === "number") { return this.children[eb] } if (eb.indexOf("/") !== -1) { return this.getChildRecursive(eb.split("/"), 0) } var ea, ee; for (var ed = 0, ec = this.getChildCount(); ed < ec; ed++) { ea = this.getChild(ed); ee = ea.getName(); if (ee !== null && ee === eb) { return ea } } return null }, getChildren: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof arguments[0] === "number") { return this.getChild(arguments[0]) } if (arguments[0].indexOf("/") !== -1) { return this.getChildrenRecursive(arguments[0].split("/"), 0) } var ee = []; var ea, ed; for (var ec = 0, eb = this.getChildCount(); ec < eb; ec++) { ea = this.getChild(ec); ed = ea.getName(); if (ed !== null && ed === arguments[0]) { ee.push(ea) } } return ee } return this.children }, getChildCount: function() { return this.children.length }, getChildRecursive: function(eb, eg) { if (eg === eb.length) { return this } var ea, ef, ee = eb[eg]; for (var ed = 0, ec = this.getChildCount(); ed < ec; ed++) { ea = this.getChild(ed); ef = ea.getName(); if (ef !== null && ef === ee) { return ea.getChildRecursive(eb, eg + 1) } } return null }, getChildrenRecursive: function(ea, ee) { if (ee === ea.length - 1) { return this.getChildren(ea[ee]) } var ed = this.getChildren(ea[ee]); var ec = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ed.length; eb++) { ec = ec.concat(ed[eb].getChildrenRecursive(ea, ee + 1)) } return ec }, isLeaf: function() { return !this.hasChildren() }, listChildren: function() { var ea = []; for (var ec = 0, eb = this.children.length; ec < eb; ec++) { ea.push(this.getChild(ec).getName()) } return ea }, removeAttribute: function(eb, ed) { this.namespace = ed || ""; for (var ec = 0, ea = this.attributes.length; ec < ea; ec++) { if (this.attributes[ec].getName() === eb && this.attributes[ec].getNamespace() === this.namespace) { this.attributes.splice(ec, 1); break } } }, removeChild: function(ec) { if (ec) { for (var eb = 0, ea = this.children.length; eb < ea; eb++) { if (this.children[eb].equals(ec)) { this.children.splice(eb, 1); break } } } }, removeChildAtIndex: function(ea) { if (this.children.length > ea) { this.children.splice(ea, 1) } }, findAttribute: function(eb, ed) { this.namespace = ed || ""; for (var ec = 0, ea = this.attributes.length; ec < ea; ec++) { if (this.attributes[ec].getName() === eb && this.attributes[ec].getNamespace() === this.namespace) { return this.attributes[ec] } } return null }, setAttribute: function() { var ea; if (arguments.length === 3) { var ec = arguments[0].indexOf(":"); var eb = arguments[0].substring(ec + 1); ea = this.findAttribute(eb, arguments[1]); if (ea) { ea.setValue(arguments[2]) } else { ea = new cT(arguments[0], eb, arguments[1], arguments[2], "CDATA"); this.attributes.push(ea) } } else { ea = this.findAttribute(arguments[0]); if (ea) { ea.setValue(arguments[1]) } else { ea = new cT(arguments[0], arguments[0], null, arguments[1], "CDATA"); this.attributes.push(ea) } } }, setString: function(ea, eb) { this.setAttribute(ea, eb) }, setInt: function(ea, eb) { this.setAttribute(ea, eb) }, setFloat: function(ea, eb) { this.setAttribute(ea, eb) }, setContent: function(ea) { if (this.children.length > 0) { F.debug("Tried to set content for XMLElement with children") } this.content = ea }, setName: function() { if (arguments.length === 1) { this.name = arguments[0]; this.fullName = arguments[0]; this.namespace = null } else { var ea = arguments[0].indexOf(":"); if (arguments[1] === null || ea < 0) { this.name = arguments[0] } else { this.name = arguments[0].substring(ea + 1) } this.fullName = arguments[0]; this.namespace = arguments[1] } }, getName: function() { return this.fullName }, getLocalName: function() { return this.name }, getAttributeCount: function() { return this.attributes.length }, toString: function() { if (this.type === "TEXT") { return this.content } if (this.type === "CDATA") { return this.cdata } var ec = this.fullName; var ed = "<" + ec; var eb, ee; for (eb = 0; eb < this.attributes.length; eb++) { var ea = this.attributes[eb]; ed += " " + ea.getName() + '="' + ea.getValue() + '"' } if (this.children.length === 0) { if (this.content === "") { ed += "/>" } else { ed += ">" + this.content + "" } } else { ed += ">"; for (ee = 0; ee < this.children.length; ee++) { ed += this.children[ee].toString() } ed += "" } return ed } }; b9.parse = function(eb) { var ea = new b9; ea.parse(eb); return ea }; var dg = cW.XML = cW.XMLElement; cW.loadXML = function(ea) { return new dg(cW, ea) }; var cm = function(ed) { var ea = 0; for (var eb = 0; eb < ed.length; eb++) { if (eb !== 0) { ea = q.max(ea, q.abs(ed[eb])) } else { ea = q.abs(ed[eb]) } } var ec = (ea + "").indexOf("."); if (ec === 0) { ec = 1 } else { if (ec === -1) { ec = (ea + "").length } } return ec }; var aX = cW.PMatrix2D = function() { if (arguments.length === 0) { this.reset() } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aX) { this.set(arguments[0].array()) } else { if (arguments.length === 6) { this.set(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]) } } } }; aX.prototype = { set: function() { if (arguments.length === 6) { var ea = arguments; this.set([ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], ea[3], ea[4], ea[5]]) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aX) { this.elements = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { this.elements = arguments[0].slice() } } } }, get: function() { var ea = new aX; ea.set(this.elements); return ea }, reset: function() { this.set([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) }, array: function aE() { return this.elements.slice() }, translate: function(eb, ea) { this.elements[2] = eb * this.elements[0] + ea * this.elements[1] + this.elements[2]; this.elements[5] = eb * this.elements[3] + ea * this.elements[4] + this.elements[5] }, invTranslate: function(eb, ea) { this.translate(-eb, -ea) }, transpose: function() {}, mult: function(eb, ec) { var ea, ed; if (eb instanceof A) { ea = eb.x; ed = eb.y; if (!ec) { ec = new A } } else { if (eb instanceof Array) { ea = eb[0]; ed = eb[1]; if (!ec) { ec = [] } } } if (ec instanceof Array) { ec[0] = this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ed + this.elements[2]; ec[1] = this.elements[3] * ea + this.elements[4] * ed + this.elements[5] } else { if (ec instanceof A) { ec.x = this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ed + this.elements[2]; ec.y = this.elements[3] * ea + this.elements[4] * ed + this.elements[5]; ec.z = 0 } } return ec }, multX: function(ea, eb) { return ea * this.elements[0] + eb * this.elements[1] + this.elements[2] }, multY: function(ea, eb) { return ea * this.elements[3] + eb * this.elements[4] + this.elements[5] }, skewX: function(ea) { this.apply(1, 0, 1, ea, 0, 0) }, skewY: function(ea) { this.apply(1, 0, 1, 0, ea, 0) }, shearX: function(ea) { this.apply(1, 0, 1, q.tan(ea), 0, 0) }, shearY: function(ea) { this.apply(1, 0, 1, 0, q.tan(ea), 0) }, determinant: function() { return this.elements[0] * this.elements[4] - this.elements[1] * this.elements[3] }, invert: function() { var ef = this.determinant(); if (q.abs(ef) > -2147483648) { var eb = this.elements[0]; var eg = this.elements[1]; var ee = this.elements[2]; var ed = this.elements[3]; var ec = this.elements[4]; var ea = this.elements[5]; this.elements[0] = ec / ef; this.elements[3] = -ed / ef; this.elements[1] = -eg / ef; this.elements[4] = eb / ef; this.elements[2] = (eg * ea - ec * ee) / ef; this.elements[5] = (ed * ee - eb * ea) / ef; return true } return false }, scale: function(eb, ea) { if (eb && !ea) { ea = eb } if (eb && ea) { this.elements[0] *= eb; this.elements[1] *= ea; this.elements[3] *= eb; this.elements[4] *= ea } }, invScale: function(eb, ea) { if (eb && !ea) { ea = eb } this.scale(1 / eb, 1 / ea) }, apply: function() { var ec; if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aX) { ec = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 6) { ec = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { ec = arguments[0] } } } var ea = [0, 0, this.elements[2], 0, 0, this.elements[5]]; var ed = 0; for (var ee = 0; ee < 2; ee++) { for (var eb = 0; eb < 3; eb++, ed++) { ea[ed] += this.elements[ee * 3 + 0] * ec[eb + 0] + this.elements[ee * 3 + 1] * ec[eb + 3] } } this.elements = ea.slice() }, preApply: function() { var eb; if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aX) { eb = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 6) { eb = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { eb = arguments[0] } } } var ea = [0, 0, eb[2], 0, 0, eb[5]]; ea[2] = eb[2] + this.elements[2] * eb[0] + this.elements[5] * eb[1]; ea[5] = eb[5] + this.elements[2] * eb[3] + this.elements[5] * eb[4]; ea[0] = this.elements[0] * eb[0] + this.elements[3] * eb[1]; ea[3] = this.elements[0] * eb[3] + this.elements[3] * eb[4]; ea[1] = this.elements[1] * eb[0] + this.elements[4] * eb[1]; ea[4] = this.elements[1] * eb[3] + this.elements[4] * eb[4]; this.elements = ea.slice() }, rotate: function(ec) { var ee = q.cos(ec); var ea = q.sin(ec); var ed = this.elements[0]; var eb = this.elements[1]; this.elements[0] = ee * ed + ea * eb; this.elements[1] = -ea * ed + ee * eb; ed = this.elements[3]; eb = this.elements[4]; this.elements[3] = ee * ed + ea * eb; this.elements[4] = -ea * ed + ee * eb }, rotateZ: function(ea) { this.rotate(ea) }, invRotateZ: function(ea) { this.rotateZ(ea - q.PI) }, print: function() { var eb = cm(this.elements); var ea = "" + cW.nfs(this.elements[0], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[1], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[2], eb, 4) + "\n" + cW.nfs(this.elements[3], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[4], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[5], eb, 4) + "\n\n"; cW.println(ea) } }; var aP = cW.PMatrix3D = function() { this.reset() }; aP.prototype = { set: function() { if (arguments.length === 16) { this.elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aP) { this.elements = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { this.elements = arguments[0].slice() } } } }, get: function() { var ea = new aP; ea.set(this.elements); return ea }, reset: function() { this.elements = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] }, array: function aE() { return this.elements.slice() }, translate: function(eb, ea, ec) { if (ec === t) { ec = 0 } this.elements[3] += eb * this.elements[0] + ea * this.elements[1] + ec * this.elements[2]; this.elements[7] += eb * this.elements[4] + ea * this.elements[5] + ec * this.elements[6]; this.elements[11] += eb * this.elements[8] + ea * this.elements[9] + ec * this.elements[10]; this.elements[15] += eb * this.elements[12] + ea * this.elements[13] + ec * this.elements[14] }, transpose: function() { var ea = this.elements[4]; this.elements[4] = this.elements[1]; this.elements[1] = ea; ea = this.elements[8]; this.elements[8] = this.elements[2]; this.elements[2] = ea; ea = this.elements[6]; this.elements[6] = this.elements[9]; this.elements[9] = ea; ea = this.elements[3]; this.elements[3] = this.elements[12]; this.elements[12] = ea; ea = this.elements[7]; this.elements[7] = this.elements[13]; this.elements[13] = ea; ea = this.elements[11]; this.elements[11] = this.elements[14]; this.elements[14] = ea }, mult: function(ec, ed) { var ea, ef, ee, eb; if (ec instanceof A) { ea = ec.x; ef = ec.y; ee = ec.z; eb = 1; if (!ed) { ed = new A } } else { if (ec instanceof Array) { ea = ec[0]; ef = ec[1]; ee = ec[2]; eb = ec[3] || 1; if (!ed || ed.length !== 3 && ed.length !== 4) { ed = [0, 0, 0] } } } if (ed instanceof Array) { if (ed.length === 3) { ed[0] = this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ef + this.elements[2] * ee + this.elements[3]; ed[1] = this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ef + this.elements[6] * ee + this.elements[7]; ed[2] = this.elements[8] * ea + this.elements[9] * ef + this.elements[10] * ee + this.elements[11] } else { if (ed.length === 4) { ed[0] = this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ef + this.elements[2] * ee + this.elements[3] * eb; ed[1] = this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ef + this.elements[6] * ee + this.elements[7] * eb; ed[2] = this.elements[8] * ea + this.elements[9] * ef + this.elements[10] * ee + this.elements[11] * eb; ed[3] = this.elements[12] * ea + this.elements[13] * ef + this.elements[14] * ee + this.elements[15] * eb } } } if (ed instanceof A) { ed.x = this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ef + this.elements[2] * ee + this.elements[3]; ed.y = this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ef + this.elements[6] * ee + this.elements[7]; ed.z = this.elements[8] * ea + this.elements[9] * ef + this.elements[10] * ee + this.elements[11] } return ed }, preApply: function() { var ec; if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aP) { ec = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 16) { ec = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { ec = arguments[0] } } } var ea = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var ed = 0; for (var ee = 0; ee < 4; ee++) { for (var eb = 0; eb < 4; eb++, ed++) { ea[ed] += this.elements[eb + 0] * ec[ee * 4 + 0] + this.elements[eb + 4] * ec[ee * 4 + 1] + this.elements[eb + 8] * ec[ee * 4 + 2] + this.elements[eb + 12] * ec[ee * 4 + 3] } } this.elements = ea.slice() }, apply: function() { var ec; if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof aP) { ec = arguments[0].array() } else { if (arguments.length === 16) { ec = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) } else { if (arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof Array) { ec = arguments[0] } } } var ea = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var ed = 0; for (var ee = 0; ee < 4; ee++) { for (var eb = 0; eb < 4; eb++, ed++) { ea[ed] += this.elements[ee * 4 + 0] * ec[eb + 0] + this.elements[ee * 4 + 1] * ec[eb + 4] + this.elements[ee * 4 + 2] * ec[eb + 8] + this.elements[ee * 4 + 3] * ec[eb + 12] } } this.elements = ea.slice() }, rotate: function(ee, ea, eg, ed) { if (!eg) { this.rotateZ(ee) } else { var ef = cW.cos(ee); var ec = cW.sin(ee); var eb = 1 - ef; this.apply(eb * ea * ea + ef, eb * ea * eg - ec * ed, eb * ea * ed + ec * eg, 0, eb * ea * eg + ec * ed, eb * eg * eg + ef, eb * eg * ed - ec * ea, 0, eb * ea * ed - ec * eg, eb * eg * ed + ec * ea, eb * ed * ed + ef, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) } }, invApply: function() { if (ab === t) { ab = new aP } var ea = arguments; ab.set(ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], ea[3], ea[4], ea[5], ea[6], ea[7], ea[8], ea[9], ea[10], ea[11], ea[12], ea[13], ea[14], ea[15]); if (!ab.invert()) { return false } this.preApply(ab); return true }, rotateX: function(eb) { var ec = cW.cos(eb); var ea = cW.sin(eb); this.apply([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ec, -ea, 0, 0, ea, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, rotateY: function(eb) { var ec = cW.cos(eb); var ea = cW.sin(eb); this.apply([ec, 0, ea, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -ea, 0, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, rotateZ: function(eb) { var ec = q.cos(eb); var ea = q.sin(eb); this.apply([ec, -ea, 0, 0, ea, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, scale: function(ec, eb, ea) { if (ec && !eb && !ea) { eb = ea = ec } else { if (ec && eb && !ea) { ea = 1 } } if (ec && eb && ea) { this.elements[0] *= ec; this.elements[1] *= eb; this.elements[2] *= ea; this.elements[4] *= ec; this.elements[5] *= eb; this.elements[6] *= ea; this.elements[8] *= ec; this.elements[9] *= eb; this.elements[10] *= ea; this.elements[12] *= ec; this.elements[13] *= eb; this.elements[14] *= ea } }, skewX: function(eb) { var ea = q.tan(eb); this.apply(1, ea, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) }, skewY: function(eb) { var ea = q.tan(eb); this.apply(1, 0, 0, 0, ea, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) }, shearX: function(eb) { var ea = q.tan(eb); this.apply(1, ea, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) }, shearY: function(eb) { var ea = q.tan(eb); this.apply(1, 0, 0, 0, ea, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) }, multX: function(ea, ed, ec, eb) { if (!ec) { return this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ed + this.elements[3] } if (!eb) { return this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ed + this.elements[2] * ec + this.elements[3] } return this.elements[0] * ea + this.elements[1] * ed + this.elements[2] * ec + this.elements[3] * eb }, multY: function(ea, ed, ec, eb) { if (!ec) { return this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ed + this.elements[7] } if (!eb) { return this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ed + this.elements[6] * ec + this.elements[7] } return this.elements[4] * ea + this.elements[5] * ed + this.elements[6] * ec + this.elements[7] * eb }, multZ: function(ea, ed, ec, eb) { if (!eb) { return this.elements[8] * ea + this.elements[9] * ed + this.elements[10] * ec + this.elements[11] } return this.elements[8] * ea + this.elements[9] * ed + this.elements[10] * ec + this.elements[11] * eb }, multW: function(ea, ed, ec, eb) { if (!eb) { return this.elements[12] * ea + this.elements[13] * ed + this.elements[14] * ec + this.elements[15] } return this.elements[12] * ea + this.elements[13] * ed + this.elements[14] * ec + this.elements[15] * eb }, invert: function() { var ej = this.elements[0] * this.elements[5] - this.elements[1] * this.elements[4]; var ei = this.elements[0] * this.elements[6] - this.elements[2] * this.elements[4]; var eh = this.elements[0] * this.elements[7] - this.elements[3] * this.elements[4]; var eg = this.elements[1] * this.elements[6] - this.elements[2] * this.elements[5]; var ef = this.elements[1] * this.elements[7] - this.elements[3] * this.elements[5]; var ee = this.elements[2] * this.elements[7] - this.elements[3] * this.elements[6]; var ed = this.elements[8] * this.elements[13] - this.elements[9] * this.elements[12]; var ec = this.elements[8] * this.elements[14] - this.elements[10] * this.elements[12]; var eb = this.elements[8] * this.elements[15] - this.elements[11] * this.elements[12]; var eo = this.elements[9] * this.elements[14] - this.elements[10] * this.elements[13]; var em = this.elements[9] * this.elements[15] - this.elements[11] * this.elements[13]; var el = this.elements[10] * this.elements[15] - this.elements[11] * this.elements[14]; var en = ej * el - ei * em + eh * eo + eg * eb - ef * ec + ee * ed; if (q.abs(en) <= 1e-9) { return false } var ek = []; ek[0] = +this.elements[5] * el - this.elements[6] * em + this.elements[7] * eo; ek[4] = -this.elements[4] * el + this.elements[6] * eb - this.elements[7] * ec; ek[8] = +this.elements[4] * em - this.elements[5] * eb + this.elements[7] * ed; ek[12] = -this.elements[4] * eo + this.elements[5] * ec - this.elements[6] * ed; ek[1] = -this.elements[1] * el + this.elements[2] * em - this.elements[3] * eo; ek[5] = +this.elements[0] * el - this.elements[2] * eb + this.elements[3] * ec; ek[9] = -this.elements[0] * em + this.elements[1] * eb - this.elements[3] * ed; ek[13] = +this.elements[0] * eo - this.elements[1] * ec + this.elements[2] * ed; ek[2] = +this.elements[13] * ee - this.elements[14] * ef + this.elements[15] * eg; ek[6] = -this.elements[12] * ee + this.elements[14] * eh - this.elements[15] * ei; ek[10] = +this.elements[12] * ef - this.elements[13] * eh + this.elements[15] * ej; ek[14] = -this.elements[12] * eg + this.elements[13] * ei - this.elements[14] * ej; ek[3] = -this.elements[9] * ee + this.elements[10] * ef - this.elements[11] * eg; ek[7] = +this.elements[8] * ee - this.elements[10] * eh + this.elements[11] * ei; ek[11] = -this.elements[8] * ef + this.elements[9] * eh - this.elements[11] * ej; ek[15] = +this.elements[8] * eg - this.elements[9] * ei + this.elements[10] * ej; var ea = 1 / en; ek[0] *= ea; ek[1] *= ea; ek[2] *= ea; ek[3] *= ea; ek[4] *= ea; ek[5] *= ea; ek[6] *= ea; ek[7] *= ea; ek[8] *= ea; ek[9] *= ea; ek[10] *= ea; ek[11] *= ea; ek[12] *= ea; ek[13] *= ea; ek[14] *= ea; ek[15] *= ea; this.elements = ek.slice(); return true }, toString: function() { var eb = ""; for (var ea = 0; ea < 15; ea++) { eb += this.elements[ea] + ", " } eb += this.elements[15]; return eb }, print: function() { var eb = cm(this.elements); var ea = "" + cW.nfs(this.elements[0], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[1], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[2], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[3], eb, 4) + "\n" + cW.nfs(this.elements[4], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[5], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[6], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[7], eb, 4) + "\n" + cW.nfs(this.elements[8], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[9], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[10], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[11], eb, 4) + "\n" + cW.nfs(this.elements[12], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[13], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[14], eb, 4) + " " + cW.nfs(this.elements[15], eb, 4) + "\n\n"; cW.println(ea) }, invTranslate: function(eb, ea, ec) { this.preApply(1, 0, 0, -eb, 0, 1, 0, -ea, 0, 0, 1, -ec, 0, 0, 0, 1) }, invRotateX: function(eb) { var ec = q.cos(-eb); var ea = q.sin(-eb); this.preApply([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ec, -ea, 0, 0, ea, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, invRotateY: function(eb) { var ec = q.cos(-eb); var ea = q.sin(-eb); this.preApply([ec, 0, ea, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -ea, 0, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, invRotateZ: function(eb) { var ec = q.cos(-eb); var ea = q.sin(-eb); this.preApply([ec, -ea, 0, 0, ea, ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) }, invScale: function(ea, ec, eb) { this.preApply([1 / ea, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 / ec, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 / eb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) } }; var V = cW.PMatrixStack = function() { this.matrixStack = [] }; V.prototype.load = function() { var ea = dY.$newPMatrix(); if (arguments.length === 1) { ea.set(arguments[0]) } else { ea.set(arguments) } this.matrixStack.push(ea) }; bR.prototype.$newPMatrix = function() { return new aX }; bB.prototype.$newPMatrix = function() { return new aP }; V.prototype.push = function() { this.matrixStack.push(this.peek()) }; V.prototype.pop = function() { return this.matrixStack.pop() }; V.prototype.peek = function() { var ea = dY.$newPMatrix(); ea.set(this.matrixStack[this.matrixStack.length - 1]); return ea }; V.prototype.mult = function(ea) { this.matrixStack[this.matrixStack.length - 1].apply(ea) }; cW.split = function(eb, ea) { return eb.split(ea) }; cW.splitTokens = function(eg, ef) { if (ef === t) { return eg.split(/\s+/g) } var ed = ef.split(/()/g), eb = "", ea = eg.length, ec, eh, ee = []; for (ec = 0; ec < ea; ec++) { eh = eg[ec]; if (ed.indexOf(eh) > -1) { if (eb !== "") { ee.push(eb) } eb = "" } else { eb += eh } } if (eb !== "") { ee.push(eb) } return ee }; cW.append = function(eb, ea) { eb[eb.length] = ea; return eb }; cW.concat = function(eb, ea) { return eb.concat(ea) }; cW.sort = function(ef, ed) { var eb = []; if (ef.length > 0) { var ee = ed > 0 ? ed : ef.length; for (var ec = 0; ec < ee; ec++) { eb.push(ef[ec]) } if (typeof ef[0] === "string") { eb.sort() } else { eb.sort(function(eh, eg) { return eh - eg }) } if (ed > 0) { for (var ea = eb.length; ea < ef.length; ea++) { eb.push(ef[ea]) } } } return eb }; cW.splice = function(ee, ed, eb) { if (ed.length === 0) { return ee } if (ed instanceof Array) { for (var ec = 0, ea = eb; ec < ed.length; ea++, ec++) { ee.splice(ea, 0, ed[ec]) } } else { ee.splice(eb, 0, ed) } return ee }; cW.subset = function(ed, ec, eb) { var ea = eb !== t ? ec + eb : ed.length; return ed.slice(ec, ea) }; cW.join = function(eb, ea) { return eb.join(ea) }; cW.shorten = function(ed) { var eb = []; var ea = ed.length; for (var ec = 0; ec < ea; ec++) { eb[ec] = ed[ec] } eb.pop(); return eb }; cW.expand = function(ec, ed) { var eb = ec.slice(0), ea = ed || ec.length * 2; eb.length = ea; return eb }; cW.arrayCopy = function() { var eg, ee = 0, ec, eb = 0, ef; if (arguments.length === 2) { eg = arguments[0]; ec = arguments[1]; ef = eg.length } else { if (arguments.length === 3) { eg = arguments[0]; ec = arguments[1]; ef = arguments[2] } else { if (arguments.length === 5) { eg = arguments[0]; ee = arguments[1]; ec = arguments[2]; eb = arguments[3]; ef = arguments[4] } } } for (var ed = ee, ea = eb; ed < ef + ee; ed++, ea++) { if (ec[ea] !== t) { ec[ea] = eg[ed] } else { throw "array index out of bounds exception" } } }; cW.reverse = function(ea) { return ea.reverse() }; cW.mix = function(eb, ea, ec) { return eb + ((ea - eb) * ec >> 8) }; cW.peg = function(ea) { return ea < 0 ? 0 : ea > 255 ? 255 : ea }; cW.modes = function() { var ef = 4278190080, ec = 16711680, eb = 65280, ee = 255, ed = q.min, ea = q.max; function eg(el, eo, ek, et, ev, eu, em, eq, ep, ei, ej) { var es = ed(((el & 4278190080) >>> 24) + eo, 255) << 24; var eh = ek + ((ep - ek) * eo >> 8); eh = (eh < 0 ? 0 : eh > 255 ? 255 : eh) << 16; var en = et + ((ei - et) * eo >> 8); en = (en < 0 ? 0 : en > 255 ? 255 : en) << 8; var er = ev + ((ej - ev) * eo >> 8); er = er < 0 ? 0 : er > 255 ? 255 : er; return es | eh | en | er } return { replace: function(ei, eh) { return eh }, blend: function(ej, ei) { var el = (ei & ef) >>> 24, eh = ej & ec, en = ej & eb, ep = ej & ee, eo = ei & ec, ek = ei & eb, em = ei & ee; return ed(((ej & ef) >>> 24) + el, 255) << 24 | eh + ((eo - eh) * el >> 8) & ec | en + ((ek - en) * el >> 8) & eb | ep + ((em - ep) * el >> 8) & ee }, add: function(ei, eh) { var ej = (eh & ef) >>> 24; return ed(((ei & ef) >>> 24) + ej, 255) << 24 | ed((ei & ec) + ((eh & ec) >> 8) * ej, ec) & ec | ed((ei & eb) + ((eh & eb) >> 8) * ej, eb) & eb | ed((ei & ee) + ((eh & ee) * ej >> 8), ee) }, subtract: function(ei, eh) { var ej = (eh & ef) >>> 24; return ed(((ei & ef) >>> 24) + ej, 255) << 24 | ea((ei & ec) - ((eh & ec) >> 8) * ej, eb) & ec | ea((ei & eb) - ((eh & eb) >> 8) * ej, ee) & eb | ea((ei & ee) - ((eh & ee) * ej >> 8), 0) }, lightest: function(ei, eh) { var ej = (eh & ef) >>> 24; return ed(((ei & ef) >>> 24) + ej, 255) << 24 | ea(ei & ec, ((eh & ec) >> 8) * ej) & ec | ea(ei & eb, ((eh & eb) >> 8) * ej) & eb | ea(ei & ee, (eh & ee) * ej >> 8) }, darkest: function(ej, ei) { var el = (ei & ef) >>> 24, eh = ej & ec, en = ej & eb, ep = ej & ee, eo = ed(ej & ec, ((ei & ec) >> 8) * el), ek = ed(ej & eb, ((ei & eb) >> 8) * el), em = ed(ej & ee, (ei & ee) * el >> 8); return ed(((ej & ef) >>> 24) + el, 255) << 24 | eh + ((eo - eh) * el >> 8) & ec | en + ((ek - en) * el >> 8) & eb | ep + ((em - ep) * el >> 8) & ee }, difference: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = ej > er ? ej - er : er - ej, eh = eq > em ? eq - em : em - eq, ei = es > ep ? es - ep : ep - es; return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, exclusion: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = ej + er - (ej * er >> 7), eh = eq + em - (eq * em >> 7), ei = es + ep - (es * ep >> 7); return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, multiply: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = ej * er >> 8, eh = eq * em >> 8, ei = es * ep >> 8; return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, screen: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = 255 - ((255 - ej) * (255 - er) >> 8), eh = 255 - ((255 - eq) * (255 - em) >> 8), ei = 255 - ((255 - es) * (255 - ep) >> 8); return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, hard_light: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = er < 128 ? ej * er >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - ej) * (255 - er) >> 7), eh = em < 128 ? eq * em >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - eq) * (255 - em) >> 7), ei = ep < 128 ? es * ep >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - es) * (255 - ep) >> 7); return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, soft_light: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = (ej * er >> 7) + (ej * ej >> 8) - (ej * ej * er >> 15), eh = (eq * em >> 7) + (eq * eq >> 8) - (eq * eq * em >> 15), ei = (es * ep >> 7) + (es * es >> 8) - (es * es * ep >> 15); return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, overlay: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee, eo = ej < 128 ? ej * er >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - ej) * (255 - er) >> 7), eh = eq < 128 ? eq * em >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - eq) * (255 - em) >> 7), ei = es < 128 ? es * ep >> 7 : 255 - ((255 - es) * (255 - ep) >> 7); return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, dodge: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee; var eo = 255; if (er !== 255) { eo = (ej << 8) / (255 - er); eo = eo < 0 ? 0 : eo > 255 ? 255 : eo } var eh = 255; if (em !== 255) { eh = (eq << 8) / (255 - em); eh = eh < 0 ? 0 : eh > 255 ? 255 : eh } var ei = 255; if (ep !== 255) { ei = (es << 8) / (255 - ep); ei = ei < 0 ? 0 : ei > 255 ? 255 : ei } return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) }, burn: function(el, ek) { var en = (ek & ef) >>> 24, ej = (el & ec) >> 16, eq = (el & eb) >> 8, es = el & ee, er = (ek & ec) >> 16, em = (ek & eb) >> 8, ep = ek & ee; var eo = 0; if (er !== 0) { eo = (255 - ej << 8) / er; eo = 255 - (eo < 0 ? 0 : eo > 255 ? 255 : eo) } var eh = 0; if (em !== 0) { eh = (255 - eq << 8) / em; eh = 255 - (eh < 0 ? 0 : eh > 255 ? 255 : eh) } var ei = 0; if (ep !== 0) { ei = (255 - es << 8) / ep; ei = 255 - (ei < 0 ? 0 : ei > 255 ? 255 : ei) } return eg(el, en, ej, eq, es, er, em, ep, eo, eh, ei) } } }(); function dH(ef, ee, ec, eb) { var ea, ed, eh, ei; if (cY === 3) { var eg = cW.color.toRGB(ef, ee, ec); ea = eg[0]; ed = eg[1]; eh = eg[2] } else { ea = q.round(255 * (ef / bJ)); ed = q.round(255 * (ee / bI)); eh = q.round(255 * (ec / bG)) } ei = q.round(255 * (eb / bU)); ea = ea < 0 ? 0 : ea; ed = ed < 0 ? 0 : ed; eh = eh < 0 ? 0 : eh; ei = ei < 0 ? 0 : ei; ea = ea > 255 ? 255 : ea; ed = ed > 255 ? 255 : ed; eh = eh > 255 ? 255 : eh; ei = ei > 255 ? 255 : ei; return ei << 24 & 4278190080 | ea << 16 & 16711680 | ed << 8 & 65280 | eh & 255 } function dK(ea, ec) { var eb; if (ea & 4278190080) { eb = q.round(255 * (ec / bU)); eb = eb > 255 ? 255 : eb; eb = eb < 0 ? 0 : eb; return ea - (ea & 4278190080) + (eb << 24 & 4278190080) } if (cY === 1) { return dH(ea, ea, ea, ec) } if (cY === 3) { return dH(0, 0, ea / bJ * bG, ec) } } function dM(ea) { if (ea <= bJ && ea >= 0) { if (cY === 1) { return dH(ea, ea, ea, bU) } if (cY === 3) { return dH(0, 0, ea / bJ * bG, bU) } } if (ea) { if (ea > 2147483647) { ea -= 4294967296 } return ea } } cW.color = function(ea, ed, ec, eb) { if (ea !== t && ed !== t && ec !== t && eb !== t) { return dH(ea, ed, ec, eb) } if (ea !== t && ed !== t && ec !== t) { return dH(ea, ed, ec, bU) } if (ea !== t && ed !== t) { return dK(ea, ed) } if (typeof ea === "number") { return dM(ea) } return dH(bJ, bI, bG, bU) }; cW.color.toString = function(ea) { return "rgba(" + ((ea >> 16) & 255) + "," + ((ea >> 8) & 255) + "," + (ea & 255) + "," + ((ea >> 24) & 255) / 255 + ")" }; cW.color.toInt = function(ed, ec, ea, eb) { return eb << 24 & 4278190080 | ed << 16 & 16711680 | ec << 8 & 65280 | ea & 255 }; cW.color.toArray = function(ea) { return [(ea >> 16) & 255, (ea >> 8) & 255, ea & 255, (ea >> 24) & 255] }; cW.color.toGLArray = function(ea) { return [((ea & 16711680) >>> 16) / 255, ((ea >> 8) & 255) / 255, (ea & 255) / 255, ((ea >> 24) & 255) / 255] }; cW.color.toRGB = function(ec, ei, ef) { ec = ec > bJ ? bJ : ec; ei = ei > bI ? bI : ei; ef = ef > bG ? bG : ef; ec = ec / bJ * 360; ei = ei / bI * 100; ef = ef / bG * 100; var eh = q.round(ef / 100 * 255); if (ei === 0) { return [eh, eh, eh] } var ed = ec % 360; var ee = ed % 60; var eb = q.round(ef * (100 - ei) / 10000 * 255); var ea = q.round(ef * (6000 - ei * ee) / 600000 * 255); var eg = q.round(ef * (6000 - ei * (60 - ee)) / 600000 * 255); switch (q.floor(ed / 60)) { case 0: return [eh, eg, eb]; case 1: return [ea, eh, eb]; case 2: return [eb, eh, eg]; case 3: return [eb, ea, eh]; case 4: return [eg, eb, eh]; case 5: return [eh, eb, ea] } }; function aS(eh) { var eg, ef, eb; eg = ((eh >> 16) & 255) / 255; ef = ((eh >> 8) & 255) / 255; eb = (eh & 255) / 255; var ea = cW.max(cW.max(eg, ef), eb), ed = cW.min(cW.min(eg, ef), eb), ec, ee; if (ed === ea) { return [0, 0, ea * bG] } ee = (ea - ed) / ea; if (eg === ea) { ec = (ef - eb) / (ea - ed) } else { if (ef === ea) { ec = 2 + (eb - eg) / (ea - ed) } else { ec = 4 + (eg - ef) / (ea - ed) } } ec /= 6; if (ec < 0) { ec += 1 } else { if (ec > 1) { ec -= 1 } } return [ec * bJ, ee * bI, ea * bG] } cW.brightness = function(ea) { return aS(ea)[2] }; cW.saturation = function(ea) { return aS(ea)[1] }; cW.hue = function(ea) { return aS(ea)[0] }; cW.red = function(ea) { return ((ea >> 16) & 255) / 255 * bJ }; cW.green = function(ea) { return ((ea & 65280) >>> 8) / 255 * bI }; cW.blue = function(ea) { return (ea & 255) / 255 * bG }; cW.alpha = function(ea) { return ((ea >> 24) & 255) / 255 * bU }; cW.lerpColor = function(em, el, ef) { var ek, eq, er, es, eo, ea, eg, eu, en, ev, ee, et; var ei, eh, eb, ep, ej; var ed = cW.color(em); var ec = cW.color(el); if (cY === 3) { ei = aS(ed); eu = ((ed >> 24) & 255) / bU; eh = aS(ec); et = ((ec & 4278190080) >>> 24) / bU; ep = cW.lerp(ei[0], eh[0], ef); ej = cW.lerp(ei[1], eh[1], ef); er = cW.lerp(ei[2], eh[2], ef); eb = cW.color.toRGB(ep, ej, er); es = cW.lerp(eu, et, ef) * bU; return es << 24 & 4278190080 | (eb[0] & 255) << 16 | (eb[1] & 255) << 8 | eb[2] & 255 } eo = (ed >> 16) & 255; ea = (ed >> 8) & 255; eg = ed & 255; eu = ((ed >> 24) & 255) / bU; en = (ec & 16711680) >>> 16; ev = (ec >> 8) & 255; ee = ec & 255; et = ((ec >> 24) & 255) / bU; ek = cW.lerp(eo, en, ef) | 0; eq = cW.lerp(ea, ev, ef) | 0; er = cW.lerp(eg, ee, ef) | 0; es = cW.lerp(eu, et, ef) * bU; return es << 24 & 4278190080 | ek << 16 & 16711680 | eq << 8 & 65280 | er & 255 }; cW.colorMode = function() { cY = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length > 1) { bJ = arguments[1]; bI = arguments[2] || arguments[1]; bG = arguments[3] || arguments[1]; bU = arguments[4] || arguments[1] } }; cW.blendColor = function(eb, ea, ec) { if (ec === 0) { return cW.modes.replace(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 1) { return cW.modes.blend(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 2) { return cW.modes.add(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 4) { return cW.modes.subtract(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 8) { return cW.modes.lightest(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 16) { return cW.modes.darkest(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 32) { return cW.modes.difference(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 64) { return cW.modes.exclusion(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 128) { return cW.modes.multiply(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 256) { return cW.modes.screen(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 1024) { return cW.modes.hard_light(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 2048) { return cW.modes.soft_light(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 512) { return cW.modes.overlay(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 4096) { return cW.modes.dodge(eb, ea) } else { if (ec === 8192) { return cW.modes.burn(eb, ea) } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }; function aD() { d8.save() } function cP() { d8.restore(); b3 = true; aq = true } cW.printMatrix = function() { dJ.print() }; bR.prototype.translate = function(ea, eb) { dJ.translate(ea, eb); aT.invTranslate(ea, eb); d8.translate(ea, eb) }; bB.prototype.translate = function(ea, ec, eb) { dJ.translate(ea, ec, eb); aT.invTranslate(ea, ec, eb) }; bR.prototype.scale = function(ea, eb) { dJ.scale(ea, eb); aT.invScale(ea, eb); d8.scale(ea, eb || ea) }; bB.prototype.scale = function(ea, ec, eb) { dJ.scale(ea, ec, eb); aT.invScale(ea, ec, eb) }; bR.prototype.transform = function(eb) { var ea = eb.array(); d8.transform(ea[0], ea[3], ea[1], ea[4], ea[2], ea[5]) }; bB.prototype.transformm = function(ea) { throw "p.transform is currently not supported in 3D mode" }; bR.prototype.pushMatrix = function() { am.load(dJ); da.load(aT); aD() }; bB.prototype.pushMatrix = function() { am.load(dJ); da.load(aT) }; bR.prototype.popMatrix = function() { dJ.set(am.pop()); aT.set(da.pop()); cP() }; bB.prototype.popMatrix = function() { dJ.set(am.pop()); aT.set(da.pop()) }; bR.prototype.resetMatrix = function() { dJ.reset(); aT.reset(); d8.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) }; bB.prototype.resetMatrix = function() { dJ.reset(); aT.reset() }; ds.prototype.applyMatrix = function() { var ea = arguments; dJ.apply(ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], ea[3], ea[4], ea[5], ea[6], ea[7], ea[8], ea[9], ea[10], ea[11], ea[12], ea[13], ea[14], ea[15]); aT.invApply(ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], ea[3], ea[4], ea[5], ea[6], ea[7], ea[8], ea[9], ea[10], ea[11], ea[12], ea[13], ea[14], ea[15]) }; bR.prototype.applyMatrix = function() { var ea = arguments; for (var eb = ea.length; eb < 16; eb++) { ea[eb] = 0 } ea[10] = ea[15] = 1; ds.prototype.applyMatrix.apply(this, ea) }; cW.rotateX = function(ea) { dJ.rotateX(ea); aT.invRotateX(ea) }; bR.prototype.rotateZ = function() { throw "rotateZ() is not supported in 2D mode. Use rotate(float) instead." }; bB.prototype.rotateZ = function(ea) { dJ.rotateZ(ea); aT.invRotateZ(ea) }; cW.rotateY = function(ea) { dJ.rotateY(ea); aT.invRotateY(ea) }; bR.prototype.rotate = function(ea) { dJ.rotateZ(ea); aT.invRotateZ(ea); d8.rotate(ea) }; bB.prototype.rotate = function(ea) { cW.rotateZ(ea) }; bR.prototype.shearX = function(ea) { dJ.shearX(ea); d8.transform(1, 0, ea, 1, 0, 0) }; bB.prototype.shearX = function(ea) { dJ.shearX(ea) }; bR.prototype.shearY = function(ea) { dJ.shearY(ea); d8.transform(1, ea, 0, 1, 0, 0) }; bB.prototype.shearY = function(ea) { dJ.shearY(ea) }; cW.pushStyle = function() { aD(); cW.pushMatrix(); var ea = { doFill: aH, currentFillColor: a1, doStroke: ce, currentStrokeColor: cv, curTint: bf, curRectMode: bK, curColorMode: cY, colorModeX: bJ, colorModeZ: bG, colorModeY: bI, colorModeA: bU, curTextFont: W, horizontalTextAlignment: N, verticalTextAlignment: c1, textMode: cI, curFontName: Y, curTextSize: d0, curTextAscent: a3, curTextDescent: dA, curTextLeading: d7 }; bm.push(ea) }; cW.popStyle = function() { var ea = bm.pop(); if (ea) { cP(); cW.popMatrix(); aH = ea.doFill; a1 = ea.currentFillColor; ce = ea.doStroke; cv = ea.currentStrokeColor; bf = ea.curTint; bK = ea.curRectMode; cY = ea.curColorMode; bJ = ea.colorModeX; bG = ea.colorModeZ; bI = ea.colorModeY; bU = ea.colorModeA; W = ea.curTextFont; Y = ea.curFontName; d0 = ea.curTextSize; N = ea.horizontalTextAlignment; c1 = ea.verticalTextAlignment; cI = ea.textMode; a3 = ea.curTextAscent; dA = ea.curTextDescent; d7 = ea.curTextLeading } else { throw "Too many popStyle() without enough pushStyle()" } }; cW.year = function() { return (new Date).getFullYear() }; cW.month = function() { return (new Date).getMonth() + 1 }; cW.day = function() { return (new Date).getDate() }; cW.hour = function() { return (new Date).getHours() }; cW.minute = function() { return (new Date).getMinutes() }; cW.second = function() { return (new Date).getSeconds() }; cW.millis = function() { return Date.now() - dq }; function ct() { var ea = (Date.now() - dt) / 1000; P++; var eb = P / ea; if (ea > 0.5) { dt = Date.now(); P = 0; cW.__frameRate = eb } cW.frameCount++ } bR.prototype.redraw = function() { ct(); d8.lineWidth = dW; var ea = cW.pmouseX, eb = cW.pmouseY; cW.pmouseX = dN; cW.pmouseY = d5; aD(); cW.draw(); cP(); dN = cW.mouseX; d5 = cW.mouseY; cW.pmouseX = ea; cW.pmouseY = eb }; bB.prototype.redraw = function() { ct(); var ea = cW.pmouseX, eb = cW.pmouseY; cW.pmouseX = dN; cW.pmouseY = d5; d8.clear(d8.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); dC = { attributes: {}, locations: {} }; cW.noLights(); cW.lightFalloff(1, 0, 0); cW.shininess(1); cW.ambient(255, 255, 255); cW.specular(0, 0, 0); cW.emissive(0, 0, 0); cW.camera(); cW.draw(); dN = cW.mouseX; d5 = cW.mouseY; cW.pmouseX = ea; cW.pmouseY = eb }; cW.noLoop = function() { aC = false; ax = false; clearInterval(b4); cQ.onPause() }; cW.loop = function() { if (ax) { return } dt = Date.now(); P = 0; b4 = D.setInterval(function() { try { cQ.onFrameStart(); cW.redraw(); cQ.onFrameEnd() } catch (ea) { D.clearInterval(b4); throw ea } }, az); aC = true; ax = true; cQ.onLoop() }; cW.frameRate = function(ea) { dU = ea; az = 1000 / dU; if (aC) { cW.noLoop(); cW.loop() } }; var au = []; function bO(ec, eb, ea) { if (ec.addEventListener) { ec.addEventListener(eb, ea, false) } else { ec.attachEvent("on" + eb, ea) } au.push({ elem: ec, type: eb, fn: ea }) } function de(ea) { var ed = ea.elem, ec = ea.type, eb = ea.fn; if (ed.removeEventListener) { ed.removeEventListener(ec, eb, false) } else { if (ed.detachEvent) { ed.detachEvent("on" + ec, eb) } } } cW.exit = function() { D.clearInterval(b4); L(cW.externals.canvas.id); delete ae.onmousedown; for (var eb in F.lib) { if (F.lib.hasOwnProperty(eb)) { if (F.lib[eb].hasOwnProperty("detach")) { F.lib[eb].detach(cW) } } } var ea = au.length; while (ea--) { de(au[ea]) } cQ.onExit() }; cW.cursor = function() { if (arguments.length > 1 || arguments.length === 1 && arguments[0] instanceof cW.PImage) { var ed = arguments[0], ea, ef; if (arguments.length >= 3) { ea = arguments[1]; ef = arguments[2]; if (ea < 0 || ef < 0 || ef >= ed.height || ea >= ed.width) { throw "x and y must be non-negative and less than the dimensions of the image" } } else { ea = ed.width >>> 1; ef = ed.height >>> 1 } var eb = ed.toDataURL(); var ec = 'url("' + eb + '") ' + ea + " " + ef + ", default"; Z = ae.style.cursor = ec } else { if (arguments.length === 1) { var ee = arguments[0]; Z = ae.style.cursor = ee } else { Z = ae.style.cursor = ck } } }; cW.noCursor = function() { Z = ae.style.cursor = B.NOCURSOR }; cW.link = function(ea, eb) { if (eb !== t) { D.open(ea, eb) } else { D.location = ea } }; cW.beginDraw = G; cW.endDraw = G; bR.prototype.toImageData = function(ea, ed, eb, ec) { ea = ea !== t ? ea : 0; ed = ed !== t ? ed : 0; eb = eb !== t ? eb : cW.width; ec = ec !== t ? ec : cW.height; return d8.getImageData(ea, ed, eb, ec) }; bB.prototype.toImageData = function(ei, eh, ej, ee) { ei = ei !== t ? ei : 0; eh = eh !== t ? eh : 0; ej = ej !== t ? ej : cW.width; ee = ee !== t ? ee : cW.height; var eg = d.createElement("canvas"), ek = eg.getContext("2d"), ed = ek.createImageData(ej, ee), eb = new b(ej * ee * 4); d8.readPixels(ei, eh, ej, ee, d8.RGBA, d8.UNSIGNED_BYTE, eb); for (var ec = 0, ef = eb.length, ea = ed.data; ec < ef; ec++) { ea[ec] = eb[(ee - 1 - q.floor(ec / 4 / ej)) * ej * 4 + ec % (ej * 4)] } return ed }; cW.status = function(ea) { D.status = ea }; cW.binary = function(eb, ec) { var ed; if (ec > 0) { ed = ec } else { if (eb instanceof bP) { ed = 16; eb |= 0 } else { ed = 32; while (ed > 1 && !(eb >>> ed - 1 & 1)) { ed-- } } } var ea = ""; while (ed > 0) { ea += eb >>> --ed & 1 ? "1" : "0" } return ea }; cW.unbinary = function(eb) { var ed = eb.length - 1, ec = 1, ea = 0; while (ed >= 0) { var ee = eb[ed--]; if (ee !== "0" && ee !== "1") { throw "the value passed into unbinary was not an 8 bit binary number" } if (ee === "1") { ea += ec } ec <<= 1 } return ea }; function cX(em, ek, ee, ep, eg, en) { var ec = em < 0 ? ee : ek; var eb = eg === 0; var el = eg === t || eg < 0 ? 0 : eg; var ej = q.abs(em); if (eb) { el = 1; ej *= 10; while (q.abs(q.round(ej) - ej) > 0.000001 && el < 7) { ++el; ej *= 10 } } else { if (el !== 0) { ej *= q.pow(10, el) } } var ed, ei = ej * 2; if (q.floor(ej) === ej) { ed = ej } else { if (q.floor(ei) === ei) { var ea = q.floor(ej); ed = ea + ea % 2 } else { ed = q.round(ej) } } var ef = ""; var eo = ep + el; while (eo > 0 || ed > 0) { eo--; ef = "" + ed % 10 + ef; ed = q.floor(ed / 10) } if (en !== t) { var eh = ef.length - 3 - el; while (eh > 0) { ef = ef.substring(0, eh) + en + ef.substring(eh); eh -= 3 } } if (el > 0) { return ec + ef.substring(0, ef.length - el) + "." + ef.substring(ef.length - el, ef.length) } return ec + ef } function ao(eg, ef, ea, ei, eb, eh) { if (eg instanceof Array) { var ed = []; for (var ec = 0, ee = eg.length; ec < ee; ec++) { ed.push(cX(eg[ec], ef, ea, ei, eb, eh)) } return ed } return cX(eg, ef, ea, ei, eb, eh) } cW.nf = function(ec, ea, eb) { return ao(ec, "", "-", ea, eb) }; cW.nfs = function(ec, ea, eb) { return ao(ec, " ", "-", ea, eb) }; cW.nfp = function(ec, ea, eb) { return ao(ec, "+", "-", ea, eb) }; cW.nfc = function(ec, ea, eb) { return ao(ec, "", "-", ea, eb, ",") }; var aM = function(ec, eb) { eb = eb === t || eb === null ? eb = 8 : eb; if (ec < 0) { ec = 4294967295 + ec + 1 } var ea = Number(ec).toString(16).toUpperCase(); while (ea.length < eb) { ea = "0" + ea } if (ea.length >= eb) { ea = ea.substring(ea.length - eb, ea.length) } return ea }; cW.hex = function(eb, ea) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (eb instanceof bP) { ea = 4 } else { ea = 8 } } return aM(eb, ea) }; function dF(ea) { var eb = parseInt("0x" + ea, 16); if (eb > 2147483647) { eb -= 4294967296 } return eb } cW.unhex = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(dF(ec[eb])) } return ea } return dF(ec) }; cW.loadStrings = function(eb) { if (localStorage[eb]) { return localStorage[eb].split("\n") } var ea = w(eb); if (typeof ea !== "string" || ea === "") { return [] } ea = ea.replace(/(\r\n?)/g, "\n").replace(/\n$/, ""); return ea.split("\n") }; cW.saveStrings = function(eb, ea) { localStorage[eb] = ea.join("\n") }; cW.loadBytes = function(ec) { var eb = w(ec); var ea = []; for (var ed = 0; ed < eb.length; ed++) { ea.push(eb.charCodeAt(ed)) } return ea }; function bc(ea) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(ea, 1) } cW.matchAll = function(eb, ea) { var ed = [], ec; var ee = new RegExp(ea, "g"); while ((ec = ee.exec(eb)) !== null) { ed.push(ec); if (ec[0].length === 0) { ++ee.lastIndex } } return ed.length > 0 ? ed : null }; cW.__contains = function(eb, ea) { if (typeof eb !== "string") { return eb.contains.apply(eb, bc(arguments)) } return eb !== null && ea !== null && typeof ea === "string" && eb.indexOf(ea) > -1 }; cW.__replaceAll = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (typeof ea !== "string") { return ea.replaceAll.apply(ea, bc(arguments)) } return ea.replace(new RegExp(ec, "g"), eb) }; cW.__replaceFirst = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (typeof ea !== "string") { return ea.replaceFirst.apply(ea, bc(arguments)) } return ea.replace(new RegExp(ec, ""), eb) }; cW.__replace = function(ed, ef, ee) { if (typeof ed !== "string") { return ed.replace.apply(ed, bc(arguments)) } if (ef instanceof RegExp) { return ed.replace(ef, ee) } if (typeof ef !== "string") { ef = ef.toString() } if (ef === "") { return ed } var ec = ed.indexOf(ef); if (ec < 0) { return ed } var eb = 0, ea = ""; do { ea += ed.substring(eb, ec) + ee; eb = ec + ef.length } while ((ec = ed.indexOf(ef, eb)) >= 0); return ea + ed.substring(eb) }; cW.__equals = function(eb, ea) { if (eb.equals instanceof Function) { return eb.equals.apply(eb, bc(arguments)) } return eb.valueOf() === ea.valueOf() }; cW.__equalsIgnoreCase = function(eb, ea) { if (typeof eb !== "string") { return eb.equalsIgnoreCase.apply(eb, bc(arguments)) } return eb.toLowerCase() === ea.toLowerCase() }; cW.__toCharArray = function(ec) { if (typeof ec !== "string") { return ec.toCharArray.apply(ec, bc(arguments)) } var ed = []; for (var eb = 0, ea = ec.length; eb < ea; ++eb) { ed[eb] = new bP(ec.charAt(eb)) } return ed }; cW.__split = function(ed, ee, eb) { if (typeof ed !== "string") { return ed.split.apply(ed, bc(arguments)) } var eg = new RegExp(ee); if (eb === t || eb < 1) { return ed.split(eg) } var ea = [], ef = ed, eh; while ((eh = ef.search(eg)) !== -1 && ea.length < eb - 1) { var ec = eg.exec(ef).toString(); ea.push(ef.substring(0, eh)); ef = ef.substring(eh + ec.length) } if (eh !== -1 || ef !== "") { ea.push(ef) } return ea }; cW.__codePointAt = function(ed, eb) { var ee = ed.charCodeAt(eb), ec, ea; if (55296 <= ee && ee <= 56319) { ec = ee; ea = ed.charCodeAt(eb + 1); return (ec - 55296) * 1024 + (ea - 56320) + 65536 } return ee }; cW.match = function(eb, ea) { return eb.match(ea) }; cW.__matches = function(eb, ea) { return (new RegExp(ea)).test(eb) }; cW.__startsWith = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (typeof ea !== "string") { return ea.startsWith.apply(ea, bc(arguments)) } eb = eb || 0; if (eb < 0 || eb > ea.length) { return false } return ec === "" || ec === ea ? true : ea.indexOf(ec) === eb }; cW.__endsWith = function(eb, ec) { if (typeof eb !== "string") { return eb.endsWith.apply(eb, bc(arguments)) } var ea = ec ? ec.length : 0; return ec === "" || ec === eb ? true : eb.indexOf(ec) === eb.length - ea }; cW.__hashCode = function(ea) { if (ea.hashCode instanceof Function) { return ea.hashCode.apply(ea, bc(arguments)) } return h(ea) }; cW.__printStackTrace = function(ea) { cW.println("Exception: " + ea.toString()) }; var d9 = []; cW.println = function(ea) { var eb = d9.length; if (eb) { F.logger.log(d9.join("")); d9.length = 0 } if (arguments.length === 0 && eb === 0) { F.logger.log("") } else { if (arguments.length !== 0) { F.logger.log(ea) } } }; cW.print = function(ea) { d9.push(ea) }; cW.str = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(ec[eb].toString() + "") } return ea } return ec.toString() + "" }; cW.trim = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(ec[eb].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/\r*$/, "")) } return ea } return ec.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/\r*$/, "") }; function aR(ea) { if (typeof ea === "number") { return ea !== 0 } if (typeof ea === "boolean") { return ea } if (typeof ea === "string") { return ea.toLowerCase() === "true" } if (ea instanceof bP) { return ea.code === 49 || ea.code === 84 || ea.code === 116 } } cW.parseBoolean = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(aR(ec[eb])) } return ea } return aR(ec) }; cW.parseByte = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(0 - (ec[eb] & 128) | ec[eb] & 127) } return ea } return 0 - (ec & 128) | ec & 127 }; cW.parseChar = function(ec) { if (typeof ec === "number") { return new bP(String.fromCharCode(ec & 65535)) } if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(new bP(String.fromCharCode(ec[eb] & 65535))) } return ea } throw "char() may receive only one argument of type int, byte, int[], or byte[]." }; function cO(ea) { if (typeof ea === "number") { return ea } if (typeof ea === "boolean") { return ea ? 1 : 0 } if (typeof ea === "string") { return parseFloat(ea) } if (ea instanceof bP) { return ea.code } } cW.parseFloat = function(ec) { if (ec instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ec.length; eb++) { ea.push(cO(ec[eb])) } return ea } return cO(ec) }; function al(ec, ea) { if (typeof ec === "number") { return ec & 4294967295 } if (typeof ec === "boolean") { return ec ? 1 : 0 } if (typeof ec === "string") { var eb = parseInt(ec, ea || 10); return eb & 4294967295 } if (ec instanceof bP) { return ec.code } } cW.parseInt = function(ed, ec) { if (ed instanceof Array) { var ea = []; for (var eb = 0; eb < ed.length; eb++) { if (typeof ed[eb] === "string" && !/^\s*[+\-]?\d+\s*$/.test(ed[eb])) { ea.push(0) } else { ea.push(al(ed[eb], ec)) } } return ea } return al(ed, ec) }; cW.__int_cast = function(ea) { return 0 | ea }; cW.__instanceof = function(ec, eb) { if (typeof eb !== "function") { throw "Function is expected as type argument for instanceof operator" } if (typeof ec === "string") { return eb === Object || eb === String } if (ec instanceof eb) { return true } if (typeof ec !== "object" || ec === null) { return false } var ee = ec.constructor; if (eb.$isInterface) { var ed = []; while (ee) { if (ee.$interfaces) { ed = ed.concat(ee.$interfaces) } ee = ee.$base } while (ed.length > 0) { var ea = ed.shift(); if (ea === eb) { return true } if (ea.$interfaces) { ed = ed.concat(ea.$interfaces) } } return false } while (ee.hasOwnProperty("$base")) { ee = ee.$base; if (ee === eb) { return true } } return false }; cW.abs = q.abs; cW.ceil = q.ceil; cW.constrain = function(eb, ec, ea) { return eb > ea ? ea : eb < ec ? ec : eb }; cW.dist = function() { var ec, eb, ea; if (arguments.length === 4) { ec = arguments[0] - arguments[2]; eb = arguments[1] - arguments[3]; return q.sqrt(ec * ec + eb * eb) } if (arguments.length === 6) { ec = arguments[0] - arguments[3]; eb = arguments[1] - arguments[4]; ea = arguments[2] - arguments[5]; return q.sqrt(ec * ec + eb * eb + ea * ea) } }; cW.exp = q.exp; cW.floor = q.floor; cW.lerp = function(eb, ea, ec) { return (ea - eb) * ec + eb }; cW.log = q.log; cW.mag = function(eb, ea, ec) { if (ec) { return q.sqrt(eb * eb + ea * ea + ec * ec) } return q.sqrt(eb * eb + ea * ea) }; cW.map = function(ed, eb, ec, ea, ee) { return ea + (ee - ea) * ((ed - eb) / (ec - eb)) }; cW.max = function() { if (arguments.length === 2) { return arguments[0] < arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : arguments[0] } var eb = arguments.length === 1 ? arguments[0] : arguments; if (!("length" in eb && eb.length > 0)) { throw "Non-empty array is expected" } var ea = eb[0], ed = eb.length; for (var ec = 1; ec < ed; ++ec) { if (ea < eb[ec]) { ea = eb[ec] } } return ea }; cW.min = function() { if (arguments.length === 2) { return arguments[0] < arguments[1] ? arguments[0] : arguments[1] } var ea = arguments.length === 1 ? arguments[0] : arguments; if (!("length" in ea && ea.length > 0)) { throw "Non-empty array is expected" } var ec = ea[0], ed = ea.length; for (var eb = 1; eb < ed; ++eb) { if (ec > ea[eb]) { ec = ea[eb] } } return ec }; cW.norm = function(eb, ea, ec) { return (eb - ea) / (ec - ea) }; cW.pow = q.pow; cW.round = q.round; cW.sq = function(ea) { return ea * ea }; cW.sqrt = q.sqrt; cW.acos = q.acos; cW.asin = q.asin; cW.atan = q.atan; cW.atan2 = q.atan2; cW.cos = q.cos; cW.degrees = function(ea) { return ea * 180 / q.PI }; cW.radians = function(ea) { return ea / 180 * q.PI }; cW.sin = q.sin; cW.tan = q.tan; var bY = q.random; cW.random = function() { if (arguments.length === 0) { return bY() } if (arguments.length === 1) { return bY() * arguments[0] } var eb = arguments[0], ea = arguments[1]; return bY() * (ea - eb) + eb }; function co(ec, eb) { var ee = ec || 362436069, ea = eb || 521288629; var ed = function() { ee = 36969 * (ee & 65535) + (ee >>> 16) & 4294967295; ea = 18000 * (ea & 65535) + (ea >>> 16) & 4294967295; return ((ee & 65535) << 16 | ea & 65535) & 4294967295 }; this.nextDouble = function() { var ef = ed() / 4294967296; return ef < 0 ? 1 + ef : ef }; this.nextInt = ed } co.createRandomized = function() { var ea = new Date; return new co(ea / 60000 & 4294967295, ea & 4294967295) }; cW.randomSeed = function(ea) { bY = (new co(ea)).nextDouble }; cW.Random = function(ea) { var ed = false, eb, ec; this.nextGaussian = function() { if (ed) { ed = false; return eb } var eh, ef, ee; do { eh = 2 * ec() - 1; ef = 2 * ec() - 1; ee = eh * eh + ef * ef } while (ee >= 1 || ee === 0); var eg = q.sqrt(-2 * q.log(ee) / ee); eb = ef * eg; ed = true; return eh * eg }; ec = ea === t ? q.random : (new co(ea)).nextDouble }; function dz(eh) { var eb = eh !== t ? new co(eh) : co.createRandomized(); var eg, ee; var ed = new b(512); for (eg = 0; eg < 256; ++eg) { ed[eg] = eg } for (eg = 0; eg < 256; ++eg) { var ej = ed[ee = eb.nextInt() & 255]; ed[ee] = ed[eg]; ed[eg] = ej } for (eg = 0; eg < 256; ++eg) { ed[eg + 256] = ed[eg] } function ea(en, ek, eq, ep) { var eo = en & 15; var em = eo < 8 ? ek : eq, el = eo < 4 ? eq : eo === 12 || eo === 14 ? ek : ep; return ((eo & 1) === 0 ? em : -em) + ((eo & 2) === 0 ? el : -el) } function ef(em, ek, en) { var el = (em & 1) === 0 ? ek : en; return (em & 2) === 0 ? -el : el } function ei(el, ek) { return (el & 1) === 0 ? -ek : ek } function ec(em, el, ek) { return el + em * (ek - el) } this.noise3d = function(ew, ev, eu) { var en = q.floor(ew) & 255, el = q.floor(ev) & 255, ek = q.floor(eu) & 255; ew -= q.floor(ew); ev -= q.floor(ev); eu -= q.floor(eu); var er = (3 - 2 * ew) * ew * ew, eq = (3 - 2 * ev) * ev * ev, ep = (3 - 2 * eu) * eu * eu; var ey = ed[en] + el, et = ed[ey] + ek, es = ed[ey + 1] + ek, ex = ed[en + 1] + el, eo = ed[ex] + ek, em = ed[ex + 1] + ek; return ec(ep, ec(eq, ec(er, ea(ed[et], ew, ev, eu), ea(ed[eo], ew - 1, ev, eu)), ec(er, ea(ed[es], ew, ev - 1, eu), ea(ed[em], ew - 1, ev - 1, eu))), ec(eq, ec(er, ea(ed[et + 1], ew, ev, eu - 1), ea(ed[eo + 1], ew - 1, ev, eu - 1)), ec(er, ea(ed[es + 1], ew, ev - 1, eu - 1), ea(ed[em + 1], ew - 1, ev - 1, eu - 1)))) }; this.noise2d = function(ek, er) { var eq = q.floor(ek) & 255, eo = q.floor(er) & 255; ek -= q.floor(ek); er -= q.floor(er); var em = (3 - 2 * ek) * ek * ek, el = (3 - 2 * er) * er * er; var ep = ed[eq] + eo, en = ed[eq + 1] + eo; return ec(el, ec(em, ef(ed[ep], ek, er), ef(ed[en], ek - 1, er)), ec(em, ef(ed[ep + 1], ek, er - 1), ef(ed[en + 1], ek - 1, er - 1))) }; this.noise1d = function(ek) { var em = q.floor(ek) & 255; ek -= q.floor(ek); var el = (3 - 2 * ek) * ek * ek; return ec(el, ei(ed[em], ek), ei(ed[em + 1], ek - 1)) } } var bW = { generator: t, octaves: 4, fallout: 0.5, seed: t }; cW.noise = function(ea, eh, eg) { if (bW.generator === t) { bW.generator = new dz(bW.seed) } var ef = bW.generator; var ee = 1, eb = 1, ed = 0; for (var ec = 0; ec < bW.octaves; ++ec) { ee *= bW.fallout; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: ed += ee * (1 + ef.noise1d(eb * ea)) / 2; break; case 2: ed += ee * (1 + ef.noise2d(eb * ea, eb * eh)) / 2; break; case 3: ed += ee * (1 + ef.noise3d(eb * ea, eb * eh, eb * eg)) / 2; break } eb *= 2 } return ed }; cW.noiseDetail = function(eb, ea) { bW.octaves = eb; if (ea !== t) { bW.fallout = ea } }; cW.noiseSeed = function(ea) { bW.seed = ea; bW.generator = t }; ds.prototype.size = function(eb, ee, ed) { if (ce) { cW.stroke(0) } if (aH) { cW.fill(255) } var ec = { fillStyle: d8.fillStyle, strokeStyle: d8.strokeStyle, lineCap: d8.lineCap, lineJoin: d8.lineJoin }; if (ae.style.length > 0) { ae.style.removeProperty("width"); ae.style.removeProperty("height") } ae.width = cW.width = eb || 100; ae.height = cW.height = ee || 100; for (var ef in ec) { if (ec.hasOwnProperty(ef)) { d8[ef] = ec[ef] } } cW.textFont(W); cW.background(); bZ = q.max(1000, eb * ee * 0.05); cW.externals.context = d8; for (var ea = 0; ea < 720; ea++) { ah[ea] = cW.sin(ea * (q.PI / 180) * 0.5); bl[ea] = cW.cos(ea * (q.PI / 180) * 0.5) } }; bR.prototype.size = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (d8 === t) { d8 = ae.getContext("2d"); am = new V; da = new V; dJ = new aX; aT = new aX } ds.prototype.size.apply(this, arguments) }; bB.prototype.size = function() { var eb = false; return function ea(ed, ef, ee) { if (eb) { throw "Multiple calls to size() for 3D renders are not allowed." } eb = true; function eg(ei) { var el = ["experimental-webgl", "webgl", "webkit-3d"], ek; for (var ej = 0, eh = el.length; ej < eh; ej++) { ek = ei.getContext(el[ej], { antialias: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: true }); if (ek) { break } } return ek } try { ae.width = cW.width = ed || 100; ae.height = cW.height = ef || 100; d8 = eg(ae); c7 = d8.createTexture(); bS = d8.createTexture() } catch (ec) { F.debug(ec) } if (!d8) { throw "WebGL context is not supported on this browser." } d8.viewport(0, 0, ae.width, ae.height); d8.enable(d8.DEPTH_TEST); d8.enable(d8.BLEND); d8.blendFunc(d8.SRC_ALPHA, d8.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); dQ = bF(d8, dE, aW); bT = bF(d8, aO, bQ); cW.strokeWeight(1); dx = bF(d8, dn, aF); d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("usingTexture3d", dx, "usingTexture", dT); cW.lightFalloff(1, 0, 0); cW.shininess(1); cW.ambient(255, 255, 255); cW.specular(0, 0, 0); cW.emissive(0, 0, 0); bh = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, bh); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, dh, d8.STATIC_DRAW); cJ = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, cJ); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, df, d8.STATIC_DRAW); dk = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, dk); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, bH, d8.STATIC_DRAW); aB = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, aB); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, ak, d8.STATIC_DRAW); b2 = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, b2); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, ai, d8.STATIC_DRAW); bg = d8.createBuffer(); b8 = d8.createBuffer(); at = d8.createBuffer(); aG = d8.createBuffer(); bC = d8.createBuffer(); af = d8.createBuffer(); aw = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, aw); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e([0, 0, 0]), d8.STATIC_DRAW); cH = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, cH); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e([1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0]), d8.STATIC_DRAW); ac = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, ac); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), d8.STATIC_DRAW); R = d8.createBuffer(); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, R); d8.bufferData(d8.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new y([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]), d8.STATIC_DRAW); bV = new aP; ch = new aP; dJ = new aP; aT = new aP; db = new aP; cW.camera(); cW.perspective(); am = new V; da = new V; c3 = new aP; aQ = new aP; aL = new aP; bz = new aP; cd = new aP; U = new aP; U.set(-1, 3, -3, 1, 3, -6, 3, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); ds.prototype.size.apply(this, arguments) } }(); bR.prototype.ambientLight = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.ambientLight = function(ea, ed, ei, ej, ef, ee) { if (dL === 8) { throw "can only create " + 8 + " lights" } var eg = new A(ej, ef, ee); var eh = new aP; eh.scale(1, -1, 1); eh.apply(dJ.array()); eh.mult(eg, eg); var eb = dH(ea, ed, ei, 0); var ec = [((eb >> 16) & 255) / 255, ((eb >> 8) & 255) / 255, (eb & 255) / 255]; d8.useProgram(dx); d2("uLights.color.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".color", ec); d2("uLights.position.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".position", eg.array()); dZ("uLights.type.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".type", 0); dZ("uLightCount3d", dx, "uLightCount", ++dL) }; bR.prototype.directionalLight = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.directionalLight = function(ea, eg, ei, eh, ef, ee) { if (dL === 8) { throw "can only create " + 8 + " lights" } d8.useProgram(dx); var ej = new aP; ej.scale(1, -1, 1); ej.apply(dJ.array()); ej = ej.array(); var ec = [ej[0] * eh + ej[4] * ef + ej[8] * ee, ej[1] * eh + ej[5] * ef + ej[9] * ee, ej[2] * eh + ej[6] * ef + ej[10] * ee]; var eb = dH(ea, eg, ei, 0); var ed = [((eb >> 16) & 255) / 255, ((eb >> 8) & 255) / 255, (eb & 255) / 255]; d2("uLights.color.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".color", ed); d2("uLights.position.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".position", ec); dZ("uLights.type.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".type", 1); dZ("uLightCount3d", dx, "uLightCount", ++dL) }; bR.prototype.lightFalloff = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.lightFalloff = function(eb, ea, ec) { d8.useProgram(dx); d2("uFalloff3d", dx, "uFalloff", [eb, ea, ec]) }; bR.prototype.lightSpecular = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.lightSpecular = function(ee, ed, ea) { var eb = dH(ee, ed, ea, 0); var ec = [((eb >> 16) & 255) / 255, ((eb >> 8) & 255) / 255, (eb & 255) / 255]; d8.useProgram(dx); d2("uSpecular3d", dx, "uSpecular", ec) }; cW.lights = function() { cW.ambientLight(128, 128, 128); cW.directionalLight(128, 128, 128, 0, 0, -1); cW.lightFalloff(1, 0, 0); cW.lightSpecular(0, 0, 0) }; bR.prototype.pointLight = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.pointLight = function(ea, ed, ei, ej, ef, ee) { if (dL === 8) { throw "can only create " + 8 + " lights" } var eg = new A(ej, ef, ee); var eh = new aP; eh.scale(1, -1, 1); eh.apply(dJ.array()); eh.mult(eg, eg); var eb = dH(ea, ed, ei, 0); var ec = [((eb >> 16) & 255) / 255, ((eb >> 8) & 255) / 255, (eb & 255) / 255]; d8.useProgram(dx); d2("uLights.color.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".color", ec); d2("uLights.position.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".position", eg.array()); dZ("uLights.type.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".type", 2); dZ("uLightCount3d", dx, "uLightCount", ++dL) }; bR.prototype.noLights = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.noLights = function() { dL = 0; d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("uLightCount3d", dx, "uLightCount", dL) }; bR.prototype.spotLight = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.spotLight = function(ea, ei, en, eo, em, ek, ej, eh, ef, ee, eg) { if (dL === 8) { throw "can only create " + 8 + " lights" } d8.useProgram(dx); var el = new A(eo, em, ek); var ep = new aP; ep.scale(1, -1, 1); ep.apply(dJ.array()); ep.mult(el, el); ep = ep.array(); var ec = [ep[0] * ej + ep[4] * eh + ep[8] * ef, ep[1] * ej + ep[5] * eh + ep[9] * ef, ep[2] * ej + ep[6] * eh + ep[10] * ef]; var eb = dH(ea, ei, en, 0); var ed = [((eb >> 16) & 255) / 255, ((eb >> 8) & 255) / 255, (eb & 255) / 255]; d2("uLights.color.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".color", ed); d2("uLights.position.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".position", el.array()); d2("uLights.direction.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".direction", ec); d2("uLights.concentration.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".concentration", eg); d2("uLights.angle.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".angle", ee); dZ("uLights.type.3d." + dL, dx, "uLights" + dL + ".type", 3); dZ("uLightCount3d", dx, "uLightCount", ++dL) }; bR.prototype.beginCamera = function() { throw "beginCamera() is not available in 2D mode" }; bB.prototype.beginCamera = function() { if (ap) { throw "You cannot call beginCamera() again before calling endCamera()" } ap = true; dJ = ch; aT = bV }; bR.prototype.endCamera = function() { throw "endCamera() is not available in 2D mode" }; bB.prototype.endCamera = function() { if (!ap) { throw "You cannot call endCamera() before calling beginCamera()" } dJ.set(bV); aT.set(ch); ap = false }; cW.camera = function(el, ek, ei, eg, ee, ed, et, er, ep) { if (el === t) { dl = cW.width / 2; dj = cW.height / 2; di = dj / q.tan(cK / 2); el = dl; ek = dj; ei = di; eg = dl; ee = dj; ed = 0; et = 0; er = 1; ep = 0 } var ef = new A(el - eg, ek - ee, ei - ed); var eh = new A(et, er, ep); ef.normalize(); var ej = A.cross(eh, ef); eh = A.cross(ef, ej); ej.normalize(); eh.normalize(); var eu = ej.x, es = ej.y, eq = ej.z; var ec = eh.x, eb = eh.y, ea = eh.z; var eo = ef.x, en = ef.y, em = ef.z; bV.set(eu, es, eq, 0, ec, eb, ea, 0, eo, en, em, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); bV.translate(-el, -ek, -ei); ch.reset(); ch.invApply(eu, es, eq, 0, ec, eb, ea, 0, eo, en, em, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); ch.translate(el, ek, ei); dJ.set(bV); aT.set(ch) }; cW.perspective = function(ee, ec, ef, eb) { if (arguments.length === 0) { dj = ae.height / 2; di = dj / q.tan(cK / 2); a0 = di / 10; av = di * 10; b5 = cW.width / cW.height; ee = cK; ec = b5; ef = a0; eb = av } var eg, ea, eh, ed; eg = ef * q.tan(ee / 2); ea = -eg; eh = eg * ec; ed = ea * ec; cW.frustum(ed, eh, ea, eg, ef, eb) }; bR.prototype.frustum = function() { throw "Processing.js: frustum() is not supported in 2D mode" }; bB.prototype.frustum = function(eg, ec, eb, ef, ee, ea) { ci = true; db = new aP; db.set(2 * ee / (ec - eg), 0, (ec + eg) / (ec - eg), 0, 0, 2 * ee / (ef - eb), (ef + eb) / (ef - eb), 0, 0, 0, -(ea + ee) / (ea - ee), -(2 * ea * ee) / (ea - ee), 0, 0, -1, 0); var ed = new aP; ed.set(db); ed.transpose(); d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("projection2d", dQ, "uProjection", false, ed.array()); d8.useProgram(dx); a9("projection3d", dx, "uProjection", false, ed.array()); d8.useProgram(bT); a9("uProjectionUS", bT, "uProjection", false, ed.array()) }; cW.ortho = function(eb, em, ea, ek, eh, eg) { if (arguments.length === 0) { eb = 0; em = cW.width; ea = 0; ek = cW.height; eh = -10; eg = 10 } var el = 2 / (em - eb); var ej = 2 / (ek - ea); var ei = -2 / (eg - eh); var ef = -(em + eb) / (em - eb); var ee = -(ek + ea) / (ek - ea); var ed = -(eg + eh) / (eg - eh); db = new aP; db.set(el, 0, 0, ef, 0, ej, 0, ee, 0, 0, ei, ed, 0, 0, 0, 1); var ec = new aP; ec.set(db); ec.transpose(); d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("projection2d", dQ, "uProjection", false, ec.array()); d8.useProgram(dx); a9("projection3d", dx, "uProjection", false, ec.array()); d8.useProgram(bT); a9("uProjectionUS", bT, "uProjection", false, ec.array()); ci = false }; cW.printProjection = function() { db.print() }; cW.printCamera = function() { bV.print() }; bR.prototype.box = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.box = function(ec, ef, eh) { if (!ef || !eh) { ef = eh = ec } var ee = new aP; ee.scale(ec, ef, eh); var eb = new aP; eb.scale(1, -1, 1); eb.apply(dJ.array()); eb.transpose(); if (aH) { d8.useProgram(dx); a9("model3d", dx, "uModel", false, ee.array()); a9("view3d", dx, "uView", false, eb.array()); d8.enable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); d8.polygonOffset(1, 1); d2("color3d", dx, "uColor", bo); if (dL > 0) { var ed = new aP; ed.set(eb); var ea = new aP; ea.set(ee); ed.mult(ea); var eg = new aP; eg.set(ed); eg.invert(); eg.transpose(); a9("uNormalTransform3d", dx, "uNormalTransform", false, eg.array()); dc("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal", 3, cJ) } else { cg("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal") } dc("aVertex3d", dx, "aVertex", 3, bh); cg("aColor3d", dx, "aColor"); cg("aTexture3d", dx, "aTexture"); d8.drawArrays(d8.TRIANGLES, 0, dh.length / 3); d8.disable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) } if (dW > 0 && ce) { d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, ee.array()); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, eb.array()); d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", c0); dZ("uIsDrawingText2d", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", false); dc("vertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, dk); cg("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord"); d8.drawArrays(d8.LINES, 0, bH.length / 3) } }; var cD = function() { var eb; cF = []; for (eb = 0; eb < bM; eb++) { cF.push(0); cF.push(-1); cF.push(0); cF.push(bt[eb]); cF.push(bs[eb]); cF.push(br[eb]) } cF.push(0); cF.push(-1); cF.push(0); cF.push(bt[0]); cF.push(bs[0]); cF.push(br[0]); var ef, ec, ee; var ed = 0; for (eb = 2; eb < bL; eb++) { ef = ec = ed; ed += bM; ee = ed; for (var ea = 0; ea < bM; ea++) { cF.push(bt[ef]); cF.push(bs[ef]); cF.push(br[ef++]); cF.push(bt[ee]); cF.push(bs[ee]); cF.push(br[ee++]) } ef = ec; ee = ed; cF.push(bt[ef]); cF.push(bs[ef]); cF.push(br[ef]); cF.push(bt[ee]); cF.push(bs[ee]); cF.push(br[ee]) } for (eb = 0; eb < bM; eb++) { ee = ed + eb; cF.push(bt[ee]); cF.push(bs[ee]); cF.push(br[ee]); cF.push(0); cF.push(1); cF.push(0) } cF.push(bt[ed]); cF.push(bs[ed]); cF.push(br[ed]); cF.push(0); cF.push(1); cF.push(0); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, bg); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(cF), d8.STATIC_DRAW) }; cW.sphereDetail = function(eb, em) { var eh; if (arguments.length === 1) { eb = em = arguments[0] } if (eb < 3) { eb = 3 } if (em < 2) { em = 2 } if (eb === bM && em === bL) { return } var el = 720 / eb; var ef = new e(eb); var ec = new e(eb); for (eh = 0; eh < eb; eh++) { ef[eh] = bl[eh * el % 720 | 0]; ec[eh] = ah[eh * el % 720 | 0] } var ek = eb * (em - 1) + 2; var ej = 0; bt = new e(ek); bs = new e(ek); br = new e(ek); var ei = 720 * 0.5 / em; var ee = ei; for (eh = 1; eh < em; eh++) { var ed = ah[ee % 720 | 0]; var ea = -bl[ee % 720 | 0]; for (var eg = 0; eg < eb; eg++) { bt[ej] = ef[eg] * ed; bs[ej] = ea; br[ej++] = ec[eg] * ed } ee += ei } bM = eb; bL = em; cD() }; bR.prototype.sphere = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.sphere = function() { var ee = arguments[0]; if (bM < 3 || bL < 2) { cW.sphereDetail(30) } var ed = new aP; ed.scale(ee, ee, ee); var eb = new aP; eb.scale(1, -1, 1); eb.apply(dJ.array()); eb.transpose(); if (aH) { if (dL > 0) { var ec = new aP; ec.set(eb); var ea = new aP; ea.set(ed); ec.mult(ea); var ef = new aP; ef.set(ec); ef.invert(); ef.transpose(); a9("uNormalTransform3d", dx, "uNormalTransform", false, ef.array()); dc("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal", 3, bg) } else { cg("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal") } d8.useProgram(dx); cg("aTexture3d", dx, "aTexture"); a9("uModel3d", dx, "uModel", false, ed.array()); a9("uView3d", dx, "uView", false, eb.array()); dc("aVertex3d", dx, "aVertex", 3, bg); cg("aColor3d", dx, "aColor"); d8.enable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); d8.polygonOffset(1, 1); d2("uColor3d", dx, "uColor", bo); d8.drawArrays(d8.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, cF.length / 3); d8.disable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) } if (dW > 0 && ce) { d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, ed.array()); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, eb.array()); dc("aVertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, bg); cg("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord"); d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", c0); dZ("uIsDrawingText", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", false); d8.drawArrays(d8.LINE_STRIP, 0, cF.length / 3) } }; cW.modelX = function(eg, ef, ee) { var ei = dJ.array(); var ek = ch.array(); var ea = ei[0] * eg + ei[1] * ef + ei[2] * ee + ei[3]; var ej = ei[4] * eg + ei[5] * ef + ei[6] * ee + ei[7]; var eh = ei[8] * eg + ei[9] * ef + ei[10] * ee + ei[11]; var eb = ei[12] * eg + ei[13] * ef + ei[14] * ee + ei[15]; var ec = ek[0] * ea + ek[1] * ej + ek[2] * eh + ek[3] * eb; var ed = ek[12] * ea + ek[13] * ej + ek[14] * eh + ek[15] * eb; return ed !== 0 ? ec / ed : ec }; cW.modelY = function(eg, ef, ee) { var ei = dJ.array(); var ek = ch.array(); var ea = ei[0] * eg + ei[1] * ef + ei[2] * ee + ei[3]; var ej = ei[4] * eg + ei[5] * ef + ei[6] * ee + ei[7]; var eh = ei[8] * eg + ei[9] * ef + ei[10] * ee + ei[11]; var eb = ei[12] * eg + ei[13] * ef + ei[14] * ee + ei[15]; var ec = ek[4] * ea + ek[5] * ej + ek[6] * eh + ek[7] * eb; var ed = ek[12] * ea + ek[13] * ej + ek[14] * eh + ek[15] * eb; return ed !== 0 ? ec / ed : ec }; cW.modelZ = function(eg, ef, ee) { var ei = dJ.array(); var ek = ch.array(); var ea = ei[0] * eg + ei[1] * ef + ei[2] * ee + ei[3]; var ej = ei[4] * eg + ei[5] * ef + ei[6] * ee + ei[7]; var eh = ei[8] * eg + ei[9] * ef + ei[10] * ee + ei[11]; var ec = ei[12] * eg + ei[13] * ef + ei[14] * ee + ei[15]; var eb = ek[8] * ea + ek[9] * ej + ek[10] * eh + ek[11] * ec; var ed = ek[12] * ea + ek[13] * ej + ek[14] * eh + ek[15] * ec; return ed !== 0 ? eb / ed : eb }; bR.prototype.ambient = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.ambient = function(ed, ec, eb) { d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("uUsingMat3d", dx, "uUsingMat", true); var ea = cW.color(ed, ec, eb); d2("uMaterialAmbient3d", dx, "uMaterialAmbient", cW.color.toGLArray(ea).slice(0, 3)) }; bR.prototype.emissive = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.emissive = function(ed, ec, eb) { d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("uUsingMat3d", dx, "uUsingMat", true); var ea = cW.color(ed, ec, eb); d2("uMaterialEmissive3d", dx, "uMaterialEmissive", cW.color.toGLArray(ea).slice(0, 3)) }; bR.prototype.shininess = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.shininess = function(ea) { d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("uUsingMat3d", dx, "uUsingMat", true); d2("uShininess3d", dx, "uShininess", ea) }; bR.prototype.specular = ds.prototype.a3DOnlyFunction; bB.prototype.specular = function(ed, ec, eb) { d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("uUsingMat3d", dx, "uUsingMat", true); var ea = cW.color(ed, ec, eb); d2("uMaterialSpecular3d", dx, "uMaterialSpecular", cW.color.toGLArray(ea).slice(0, 3)) }; cW.screenX = function(eh, eg, ef) { var ej = dJ.array(); if (ej.length === 16) { var ea = ej[0] * eh + ej[1] * eg + ej[2] * ef + ej[3]; var ek = ej[4] * eh + ej[5] * eg + ej[6] * ef + ej[7]; var ei = ej[8] * eh + ej[9] * eg + ej[10] * ef + ej[11]; var eb = ej[12] * eh + ej[13] * eg + ej[14] * ef + ej[15]; var ee = db.array(); var ec = ee[0] * ea + ee[1] * ek + ee[2] * ei + ee[3] * eb; var ed = ee[12] * ea + ee[13] * ek + ee[14] * ei + ee[15] * eb; if (ed !== 0) { ec /= ed } return cW.width * (1 + ec) / 2 } return dJ.multX(eh, eg) }; cW.screenY = function aA(eh, eg, ef) { var ej = dJ.array(); if (ej.length === 16) { var ea = ej[0] * eh + ej[1] * eg + ej[2] * ef + ej[3]; var ek = ej[4] * eh + ej[5] * eg + ej[6] * ef + ej[7]; var ei = ej[8] * eh + ej[9] * eg + ej[10] * ef + ej[11]; var eb = ej[12] * eh + ej[13] * eg + ej[14] * ef + ej[15]; var ee = db.array(); var ec = ee[4] * ea + ee[5] * ek + ee[6] * ei + ee[7] * eb; var ed = ee[12] * ea + ee[13] * ek + ee[14] * ei + ee[15] * eb; if (ed !== 0) { ec /= ed } return cW.height * (1 + ec) / 2 } return dJ.multY(eh, eg) }; cW.screenZ = function ay(eh, eg, ef) { var ej = dJ.array(); if (ej.length !== 16) { return 0 } var ee = db.array(); var ea = ej[0] * eh + ej[1] * eg + ej[2] * ef + ej[3]; var ek = ej[4] * eh + ej[5] * eg + ej[6] * ef + ej[7]; var ei = ej[8] * eh + ej[9] * eg + ej[10] * ef + ej[11]; var ec = ej[12] * eh + ej[13] * eg + ej[14] * ef + ej[15]; var eb = ee[8] * ea + ee[9] * ek + ee[10] * ei + ee[11] * ec; var ed = ee[12] * ea + ee[13] * ek + ee[14] * ei + ee[15] * ec; if (ed !== 0) { eb /= ed } return (eb + 1) / 2 }; ds.prototype.fill = function() { var ea = cW.color(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); if (ea === a1 && aH) { return } aH = true; a1 = ea }; bR.prototype.fill = function() { ds.prototype.fill.apply(this, arguments); aq = true }; bB.prototype.fill = function() { ds.prototype.fill.apply(this, arguments); bo = cW.color.toGLArray(a1) }; function bn() { if (aH) { if (aq) { d8.fillStyle = cW.color.toString(a1); aq = false } d8.fill() } } cW.noFill = function() { aH = false }; ds.prototype.stroke = function() { var ea = cW.color(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); if (ea === cv && ce) { return } ce = true; cv = ea }; bR.prototype.stroke = function() { ds.prototype.stroke.apply(this, arguments); b3 = true }; bB.prototype.stroke = function() { ds.prototype.stroke.apply(this, arguments); c0 = cW.color.toGLArray(cv) }; function dd() { if (ce) { if (b3) { d8.strokeStyle = cW.color.toString(cv); b3 = false } d8.stroke() } } cW.noStroke = function() { ce = false }; ds.prototype.strokeWeight = function(ea) { dW = ea }; bR.prototype.strokeWeight = function(ea) { ds.prototype.strokeWeight.apply(this, arguments); d8.lineWidth = ea }; bB.prototype.strokeWeight = function(ea) { ds.prototype.strokeWeight.apply(this, arguments); d8.useProgram(dQ); d2("pointSize2d", dQ, "uPointSize", ea); d8.useProgram(bT); d2("pointSizeUnlitShape", bT, "uPointSize", ea); d8.lineWidth(ea) }; cW.strokeCap = function(ea) { dY.$ensureContext().lineCap = ea }; cW.strokeJoin = function(ea) { dY.$ensureContext().lineJoin = ea }; bR.prototype.smooth = function() { dO = true; var ea = ae.style; ea.setProperty("image-rendering", "optimizeQuality", "important"); ea.setProperty("-ms-interpolation-mode", "bicubic", "important"); if (d8.hasOwnProperty("mozImageSmoothingEnabled")) { d8.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true } }; bB.prototype.smooth = function() { dO = true }; bR.prototype.noSmooth = function() { dO = false; var ea = ae.style; ea.setProperty("image-rendering", "optimizeSpeed", "important"); ea.setProperty("image-rendering", "-moz-crisp-edges", "important"); ea.setProperty("image-rendering", "-webkit-optimize-contrast", "important"); ea.setProperty("image-rendering", "optimize-contrast", "important"); ea.setProperty("-ms-interpolation-mode", "nearest-neighbor", "important"); if (d8.hasOwnProperty("mozImageSmoothingEnabled")) { d8.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false } }; bB.prototype.noSmooth = function() { dO = false }; bR.prototype.point = function(ea, eb) { if (!ce) { return } ea = q.round(ea); eb = q.round(eb); d8.fillStyle = cW.color.toString(cv); aq = true; if (dW > 1) { d8.beginPath(); d8.arc(ea, eb, dW / 2, 0, 6.283185307179586, false); d8.fill() } else { d8.fillRect(ea, eb, 1, 1) } }; bB.prototype.point = function(ea, ee, ed) { var ec = new aP; ec.translate(ea, ee, ed || 0); ec.transpose(); var eb = new aP; eb.scale(1, -1, 1); eb.apply(dJ.array()); eb.transpose(); d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, ec.array()); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, eb.array()); if (dW > 0 && ce) { d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", c0); dZ("uIsDrawingText2d", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", false); dZ("uSmooth2d", dQ, "uSmooth", dO); dc("aVertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, aw); cg("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord"); d8.drawArrays(d8.POINTS, 0, 1) } }; cW.beginShape = function(ea) { dR = ea; d6 = []; bb = [] }; bR.prototype.vertex = function(eb, ed, ea) { var ec = []; if (du) { du = false } ec.isVert = true; ec[0] = eb; ec[1] = ed; ec[2] = 0; ec[3] = 0; ec[4] = 0; ec[5] = a1; ec[6] = cv; bb.push(ec); if (ea) { bb[bb.length - 1]["moveTo"] = ea } }; bB.prototype.vertex = function(ea, ef, ee, ed, ec) { var eb = []; if (du) { du = false } eb.isVert = true; if (ec === t && dT) { ec = ed; ed = ee; ee = 0 } if (ed !== t && ec !== t) { if (d4 === 2) { ed /= cs.width; ec /= cs.height } ed = ed > 1 ? 1 : ed; ed = ed < 0 ? 0 : ed; ec = ec > 1 ? 1 : ec; ec = ec < 0 ? 0 : ec } eb[0] = ea; eb[1] = ef; eb[2] = ee || 0; eb[3] = ed || 0; eb[4] = ec || 0; eb[5] = bo[0]; eb[6] = bo[1]; eb[7] = bo[2]; eb[8] = bo[3]; eb[9] = c0[0]; eb[10] = c0[1]; eb[11] = c0[2]; eb[12] = c0[3]; eb[13] = a8; eb[14] = a7; eb[15] = a6; bb.push(eb) }; var d1 = function(ec, eb) { var ea = new aP; ea.scale(1, -1, 1); ea.apply(dJ.array()); ea.transpose(); d8.useProgram(bT); a9("uViewUS", bT, "uView", false, ea.array()); dZ("uSmoothUS", bT, "uSmooth", dO); dc("aVertexUS", bT, "aVertex", 3, aw); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ec), d8.STREAM_DRAW); dc("aColorUS", bT, "aColor", 4, aG); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(eb), d8.STREAM_DRAW); d8.drawArrays(d8.POINTS, 0, ec.length / 3) }; var bj = function(ee, ed, ec) { var eb; if (ed === "LINES") { eb = d8.LINES } else { if (ed === "LINE_LOOP") { eb = d8.LINE_LOOP } else { eb = d8.LINE_STRIP } } var ea = new aP; ea.scale(1, -1, 1); ea.apply(dJ.array()); ea.transpose(); d8.useProgram(bT); a9("uViewUS", bT, "uView", false, ea.array()); dc("aVertexUS", bT, "aVertex", 3, b8); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ee), d8.STREAM_DRAW); dc("aColorUS", bT, "aColor", 4, bC); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ec), d8.STREAM_DRAW); d8.drawArrays(eb, 0, ee.length / 3) }; var dm = function(ef, ee, ed, ec) { var eb; if (ee === "TRIANGLES") { eb = d8.TRIANGLES } else { if (ee === "TRIANGLE_FAN") { eb = d8.TRIANGLE_FAN } else { eb = d8.TRIANGLE_STRIP } } var ea = new aP; ea.scale(1, -1, 1); ea.apply(dJ.array()); ea.transpose(); d8.useProgram(dx); a9("model3d", dx, "uModel", false, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]); a9("view3d", dx, "uView", false, ea.array()); d8.enable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); d8.polygonOffset(1, 1); d2("color3d", dx, "uColor", [-1, 0, 0, 0]); dc("vertex3d", dx, "aVertex", 3, at); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ef), d8.STREAM_DRAW); if (dT && bf !== null) { bw(ed) } dc("aColor3d", dx, "aColor", 4, aG); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ed), d8.STREAM_DRAW); cg("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal"); if (dT) { dZ("uUsingTexture3d", dx, "uUsingTexture", dT); dc("aTexture3d", dx, "aTexture", 2, af); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ec), d8.STREAM_DRAW) } d8.drawArrays(eb, 0, ef.length / 3); d8.disable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) }; function cS() { bn(); dd(); d8.closePath() } bR.prototype.endShape = function(eh) { if (bb.length === 0) { return } var ed = eh === 2; if (ed) { bb.push(bb[0]) } var ec = []; var ea = []; var ej = []; var em = []; var ef = []; var ei; du = true; var eg, ee, eb; var el = bb.length; for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; ef.push(ei[3]); ef.push(ei[4]) } if (dP && (dR === 20 || dR === t)) { if (el > 3) { var ek = [], en = 1 - aJ; d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(bb[1][0], bb[1][1]); for (eg = 1; eg + 2 < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; ek[0] = [ei[0], ei[1]]; ek[1] = [ei[0] + (en * bb[eg + 1][0] - en * bb[eg - 1][0]) / 6, ei[1] + (en * bb[eg + 1][1] - en * bb[eg - 1][1]) / 6]; ek[2] = [bb[eg + 1][0] + (en * bb[eg][0] - en * bb[eg + 2][0]) / 6, bb[eg + 1][1] + (en * bb[eg][1] - en * bb[eg + 2][1]) / 6]; ek[3] = [bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]]; d8.bezierCurveTo(ek[1][0], ek[1][1], ek[2][0], ek[2][1], ek[3][0], ek[3][1]) } cS() } } else { if (aa && (dR === 20 || dR === t)) { d8.beginPath(); for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; if (bb[eg]["isVert"]) { if (bb[eg]["moveTo"]) { d8.moveTo(ei[0], ei[1]) } else { d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]) } } else { d8.bezierCurveTo(bb[eg][0], bb[eg][1], bb[eg][2], bb[eg][3], bb[eg][4], bb[eg][5]) } } cS() } else { if (dR === 2) { for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; if (ce) { cW.stroke(ei[6]) } cW.point(ei[0], ei[1]) } } else { if (dR === 4) { for (eg = 0; eg + 1 < el; eg += 2) { ei = bb[eg]; if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 1][6]) } cW.line(ei[0], ei[1], bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]) } } else { if (dR === 9) { for (eg = 0; eg + 2 < el; eg += 3) { ei = bb[eg]; d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(ei[0], ei[1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 2][0], bb[eg + 2][1]); d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]); if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[eg + 2][5]); bn() } if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 2][6]); dd() } d8.closePath() } } else { if (dR === 10) { for (eg = 0; eg + 1 < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]); d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]); if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 1][6]) } if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[eg + 1][5]) } if (eg + 2 < el) { d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 2][0], bb[eg + 2][1]); if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 2][6]) } if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[eg + 2][5]) } } cS() } } else { if (dR === 11) { if (el > 2) { d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(bb[0][0], bb[0][1]); d8.lineTo(bb[1][0], bb[1][1]); d8.lineTo(bb[2][0], bb[2][1]); if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[2][5]); bn() } if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[2][6]); dd() } d8.closePath(); for (eg = 3; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(bb[0][0], bb[0][1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg - 1][0], bb[eg - 1][1]); d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]); if (aH) { cW.fill(ei[5]); bn() } if (ce) { cW.stroke(ei[6]); dd() } d8.closePath() } } } else { if (dR === 16) { for (eg = 0; eg + 3 < el; eg += 4) { ei = bb[eg]; d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(ei[0], ei[1]); for (ee = 1; ee < 4; ee++) { d8.lineTo(bb[eg + ee][0], bb[eg + ee][1]) } d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]); if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[eg + 3][5]); bn() } if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 3][6]); dd() } d8.closePath() } } else { if (dR === 17) { if (el > 3) { for (eg = 0; eg + 1 < el; eg += 2) { ei = bb[eg]; d8.beginPath(); if (eg + 3 < el) { d8.moveTo(bb[eg + 2][0], bb[eg + 2][1]); d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 3][0], bb[eg + 3][1]); if (aH) { cW.fill(bb[eg + 3][5]) } if (ce) { cW.stroke(bb[eg + 3][6]) } } else { d8.moveTo(ei[0], ei[1]); d8.lineTo(bb[eg + 1][0], bb[eg + 1][1]) } cS() } } } else { d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(bb[0][0], bb[0][1]); for (eg = 1; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; if (ei.isVert) { if (ei.moveTo) { d8.moveTo(ei[0], ei[1]) } else { d8.lineTo(ei[0], ei[1]) } } } cS() } } } } } } } } } dP = false; aa = false; cb = []; c2 = 0; if (ed) { bb.pop() } }; bB.prototype.endShape = function(eh) { if (bb.length === 0) { return } var ed = eh === 2; var ec = []; var ea = []; var ej = []; var em = []; var ef = []; var ei; du = true; var eg, ee, eb; var el = bb.length; for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; ef.push(ei[3]); ef.push(ei[4]) } if (ed) { ea.push(bb[0][0]); ea.push(bb[0][1]); ea.push(bb[0][2]); for (eg = 5; eg < 9; eg++) { ej.push(bb[0][eg]) } for (eg = 9; eg < 13; eg++) { em.push(bb[0][eg]) } ef.push(bb[0][3]); ef.push(bb[0][4]) } if (dP && (dR === 20 || dR === t)) { ec = ea; if (ce) { bj(ec, null, em) } if (aH) { dm(ea, null, ej) } } else { if (aa && (dR === 20 || dR === t)) { ec = ea; ec.splice(ec.length - 3); em.splice(em.length - 4); if (ce) { bj(ec, null, em) } if (aH) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLES", ej) } } else { if (dR === 2) { for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(ei[ee]) } } d1(ec, em) } else { if (dR === 4) { for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(ei[ee]) } } bj(ec, "LINES", em) } else { if (dR === 9) { if (el > 2) { for (eg = 0; eg + 2 < el; eg += 3) { ea = []; ef = []; ec = []; ej = []; em = []; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 0; eb < 3; eb++) { ec.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]); ea.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 3; eb < 5; eb++) { ef.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 5; eb < 9; eb++) { ej.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]); em.push(bb[eg + ee][eb + 4]) } } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_LOOP", em) } if (aH || dT) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLES", ej, ef) } } } } else { if (dR === 10) { if (el > 2) { for (eg = 0; eg + 2 < el; eg++) { ec = []; ea = []; em = []; ej = []; ef = []; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 0; eb < 3; eb++) { ec.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]); ea.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 3; eb < 5; eb++) { ef.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { for (eb = 5; eb < 9; eb++) { em.push(bb[eg + ee][eb + 4]); ej.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } if (aH || dT) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLE_STRIP", ej, ef) } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_LOOP", em) } } } } else { if (dR === 11) { if (el > 2) { for (eg = 0; eg < 3; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < 3; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(ei[ee]) } } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_LOOP", em) } for (eg = 2; eg + 1 < el; eg++) { ec = []; em = []; ec.push(bb[0][0]); ec.push(bb[0][1]); ec.push(bb[0][2]); em.push(bb[0][9]); em.push(bb[0][10]); em.push(bb[0][11]); em.push(bb[0][12]); for (ee = 0; ee < 2; ee++) { for (eb = 0; eb < 3; eb++) { ec.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } for (ee = 0; ee < 2; ee++) { for (eb = 9; eb < 13; eb++) { em.push(bb[eg + ee][eb]) } } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_STRIP", em) } } if (aH || dT) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLE_FAN", ej, ef) } } } else { if (dR === 16) { for (eg = 0; eg + 3 < el; eg += 4) { ec = []; for (ee = 0; ee < 4; ee++) { ei = bb[eg + ee]; for (eb = 0; eb < 3; eb++) { ec.push(ei[eb]) } } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_LOOP", em) } if (aH) { ea = []; ej = []; ef = []; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(bb[eg][ee]) } for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(bb[eg][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(bb[eg + 1][ee]) } for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(bb[eg + 1][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(bb[eg + 3][ee]) } for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(bb[eg + 3][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ea.push(bb[eg + 2][ee]) } for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { ej.push(bb[eg + 2][ee]) } if (dT) { ef.push(bb[eg + 0][3]); ef.push(bb[eg + 0][4]); ef.push(bb[eg + 1][3]); ef.push(bb[eg + 1][4]); ef.push(bb[eg + 3][3]); ef.push(bb[eg + 3][4]); ef.push(bb[eg + 2][3]); ef.push(bb[eg + 2][4]) } dm(ea, "TRIANGLE_STRIP", ej, ef) } } } else { if (dR === 17) { var ek = []; if (el > 3) { for (eg = 0; eg < 2; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(ei[ee]) } } for (eg = 0; eg < 2; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(ei[ee]) } } bj(ec, "LINE_STRIP", em); if (el > 4 && el % 2 > 0) { ek = ea.splice(ea.length - 3); bb.pop() } for (eg = 0; eg + 3 < el; eg += 2) { ec = []; em = []; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(bb[eg + 1][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(bb[eg + 3][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(bb[eg + 2][ee]) } for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(bb[eg + 0][ee]) } for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(bb[eg + 1][ee]) } for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(bb[eg + 3][ee]) } for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(bb[eg + 2][ee]) } for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(bb[eg + 0][ee]) } if (ce) { bj(ec, "LINE_STRIP", em) } } if (aH || dT) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLE_LIST", ej, ef) } } } else { if (el === 1) { for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(bb[0][ee]) } for (ee = 9; ee < 13; ee++) { em.push(bb[0][ee]) } d1(ec, em) } else { for (eg = 0; eg < el; eg++) { ei = bb[eg]; for (ee = 0; ee < 3; ee++) { ec.push(ei[ee]) } for (ee = 5; ee < 9; ee++) { em.push(ei[ee]) } } if (ce && ed) { bj(ec, "LINE_LOOP", em) } else { if (ce && !ed) { bj(ec, "LINE_STRIP", em) } } if (aH || dT) { dm(ea, "TRIANGLE_FAN", ej, ef) } } } } } } } } } dT = false; d8.useProgram(dx); dZ("usingTexture3d", dx, "uUsingTexture", dT) } } dP = false; aa = false; cb = []; c2 = 0 }; var aY = function(ed, ec) { var ee = 1 / ed; var eb = ee * ee; var ea = eb * ee; ec.set(0, 0, 0, 1, ea, eb, ee, 0, 6 * ea, 2 * eb, 0, 0, 6 * ea, 0, 0, 0) }; var dr = function() { if (!aL) { c3 = new aP; aL = new aP; cM = true } var ea = aJ; c3.set((ea - 1) / 2, (ea + 3) / 2, (-3 - ea) / 2, (1 - ea) / 2, 1 - ea, (-5 - ea) / 2, ea + 2, (ea - 1) / 2, (ea - 1) / 2, 0, (1 - ea) / 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); aY(Q, aL); if (!cd) { aQ = new aP } aQ.set(c3); aQ.preApply(cd); aL.apply(c3) }; bR.prototype.bezierVertex = function() { aa = true; var ea = []; if (du) { throw "vertex() must be used at least once before calling bezierVertex()" } for (var eb = 0; eb < arguments.length; eb++) { ea[eb] = arguments[eb] } bb.push(ea); bb[bb.length - 1]["isVert"] = false }; bB.prototype.bezierVertex = function() { aa = true; var eh = []; if (du) { throw "vertex() must be used at least once before calling bezierVertex()" } if (arguments.length === 9) { if (bz === t) { bz = new aP } var em = bb.length - 1; aY(cy, bz); bz.apply(U); var eo = bz.array(); var ed = bb[em][0], en = bb[em][1], eg = bb[em][2]; var ej = eo[4] * ed + eo[5] * arguments[0] + eo[6] * arguments[3] + eo[7] * arguments[6]; var ei = eo[8] * ed + eo[9] * arguments[0] + eo[10] * arguments[3] + eo[11] * arguments[6]; var ef = eo[12] * ed + eo[13] * arguments[0] + eo[14] * arguments[3] + eo[15] * arguments[6]; var ep = eo[4] * en + eo[5] * arguments[1] + eo[6] * arguments[4] + eo[7] * arguments[7]; var el = eo[8] * en + eo[9] * arguments[1] + eo[10] * arguments[4] + eo[11] * arguments[7]; var ek = eo[12] * en + eo[13] * arguments[1] + eo[14] * arguments[4] + eo[15] * arguments[7]; var ec = eo[4] * eg + eo[5] * arguments[2] + eo[6] * arguments[5] + eo[7] * arguments[8]; var eb = eo[8] * eg + eo[9] * arguments[2] + eo[10] * arguments[5] + eo[11] * arguments[8]; var ea = eo[12] * eg + eo[13] * arguments[2] + eo[14] * arguments[5] + eo[15] * arguments[8]; for (var ee = 0; ee < cy; ee++) { ed += ej; ej += ei; ei += ef; en += ep; ep += el; el += ek; eg += ec; ec += eb; eb += ea; cW.vertex(ed, en, eg) } cW.vertex(arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8]) } }; cW.texture = function(ed) { var eb = dY.$ensureContext(); if (ed.__texture) { eb.bindTexture(eb.TEXTURE_2D, ed.__texture) } else { if (ed.localName === "canvas") { eb.bindTexture(eb.TEXTURE_2D, c7); eb.texImage2D(eb.TEXTURE_2D, 0, eb.RGBA, eb.RGBA, eb.UNSIGNED_BYTE, ed); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, eb.LINEAR); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, eb.LINEAR); eb.generateMipmap(eb.TEXTURE_2D); cs.width = ed.width; cs.height = ed.height } else { var ec = eb.createTexture(), ef = d.createElement("canvas"), ea = ef.getContext("2d"), ee; if (ed.width & ed.width - 1 === 0) { ef.width = ed.width } else { ee = 1; while (ee < ed.width) { ee *= 2 } ef.width = ee } if (ed.height & ed.height - 1 === 0) { ef.height = ed.height } else { ee = 1; while (ee < ed.height) { ee *= 2 } ef.height = ee } ea.drawImage(ed.sourceImg, 0, 0, ed.width, ed.height, 0, 0, ef.width, ef.height); eb.bindTexture(eb.TEXTURE_2D, ec); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, eb.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, eb.LINEAR); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, eb.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); eb.texParameteri(eb.TEXTURE_2D, eb.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, eb.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); eb.texImage2D(eb.TEXTURE_2D, 0, eb.RGBA, eb.RGBA, eb.UNSIGNED_BYTE, ef); eb.generateMipmap(eb.TEXTURE_2D); ed.__texture = ec; cs.width = ed.width; cs.height = ed.height } } dT = true; eb.useProgram(dx); dZ("usingTexture3d", dx, "uUsingTexture", dT) }; cW.textureMode = function(ea) { d4 = ea }; var ar = function(ev, eg, em, et, ef, el, er, ee, ek, ep, ed, ei) { var ew = et; var eh = ef; var en = el; var ej = aL.array(); var eu = ej[4] * ev + ej[5] * et + ej[6] * er + ej[7] * ep; var es = ej[8] * ev + ej[9] * et + ej[10] * er + ej[11] * ep; var eq = ej[12] * ev + ej[13] * et + ej[14] * er + ej[15] * ep; var ez = ej[4] * eg + ej[5] * ef + ej[6] * ee + ej[7] * ed; var ey = ej[8] * eg + ej[9] * ef + ej[10] * ee + ej[11] * ed; var ex = ej[12] * eg + ej[13] * ef + ej[14] * ee + ej[15] * ed; var ec = ej[4] * em + ej[5] * el + ej[6] * ek + ej[7] * ei; var eb = ej[8] * em + ej[9] * el + ej[10] * ek + ej[11] * ei; var ea = ej[12] * em + ej[13] * el + ej[14] * ek + ej[15] * ei; cW.vertex(ew, eh, en); for (var eo = 0; eo < Q; eo++) { ew += eu; eu += es; es += eq; eh += ez; ez += ey; ey += ex; en += ec; ec += eb; eb += ea; cW.vertex(ew, eh, en) } }; bR.prototype.curveVertex = function(ea, eb) { dP = true; cW.vertex(ea, eb) }; bB.prototype.curveVertex = function(ea, ed, ec) { dP = true; if (!cM) { dr() } var eb = []; eb[0] = ea; eb[1] = ed; eb[2] = ec; cb.push(eb); c2++; if (c2 > 3) { ar(cb[c2 - 4][0], cb[c2 - 4][1], cb[c2 - 4][2], cb[c2 - 3][0], cb[c2 - 3][1], cb[c2 - 3][2], cb[c2 - 2][0], cb[c2 - 2][1], cb[c2 - 2][2], cb[c2 - 1][0], cb[c2 - 1][1], cb[c2 - 1][2]) } }; bR.prototype.curve = function(ef, eh, ed, eg, eb, ee, ea, ec) { cW.beginShape(); cW.curveVertex(ef, eh); cW.curveVertex(ed, eg); cW.curveVertex(eb, ee); cW.curveVertex(ea, ec); cW.endShape() }; bB.prototype.curve = function(ec, ek, eg, eb, ej, ef, ea, ei, ee, el, eh, ed) { if (ed !== t) { cW.beginShape(); cW.curveVertex(ec, ek, eg); cW.curveVertex(eb, ej, ef); cW.curveVertex(ea, ei, ee); cW.curveVertex(el, eh, ed); cW.endShape(); return } cW.beginShape(); cW.curveVertex(ec, ek); cW.curveVertex(eg, eb); cW.curveVertex(ej, ef); cW.curveVertex(ea, ei); cW.endShape() }; cW.curveTightness = function(ea) { aJ = ea }; cW.curveDetail = function(ea) { Q = ea; dr() }; cW.rectMode = function(ea) { bK = ea }; cW.imageMode = function(ea) { switch (ea) { case 0: bk = aZ; break; case 1: bk = b1; break; case 3: bk = aN; break; default: throw "Invalid imageMode" } }; cW.ellipseMode = function(ea) { cN = ea }; cW.arc = function(em, ek, ed, eo, ec, el) { if (ed <= 0 || el < ec) { return } if (cN === 1) { ed = ed - em; eo = eo - ek } else { if (cN === 2) { em = em - ed; ek = ek - eo; ed = ed * 2; eo = eo * 2 } else { if (cN === 3) { em = em - ed / 2; ek = ek - eo / 2 } } } while (ec < 0) { ec += 6.283185307179586; el += 6.283185307179586 } if (el - ec > 6.283185307179586) { ec = 0; el = 6.283185307179586 } var en = ed / 2, ep = eo / 2, eh = em + en, ef = ek + ep, eb = 0 | 0.5 + ec * cW.RAD_TO_DEG * 2, ej = 0 | 0.5 + el * cW.RAD_TO_DEG * 2, ei, eg; if (aH) { var ee = ce; ce = false; cW.beginShape(); cW.vertex(eh, ef); for (ei = eb; ei <= ej; ei++) { eg = ei % 720; cW.vertex(eh + bl[eg] * en, ef + ah[eg] * ep) } cW.endShape(2); ce = ee } if (ce) { var ea = aH; aH = false; cW.beginShape(); for (ei = eb; ei <= ej; ei++) { eg = ei % 720; cW.vertex(eh + bl[eg] * en, ef + ah[eg] * ep) } cW.endShape(); aH = ea } }; bR.prototype.line = function(eb, ei, ea, eg) { if (!ce) { return } eb = q.round(eb); ea = q.round(ea); ei = q.round(ei); eg = q.round(eg); if (eb === ea && ei === eg) { cW.point(eb, ei); return } var ec = t, ej = t, ef = true, eh = dJ.array(), ed = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; for (var ee = 0; ee < 6 && ef; ee++) { ef = eh[ee] === ed[ee] } if (ef) { if (eb === ea) { if (ei > eg) { ec = ei; ei = eg; eg = ec } eg++; if (dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(0.5, 0) } } else { if (ei === eg) { if (eb > ea) { ec = eb; eb = ea; ea = ec } ea++; if (dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(0, 0.5) } } } if (dW === 1) { ej = d8.lineCap; d8.lineCap = "butt" } } d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(eb || 0, ei || 0); d8.lineTo(ea || 0, eg || 0); dd(); if (ef) { if (eb === ea && dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(-0.5, 0) } else { if (ei === eg && dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(0, -0.5) } } if (dW === 1) { d8.lineCap = ej } } }; bB.prototype.line = function(ec, ef, eh, eb, ed, eg) { if (ed === t || eg === t) { eg = 0; ed = eb; eb = eh; eh = 0 } if (ec === eb && ef === ed && eh === eg) { cW.point(ec, ef, eh); return } var ee = [ec, ef, eh, eb, ed, eg]; var ea = new aP; ea.scale(1, -1, 1); ea.apply(dJ.array()); ea.transpose(); if (dW > 0 && ce) { d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, ea.array()); d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", c0); dZ("uIsDrawingText", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", false); dc("aVertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, b8); cg("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord"); d8.bufferData(d8.ARRAY_BUFFER, new e(ee), d8.STREAM_DRAW); d8.drawArrays(d8.LINES, 0, 2) } }; bR.prototype.bezier = function() { if (arguments.length !== 8) { throw "You must use 8 parameters for bezier() in 2D mode" } cW.beginShape(); cW.vertex(arguments[0], arguments[1]); cW.bezierVertex(arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]); cW.endShape() }; bB.prototype.bezier = function() { if (arguments.length !== 12) { throw "You must use 12 parameters for bezier() in 3D mode" } cW.beginShape(); cW.vertex(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); cW.bezierVertex(arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11]); cW.endShape() }; cW.bezierDetail = function(ea) { cy = ea }; cW.bezierPoint = function(eb, ea, ee, ed, ec) { return (1 - ec) * (1 - ec) * (1 - ec) * eb + 3 * (1 - ec) * (1 - ec) * ec * ea + 3 * (1 - ec) * ec * ec * ee + ec * ec * ec * ed }; cW.bezierTangent = function(eb, ea, ee, ed, ec) { return 3 * ec * ec * (-eb + 3 * ea - 3 * ee + ed) + 6 * ec * (eb - 2 * ea + ee) + 3 * (-eb + ea) }; cW.curvePoint = function(eb, ea, ee, ed, ec) { return 0.5 * (2 * ea + (-eb + ee) * ec + (2 * eb - 5 * ea + 4 * ee - ed) * ec * ec + (-eb + 3 * ea - 3 * ee + ed) * ec * ec * ec) }; cW.curveTangent = function(eb, ea, ee, ed, ec) { return 0.5 * (-eb + ee + 2 * (2 * eb - 5 * ea + 4 * ee - ed) * ec + 3 * (-eb + 3 * ea - 3 * ee + ed) * ec * ec) }; cW.triangle = function(ed, ef, eb, ee, ea, ec) { cW.beginShape(9); cW.vertex(ed, ef, 0); cW.vertex(eb, ee, 0); cW.vertex(ea, ec, 0); cW.endShape() }; cW.quad = function(ef, eh, ed, eg, eb, ee, ea, ec) { cW.beginShape(16); cW.vertex(ef, eh, 0); cW.vertex(ed, eg, 0); cW.vertex(eb, ee, 0); cW.vertex(ea, ec, 0); cW.endShape() }; var bN = function(eg, ef, ea, eh, ej, ee, ei, eb) { if (eb === t) { ee = ej; ei = ej; eb = ej } var ec = ea / 2, ed = eh / 2; if (ej > ec || ej > ed) { ej = q.min(ec, ed) } if (ee > ec || ee > ed) { ee = q.min(ec, ed) } if (ei > ec || ei > ed) { ei = q.min(ec, ed) } if (eb > ec || eb > ed) { eb = q.min(ec, ed) } if (!aH || ce) { d8.translate(0.5, 0.5) } d8.beginPath(); d8.moveTo(eg + ej, ef); d8.lineTo(eg + ea - ee, ef); d8.quadraticCurveTo(eg + ea, ef, eg + ea, ef + ee); d8.lineTo(eg + ea, ef + eh - ei); d8.quadraticCurveTo(eg + ea, ef + eh, eg + ea - ei, ef + eh); d8.lineTo(eg + eb, ef + eh); d8.quadraticCurveTo(eg, ef + eh, eg, ef + eh - eb); d8.lineTo(eg, ef + ej); d8.quadraticCurveTo(eg, ef, eg + ej, ef); if (!aH || ce) { d8.translate(-0.5, -0.5) } bn(); dd() }; bR.prototype.rect = function(eb, eh, ee, ea, ec, ef, ed, eg) { if (!ee && !ea) { return } if (bK === 1) { ee -= eb; ea -= eh } else { if (bK === 2) { ee *= 2; ea *= 2; eb -= ee / 2; eh -= ea / 2 } else { if (bK === 3) { eb -= ee / 2; eh -= ea / 2 } } } eb = q.round(eb); eh = q.round(eh); ee = q.round(ee); ea = q.round(ea); if (ec !== t) { bN(eb, eh, ee, ea, ec, ef, ed, eg); return } if (ce && dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(0.5, 0.5) } d8.beginPath(); d8.rect(eb, eh, ee, ea); bn(); dd(); if (ce && dW % 2 === 1) { d8.translate(-0.5, -0.5) } }; bB.prototype.rect = function(ei, eh, ea, ek, em, ef, el, eb) { if (em !== t) { throw "rect() with rounded corners is not supported in 3D mode" } if (bK === 1) { ea -= ei; ek -= eh } else { if (bK === 2) { ea *= 2; ek *= 2; ei -= ea / 2; eh -= ek / 2 } else { if (bK === 3) { ei -= ea / 2; eh -= ek / 2 } } } var ee = new aP; ee.translate(ei, eh, 0); ee.scale(ea, ek, 1); ee.transpose(); var eg = new aP; eg.scale(1, -1, 1); eg.apply(dJ.array()); eg.transpose(); if (dW > 0 && ce) { d8.useProgram(dQ); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, ee.array()); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, eg.array()); d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", c0); dZ("uIsDrawingText2d", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", false); dc("aVertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, aB); cg("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord"); d8.drawArrays(d8.LINE_LOOP, 0, ak.length / 3) } if (aH) { d8.useProgram(dx); a9("uModel3d", dx, "uModel", false, ee.array()); a9("uView3d", dx, "uView", false, eg.array()); d8.enable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); d8.polygonOffset(1, 1); d2("color3d", dx, "uColor", bo); if (dL > 0) { var ej = new aP; ej.set(eg); var ec = new aP; ec.set(ee); ej.mult(ec); var ed = new aP; ed.set(ej); ed.invert(); ed.transpose(); a9("uNormalTransform3d", dx, "uNormalTransform", false, ed.array()); dc("aNormal3d", dx, "aNormal", 3, b2) } else { cg("normal3d", dx, "aNormal") } dc("vertex3d", dx, "aVertex", 3, aB); d8.drawArrays(d8.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, ak.length / 3); d8.disable(d8.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) } }; bR.prototype.ellipse = function(eg, ef, eb, ei) { eg = eg || 0; ef = ef || 0; if (eb <= 0 && ei <= 0) { return } if (cN === 2) { eb *= 2; ei *= 2 } else { if (cN === 1) { eb = eb - eg; ei = ei - ef; eg += eb / 2; ef += ei / 2 } else { if (cN === 0) { eg += eb / 2; ef += ei / 2 } } } if (eb === ei) { d8.beginPath(); d8.arc(eg, ef, eb / 2, 0, 6.283185307179586, false); bn(); dd() } else { var eh = eb / 2, ee = ei / 2, ea = 0.5522847498307933, ed = ea * eh, ec = ea * ee; cW.beginShape(); cW.vertex(eg + eh, ef); cW.bezierVertex(eg + eh, ef - ec, eg + ed, ef - ee, eg, ef - ee); cW.bezierVertex(eg - ed, ef - ee, eg - eh, ef - ec, eg - eh, ef); cW.bezierVertex(eg - eh, ef + ec, eg - ed, ef + ee, eg, ef + ee); cW.bezierVertex(eg + ed, ef + ee, eg + eh, ef + ec, eg + eh, ef); cW.endShape() } }; bB.prototype.ellipse = function(en, em, ec, ep) { en = en || 0; em = em || 0; if (ec <= 0 && ep <= 0) { return } if (cN === 2) { ec *= 2; ep *= 2 } else { if (cN === 1) { ec = ec - en; ep = ep - em; en += ec / 2; em += ep / 2 } else { if (cN === 0) { en += ec / 2; em += ep / 2 } } } var eo = ec / 2, ej = ep / 2, ea = 0.5522847498307933, ee = ea * eo, ed = ea * ej; cW.beginShape(); cW.vertex(en + eo, em); cW.bezierVertex(en + eo, em - ed, 0, en + ee, em - ej, 0, en, em - ej, 0); cW.bezierVertex(en - ee, em - ej, 0, en - eo, em - ed, 0, en - eo, em, 0); cW.bezierVertex(en - eo, em + ed, 0, en - ee, em + ej, 0, en, em + ej, 0); cW.bezierVertex(en + ee, em + ej, 0, en + eo, em + ed, 0, en + eo, em, 0); cW.endShape(); if (aH) { var ef = 0, ek = 0, eh, eg; for (eh = 0; eh < bb.length; eh++) { ef += bb[eh][0]; ek += bb[eh][1] } ef /= bb.length; ek /= bb.length; var ei = [], eb = [], el = []; ei[0] = ef; ei[1] = ek; ei[2] = 0; ei[3] = 0; ei[4] = 0; ei[5] = bo[0]; ei[6] = bo[1]; ei[7] = bo[2]; ei[8] = bo[3]; ei[9] = c0[0]; ei[10] = c0[1]; ei[11] = c0[2]; ei[12] = c0[3]; ei[13] = a8; ei[14] = a7; ei[15] = a6; bb.unshift(ei); for (eh = 0; eh < bb.length; eh++) { for (eg = 0; eg < 3; eg++) { eb.push(bb[eh][eg]) } for (eg = 5; eg < 9; eg++) { el.push(bb[eh][eg]) } } dm(eb, "TRIANGLE_FAN", el) } }; cW.normal = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (arguments.length !== 3 || !(typeof ea === "number" && typeof ec === "number" && typeof eb === "number")) { throw "normal() requires three numeric arguments." } a8 = ea; a7 = ec; a6 = eb; if (dR !== 0) { if (a2 === 0) { a2 = 1 } else { if (a2 === 1) { a2 = 2 } } } }; cW.save = function(eb, ea) { if (ea !== t) { return D.open(ea.toDataURL(), "_blank") } return D.open(cW.externals.canvas.toDataURL(), "_blank") }; var cw = 0; cW.saveFrame = function(ea) { if (ea === t) { ea = "screen-####.png" } var eb = ea.replace(/#+/, function(ed) { var ec = "" + cw++; while (ec.length < ed.length) { ec = "0" + ec } return ec }); cW.save(eb) }; var cc = d.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); var X = [t, t, t]; function by(eh, eb, eg) { var ed = X.shift(); if (ed === t) { ed = {}; ed.canvas = d.createElement("canvas"); ed.context = ed.canvas.getContext("2d") } X.push(ed); var ec = ed.canvas, ee = ed.context, ef = eb || eh.width, ea = eg || eh.height; ec.width = ef; ec.height = ea; if (!eh) { ee.clearRect(0, 0, ef, ea) } else { if ("data" in eh) { ee.putImageData(eh, 0, 0) } else { ee.clearRect(0, 0, ef, ea); ee.drawImage(eh, 0, 0, ef, ea) } } return ed } function b0(ea) { return { getLength: function(eb) { return function() { if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot get length." } else { return eb.imageData.data.length ? eb.imageData.data.length / 4 : 0 } } }(ea), getPixel: function(eb) { return function(ec) { var ee = ec * 4, ed = eb.imageData.data; if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot get pixels." } return (ed[ee + 3] & 255) << 24 | (ed[ee] & 255) << 16 | (ed[ee + 1] & 255) << 8 | ed[ee + 2] & 255 } }(ea), setPixel: function(eb) { return function(ec, ef) { var ee = ec * 4, ed = eb.imageData.data; if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot set pixel." } ed[ee + 0] = (ef >> 16) & 255; ed[ee + 1] = (ef >> 8) & 255; ed[ee + 2] = ef & 255; ed[ee + 3] = (ef >> 24) & 255; eb.__isDirty = true } }(ea), toArray: function(eb) { return function() { var ec = [], ef = eb.imageData.data, ee = eb.width * eb.height; if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot get pixels." } for (var ed = 0, eg = 0; ed < ee; ed++, eg += 4) { ec.push((ef[eg + 3] & 255) << 24 | (ef[eg] & 255) << 16 | (ef[eg + 1] & 255) << 8 | ef[eg + 2] & 255) } return ec } }(ea), set: function(eb) { return function(ec) { var eg, ef, eh; if (this.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot set pixels." } ef = eb.imageData.data; for (var ed = 0, ee = ec.length; ed < ee; ed++) { eh = ec[ed]; eg = ed * 4; ef[eg + 0] = (eh >> 16) & 255; ef[eg + 1] = (eh >> 8) & 255; ef[eg + 2] = eh & 255; ef[eg + 3] = (eh >> 24) & 255 } eb.__isDirty = true } }(ea) } } var cG = function(ed, eg, ee) { this.__isDirty = false; if (ed instanceof HTMLImageElement) { this.fromHTMLImageData(ed) } else { if (eg || ee) { this.width = ed || 1; this.height = eg || 1; var eb = this.sourceImg = d.createElement("canvas"); eb.width = this.width; eb.height = this.height; var eh = this.imageData = eb.getContext("2d").createImageData(this.width, this.height); this.format = ee === 2 || ee === 4 ? ee : 1; if (this.format === 1) { for (var ec = 3, ef = this.imageData.data, ea = ef.length; ec < ea; ec += 4) { ef[ec] = 255 } } this.__isDirty = true; this.updatePixels() } else { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.imageData = cc.createImageData(1, 1); this.format = 2 } } this.pixels = b0(this) }; cG.prototype = { __isPImage: true, updatePixels: function() { var ea = this.sourceImg; if (ea && ea instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && this.__isDirty) { ea.getContext("2d").putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0) } this.__isDirty = false }, fromHTMLImageData: function(ea) { var eb = by(ea); try { var ed = eb.context.getImageData(0, 0, ea.width, ea.height); this.fromImageData(ed) } catch (ec) { if (ea.width && ea.height) { this.isRemote = true; this.width = ea.width; this.height = ea.height } } this.sourceImg = ea }, get: function(ea, ed, eb, ec) { if (!arguments.length) { return cW.get(this) } if (arguments.length === 2) { return cW.get(ea, ed, this) } if (arguments.length === 4) { return cW.get(ea, ed, eb, ec, this) } }, set: function(ea, ec, eb) { cW.set(ea, ec, eb, this); this.__isDirty = true }, blend: function(ei, ee, ed, eb, eg, ej, eh, ef, ea, ec) { if (arguments.length === 9) { cW.blend(this, ei, ee, ed, eb, eg, ej, eh, ef, ea, this) } else { if (arguments.length === 10) { cW.blend(ei, ee, ed, eb, eg, ej, eh, ef, ea, ec, this) } } delete this.sourceImg }, copy: function(eh, ee, ed, ec, eb, ei, eg, ef, ea) { if (arguments.length === 8) { cW.blend(this, eh, ee, ed, ec, eb, ei, eg, ef, 0, this) } else { if (arguments.length === 9) { cW.blend(eh, ee, ed, ec, eb, ei, eg, ef, ea, 0, this) } } delete this.sourceImg }, filter: function(eb, ea) { if (arguments.length === 2) { cW.filter(eb, ea, this) } else { if (arguments.length === 1) { cW.filter(eb, null, this) } } delete this.sourceImg }, save: function(ea) { cW.save(ea, this) }, resize: function(ea, ec) { if (this.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot resize." } if (this.width !== 0 || this.height !== 0) { if (ea === 0 && ec !== 0) { ea = q.floor(this.width / this.height * ec) } else { if (ec === 0 && ea !== 0) { ec = q.floor(this.height / this.width * ea) } } var eb = by(this.imageData).canvas; var ed = by(eb, ea, ec).context.getImageData(0, 0, ea, ec); this.fromImageData(ed) } }, mask: function(ea) { var ed = this.toImageData(), ec, eb; if (ea instanceof cG || ea.__isPImage) { if (ea.width === this.width && ea.height === this.height) { ea = ea.toImageData(); for (ec = 2, eb = this.width * this.height * 4; ec < eb; ec += 4) { ed.data[ec + 1] = ea.data[ec] } } else { throw "mask must have the same dimensions as PImage." } } else { if (ea instanceof Array) { if (this.width * this.height === ea.length) { for (ec = 0, eb = ea.length; ec < eb; ++ec) { ed.data[ec * 4 + 3] = ea[ec] } } else { throw "mask array must be the same length as PImage pixels array." } } } this.fromImageData(ed) }, loadPixels: G, toImageData: function() { if (this.isRemote) { return this.sourceImg } if (!this.__isDirty) { return this.imageData } var ea = by(this.sourceImg); return ea.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height) }, toDataURL: function() { if (this.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot create dataURI." } var ea = by(this.imageData); return ea.canvas.toDataURL() }, fromImageData: function(ee) { var eb = ee.width, ed = ee.height, ec = d.createElement("canvas"), ea = ec.getContext("2d"); this.width = ec.width = eb; this.height = ec.height = ed; ea.putImageData(ee, 0, 0); this.format = 2; this.imageData = ee; this.sourceImg = ec } }; cW.PImage = cG; cW.createImage = function(ea, eb, ec) { return new cG(ea, eb, ec) }; cW.loadImage = function(eb, ec, ee) { if (ec) { eb = eb + "." + ec } var ed; if (cQ.imageCache.images[eb]) { ed = new cG(cQ.imageCache.images[eb]); ed.loaded = true; return ed } ed = new cG; var ea = d.createElement("img"); ed.sourceImg = ea; ea.onload = function(ei, eg, ef) { var ej = ei; var eh = eg; var ek = ef; return function() { eh.fromHTMLImageData(ej); eh.loaded = true; if (ek) { ek() } } }(ea, ed, ee); ea.src = eb; return ed }; cW.requestImage = cW.loadImage; function c9(ea, ed) { var eb; if (ea >= cW.width || ea < 0 || ed < 0 || ed >= cW.height) { return 0 } if (dV) { var ec = ((0 | ea) + cW.width * (0 | ed)) * 4; eb = cW.imageData.data; return (eb[ec + 3] & 255) << 24 | (eb[ec] & 255) << 16 | (eb[ec + 1] & 255) << 8 | eb[ec + 2] & 255 } eb = cW.toImageData(0 | ea, 0 | ed, 1, 1).data; return (eb[3] & 255) << 24 | (eb[0] & 255) << 16 | (eb[1] & 255) << 8 | eb[2] & 255 } function c8(ea, ee, eb) { if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot get x,y." } var ed = ee * eb.width * 4 + ea * 4, ec = eb.imageData.data; return (ec[ed + 3] & 255) << 24 | (ec[ed] & 255) << 16 | (ec[ed + 1] & 255) << 8 | ec[ed + 2] & 255 } function c6(ea, ee, eb, ec) { var ed = new cG(eb, ec, 2); ed.fromImageData(cW.toImageData(ea, ee, eb, ec)); return ed } function c5(ef, ee, eg, el, er) { if (er.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot get x,y,w,h." } var ep = new cG(eg, el, 2), ec = ep.imageData.data, ed = er.width, em = er.height, eo = er.imageData.data; var ea = q.max(0, -ee), eb = q.max(0, -ef), eh = q.min(el, em - ee), ei = q.min(eg, ed - ef); for (var ek = ea; ek < eh; ++ek) { var en = ((ee + ek) * ed + (ef + eb)) * 4; var eq = (ek * eg + eb) * 4; for (var ej = eb; ej < ei; ++ej) { ec[eq++] = eo[en++]; ec[eq++] = eo[en++]; ec[eq++] = eo[en++]; ec[eq++] = eo[en++] } } ep.__isDirty = true; return ep } cW.get = function(ea, ee, eb, ed, ec) { if (ec !== undefined) { return c5(ea, ee, eb, ed, ec) } if (ed !== undefined) { return c6(ea, ee, eb, ed) } if (eb !== undefined) { return c8(ea, ee, eb) } if (ee !== undefined) { return c9(ea, ee) } if (ea !== undefined) { return c5(0, 0, ea.width, ea.height, ea) } return c6(0, 0, cW.width, cW.height) }; cW.createGraphics = function(ea, ec, eb) { var ed = new F; ed.size(ea, ec, eb); ed.background(0, 0); return ed }; function T() { if (dV) { d8 = aj; dV = false; cW.updatePixels() } } function cq() { function eb(ef, ed) { function ee() { T(); d8[ed].apply(d8, arguments) } ef[ed] = ee } function ea(eg, ee) { function ed() { T(); return d8[ee] } function ef(eh) { T(); d8[ee] = eh } cW.defineProperty(eg, ee, { get: ed, set: ef }) } for (var ec in d8) { if (typeof d8[ec] === "function") { eb(this, ec) } else { ea(this, ec) } } } function cC() { if (dV) { return } cW.loadPixels(); if (cn === null) { aj = d8; cn = new cq } dV = true; d8 = cn; d3 = 0 } function bx(ea, ec, eb) { if (ea < cW.width && ea >= 0 && ec >= 0 && ec < cW.height) { cC(); cW.pixels.setPixel((0 | ea) + cW.width * (0 | ec), eb); if (++d3 > bZ) { T() } } } function bv(ea, eg, ed, eb) { if (eb.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot set x,y." } var ef = cW.color.toArray(ed); var ee = eg * eb.width * 4 + ea * 4; var ec = eb.imageData.data; ec[ee] = ef[0]; ec[ee + 1] = ef[1]; ec[ee + 2] = ef[2]; ec[ee + 3] = ef[3] } cW.set = function(ea, ef, ed, ec) { var eb, ee; if (arguments.length === 3) { if (typeof ed === "number") { bx(ea, ef, ed) } else { if (ed instanceof cG || ed.__isPImage) { cW.image(ed, ea, ef) } } } else { if (arguments.length === 4) { bv(ea, ef, ed, ec) } } }; cW.imageData = {}; cW.pixels = { getLength: function() { return cW.imageData.data.length ? cW.imageData.data.length / 4 : 0 }, getPixel: function(ea) { var ec = ea * 4, eb = cW.imageData.data; return eb[ec + 3] << 24 & 4278190080 | eb[ec + 0] << 16 & 16711680 | eb[ec + 1] << 8 & 65280 | eb[ec + 2] & 255 }, setPixel: function(ea, ed) { var ec = ea * 4, eb = cW.imageData.data; eb[ec + 0] = (ed & 16711680) >>> 16; eb[ec + 1] = (ed & 65280) >>> 8; eb[ec + 2] = ed & 255; eb[ec + 3] = (ed & 4278190080) >>> 24 }, toArray: function() { var ea = [], ec = cW.imageData.width * cW.imageData.height, ed = cW.imageData.data; for (var eb = 0, ee = 0; eb < ec; eb++, ee += 4) { ea.push(ed[ee + 3] << 24 & 4278190080 | ed[ee + 0] << 16 & 16711680 | ed[ee + 1] << 8 & 65280 | ed[ee + 2] & 255) } return ea }, set: function(ea) { for (var eb = 0, ec = ea.length; eb < ec; eb++) { this.setPixel(eb, ea[eb]) } } }; cW.loadPixels = function() { cW.imageData = dY.$ensureContext().getImageData(0, 0, cW.width, cW.height) }; cW.updatePixels = function() { if (cW.imageData) { dY.$ensureContext().putImageData(cW.imageData, 0, 0) } }; cW.hint = function(eb) { var ea = dY.$ensureContext(); if (eb === 4) { ea.disable(ea.DEPTH_TEST); ea.depthMask(false); ea.clear(ea.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) } else { if (eb === -4) { ea.enable(ea.DEPTH_TEST); ea.depthMask(true) } else { if (eb === -1 || eb === 2) { dO = true } else { if (eb === 1) { dO = false } } } } }; var bE = function(ed, ec, eb, ea) { var ee; if (ed instanceof cG || ed.__isPImage) { ee = ed; if (!ee.loaded) { throw "Error using image in background(): PImage not loaded." } if (ee.width !== cW.width || ee.height !== cW.height) { throw "Background image must be the same dimensions as the canvas." } } else { ee = cW.color(ed, ec, eb, ea) } a4 = ee }; bR.prototype.background = function(ed, ec, eb, ea) { if (ed !== t) { bE(ed, ec, eb, ea) } if (a4 instanceof cG || a4.__isPImage) { aD(); d8.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); cW.image(a4, 0, 0); cP() } else { aD(); d8.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (cW.alpha(a4) !== bU) { d8.clearRect(0, 0, cW.width, cW.height) } d8.fillStyle = cW.color.toString(a4); d8.fillRect(0, 0, cW.width, cW.height); aq = true; cP() } }; bB.prototype.background = function(ed, ec, eb, ea) { if (arguments.length > 0) { bE(ed, ec, eb, ea) } var ee = cW.color.toGLArray(a4); d8.clearColor(ee[0], ee[1], ee[2], ee[3]); d8.clear(d8.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | d8.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) }; bR.prototype.image = function(ed, ei, eg, ej, ee) { ei = q.round(ei); eg = q.round(eg); if (ed.width > 0) { var ek = ej || ed.width; var eh = ee || ed.height; var ea = bk(ei || 0, eg || 0, ej || ed.width, ee || ed.height, arguments.length < 4); var ef = !!ed.sourceImg && bf === null; if (ef) { var eb = ed.sourceImg; if (ed.__isDirty) { ed.updatePixels() } d8.drawImage(eb, 0, 0, eb.width, eb.height, ea.x, ea.y, ea.w, ea.h) } else { var ec = ed.toImageData(); if (bf !== null) { bf(ec); ed.__isDirty = true } d8.drawImage(by(ec).canvas, 0, 0, ed.width, ed.height, ea.x, ea.y, ea.w, ea.h) } } }; bB.prototype.image = function(ec, ea, ee, eb, ed) { if (ec.width > 0) { ea = q.round(ea); ee = q.round(ee); eb = eb || ec.width; ed = ed || ec.height; cW.beginShape(cW.QUADS); cW.texture(ec); cW.vertex(ea, ee, 0, 0, 0); cW.vertex(ea, ee + ed, 0, 0, ed); cW.vertex(ea + eb, ee + ed, 0, eb, ed); cW.vertex(ea + eb, ee, 0, eb, 0); cW.endShape() } }; cW.tint = function(ed, ec, ea, ei) { var ef = cW.color(ed, ec, ea, ei); var eb = cW.red(ef) / bJ; var ee = cW.green(ef) / bI; var eg = cW.blue(ef) / bG; var eh = cW.alpha(ef) / bU; bf = function(em) { var el = em.data, ek = 4 * em.width * em.height; for (var ej = 0; ej < ek;) { el[ej++] *= eb; el[ej++] *= ee; el[ej++] *= eg; el[ej++] *= eh } }; bw = function(ek) { for (var ej = 0; ej < ek.length;) { ek[ej++] = eb; ek[ej++] = ee; ek[ej++] = eg; ek[ej++] = eh } } }; cW.noTint = function() { bf = null; bw = null }; cW.copy = function(ea, ef, ee, eg, ec, ei, eh, eb, ed) { if (ed === t) { ed = eb; eb = eh; eh = ei; ei = ec; ec = eg; eg = ee; ee = ef; ef = ea; ea = cW } cW.blend(ea, ef, ee, eg, ec, ei, eh, eb, ed, 0) }; cW.blend = function(ea, ek, ej, en, ef, ep, eo, eb, eh, eg, ed) { if (ea.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot blend image." } if (eg === t) { eg = eh; eh = eb; eb = eo; eo = ep; ep = ef; ef = en; en = ej; ej = ek; ek = ea; ea = cW } var ec = ek + en, ei = ej + ef, em = ep + eb, ee = eo + eh, el = ed || cW; if (ed === t || eg === t) { cW.loadPixels() } ea.loadPixels(); if (ea === cW && cW.intersect(ek, ej, ec, ei, ep, eo, em, ee)) { cW.blit_resize(cW.get(ek, ej, ec - ek, ei - ej), 0, 0, ec - ek - 1, ei - ej - 1, el.imageData.data, el.width, el.height, ep, eo, em, ee, eg) } else { cW.blit_resize(ea, ek, ej, ec, ei, el.imageData.data, el.width, el.height, ep, eo, em, ee, eg) } if (ed === t) { cW.updatePixels() } }; var bp = function(ee) { var ea = cW.floor(ee * 3.5), ec, eb; ea = ea < 1 ? 1 : ea < 248 ? ea : 248; if (cW.shared.blurRadius !== ea) { cW.shared.blurRadius = ea; cW.shared.blurKernelSize = 1 + (cW.shared.blurRadius << 1); cW.shared.blurKernel = new e(cW.shared.blurKernelSize); var eg = cW.shared.blurKernel; var ef = cW.shared.blurKernelSize; var ed = cW.shared.blurRadius; for (ec = 0; ec < ef; ec++) { eg[ec] = 0 } var eh = (ea - 1) * (ea - 1); for (ec = 1; ec < ea; ec++) { eg[ea + ec] = eg[eb] = eh } eg[ea] = ea * ea } }; var b7 = function(eo, et) { var ec, ef, el, eq, er, eA, es; var ev, en, ez, ey, ep; var ei = et.pixels.getLength(); var eu = new e(ei); var eD = new e(ei); var eh = new e(ei); var eC = new e(ei); var eB = 0; var ek, ej, ex, ee; bp(eo); var eb = et.height; var ea = et.width; var ew = cW.shared.blurKernelSize; var em = cW.shared.blurRadius; var eg = cW.shared.blurKernel; var ed = et.imageData.data; for (ej = 0; ej < eb; ej++) { for (ek = 0; ek < ea; ek++) { eq = el = ef = er = ec = 0; ev = ek - em; if (ev < 0) { ep = -ev; ev = 0 } else { if (ev >= ea) { break } ep = 0 } for (ex = ep; ex < ew; ex++) { if (ev >= ea) { break } ee = (ev + eB) * 4; es = eg[ex]; er += es * ed[ee + 3]; ef += es * ed[ee]; el += es * ed[ee + 1]; eq += es * ed[ee + 2]; ec += es; ev++ } en = eB + ek; eC[en] = er / ec; eu[en] = ef / ec; eD[en] = el / ec; eh[en] = eq / ec } eB += ea } eB = 0; ez = -em; ey = ez * ea; for (ej = 0; ej < eb; ej++) { for (ek = 0; ek < ea; ek++) { eq = el = ef = er = ec = 0; if (ez < 0) { ep = en = -ez; ev = ek } else { if (ez >= eb) { break } ep = 0; en = ez; ev = ek + ey } for (ex = ep; ex < ew; ex++) { if (en >= eb) { break } es = eg[ex]; er += es * eC[ev]; ef += es * eu[ev]; el += es * eD[ev]; eq += es * eh[ev]; ec += es; en++; ev += ea } ee = (ek + eB) * 4; ed[ee] = ef / ec; ed[ee + 1] = el / ec; ed[ee + 2] = eq / ec; ed[ee + 3] = er / ec } eB += ea; ey += ea; ez++ } }; var cf = function(er, el) { var eh = 0; var ev = el.pixels.getLength(); var em = new K(ev); var ep, eb, ek, ej, ed; var eq, ee, eg, ei, ec, en, eu, ea, es, ef, et, eo; if (!er) { while (eh < ev) { ep = eh; eb = eh + el.width; while (eh < eb) { ek = ej = el.pixels.getPixel(eh); ee = eh - 1; eq = eh + 1; eg = eh - el.width; ei = eh + el.width; if (ee < ep) { ee = eh } if (eq >= eb) { eq = eh } if (eg < 0) { eg = 0 } if (ei >= ev) { ei = eh } eu = el.pixels.getPixel(eg); en = el.pixels.getPixel(ee); ea = el.pixels.getPixel(ei); ec = el.pixels.getPixel(eq); ed = 77 * (ek >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ek >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ek & 255); ef = 77 * (en >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (en >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (en & 255); es = 77 * (ec >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ec >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ec & 255); et = 77 * (eu >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (eu >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (eu & 255); eo = 77 * (ea >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ea >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ea & 255); if (ef > ed) { ej = en; ed = ef } if (es > ed) { ej = ec; ed = es } if (et > ed) { ej = eu; ed = et } if (eo > ed) { ej = ea; ed = eo } em[eh++] = ej } } } else { while (eh < ev) { ep = eh; eb = eh + el.width; while (eh < eb) { ek = ej = el.pixels.getPixel(eh); ee = eh - 1; eq = eh + 1; eg = eh - el.width; ei = eh + el.width; if (ee < ep) { ee = eh } if (eq >= eb) { eq = eh } if (eg < 0) { eg = 0 } if (ei >= ev) { ei = eh } eu = el.pixels.getPixel(eg); en = el.pixels.getPixel(ee); ea = el.pixels.getPixel(ei); ec = el.pixels.getPixel(eq); ed = 77 * (ek >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ek >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ek & 255); ef = 77 * (en >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (en >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (en & 255); es = 77 * (ec >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ec >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ec & 255); et = 77 * (eu >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (eu >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (eu & 255); eo = 77 * (ea >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ea >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ea & 255); if (ef < ed) { ej = en; ed = ef } if (es < ed) { ej = ec; ed = es } if (et < ed) { ej = eu; ed = et } if (eo < ed) { ej = ea; ed = eo } em[eh++] = ej } } } el.pixels.set(em) }; cW.filter = function(eh, eg, ed) { var ek, ef, eb, ej; if (arguments.length === 3) { ed.loadPixels(); ek = ed } else { cW.loadPixels(); ek = cW } if (eg === t) { eg = null } if (ek.isRemote) { throw "Image is loaded remotely. Cannot filter image." } var el = ek.pixels.getLength(); switch (eh) { case 11: var em = eg || 1; b7(em, ek); break; case 12: if (ek.format === 4) { for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { ef = 255 - ek.pixels.getPixel(ej); ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, 4278190080 | ef << 16 | ef << 8 | ef) } ek.format = 1 } else { for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { ef = ek.pixels.getPixel(ej); eb = 77 * (ef >> 16 & 255) + 151 * (ef >> 8 & 255) + 28 * (ef & 255) >> 8; ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, ef & 4278190080 | eb << 16 | eb << 8 | eb) } } break; case 13: for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) ^ 16777215) } break; case 15: if (eg === null) { throw "Use filter(POSTERIZE, int levels) instead of filter(POSTERIZE)" } var ep = cW.floor(eg); if (ep < 2 || ep > 255) { throw "Levels must be between 2 and 255 for filter(POSTERIZE, levels)" } var ei = ep - 1; for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { var ea = ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) >> 16 & 255; var en = ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) >> 8 & 255; var ec = ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) & 255; ea = (ea * ep >> 8) * 255 / ei; en = (en * ep >> 8) * 255 / ei; ec = (ec * ep >> 8) * 255 / ei; ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, 4278190080 & ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) | ea << 16 | en << 8 | ec) } break; case 14: for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) | 4278190080) } ek.format = 1; break; case 16: if (eg === null) { eg = 0.5 } if (eg < 0 || eg > 1) { throw "Level must be between 0 and 1 for filter(THRESHOLD, level)" } var ee = cW.floor(eg * 255); for (ej = 0; ej < el; ej++) { var eo = cW.max((ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) & 16711680) >> 16, cW.max((ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) & 65280) >> 8, ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) & 255)); ek.pixels.setPixel(ej, ek.pixels.getPixel(ej) & 4278190080 | (eo < ee ? 0 : 16777215)) } break; case 17: cf(true, ek); break; case 18: cf(false, ek); break } ek.updatePixels() }; cW.shared = { fracU: 0, ifU: 0, fracV: 0, ifV: 0, u1: 0, u2: 0, v1: 0, v2: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0, iw: 0, iw1: 0, ih1: 0, ul: 0, ll: 0, ur: 0, lr: 0, cUL: 0, cLL: 0, cUR: 0, cLR: 0, srcXOffset: 0, srcYOffset: 0, r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, srcBuffer: null, blurRadius: 0, blurKernelSize: 0, blurKernel: null }; cW.intersect = function(ec, ej, eb, ei, en, eg, em, ef) { var el = eb - ec + 1; var ee = ei - ej + 1; var ea = em - en + 1; var eh = ef - eg + 1; if (en < ec) { ea += en - ec; if (ea > el) { ea = el } } else { var ek = el + ec - en; if (ea > ek) { ea = ek } } if (eg < ej) { eh += eg - ej; if (eh > ee) { eh = ee } } else { var ed = ee + ej - eg; if (eh > ed) { eh = ed } } return !(ea <= 0 || eh <= 0) }; var dS = {}; dS[1] = cW.modes.blend; dS[2] = cW.modes.add; dS[4] = cW.modes.subtract; dS[8] = cW.modes.lightest; dS[16] = cW.modes.darkest; dS[0] = cW.modes.replace; dS[32] = cW.modes.difference; dS[64] = cW.modes.exclusion; dS[128] = cW.modes.multiply; dS[256] = cW.modes.screen; dS[512] = cW.modes.overlay; dS[1024] = cW.modes.hard_light; dS[2048] = cW.modes.soft_light; dS[4096] = cW.modes.dodge; dS[8192] = cW.modes.burn; cW.blit_resize = function(en, ez, et, ey, es, eE, ej, er, ex, eo, ew, em, ep) { var eC, eB; if (ez < 0) { ez = 0 } if (et < 0) { et = 0 } if (ey >= en.width) { ey = en.width - 1 } if (es >= en.height) { es = en.height - 1 } var eI = ey - ez; var eN = es - et; var ea = ew - ex; var ek = em - eo; if (ea <= 0 || ek <= 0 || eI <= 0 || eN <= 0 || ex >= ej || eo >= er || ez >= en.width || et >= en.height) { return } var eh = q.floor(eI / ea * 32768); var ee = q.floor(eN / ek * 32768); var eG = cW.shared; eG.srcXOffset = q.floor(ex < 0 ? -ex * eh : ez * 32768); eG.srcYOffset = q.floor(eo < 0 ? -eo * ee : et * 32768); if (ex < 0) { ea += ex; ex = 0 } if (eo < 0) { ek += eo; eo = 0 } ea = q.min(ea, ej - ex); ek = q.min(ek, er - eo); var eu = eo * ej + ex; var eQ; eG.srcBuffer = en.imageData.data; eG.iw = en.width; eG.iw1 = en.width - 1; eG.ih1 = en.height - 1; var ev = cW.filter_bilinear, eK = cW.filter_new_scanline, ei = dS[ep], eH, eM, eF, eJ, ec, ed, eb = 4278190080, eL = 16711680, eA = 65280, eg = 255, eP = 32767, eD = 15, el = 1, eq = 9, ef = eG.srcBuffer, eO = q.min; for (eB = 0; eB < ek; eB++) { eG.sX = eG.srcXOffset; eG.fracV = eG.srcYOffset & eP; eG.ifV = eP - eG.fracV; eG.v1 = (eG.srcYOffset >> eD) * eG.iw; eG.v2 = eO((eG.srcYOffset >> eD) + 1, eG.ih1) * eG.iw; for (eC = 0; eC < ea; eC++) { eM = (eu + eC) * 4; eQ = eE[eM + 3] << 24 & eb | eE[eM] << 16 & eL | eE[eM + 1] << 8 & eA | eE[eM + 2] & eg; eG.fracU = eG.sX & eP; eG.ifU = eP - eG.fracU; eG.ul = eG.ifU * eG.ifV >> eD; eG.ll = eG.ifU * eG.fracV >> eD; eG.ur = eG.fracU * eG.ifV >> eD; eG.lr = eG.fracU * eG.fracV >> eD; eG.u1 = eG.sX >> eD; eG.u2 = eO(eG.u1 + 1, eG.iw1); eF = (eG.v1 + eG.u1) * 4; eJ = (eG.v1 + eG.u2) * 4; ec = (eG.v2 + eG.u1) * 4; ed = (eG.v2 + eG.u2) * 4; eG.cUL = ef[eF + 3] << 24 & eb | ef[eF] << 16 & eL | ef[eF + 1] << 8 & eA | ef[eF + 2] & eg; eG.cUR = ef[eJ + 3] << 24 & eb | ef[eJ] << 16 & eL | ef[eJ + 1] << 8 & eA | ef[eJ + 2] & eg; eG.cLL = ef[ec + 3] << 24 & eb | ef[ec] << 16 & eL | ef[ec + 1] << 8 & eA | ef[ec + 2] & eg; eG.cLR = ef[ed + 3] << 24 & eb | ef[ed] << 16 & eL | ef[ed + 1] << 8 & eA | ef[ed + 2] & eg; eG.r = eG.ul * ((eG.cUL & eL) >> 16) + eG.ll * ((eG.cLL & eL) >> 16) + eG.ur * ((eG.cUR & eL) >> 16) + eG.lr * ((eG.cLR & eL) >> 16) << el & eL; eG.g = eG.ul * (eG.cUL & eA) + eG.ll * (eG.cLL & eA) + eG.ur * (eG.cUR & eA) + eG.lr * (eG.cLR & eA) >>> eD & eA; eG.b = eG.ul * (eG.cUL & eg) + eG.ll * (eG.cLL & eg) + eG.ur * (eG.cUR & eg) + eG.lr * (eG.cLR & eg) >>> eD; eG.a = eG.ul * ((eG.cUL & eb) >>> 24) + eG.ll * ((eG.cLL & eb) >>> 24) + eG.ur * ((eG.cUR & eb) >>> 24) + eG.lr * ((eG.cLR & eb) >>> 24) << eq & eb; eH = ei(eQ, eG.a | eG.r | eG.g | eG.b); eE[eM] = (eH & eL) >>> 16; eE[eM + 1] = (eH & eA) >>> 8; eE[eM + 2] = eH & eg; eE[eM + 3] = (eH & eb) >>> 24; eG.sX += eh } eu += ej; eG.srcYOffset += ee } }; cW.loadFont = function(eb, ec) { if (eb === t) { throw "font name required in loadFont." } if (eb.indexOf(".svg") === -1) { if (ec === t) { ec = W.size } return H.get(eb, ec) } var ea = cW.loadGlyphs(eb); return { name: eb, css: "12px sans-serif", glyph: true, units_per_em: ea.units_per_em, horiz_adv_x: 1 / ea.units_per_em * ea.horiz_adv_x, ascent: ea.ascent, descent: ea.descent, width: function(eh) { var ef = 0; var ed = eh.length; for (var ee = 0; ee < ed; ee++) { try { ef += parseFloat(cW.glyphLook(cW.glyphTable[eb], eh[ee]).horiz_adv_x) } catch (eg) { F.debug(eg) } } return ef / cW.glyphTable[eb].units_per_em } } }; cW.createFont = function(ea, eb) { return cW.loadFont(ea, eb) }; cW.textFont = function(ea, ec) { if (ec !== t) { if (!ea.glyph) { ea = H.get(ea.name, ec) } d0 = ec } W = ea; Y = W.name; a3 = W.ascent; dA = W.descent; d7 = W.leading; var eb = dY.$ensureContext(); eb.font = W.css }; cW.textSize = function(eb) { W = H.get(Y, eb); d0 = eb; a3 = W.ascent; dA = W.descent; d7 = W.leading; var ea = dY.$ensureContext(); ea.font = W.css }; cW.textAscent = function() { return a3 }; cW.textDescent = function() { return dA }; cW.textLeading = function(ea) { d7 = ea }; cW.textAlign = function(eb, ea) { N = eb; c1 = ea || 0 }; function bu(ea) { if (ea instanceof String) { return ea } if (typeof ea === "number") { if (ea === (0 | ea)) { return ea.toString() } return cW.nf(ea, 0, 3) } if (ea === null || ea === t) { return "" } return ea.toString() } bR.prototype.textWidth = function(ee) { var ea = bu(ee).split(/\r?\n/g), ec = 0; var eb, ed = ea.length; d8.font = W.css; for (eb = 0; eb < ed; ++eb) { ec = q.max(ec, W.measureTextWidth(ea[eb])) } return ec | 0 }; bB.prototype.textWidth = function(ef) { var ea = bu(ef).split(/\r?\n/g), ed = 0; var ec, ee = ea.length; if (cE === t) { cE = d.createElement("canvas") } var eb = cE.getContext("2d"); eb.font = W.css; for (ec = 0; ec < ee; ++ec) { ed = q.max(ed, eb.measureText(ea[ec]).width) } return ed | 0 }; cW.glyphLook = function(ea, eb) { try { switch (eb) { case "1": return ea.one; case "2": return ea.two; case "3": return ea.three; case "4": return ea.four; case "5": return ea.five; case "6": return ea.six; case "7": return ea.seven; case "8": return ea.eight; case "9": return ea.nine; case "0": return ea.zero; case " ": return ea.space; case "$": return ea.dollar; case "!": return ea.exclam; case '"': return ea.quotedbl; case "#": return ea.numbersign; case "%": return ea.percent; case "&": return ea.ampersand; case "'": return ea.quotesingle; case "(": return ea.parenleft; case ")": return ea.parenright; case "*": return ea.asterisk; case "+": return ea.plus; case ",": return ea.comma; case "-": return ea.hyphen; case ".": return ea.period; case "/": return ea.slash; case "_": return ea.underscore; case ":": return ea.colon; case ";": return ea.semicolon; case "<": return ea.less; case "=": return ea.equal; case ">": return ea.greater; case "?": return ea.question; case "@": return ea.at; case "[": return ea.bracketleft; case "\\": return ea.backslash; case "]": return ea.bracketright; case "^": return ea.asciicircum; case "`": return ea.grave; case "{": return ea.braceleft; case "|": return ea.bar; case "}": return ea.braceright; case "~": return ea.asciitilde; default: return ea[eb] } } catch (ec) { F.debug(ec) } }; bR.prototype.text$line = function(ei, el, ek, ej, ef) { var eh = 0, eg = 0; if (!W.glyph) { if (ei && "fillText" in d8) { if (aq) { d8.fillStyle = cW.color.toString(a1); aq = false } if (ef === 39 || ef === 3) { eh = W.measureTextWidth(ei); if (ef === 39) { eg = -eh } else { eg = -eh / 2 } } d8.fillText(ei, el + eg, ek) } } else { var ea = cW.glyphTable[Y]; aD(); d8.translate(el, ek + d0); if (ef === 39 || ef === 3) { eh = ea.width(ei); if (ef === 39) { eg = -eh } else { eg = -eh / 2 } } var em = ea.units_per_em, ee = 1 / em * d0; d8.scale(ee, ee); for (var eb = 0, ec = ei.length; eb < ec; eb++) { try { cW.glyphLook(ea, ei[eb]).draw() } catch (ed) { F.debug(ed) } } cP() } }; bB.prototype.text$line = function(eh, el, ek, ei, ef) { if (cE === t) { cE = d.createElement("canvas") } var eb = d8; d8 = cE.getContext("2d"); d8.font = W.css; var eg = W.measureTextWidth(eh); cE.width = eg; cE.height = d0; d8 = cE.getContext("2d"); d8.font = W.css; d8.textBaseline = "top"; bR.prototype.text$line(eh, 0, 0, 0, 37); var ea = cE.width / cE.height; d8 = eb; d8.bindTexture(d8.TEXTURE_2D, bS); d8.texImage2D(d8.TEXTURE_2D, 0, d8.RGBA, d8.RGBA, d8.UNSIGNED_BYTE, cE); d8.texParameteri(d8.TEXTURE_2D, d8.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, d8.LINEAR); d8.texParameteri(d8.TEXTURE_2D, d8.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, d8.LINEAR); d8.texParameteri(d8.TEXTURE_2D, d8.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, d8.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); d8.texParameteri(d8.TEXTURE_2D, d8.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, d8.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); var ee = 0; if (ef === 39) { ee = -eg } else { if (ef === 3) { ee = -eg / 2 } } var ec = new aP; var ed = d0 * 0.5; ec.translate(el + ee - ed / 2, ek - ed, ei); ec.scale(-ea * ed, -ed, ed); ec.translate(-1, -1, -1); ec.transpose(); var ej = new aP; ej.scale(1, -1, 1); ej.apply(dJ.array()); ej.transpose(); d8.useProgram(dQ); dc("aVertex2d", dQ, "aVertex", 3, cH); dc("aTextureCoord2d", dQ, "aTextureCoord", 2, ac); dZ("uSampler2d", dQ, "uSampler", [0]); dZ("uIsDrawingText2d", dQ, "uIsDrawingText", true); a9("uModel2d", dQ, "uModel", false, ec.array()); a9("uView2d", dQ, "uView", false, ej.array()); d2("uColor2d", dQ, "uColor", bo); d8.bindBuffer(d8.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, R); d8.drawElements(d8.TRIANGLES, 6, d8.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0) }; function bi(ed, eg, ef, ee) { var ei, ec; if (ed.indexOf("\n") < 0) { ei = [ed]; ec = 1 } else { ei = ed.split(/\r?\n/g); ec = ei.length } var ea = 0; if (c1 === 101) { ea = a3 + dA } else { if (c1 === 3) { ea = a3 / 2 - (ec - 1) * d7 / 2 } else { if (c1 === 102) { ea = -(dA + (ec - 1) * d7) } } } for (var eb = 0; eb < ec; ++eb) { var eh = ei[eb]; dY.text$line(eh, eg, ef + ea, ee, N); ea += d7 } } function bd(eq, el, ek, ep, en, ej) { if (eq.length === 0 || ep === 0 || en === 0) { return } if (d0 > en) { return } var em = -1; var ee = 0; var ea = 0; var eg = []; for (var ef = 0, es = eq.length; ef < es; ef++) { var eh = eq[ef]; var ev = eh === " "; var eo = W.measureTextWidth(eh); if (eh !== "\n" && ea + eo <= ep) { if (ev) { em = ef } ea += eo } else { if (em + 1 === ee) { if (ef > 0) { em = ef } else { return } } if (eh === "\n") { eg.push({ text: eq.substring(ee, ef), width: ea }); ee = ef + 1 } else { eg.push({ text: eq.substring(ee, em + 1), width: ea }); ee = em + 1 } ea = 0; ef = ee - 1 } } if (ee < es) { eg.push({ text: eq.substring(ee), width: ea }) } var eu = 1, ei = a3; if (N === 3) { eu = ep / 2 } else { if (N === 39) { eu = ep } } var er = eg.length, eb = q.min(er, q.floor(en / d7)); if (c1 === 101) { ei = a3 + dA } else { if (c1 === 3) { ei = en / 2 - d7 * (eb / 2 - 1) } else { if (c1 === 102) { ei = dA + d7 } } } var ec, ed, et; for (ec = 0; ec < er; ec++) { et = ec * d7; if (ei + et > en - dA) { break } ed = eg[ec]; dY.text$line(ed.text, el + eu, ek + ei + et, ej, N) } } cW.text = function() { if (cI === 5) { return } if (arguments.length === 3) { bi(bu(arguments[0]), arguments[1], arguments[2], 0) } else { if (arguments.length === 4) { bi(bu(arguments[0]), arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]) } else { if (arguments.length === 5) { bd(bu(arguments[0]), arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], 0) } else { if (arguments.length === 6) { bd(bu(arguments[0]), arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]) } } } } }; cW.textMode = function(ea) { cI = ea }; cW.loadGlyphs = function(eg) { var ei, eh, ee, ec, ep, eo, en, eq, ek, er, el, em = "[0-9\\-]+", ej; var ef = function(ex, ew) { var eu = 0, et = [], es, ev = new RegExp(ex, "g"); es = et[eu] = ev.exec(ew); while (es) { eu++; es = et[eu] = ev.exec(ew) } return et }; var eb = function(ex) { var ey = ef("[A-Za-z][0-9\\- ]+|Z", ex); var ew = function() { aD(); return dY.$ensureContext() }; var eu = function() { bn(); dd(); cP() }; ej = "return {draw:function(){var curContext=beforePathDraw();curContext.beginPath();"; ei = 0; eh = 0; ee = 0; ec = 0; ep = 0; eo = 0; ex = 0; eq = 0; ek = ""; er = ey.length - 1; for (var et = 0; et < er; et++) { var es = ey[et][0], ev = ef(em, es); switch (es[0]) { case "M": ei = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); eh = parseFloat(ev[1][0]); ej += "curContext.moveTo(" + ei + "," + -eh + ");"; break; case "L": ei = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); eh = parseFloat(ev[1][0]); ej += "curContext.lineTo(" + ei + "," + -eh + ");"; break; case "H": ei = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); ej += "curContext.lineTo(" + ei + "," + -eh + ");"; break; case "V": eh = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); ej += "curContext.lineTo(" + ei + "," + -eh + ");"; break; case "T": ep = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); eo = parseFloat(ev[1][0]); if (ek === "Q" || ek === "T") { ex = q.sqrt(q.pow(ei - ee, 2) + q.pow(ec - eh, 2)); eq = q.PI + q.atan2(ee - ei, ec - eh); ee = ei + q.sin(eq) * ex; ec = eh + q.cos(eq) * ex } else { ee = ei; ec = eh } ej += "curContext.quadraticCurveTo(" + ee + "," + -ec + "," + ep + "," + -eo + ");"; ei = ep; eh = eo; break; case "Q": ee = parseFloat(ev[0][0]); ec = parseFloat(ev[1][0]); ep = parseFloat(ev[2][0]); eo = parseFloat(ev[3][0]); ej += "curContext.quadraticCurveTo(" + ee + "," + -ec + "," + ep + "," + -eo + ");"; ei = ep; eh = eo; break; case "Z": ej += "curContext.closePath();"; break } ek = es[0] } ej += "afterPathDraw();"; ej += "curContext.translate(" + el + ",0);"; ej += "}}"; return (new Function("beforePathDraw", "afterPathDraw", ej))(ew, eu) }; var ea = function(ev) { var eu = ev.getElementsByTagName("font"); cW.glyphTable[eg].horiz_adv_x = eu[0].getAttribute("horiz-adv-x"); var ex = ev.getElementsByTagName("font-face")[0]; cW.glyphTable[eg].units_per_em = parseFloat(ex.getAttribute("units-per-em")); cW.glyphTable[eg].ascent = parseFloat(ex.getAttribute("ascent")); cW.glyphTable[eg].descent = parseFloat(ex.getAttribute("descent")); var ez = ev.getElementsByTagName("glyph"), et = ez.length; for (var ey = 0; ey < et; ey++) { var es = ez[ey].getAttribute("unicode"); var ew = ez[ey].getAttribute("glyph-name"); el = ez[ey].getAttribute("horiz-adv-x"); if (el === null) { el = cW.glyphTable[eg].horiz_adv_x } en = ez[ey].getAttribute("d"); if (en !== t) { ej = eb(en); cW.glyphTable[eg][ew] = { name: ew, unicode: es, horiz_adv_x: el, draw: ej.draw } } } }; var ed = function() { var eu; try { eu = d.implementation.createDocument("", "", null) } catch (ew) { F.debug(ew.message); return } try { eu.async = false; eu.load(eg); ea(eu.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]) } catch (et) { F.debug(et); try { var es = new D.XMLHttpRequest; es.open("GET", eg, false); es.send(null); ea(es.responseXML.documentElement) } catch (ev) { F.debug(et) } } }; cW.glyphTable[eg] = {}; ed(eg); return cW.glyphTable[eg] }; cW.param = function(ec) { var eb = "data-processing-" + ec; if (ae.hasAttribute(eb)) { return ae.getAttribute(eb) } for (var ed = 0, ea = ae.childNodes.length; ed < ea; ++ed) { var ee = ae.childNodes.item(ed); if (ee.nodeType !== 1 || ee.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "param") { continue } if (ee.getAttribute("name") === ec) { return ee.getAttribute("value") } } if (cQ.params.hasOwnProperty(ec)) { return cQ.params[ec] } return null }; function cL(eb) { if (eb === "3D") { dY = new bB } else { if (eb === "2D") { dY = new bR } else { dY = new ca } } for (var ea in ca.prototype) { if (ca.prototype.hasOwnProperty(ea) && ea.indexOf("$") < 0) { cW[ea] = dY[ea] } } dY.$init() } function cU(ea) { return function() { cL("2D"); return dY[ea].apply(this, arguments) } } ca.prototype.translate = cU("translate"); ca.prototype.transform = cU("transform"); ca.prototype.scale = cU("scale"); ca.prototype.pushMatrix = cU("pushMatrix"); ca.prototype.popMatrix = cU("popMatrix"); ca.prototype.resetMatrix = cU("resetMatrix"); ca.prototype.applyMatrix = cU("applyMatrix"); ca.prototype.rotate = cU("rotate"); ca.prototype.rotateZ = cU("rotateZ"); ca.prototype.shearX = cU("shearX"); ca.prototype.shearY = cU("shearY"); ca.prototype.redraw = cU("redraw"); ca.prototype.toImageData = cU("toImageData"); ca.prototype.ambientLight = cU("ambientLight"); ca.prototype.directionalLight = cU("directionalLight"); ca.prototype.lightFalloff = cU("lightFalloff"); ca.prototype.lightSpecular = cU("lightSpecular"); ca.prototype.pointLight = cU("pointLight"); ca.prototype.noLights = cU("noLights"); ca.prototype.spotLight = cU("spotLight"); ca.prototype.beginCamera = cU("beginCamera"); ca.prototype.endCamera = cU("endCamera"); ca.prototype.frustum = cU("frustum"); ca.prototype.box = cU("box"); ca.prototype.sphere = cU("sphere"); ca.prototype.ambient = cU("ambient"); ca.prototype.emissive = cU("emissive"); ca.prototype.shininess = cU("shininess"); ca.prototype.specular = cU("specular"); ca.prototype.fill = cU("fill"); ca.prototype.stroke = cU("stroke"); ca.prototype.strokeWeight = cU("strokeWeight"); ca.prototype.smooth = cU("smooth"); ca.prototype.noSmooth = cU("noSmooth"); ca.prototype.point = cU("point"); ca.prototype.vertex = cU("vertex"); ca.prototype.endShape = cU("endShape"); ca.prototype.bezierVertex = cU("bezierVertex"); ca.prototype.curveVertex = cU("curveVertex"); ca.prototype.curve = cU("curve"); ca.prototype.line = cU("line"); ca.prototype.bezier = cU("bezier"); ca.prototype.rect = cU("rect"); ca.prototype.ellipse = cU("ellipse"); ca.prototype.background = cU("background"); ca.prototype.image = cU("image"); ca.prototype.textWidth = cU("textWidth"); ca.prototype.text$line = cU("text$line"); ca.prototype.$ensureContext = cU("$ensureContext"); ca.prototype.$newPMatrix = cU("$newPMatrix"); ca.prototype.size = function(ea, ec, eb) { cL(eb === 2 ? "3D" : "2D"); cW.size(ea, ec, eb) }; ca.prototype.$init = G; bR.prototype.$init = function() { cW.size(cW.width, cW.height); d8.lineCap = "round"; cW.noSmooth(); cW.disableContextMenu() }; bB.prototype.$init = function() { cW.use3DContext = true; cW.disableContextMenu() }; ds.prototype.$ensureContext = function() { return d8 }; function dy(eb, ed) { var ec = eb, ea = 0, ee = 0; cW.pmouseX = cW.mouseX; cW.pmouseY = cW.mouseY; if (ec.offsetParent) { do { ea += ec.offsetLeft; ee += ec.offsetTop } while (!!(ec = ec.offsetParent)) } ec = eb; do { ea -= ec.scrollLeft || 0; ee -= ec.scrollTop || 0 } while (!!(ec = ec.parentNode)); ea += ad; ee += dp; ea += aU; ee += bX; ea += D.pageXOffset; ee += D.pageYOffset; return { X: ea, Y: ee } } function aI(ea, eb) { var ec = dy(ea, eb); cW.mouseX = eb.pageX - ec.X; cW.mouseY = eb.pageY - ec.Y } function cu(eb) { var ed = dy(eb.changedTouches[0].target, eb.changedTouches[0]), ea; for (ea = 0; ea < eb.touches.length; ea++) { var ef = eb.touches[ea]; ef.offsetX = ef.pageX - ed.X; ef.offsetY = ef.pageY - ed.Y } for (ea = 0; ea < eb.targetTouches.length; ea++) { var ec = eb.targetTouches[ea]; ec.offsetX = ec.pageX - ed.X; ec.offsetY = ec.pageY - ed.Y } for (ea = 0; ea < eb.changedTouches.length; ea++) { var ee = eb.changedTouches[ea]; ee.offsetX = ee.pageX - ed.X; ee.offsetY = ee.pageY - ed.Y } return eb } bO(ae, "touchstart", function(ec) { ae.setAttribute("style", "-webkit-user-select: none"); ae.setAttribute("onclick", "void(0)"); ae.setAttribute("style", "-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0)"); for (var eb = 0, ea = au.length; eb < ea; eb++) { var ed = au[eb].type; if (ed === "mouseout" || ed === "mousemove" || ed === "mousedown" || ed === "mouseup" || ed === "DOMMouseScroll" || ed === "mousewheel" || ed === "touchstart") { de(au[eb]) } } if (cW.touchStart !== t || cW.touchMove !== t || cW.touchEnd !== t || cW.touchCancel !== t) { bO(ae, "touchstart", function(ee) { if (cW.touchStart !== t) { ee = cu(ee); cW.touchStart(ee) } }); bO(ae, "touchmove", function(ee) { if (cW.touchMove !== t) { ee.preventDefault(); ee = cu(ee); cW.touchMove(ee) } }); bO(ae, "touchend", function(ee) { if (cW.touchEnd !== t) { ee = cu(ee); cW.touchEnd(ee) } }); bO(ae, "touchcancel", function(ee) { if (cW.touchCancel !== t) { ee = cu(ee); cW.touchCancel(ee) } }) } else { bO(ae, "touchstart", function(ee) { aI(ae, ee.touches[0]); cW.__mousePressed = true; cW.mouseDragging = false; cW.mouseButton = 37; if (typeof cW.mousePressed === "function") { cW.mousePressed() } }); bO(ae, "touchmove", function(ee) { ee.preventDefault(); aI(ae, ee.touches[0]); if (typeof cW.mouseMoved === "function" && !cW.__mousePressed) { cW.mouseMoved() } if (typeof cW.mouseDragged === "function" && cW.__mousePressed) { cW.mouseDragged(); cW.mouseDragging = true } }); bO(ae, "touchend", function(ee) { cW.__mousePressed = false; if (typeof cW.mouseClicked === "function" && !cW.mouseDragging) { cW.mouseClicked() } if (typeof cW.mouseReleased === "function") { cW.mouseReleased() } }) } ae.dispatchEvent(ec) }); (function() { var ea = true, eb = function(ec) { ec.preventDefault(); ec.stopPropagation() }; cW.disableContextMenu = function() { if (!ea) { return } bO(ae, "contextmenu", eb); ea = false }; cW.enableContextMenu = function() { if (ea) { return } de({ elem: ae, type: "contextmenu", fn: eb }); ea = true } })(); bO(ae, "mousemove", function(ea) { aI(ae, ea); if (typeof cW.mouseMoved === "function" && !cW.__mousePressed) { cW.mouseMoved() } if (typeof cW.mouseDragged === "function" && cW.__mousePressed) { cW.mouseDragged(); cW.mouseDragging = true } }); bO(ae, "mouseout", function(ea) { if (typeof cW.mouseOut === "function") { cW.mouseOut() } }); bO(ae, "mouseover", function(ea) { aI(ae, ea); if (typeof cW.mouseOver === "function") { cW.mouseOver() } }); ae.onmousedown = function() { ae.focus(); return false }; bO(ae, "mousedown", function(ea) { cW.__mousePressed = true; cW.mouseDragging = false; switch (ea.which) { case 1: cW.mouseButton = 37; break; case 2: cW.mouseButton = 3; break; case 3: cW.mouseButton = 39; break } if (typeof cW.mousePressed === "function") { cW.mousePressed() } }); bO(ae, "mouseup", function(ea) { cW.__mousePressed = false; if (typeof cW.mouseClicked === "function" && !cW.mouseDragging) { cW.mouseClicked() } if (typeof cW.mouseReleased === "function") { cW.mouseReleased() } }); var an = function(ea) { var eb = 0; if (ea.wheelDelta) { eb = ea.wheelDelta / 120; if (D.opera) { eb = -eb } } else { if (ea.detail) { eb = -ea.detail / 3 } } cW.mouseScroll = eb; if (eb && typeof cW.mouseScrolled === "function") { cW.mouseScrolled() } }; bO(d, "DOMMouseScroll", an); bO(d, "mousewheel", an); if (!ae.getAttribute("tabindex")) { ae.setAttribute("tabindex", 0) } function dD(eb) { var ea = eb.which || eb.keyCode; switch (ea) { case 13: return 10; case 91: case 93: case 224: return 157; case 57392: return 17; case 46: return 127; case 45: return 155 } return ea } function cB(eb) { var ec = eb.which || eb.keyCode; var ea = eb.shiftKey || eb.ctrlKey || eb.altKey || eb.metaKey; switch (ec) { case 13: ec = ea ? 13 : 10; break; case 8: ec = ea ? 127 : 8; break } return new bP(ec) } function cR(ea) { if (typeof ea.preventDefault === "function") { ea.preventDefault() } else { if (typeof ea.stopPropagation === "function") { ea.stopPropagation() } } return false } function dG() { var ea; for (ea in ag) { if (ag.hasOwnProperty(ea)) { cW.__keyPressed = true; return } } cW.__keyPressed = false } function cx() { cW.__keyPressed = false; ag = []; dI = null } function bq(ea, eb) { ag[ea] = eb; dI = null; cW.key = eb; cW.keyCode = ea; cW.keyPressed(); cW.keyCode = 0; cW.keyTyped(); dG() } function cz(eb) { var ea = dD(eb); if (ea === 127) { bq(ea, new bP(127)); return } if (dX.indexOf(ea) < 0) { dI = ea; return } var ec = new bP(65535); cW.key = ec; cW.keyCode = ea; ag[ea] = ec; cW.keyPressed(); dI = null; dG(); return cR(eb) } function dv(eb) { if (dI === null) { return } var ea = dI, ec = cB(eb); bq(ea, ec); return cR(eb) } function cp(eb) { var ea = dD(eb), ec = ag[ea]; if (ec === t) { return } cW.key = ec; cW.keyCode = ea; cW.keyReleased(); delete ag[ea]; dG() } if (!cV) { if (ba instanceof F.Sketch) { cQ = ba } else { if (typeof ba === "function") { cQ = new F.Sketch(ba) } else { if (!ba) { cQ = new F.Sketch(function() {}) } else { cQ = F.compile(ba) } } } cW.externals.sketch = cQ; cL(); ae.onfocus = function() { cW.focused = true }; ae.onblur = function() { cW.focused = false; if (!cQ.options.globalKeyEvents) { cx() } }; if (cQ.options.pauseOnBlur) { bO(D, "focus", function() { if (aC) { cW.loop() } }); bO(D, "blur", function() { if (aC && ax) { cW.noLoop(); aC = true } cx() }) } var aV = cQ.options.globalKeyEvents ? D : ae; bO(aV, "keydown", cz); bO(aV, "keypress", dv); bO(aV, "keyup", cp); for (var c4 in F.lib) { if (F.lib.hasOwnProperty(c4)) { if (F.lib[c4].hasOwnProperty("attach")) { F.lib[c4].attach(cW) } else { if (F.lib[c4] instanceof Function) { F.lib[c4].call(this) } } } } var dB = 100; var b6 = function(ed) { if (!(cQ.imageCache.pending || H.preloading.pending(dB))) { if (D.opera) { var ec, eb, ea = cQ.imageCache.operaCache; for (ec in ea) { if (ea.hasOwnProperty(ec)) { eb = ea[ec]; if (eb !== null) { d.body.removeChild(eb) } delete ea[ec] } } } cQ.attach(ed, g); cQ.onLoad(ed); if (ed.setup) { ed.setup(); ed.resetMatrix(); cQ.onSetup() } T(); if (ed.draw) { if (!aC) { ed.redraw() } else { ed.loop() } } } else { D.setTimeout(function() { b6(ed) }, dB) } }; a(this); b6(cW) } else { cQ = new F.Sketch; cL(); cW.size = function(ea, ec, eb) { if (eb && eb === 2) { cL("3D") } else { cL("2D") } cW.size(ea, ec, eb) } } }; F.debug = s; F.prototype = g; function u() { var R = ["abs", "acos", "alpha", "ambient", "ambientLight", "append", "applyMatrix", "arc", "arrayCopy", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "background", "beginCamera", "beginDraw", "beginShape", "bezier", "bezierDetail", "bezierPoint", "bezierTangent", "bezierVertex", "binary", "blend", "blendColor", "blit_resize", "blue", "box", "breakShape", "brightness", "camera", "ceil", "Character", "color", "colorMode", "concat", "constrain", "copy", "cos", "createFont", "createGraphics", "createImage", "cursor", "curve", "curveDetail", "curvePoint", "curveTangent", "curveTightness", "curveVertex", "day", "degrees", "directionalLight", "disableContextMenu", "dist", "draw", "ellipse", "ellipseMode", "emissive", "enableContextMenu", "endCamera", "endDraw", "endShape", "exit", "exp", "expand", "externals", "fill", "filter", "floor", "focused", "frameCount", "frameRate", "frustum", "get", "glyphLook", "glyphTable", "green", "height", "hex", "hint", "hour", "hue", "image", "imageMode", "intersect", "join", "key", "keyCode", "keyPressed", "keyReleased", "keyTyped", "lerp", "lerpColor", "lightFalloff", "lights", "lightSpecular", "line", "link", "loadBytes", "loadFont", "loadGlyphs", "loadImage", "loadPixels", "loadShape", "loadXML", "loadStrings", "log", "loop", "mag", "map", "match", "matchAll", "max", "millis", "min", "minute", "mix", "modelX", "modelY", "modelZ", "modes", "month", "mouseButton", "mouseClicked", "mouseDragged", "mouseMoved", "mouseOut", "mouseOver", "mousePressed", "mouseReleased", "mouseScroll", "mouseScrolled", "mouseX", "mouseY", "name", "nf", "nfc", "nfp", "nfs", "noCursor", "noFill", "noise", "noiseDetail", "noiseSeed", "noLights", "noLoop", "norm", "normal", "noSmooth", "noStroke", "noTint", "ortho", "param", "parseBoolean", "parseByte", "parseChar", "parseFloat", "parseInt", "peg", "perspective", "PImage", "pixels", "PMatrix2D", "PMatrix3D", "PMatrixStack", "pmouseX", "pmouseY", "point", "pointLight", "popMatrix", "popStyle", "pow", "print", "printCamera", "println", "printMatrix", "printProjection", "PShape", "PShapeSVG", "pushMatrix", "pushStyle", "quad", "radians", "random", "Random", "randomSeed", "rect", "rectMode", "red", "redraw", "requestImage", "resetMatrix", "reverse", "rotate", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "round", "saturation", "save", "saveFrame", "saveStrings", "scale", "screenX", "screenY", "screenZ", "second", "set", "setup", "shape", "shapeMode", "shared", "shearX", "shearY", "shininess", "shorten", "sin", "size", "smooth", "sort", "specular", "sphere", "sphereDetail", "splice", "split", "splitTokens", "spotLight", "sq", "sqrt", "status", "str", "stroke", "strokeCap", "strokeJoin", "strokeWeight", "subset", "tan", "text", "textAlign", "textAscent", "textDescent", "textFont", "textLeading", "textMode", "textSize", "texture", "textureMode", "textWidth", "tint", "toImageData", "touchCancel", "touchEnd", "touchMove", "touchStart", "translate", "transform", "triangle", "trim", "unbinary", "unhex", "updatePixels", "use3DContext", "vertex", "width", "XMLElement", "XML", "year", "__contains", "__equals", "__equalsIgnoreCase", "__frameRate", "__hashCode", "__int_cast", "__instanceof", "__keyPressed", "__mousePressed", "__printStackTrace", "__replace", "__replaceAll", "__replaceFirst", "__toCharArray", "__split", "__codePointAt", "__startsWith", "__endsWith", "__matches"]; var P = {}; var Q, O; for (Q = 0, O = R.length; Q < O; ++Q) { P[R[Q]] = null } for (var S in F.lib) { if (F.lib.hasOwnProperty(S)) { if (F.lib[S].exports) { var N = F.lib[S].exports; for (Q = 0, O = N.length; Q < O; ++Q) { P[N[Q]] = null } } } } return P } function c(ar) { var aX = u(); function aE(bq) { var bt = []; var bv = bq.split(/([\{\[\(\)\]\}])/); var by = bv[0]; var bw = []; for (var bs = 1; bs < bv.length; bs += 2) { var bx = bv[bs]; if (bx === "[" || bx === "{" || bx === "(") { bw.push(by); by = bx } else { if (bx === "]" || bx === "}" || bx === ")") { var br = bx === "}" ? "A" : bx === ")" ? "B" : "C"; var bu = bt.length; bt.push(by + bx); by = bw.pop() + '"' + br + (bu + 1) + '"' } } by += bv[bs + 1] } bt.unshift(by); return bt } function aj(br, bq) { return br.replace(/'(\d+)'/g, function(bt, bs) { var bu = bq[bs]; if (bu.charAt(0) === "/") { return bu } return /^'((?:[^'\\\n])|(?:\\.[0-9A-Fa-f]*))'$/.test(bu) ? "(new $p.Character(" + bu + "))" : bu }) } function aP(bt) { var bs = /^\s*/.exec(bt), bq; if (bs[0].length === bt.length) { bq = { left: bs[0], middle: "", right: "" } } else { var br = /\s*$/.exec(bt); bq = { left: bs[0], middle: bt.substring(bs[0].length, br.index), right: br[0] } } bq.untrim = function(bu) { return this.left + bu + this.right }; return bq } function a6(bq) { return bq.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") } function av(bs, bt) { for (var br = 0, bq = bt.length; br < bq; ++br) { bs[bt[br]] = null } return bs } function ba(br) { for (var bq in br) { if (br.hasOwnProperty(bq)) { return false } } return true } function aQ(bq) { return bq.substring(2, bq.length - 1) } var bg = ar.replace(/\r\n?|\n\r/g, "\n"); var N = []; var a3 = bg.replace(/("(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*")|('(?:[^'\\\n]|\\.)*')|(([\[\(=|&!\^:?]\s*)(\/(?![*\/])(?:[^\/\\\n]|\\.)*\/[gim]*)\b)|(\/\/[^\n]*\n)|(\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)(?:.|\n))*\*\/)/g, function(by, br, bv, bw, bt, bx, bq, bs) { var bu; if (br || bv) { bu = N.length; N.push(by); return "'" + bu + "'" } if (bw) { bu = N.length; N.push(bx); return bt + "'" + bu + "'" } return bs !== "" ? " " : "\n" }); a3 = a3.replace(/__x([0-9A-F]{4})/g, function(br, bq) { return "__x005F_x" + bq }); a3 = a3.replace(/\$/g, "__x0024"); var Z; var aA = a3; var aa = function(br, bs, bq, bt) { if (!!bs || !!bt) { return br } Z = true; return "" }; do { Z = false; aA = aA.replace(/([<]?)<\s*((?:\?|[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)(?:\[\])*(?:\s+(?:extends|super)\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)?(?:\s*,\s*(?:\?|[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)(?:\[\])*(?:\s+(?:extends|super)\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)?)*)\s*>([=]?)/g, aa) } while (Z); var bk = aE(aA); var al; var aJ = {}, a9, az = 0; function bc(br, bq) { var bs = bk.length; bk.push(br); return '"' + bq + bs + '"' } function a7() { return "class" + ++az } function bl(br, bs, bq) { br.classId = bs; br.scopeId = bq; aJ[bs] = br } var V, S, ap, aV, bi, aZ; var O = /\b((?:(?:public|private|final|protected|static|abstract)\s+)*)(class|interface)\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)(\s+extends\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*,\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*\b)*)?(\s+implements\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*,\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*\b)*)?\s*("A\d+")/g; var bb = /\b((?:(?:public|private|final|protected|static|abstract|synchronized)\s+)*)((?!(?:else|new|return|throw|function|public|private|protected)\b)[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*"C\d+")*)\s*([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)\s*("B\d+")(\s*throws\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*,\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)*)?\s*("A\d+"|;)/g; var aM = /^((?:(?:public|private|final|protected|static)\s+)*)((?!(?:else|new|return|throw)\b)[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*"C\d+")*)\s*([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)\s*(?:"C\d+"\s*)*([=,]|$)/; var bm = /\b((?:(?:public|private|final|protected|static|abstract)\s+)*)((?!(?:new|return|throw)\b)[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)\s*("B\d+")(\s*throws\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*,\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)*)?\s*("A\d+")/g; var W = /^((?:(?:public|private|final|protected|static)\s+)*)((?!(?:new|return|throw)\b)[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*(?:\s*"C\d+")*)\s*/; var au = /\bfunction(?:\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*))?\s*("B\d+")\s*("A\d+")/g; function ae(br) { var bq = br; bq = bq.replace(O, function(bs) { return bc(bs, "E") }); bq = bq.replace(bb, function(bs) { return bc(bs, "D") }); bq = bq.replace(au, function(bs) { return bc(bs, "H") }); return bq } function bd(bs, br) { var bq = bs.replace(bm, function(bx, bu, bv, by, bw, bt) { if (bv !== br) { return bx } return bc(bx, "G") }); return bq } function aH(bq) { this.name = bq } aH.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name }; function ao(br, bq) { this.params = br; this.methodArgsParam = bq } ao.prototype.getNames = function() { var bs = []; for (var br = 0, bq = this.params.length; br < bq; ++br) { bs.push(this.params[br].name) } return bs }; ao.prototype.prependMethodArgs = function(bq) { if (!this.methodArgsParam) { return bq } return "{\nvar " + this.methodArgsParam.name + " = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, " + this.params.length + ");\n" + bq.substring(1) }; ao.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.params.length === 0) { return "()" } var bq = "("; for (var bs = 0, br = this.params.length; bs < br; ++bs) { bq += this.params[bs] + ", " } return bq.substring(0, bq.length - 2) + ")" }; function aD(bw) { var bt = a6(bw.substring(1, bw.length - 1)); var bq = [], bu = null; if (bt !== "") { var br = bt.split(","); for (var bs = 0; bs < br.length; ++bs) { var bv = /\b([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)(\s*"[ABC][\d]*")*\s*$/.exec(br[bs]); if (bs === br.length - 1 && br[bs].indexOf("...") >= 0) { bu = new aH(bv[1]); break } bq.push(new aH(bv[1])) } } return new ao(bq, bu) } function aq(bu) { var bt = bu; bt = bt.replace(/\bnew\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)(?:\s*"C\d+")+\s*("A\d+")/g, function(bw, bv, bx) { return bx }); bt = bt.replace(/\bnew\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)(?:\s*"B\d+")\s*("A\d+")/g, function(bw, bv, bx) { return bc(bw, "F") }); bt = bt.replace(au, function(bv) { return bc(bv, "H") }); bt = bt.replace(/\bnew\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)\s*("C\d+"(?:\s*"C\d+")*)/g, function(bA, bz, bx) { var bw = bx.replace(/"C(\d+)"/g, function(bC, bB) { return bk[bB] }).replace(/\[\s*\]/g, "[null]").replace(/\s*\]\s*\[\s*/g, ", "); var by = "{" + bw.substring(1, bw.length - 1) + "}"; var bv = "('" + bz + "', " + bc(by, "A") + ")"; return "$p.createJavaArray" + bc(bv, "B") }); bt = bt.replace(/(\.\s*length)\s*"B\d+"/g, "$1"); bt = bt.replace(/#([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})\b/g, function(bv, bw) { return "0xFF" + bw }); bt = bt.replace(/"B(\d+)"(\s*(?:[\w$']|"B))/g, function(by, bw, bx) { var bz = bk[bw]; if (!/^\(\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*\s*(?:"C\d+"\s*)*\)$/.test(bz)) { return by } if (/^\(\s*int\s*\)$/.test(bz)) { return "(int)" + bx } var bv = bz.split(/"C(\d+)"/g); if (bv.length > 1) { if (!/^\[\s*\]$/.test(bk[bv[1]])) { return by } } return "" + bx }); bt = bt.replace(/\(int\)([^,\]\)\}\?\:\*\+\-\/\^\|\%\&\~<\>\=]+)/g, function(bw, bv) { var bx = aP(bv); return bx.untrim("__int_cast(" + bx.middle + ")") }); bt = bt.replace(/\bsuper(\s*"B\d+")/g, "$$superCstr$1").replace(/\bsuper(\s*\.)/g, "$$super$1"); bt = bt.replace(/\b0+((\d*)(?:\.[\d*])?(?:[eE][\-\+]?\d+)?[fF]?)\b/, function(bx, bw, bv) { if (bw === bv) { return bx } return bv === "" ? "0" + bw : bw }); bt = bt.replace(/\b(\.?\d+\.?)[fF]\b/g, "$1"); bt = bt.replace(/([^\s])%([^=\s])/g, "$1 % $2"); bt = bt.replace(/\b(frameRate|keyPressed|mousePressed)\b(?!\s*"B)/g, "__$1"); bt = bt.replace(/\b(boolean|byte|char|float|int)\s*"B/g, function(bw, bv) { return "parse" + bv.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + bv.substring(1) + '"B' }); bt = bt.replace(/\bpixels\b\s*(("C(\d+)")|\.length)?(\s*=(?!=)([^,\]\)\}]+))?/g, function(bw, bA, bv, bz, by, bB) { if (bv) { var bx = bk[bz]; if (by) { return "pixels.setPixel" + bc("(" + bx.substring(1, bx.length - 1) + "," + bB + ")", "B") } return "pixels.getPixel" + bc("(" + bx.substring(1, bx.length - 1) + ")", "B") } if (bA) { return "pixels.getLength" + bc("()", "B") } if (by) { return "pixels.set" + bc("(" + bB + ")", "B") } return "pixels.toArray" + bc("()", "B") }); var bs; function br(bw, bv, bA, by) { var bx = bk[by]; bs = true; var bz = aP(bx.substring(1, bx.length - 1)); return "__" + bA + (bz.middle === "" ? bc("(" + bv.replace(/\.\s*$/, "") + ")", "B") : bc("(" + bv.replace(/\.\s*$/, "") + "," + bz.middle + ")", "B")) } do { bs = false; bt = bt.replace(/((?:'\d+'|\b[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:"[BC]\d+")*)\s*\.\s*(?:[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:"[BC]\d+"\s*)*\.\s*)*)(replace|replaceAll|replaceFirst|contains|equals|equalsIgnoreCase|hashCode|toCharArray|printStackTrace|split|startsWith|endsWith|codePointAt|matches)\s*"B(\d+)"/g, br) } while (bs); function bq(bx, bv, bw) { bs = true; return "__instanceof" + bc("(" + bv + ", " + bw + ")", "B") } do { bs = false; bt = bt.replace(/((?:'\d+'|\b[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:"[BC]\d+")*)\s*(?:\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:"[BC]\d+"\s*)*)*)instanceof\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*)*)/g, bq) } while (bs); bt = bt.replace(/\bthis(\s*"B\d+")/g, "$$constr$1"); return bt } function aC(br, bq) { this.baseInterfaceName = br; this.body = bq; bq.owner = this } aC.prototype.toString = function() { return "new (" + this.body + ")" }; function ai(bs) { var br = (new RegExp(/\bnew\s*([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*(?:\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*)*)\s*"B\d+"\s*"A(\d+)"/)).exec(bs); var bv = a9, bu = a7(); a9 = bu; var bq = br[1] + "$" + bu; var bt = new aC(bq, V(bk[br[2]], bq, "", "implements " + br[1])); bl(bt, bu, bv); a9 = bv; return bt } function af(br, bs, bq) { this.name = br; this.params = bs; this.body = bq } af.prototype.toString = function() { var bs = al; var bt = av({ "this": null }, this.params.getNames()); al = function(bu) { return bt.hasOwnProperty(bu.name) ? bu.name : bs(bu) }; var br = "function"; if (this.name) { br += " " + this.name } var bq = this.params.prependMethodArgs(this.body.toString()); br += this.params + " " + bq; al = bs; return br }; function aK(br) { var bq = (new RegExp(/\b([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*)\s*"B(\d+)"\s*"A(\d+)"/)).exec(br); return new af(bq[1] !== "function" ? bq[1] : null, aD(bk[bq[2]]), ap(bk[bq[3]])) } function ad(bq) { this.members = bq } ad.prototype.toString = function() { var bs = al; al = function(bu) { return bu.name === "this" ? "this" : bs(bu) }; var bq = ""; for (var bt = 0, br = this.members.length; bt < br; ++bt) { if (this.members[bt].label) { bq += this.members[bt].label + ": " } bq += this.members[bt].value.toString() + ", " } al = bs; return bq.substring(0, bq.length - 2) }; function aF(bt) { var bq = bt.split(","); for (var bs = 0; bs < bq.length; ++bs) { var br = bq[bs].indexOf(":"); if (br < 0) { bq[bs] = { value: aZ(bq[bs]) } } else { bq[bs] = { label: a6(bq[bs].substring(0, br)), value: aZ(a6(bq[bs].substring(br + 1))) } } } return new ad(bq) } function ay(bs) { if (bs.charAt(0) === "(" || bs.charAt(0) === "[") { return bs.charAt(0) + ay(bs.substring(1, bs.length - 1)) + bs.charAt(bs.length - 1) } if (bs.charAt(0) === "{") { if (/^\{\s*(?:[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*|'\d+')\s*:/.test(bs)) { return "{" + bc(bs.substring(1, bs.length - 1), "I") + "}" } return "[" + ay(bs.substring(1, bs.length - 1)) + "]" } var br = aP(bs); var bq = aq(br.middle); bq = bq.replace(/"[ABC](\d+)"/g, function(bu, bt) { return ay(bk[bt]) }); return br.untrim(bq) } function R(bq) { return bq.replace(/(\.\s*)?((?:\b[A-Za-z_]|\$)[\w$]*)(\s*\.\s*([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*)(\s*\()?)?/g, function(bt, bv, br, bx, bw, bu) { if (bv) { return bt } var bs = { name: br, member: bw, callSign: !!bu }; return al(bs) + (bx === t ? "" : bx) }) } function bp(br, bq) { this.expr = br; this.transforms = bq } bp.prototype.toString = function() { var bq = this.transforms; var br = R(this.expr); return br.replace(/"!(\d+)"/g, function(bt, bs) { return bq[bs].toString() }) }; aZ = function(bs) { var br = []; var bq = ay(bs); bq = bq.replace(/"H(\d+)"/g, function(bu, bt) { br.push(aK(bk[bt])); return '"!' + (br.length - 1) + '"' }); bq = bq.replace(/"F(\d+)"/g, function(bu, bt) { br.push(ai(bk[bt])); return '"!' + (br.length - 1) + '"' }); bq = bq.replace(/"I(\d+)"/g, function(bu, bt) { br.push(aF(bk[bt])); return '"!' + (br.length - 1) + '"' }); return new bp(bq, br) }; function a4(bq, bs, br) { this.name = bq; this.value = bs; this.isDefault = br } a4.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name + " = " + this.value }; function ak(bu, br) { var bv = bu.indexOf("="); var bq, bt, bs; if (bv < 0) { bq = bu; bt = br; bs = true } else { bq = bu.substring(0, bv); bt = aZ(bu.substring(bv + 1)); bs = false } return new a4(a6(bq.replace(/(\s*"C\d+")+/g, "")), bt, bs) } function aT(bq) { if (bq === "int" || bq === "float") { return "0" } if (bq === "boolean") { return "false" } if (bq === "color") { return "0x00000000" } return "null" } function aI(br, bq) { this.definitions = br; this.varType = bq } aI.prototype.getNames = function() { var bs = []; for (var br = 0, bq = this.definitions.length; br < bq; ++br) { bs.push(this.definitions[br].name) } return bs }; aI.prototype.toString = function() { return "var " + this.definitions.join(",") }; function ah(bq) { this.expression = bq } ah.prototype.toString = function() { return this.expression.toString() }; function bn(bu) { if (aM.test(bu)) { var bt = W.exec(bu); var bs = bu.substring(bt[0].length).split(","); var bq = aT(bt[2]); for (var br = 0; br < bs.length; ++br) { bs[br] = ak(bs[br], bq) } return new aI(bs, bt[2]) } return new ah(aZ(bu)) } function a1(bq, bs, br) { this.initStatement = bq; this.condition = bs; this.step = br } a1.prototype.toString = function() { return "(" + this.initStatement + "; " + this.condition + "; " + this.step + ")" }; function aS(br, bq) { this.initStatement = br; this.container = bq } aS.prototype.toString = function() { var bq = this.initStatement.toString(); if (bq.indexOf("=") >= 0) { bq = bq.substring(0, bq.indexOf("=")) } return "(" + bq + " in " + this.container + ")" }; function aY(br, bq) { this.initStatement = br; this.container = bq } aY.iteratorId = 0; aY.prototype.toString = function() { var bu = this.initStatement.toString(); var br = "$it" + aY.iteratorId++; var bt = bu.replace(/^\s*var\s*/, "").split("=")[0]; var bs = "var " + br + " = new $p.ObjectIterator(" + this.container + "), " + bt + " = void(0)"; var bq = br + ".hasNext() && ((" + bt + " = " + br + ".next()) || true)"; return "(" + bs + "; " + bq + ";)" }; function Y(br) { var bq; if (/\bin\b/.test(br)) { bq = br.substring(1, br.length - 1).split(/\bin\b/g); return new aS(bn(a6(bq[0])), aZ(bq[1])) } if (br.indexOf(":") >= 0 && br.indexOf(";") < 0) { bq = br.substring(1, br.length - 1).split(":"); return new aY(bn(a6(bq[0])), aZ(bq[1])) } bq = br.substring(1, br.length - 1).split(";"); return new a1(bn(a6(bq[0])), aZ(bq[1]), aZ(bq[2])) } function a2(bq) { bq.sort(function(bs, br) { return br.weight - bs.weight }) } function ab(bs, bq, br) { this.name = bs; this.body = bq; this.isStatic = br; bq.owner = this } ab.prototype.toString = function() { return "" + this.body }; function an(bs, bq, br) { this.name = bs; this.body = bq; this.isStatic = br; bq.owner = this } an.prototype.toString = function() { return "" + this.body }; function T(bs) { var br = O.exec(bs); O.lastIndex = 0; var bt = br[1].indexOf("static") >= 0; var bq = bk[aQ(br[6])], bv; var bw = a9, bu = a7(); a9 = bu; if (br[2] === "interface") { bv = new ab(br[3], S(bq, br[3], br[4]), bt) } else { bv = new an(br[3], V(bq, br[3], br[4], br[5]), bt) } bl(bv, bu, bw); a9 = bw; return bv } function ac(bs, bt, bq, br) { this.name = bs; this.params = bt; this.body = bq; this.isStatic = br } ac.prototype.toString = function() { var bt = av({}, this.params.getNames()); var bs = al; al = function(bu) { return bt.hasOwnProperty(bu.name) ? bu.name : bs(bu) }; var br = this.params.prependMethodArgs(this.body.toString()); var bq = "function " + this.methodId + this.params + " " + br + "\n"; al = bs; return bq }; function P(bt) { var br = bb.exec(bt); bb.lastIndex = 0; var bs = br[1].indexOf("static") >= 0; var bq = br[6] !== ";" ? bk[aQ(br[6])] : "{}"; return new ac(br[3], aD(bk[aQ(br[4])]), ap(bq), bs) } function am(bs, br, bq) { this.definitions = bs; this.fieldType = br; this.isStatic = bq } am.prototype.getNames = function() { var bs = []; for (var br = 0, bq = this.definitions.length; br < bq; ++br) { bs.push(this.definitions[br].name) } return bs }; am.prototype.toString = function() { var bx = al({ name: "[this]" }); if (this.isStatic) { var bw = this.owner.name; var bu = []; for (var bv = 0, bt = this.definitions.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { var bs = this.definitions[bv]; var bq = bs.name, by = bw + "." + bq; var br = "if(" + by + " === void(0)) {\n " + by + " = " + bs.value + "; }\n$p.defineProperty(" + bx + ", '" + bq + "', { get: function(){return " + by + ";}, set: function(val){" + by + " = val;} });\n"; bu.push(br) } return bu.join("") } return bx + "." + this.definitions.join("; " + bx + ".") }; function bf(bv) { var bu = W.exec(bv); var bq = bu[1].indexOf("static") >= 0; var bt = bv.substring(bu[0].length).split(/,\s*/g); var br = aT(bu[2]); for (var bs = 0; bs < bt.length; ++bs) { bt[bs] = ak(bt[bs], br) } return new am(bt, bu[2], bq) } function aN(br, bq) { this.params = br; this.body = bq } aN.prototype.toString = function() { var bt = av({}, this.params.getNames()); var br = al; al = function(bu) { return bt.hasOwnProperty(bu.name) ? bu.name : br(bu) }; var bs = "function $constr_" + this.params.params.length + this.params.toString(); var bq = this.params.prependMethodArgs(this.body.toString()); if (!/\$(superCstr|constr)\b/.test(bq)) { bq = "{\n$superCstr();\n" + bq.substring(1) } al = br; return bs + bq + "\n" }; function at(bs) { var bq = (new RegExp(/"B(\d+)"\s*"A(\d+)"/)).exec(bs); var br = aD(bk[bq[1]]); return new aN(br, ap(bk[bq[2]])) } function aO(bs, bv, bu, bq, bw, bx) { var bt, br; this.name = bs; this.interfacesNames = bv; this.methodsNames = bu; this.fields = bq; this.innerClasses = bw; this.misc = bx; for (bt = 0, br = bq.length; bt < br; ++bt) { bq[bt].owner = this } } aO.prototype.getMembers = function(bx, bq, bv) { if (this.owner.base) { this.owner.base.body.getMembers(bx, bq, bv) } var bu, bt, bs, br; for (bu = 0, bs = this.fields.length; bu < bs; ++bu) { var bz = this.fields[bu].getNames(); for (bt = 0, br = bz.length; bt < br; ++bt) { bx[bz[bt]] = this.fields[bu] } } for (bu = 0, bs = this.methodsNames.length; bu < bs; ++bu) { var bw = this.methodsNames[bu]; bq[bw] = true } for (bu = 0, bs = this.innerClasses.length; bu < bs; ++bu) { var by = this.innerClasses[bu]; bv[by.name] = by } }; aO.prototype.toString = function() { function br(bH) { var bG = 0; while (bH) { ++bG; bH = bH.scope } return bG } var bA = br(this.owner); var bB = this.name; var bx = ""; var bC = ""; var bE = {}, bz = {}, by = {}; this.getMembers(bE, bz, by); var bw, bu, bv, bt; if (this.owner.interfaces) { var bq = [], bs; for (bw = 0, bu = this.interfacesNames.length; bw < bu; ++bw) { if (!this.owner.interfaces[bw]) { continue } bs = al({ name: this.interfacesNames[bw] }); bq.push(bs); bx += "$p.extendInterfaceMembers(" + bB + ", " + bs + ");\n" } bC += bB + ".$interfaces = [" + bq.join(", ") + "];\n" } bC += bB + ".$isInterface = true;\n"; bC += bB + ".$methods = ['" + this.methodsNames.join("', '") + "'];\n"; a2(this.innerClasses); for (bw = 0, bu = this.innerClasses.length; bw < bu; ++bw) { var bF = this.innerClasses[bw]; if (bF.isStatic) { bx += bB + "." + bF.name + " = " + bF + ";\n" } } for (bw = 0, bu = this.fields.length; bw < bu; ++bw) { var bD = this.fields[bw]; if (bD.isStatic) { bx += bB + "." + bD.definitions.join(";\n" + bB + ".") + ";\n" } } return "(function() {\nfunction " + bB + "() { throw 'Unable to create the interface'; }\n" + bx + bC + "return " + bB + ";\n})()" }; S = function(bw, br, bB) { var bC = bw.substring(1, bw.length - 1); bC = ae(bC); bC = bd(bC, br); var bz = [], bt = []; bC = bC.replace(/"([DE])(\d+)"/g, function(bF, bE, bD) { if (bE === "D") { bz.push(bD) } else { if (bE === "E") { bt.push(bD) } } return "" }); var bx = bC.split(/;(?:\s*;)*/g); var bu; var bv, bs; if (bB !== t) { bu = bB.replace(/^\s*extends\s+(.+?)\s*$/g, "$1").split(/\s*,\s*/g) } for (bv = 0, bs = bz.length; bv < bs; ++bv) { var bq = P(bk[bz[bv]]); bz[bv] = bq.name } for (bv = 0, bs = bx.length - 1; bv < bs; ++bv) { var bA = aP(bx[bv]); bx[bv] = bf(bA.middle) } var by = bx.pop(); for (bv = 0, bs = bt.length; bv < bs; ++bv) { bt[bv] = T(bk[bt[bv]]) } return new aO(br, bu, bz, bx, bt, { tail: by }) }; function aB(br, by, bx, bw, bs, bz, bA, bu, bq) { var bv, bt; this.name = br; this.baseClassName = by; this.interfacesNames = bx; this.functions = bw; this.methods = bs; this.fields = bz; this.cstrs = bA; this.innerClasses = bu; this.misc = bq; for (bv = 0, bt = bz.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { bz[bv].owner = this } } aB.prototype.getMembers = function(bx, br, bw) { if (this.owner.base) { this.owner.base.body.getMembers(bx, br, bw) } var bv, bu, bt, bs; for (bv = 0, bt = this.fields.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { var bz = this.fields[bv].getNames(); for (bu = 0, bs = bz.length; bu < bs; ++bu) { bx[bz[bu]] = this.fields[bv] } } for (bv = 0, bt = this.methods.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { var bq = this.methods[bv]; br[bq.name] = bq } for (bv = 0, bt = this.innerClasses.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { var by = this.innerClasses[bv]; bw[by.name] = by } }; aB.prototype.toString = function() { function bN(bV) { var bU = 0; while (bV) { ++bU; bV = bV.scope } return bU } var bB = bN(this.owner); var bG = "$this_" + bB; var bs = this.name; var bx = "var " + bG + " = this;\n"; var bH = ""; var bz = ""; var bS = {}, bT = {}, bJ = {}; this.getMembers(bS, bT, bJ); var bR = al; al = function(bV) { var bU = bV.name; if (bU === "this") { return bV.callSign || !bV.member ? bG + ".$self" : bG } if (bS.hasOwnProperty(bU)) { return bS[bU].isStatic ? bs + "." + bU : bG + "." + bU } if (bJ.hasOwnProperty(bU)) { return bG + "." + bU } if (bT.hasOwnProperty(bU)) { return bT[bU].isStatic ? bs + "." + bU : bG + ".$self." + bU } return bR(bV) }; var bA; if (this.baseClassName) { bA = bR({ name: this.baseClassName }); bx += "var $super = { $upcast: " + bG + " };\n"; bx += "function $superCstr(){" + bA + ".apply($super,arguments);if(!('$self' in $super)) $p.extendClassChain($super)}\n"; bz += bs + ".$base = " + bA + ";\n" } else { bx += "function $superCstr(){$p.extendClassChain(" + bG + ")}\n" } if (this.owner.base) { bH += "$p.extendStaticMembers(" + bs + ", " + bA + ");\n" } var bM, bK, bL, bI; if (this.owner.interfaces) { var bw = [], bq; for (bM = 0, bK = this.interfacesNames.length; bM < bK; ++bM) { if (!this.owner.interfaces[bM]) { continue } bq = bR({ name: this.interfacesNames[bM] }); bw.push(bq); bH += "$p.extendInterfaceMembers(" + bs + ", " + bq + ");\n" } bz += bs + ".$interfaces = [" + bw.join(", ") + "];\n" } if (this.functions.length > 0) { bx += this.functions.join("\n") + "\n" } a2(this.innerClasses); for (bM = 0, bK = this.innerClasses.length; bM < bK; ++bM) { var bD = this.innerClasses[bM]; if (bD.isStatic) { bH += bs + "." + bD.name + " = " + bD + ";\n"; bx += bG + "." + bD.name + " = " + bs + "." + bD.name + ";\n" } else { bx += bG + "." + bD.name + " = " + bD + ";\n" } } for (bM = 0, bK = this.fields.length; bM < bK; ++bM) { var br = this.fields[bM]; if (br.isStatic) { bH += bs + "." + br.definitions.join(";\n" + bs + ".") + ";\n"; for (bL = 0, bI = br.definitions.length; bL < bI; ++bL) { var bu = br.definitions[bL].name, by = bs + "." + bu; bx += "$p.defineProperty(" + bG + ", '" + bu + "', {get: function(){return " + by + "}, set: function(val){" + by + " = val}});\n" } } else { bx += bG + "." + br.definitions.join(";\n" + bG + ".") + ";\n" } } var bC = {}; for (bM = 0, bK = this.methods.length; bM < bK; ++bM) { var bt = this.methods[bM]; var bP = bC[bt.name]; var bv = bt.name + "$" + bt.params.params.length; var bF = !!bt.params.methodArgsParam; if (bP) { ++bP; bv += "_" + bP } else { bP = 1 } bt.methodId = bv; bC[bt.name] = bP; if (bt.isStatic) { bH += bt; bH += "$p.addMethod(" + bs + ", '" + bt.name + "', " + bv + ", " + bF + ");\n"; bx += "$p.addMethod(" + bG + ", '" + bt.name + "', " + bv + ", " + bF + ");\n" } else { bx += bt; bx += "$p.addMethod(" + bG + ", '" + bt.name + "', " + bv + ", " + bF + ");\n" } } bx += a6(this.misc.tail); if (this.cstrs.length > 0) { bx += this.cstrs.join("\n") + "\n" } bx += "function $constr() {\n"; var bQ = []; for (bM = 0, bK = this.cstrs.length; bM < bK; ++bM) { var bO = this.cstrs[bM].params.params.length; var bE = !!this.cstrs[bM].params.methodArgsParam; bQ.push("if(arguments.length " + (bE ? ">=" : "===") + " " + bO + ") { $constr_" + bO + ".apply(" + bG + ", arguments); }") } if (bQ.length > 0) { bx += bQ.join(" else ") + " else " } bx += "$superCstr();\n}\n"; bx += "$constr.apply(null, arguments);\n"; al = bR; return "(function() {\nfunction " + bs + "() {\n" + bx + "}\n" + bH + bz + "return " + bs + ";\n})()" }; V = function(bz, br, bq, bC) { var bE = bz.substring(1, bz.length - 1); bE = ae(bE); bE = bd(bE, br); var bs = [], bt = [], bD = [], bw = []; bE = bE.replace(/"([DEGH])(\d+)"/g, function(bH, bG, bF) { if (bG === "D") { bs.push(bF) } else { if (bG === "E") { bt.push(bF) } else { if (bG === "H") { bw.push(bF) } else { bD.push(bF) } } } return "" }); var by = bE.replace(/^(?:\s*;)+/, "").split(/;(?:\s*;)*/g); var bx, bv; var bu; if (bq !== t) { bx = bq.replace(/^\s*extends\s+([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b(?:\s*\.\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\b)*)\s*$/g, "$1") } if (bC !== t) { bv = bC.replace(/^\s*implements\s+(.+?)\s*$/g, "$1").split(/\s*,\s*/g) } for (bu = 0; bu < bw.length; ++bu) { bw[bu] = aK(bk[bw[bu]]) } for (bu = 0; bu < bs.length; ++bu) { bs[bu] = P(bk[bs[bu]]) } for (bu = 0; bu < by.length - 1; ++bu) { var bB = aP(by[bu]); by[bu] = bf(bB.middle) } var bA = by.pop(); for (bu = 0; bu < bD.length; ++bu) { bD[bu] = at(bk[bD[bu]]) } for (bu = 0; bu < bt.length; ++bu) { bt[bu] = T(bk[bt[bu]]) } return new aB(br, bx, bv, bw, bs, by, bD, bt, { tail: bA }) }; function aw(br, bq) { this.name = br; this.body = bq; bq.owner = this } aw.prototype.toString = function() { return "var " + this.name + " = " + this.body + ";\n$p." + this.name + " = " + this.name + ";\n" }; function a5(br, bq) { this.name = br; this.body = bq; bq.owner = this } a5.prototype.toString = function() { return "var " + this.name + " = " + this.body + ";\n$p." + this.name + " = " + this.name + ";\n" }; function bo(bs) { var br = O.exec(bs); O.lastIndex = 0; var bq = bk[aQ(br[6])]; var bv = a9, bt = a7(); a9 = bt; var bu; if (br[2] === "interface") { bu = new aw(br[3], S(bq, br[3], br[4])) } else { bu = new a5(br[3], V(bq, br[3], br[4], br[5])) } bl(bu, bt, bv); a9 = bv; return bu } function aR(br, bs, bq) { this.name = br; this.params = bs; this.body = bq } aR.prototype.toString = function() { var bt = av({}, this.params.getNames()); var bs = al; al = function(bu) { return bt.hasOwnProperty(bu.name) ? bu.name : bs(bu) }; var br = this.params.prependMethodArgs(this.body.toString()); var bq = "function " + this.name + this.params + " " + br + "\n$p." + this.name + " = " + this.name + ";"; al = bs; return bq }; function aW(bs) { var br = bb.exec(bs); var bq = bb.lastIndex = 0; return new aR(br[3], aD(bk[aQ(br[4])]), ap(bk[aQ(br[6])])) } function ag(bq) { var br = bq; br = br.replace(/\b(catch\s*"B\d+"\s*"A\d+")(\s*catch\s*"B\d+"\s*"A\d+")+/g, "$1"); return br } function aU(bq, br) { this.argument = bq; this.misc = br } aU.prototype.toString = function() { return this.misc.prefix + this.argument.toString() }; function Q(bq, br) { this.argument = bq; this.misc = br } Q.prototype.toString = function() { return this.misc.prefix + this.argument.toString() }; function ax(bq, br, bs) { this.name = bq; this.argument = br; this.misc = bs } ax.prototype.toString = function() { var bq = this.misc.prefix; if (this.argument !== t) { bq += this.argument.toString() } return bq }; function aL(bq) { this.expr = bq } aL.prototype.toString = function() { return "case " + this.expr + ":" }; function X(bq) { this.label = bq } X.prototype.toString = function() { return this.label }; aV = function(by, bz, bs) { var bD = new RegExp(/\b(catch|for|if|switch|while|with)\s*"B(\d+)"|\b(do|else|finally|return|throw|try|break|continue)\b|("[ADEH](\d+)")|\b(case)\s+([^:]+):|\b([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*:)|(;)/g); var bA = []; by = ag(by); var bx = 0, bt, br; while ((bt = bD.exec(by)) !== null) { if (bt[1] !== t) { var bw = by.lastIndexOf('"B', bD.lastIndex); var bC = by.substring(bx, bw); if (bt[1] === "for") { bA.push(new aU(Y(bk[bt[2]]), { prefix: bC })) } else { if (bt[1] === "catch") { bA.push(new Q(aD(bk[bt[2]]), { prefix: bC })) } else { bA.push(new ax(bt[1], aZ(bk[bt[2]]), { prefix: bC })) } } } else { if (bt[3] !== t) { bA.push(new ax(bt[3], t, { prefix: by.substring(bx, bD.lastIndex) })) } else { if (bt[4] !== t) { br = by.substring(bx, bD.lastIndex - bt[4].length); if (a6(br).length !== 0) { continue } bA.push(br); var bu = bt[4].charAt(1), bq = bt[5]; if (bu === "D") { bA.push(bz(bk[bq])) } else { if (bu === "E") { bA.push(bs(bk[bq])) } else { if (bu === "H") { bA.push(aK(bk[bq])) } else { bA.push(ap(bk[bq])) } } } } else { if (bt[6] !== t) { bA.push(new aL(aZ(a6(bt[7])))) } else { if (bt[8] !== t) { br = by.substring(bx, bD.lastIndex - bt[8].length); if (a6(br).length !== 0) { continue } bA.push(new X(by.substring(bx, bD.lastIndex))) } else { var bB = aP(by.substring(bx, bD.lastIndex - 1)); bA.push(bB.left); bA.push(bn(bB.middle)); bA.push(bB.right + ";") } } } } } bx = bD.lastIndex } var bv = aP(by.substring(bx)); bA.push(bv.left); if (bv.middle !== "") { bA.push(bn(bv.middle)); bA.push(";" + bv.right) } return bA }; function be(br) { var bs = []; for (var bt = 0, bq = br.length; bt < bq; ++bt) { var bu = br[bt]; if (bu instanceof aI) { bs = bs.concat(bu.getNames()) } else { if (bu instanceof aU && bu.argument.initStatement instanceof aI) { bs = bs.concat(bu.argument.initStatement.getNames()) } else { if (bu instanceof ab || bu instanceof an || bu instanceof aw || bu instanceof a5 || bu instanceof aR || bu instanceof af) { bs.push(bu.name) } } } } return av({}, bs) } function U(bq) { this.statements = bq } U.prototype.toString = function() { var bs = be(this.statements); var br = al; if (!ba(bs)) { al = function(bt) { return bs.hasOwnProperty(bt.name) ? bt.name : br(bt) } } var bq = "{\n" + this.statements.join("") + "\n}"; al = br; return bq }; ap = function(br) { var bq = aP(br.substring(1, br.length - 1)); return new U(aV(bq.middle)) }; function aG(bq) { this.statements = bq } aG.prototype.toString = function() { var bu = [], bv = [], bw; for (var bt = 0, br = this.statements.length; bt < br; ++bt) { bw = this.statements[bt]; if (bw instanceof a5 || bw instanceof aw) { bu.push(bw) } else { bv.push(bw) } } a2(bu); var bs = be(this.statements); al = function(by) { var bx = by.name; if (bs.hasOwnProperty(bx)) { return bx } if (aX.hasOwnProperty(bx) || B.hasOwnProperty(bx) || g.hasOwnProperty(bx)) { return "$p." + bx } return bx }; var bq = "// this code was autogenerated from PJS\n(function($p) {\n" + bu.join("") + "\n" + bv.join("") + "\n})"; al = null; return bq }; bi = function() { var bq = ae(bk[0]); bq = bq.replace(/\bimport\s+[^;]+;/g, ""); return new aG(aV(bq, aW, bo)) }; function bj(bq) { var bu = {}; var bs, by; for (bs in aJ) { if (aJ.hasOwnProperty(bs)) { by = aJ[bs]; var bE = by.scopeId, br = by.name; if (bE) { var bD = aJ[bE]; by.scope = bD; if (bD.inScope === t) { bD.inScope = {} } bD.inScope[br] = by } else { bu[br] = by } } } function bB(bF, bI) { var bL = bI.split("."); var bH = bF.scope, bK; while (bH) { if (bH.hasOwnProperty(bL[0])) { bK = bH[bL[0]]; break } bH = bH.scope } if (bK === t) { bK = bu[bL[0]] } for (var bJ = 1, bG = bL.length; bJ < bG && bK; ++bJ) { bK = bK.inScope[bL[bJ]] } return bK } for (bs in aJ) { if (aJ.hasOwnProperty(bs)) { by = aJ[bs]; var bx = by.body.baseClassName; if (bx) { var bA = bB(by, bx); if (bA) { by.base = bA; if (!bA.derived) { bA.derived = [] } bA.derived.push(by) } } var bw = by.body.interfacesNames, bC = [], bv, bt; if (bw && bw.length > 0) { for (bv = 0, bt = bw.length; bv < bt; ++bv) { var bz = bB(by, bw[bv]); bC.push(bz); if (!bz) { continue } if (!bz.derived) { bz.derived = [] } bz.derived.push(by) } if (bC.length > 0) { by.interfaces = bC } } } } } function a8(bq) { var bv = [], bs = {}; var br, by, bw; for (br in aJ) { if (aJ.hasOwnProperty(br)) { bw = aJ[br]; if (!bw.inScope && !bw.derived) { bv.push(br); bw.weight = 0 } else { var bx = []; if (bw.inScope) { for (by in bw.inScope) { if (bw.inScope.hasOwnProperty(by)) { bx.push(bw.inScope[by]) } } } if (bw.derived) { bx = bx.concat(bw.derived) } bs[br] = bx } } } function bz(bB, bD) { var bA = bs[bB]; if (!bA) { return false } var bC = bA.indexOf(bD); if (bC < 0) { return false } bA.splice(bC, 1); if (bA.length > 0) { return false } delete bs[bB]; return true } while (bv.length > 0) { br = bv.shift(); bw = aJ[br]; if (bw.scopeId && bz(bw.scopeId, bw)) { bv.push(bw.scopeId); aJ[bw.scopeId].weight = bw.weight + 1 } if (bw.base && bz(bw.base.classId, bw)) { bv.push(bw.base.classId); bw.base.weight = bw.weight + 1 } if (bw.interfaces) { var bu, bt; for (bu = 0, bt = bw.interfaces.length; bu < bt; ++bu) { if (!bw.interfaces[bu] || !bz(bw.interfaces[bu].classId, bw)) { continue } bv.push(bw.interfaces[bu].classId); bw.interfaces[bu].weight = bw.weight + 1 } } } } var bh = bi(); bj(bh); a8(bh); var a0 = bh.toString(); a0 = a0.replace(/\s*\n(?:[\t ]*\n)+/g, "\n\n"); a0 = a0.replace(/__x([0-9A-F]{4})/g, function(br, bq) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(bq, 16)) }); return aj(a0, N) } function z(O, ad) { var X = (new RegExp(/\/\*\s*@pjs\s+((?:[^\*]|\*+[^\*\/])*)\*\//g)).exec(O); if (X && X.length === 2) { var N = [], Q = X.splice(1, 2)[0].replace(/\{([\s\S]*?)\}/g, function() { return function(ag, ah) { N.push(ah); return "{" + (N.length - 1) + "}" } }()).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").split(";"); var W = function(ag) { return ag.replace(/^\s*["']?/, "").replace(/["']?\s*$/, "") }; for (var aa = 0, Y = Q.length; aa < Y; aa++) { var U = Q[aa].split("="); if (U && U.length === 2) { var af = W(U[0]), V = W(U[1]), ae = []; if (af === "preload") { ae = V.split(","); for (var Z = 0, ab = ae.length; Z < ab; Z++) { var ac = W(ae[Z]); ad.imageCache.add(ac) } } else { if (af === "font") { ae = V.split(","); for (var R = 0, T = ae.length; R < T; R++) { var S = W(ae[R]), P = /^\{(\d*?)\}$/.exec(S); H.preloading.add(P ? JSON.parse("{" + N[P[1]] + "}") : S) } } else { if (af === "pauseOnBlur") { ad.options.pauseOnBlur = V === "true" } else { if (af === "globalKeyEvents") { ad.options.globalKeyEvents = V === "true" } else { if (af.substring(0, 6) === "param-") { ad.params[af.substring(6)] = V } else { ad.options[af] = V } } } } } } } } return O } F.compile = function(N) { var Q = new F.Sketch; var O = z(N, Q); var P = c(O); Q.sourceCode = P; return Q }; var j = function() { var T = {}, Q = "undefined", R = "function", N = !1, S = !0, O = 512, P = "log"; if (typeof tinylog !== Q && typeof tinylog[P] === R) { T[P] = tinylog[P] } else { if (typeof d !== Q && !d.fake) { (function() { var ao = d, am = "div", ac = "style", ag = "title", ab = { zIndex: 10000, position: "fixed", bottom: "0px", width: "100%", height: "15%", fontFamily: "sans-serif", color: "#ccc", backgroundColor: "black" }, ae = { position: "relative", fontFamily: "monospace", overflow: "auto", height: "100%", paddingTop: "5px" }, ai = { height: "5px", marginTop: "-5px", cursor: "n-resize", backgroundColor: "darkgrey" }, an = { position: "absolute", top: "5px", right: "20px", color: "#111", MozBorderRadius: "4px", webkitBorderRadius: "4px", borderRadius: "4px", cursor: "pointer", fontWeight: "normal", textAlign: "center", padding: "3px 5px", backgroundColor: "#333", fontSize: "12px" }, Y = { minHeight: "16px" }, af = { fontSize: "12px", margin: "0 8px 0 8px", maxWidth: "100%", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", overflow: "auto" }, ad = ao.defaultView, al = ao.documentElement, U = al[ac], W = function() { var aq = arguments.length, ap, at, ar; while (aq--) { at = arguments[aq--]; ap = arguments[aq][ac]; for (ar in at) { if (at.hasOwnProperty(ar)) { ap[ar] = at[ar] } } } }, aj = function(ar, aq, ap) { if (ar.addEventListener) { ar.addEventListener(aq, ap, N) } else { if (ar.attachEvent) { ar.attachEvent("on" + aq, ap) } } return [ar, aq, ap] }, V = function(ar, aq, ap) { if (ar.removeEventListener) { ar.removeEventListener(aq, ap, N) } else { if (ar.detachEvent) { ar.detachEvent("on" + aq, ap) } } }, aa = function(aq) { var ap = aq.childNodes, ar = ap.length; while (ar--) { aq.removeChild(ap.item(0)) } }, ak = function(aq, ap) { return aq.appendChild(ap) }, ah = function(ap) { return ao.createElement(ap) }, Z = function(ap) { return ao.createTextNode(ap) }, X = T[P] = function(aE) { var aw, ax = U.paddingBottom, ar = ah(am), aB = ar[ac], aC = ak(ar, ah(am)), au = ak(ar, ah(am)), at = ak(ar, ah(am)), aD = N, av = N, aq = N, ay = 0, ap = function() { U.paddingBottom = ar.clientHeight + "px" }, aA = function(aF) { var aG = ad.innerHeight, aH = aC.clientHeight; if (aF < 0) { aF = 0 } else { if (aF + aH > aG) { aF = aG - aH } } aB.height = aF / aG * 100 + "%"; ap() }, az = [aj(ao, "mousemove", function(aF) { if (aD) { aA(ad.innerHeight - aF.clientY); au.scrollTop = aq } }), aj(ao, "mouseup", function() { if (aD) { aD = aq = N } }), aj(aC, "dblclick", function(aF) { aF.preventDefault(); if (av) { aA(av); av = N } else { av = ar.clientHeight; aB.height = "0px" } }), aj(aC, "mousedown", function(aF) { aF.preventDefault(); aD = S; aq = au.scrollTop }), aj(aC, "contextmenu", function() { aD = N }), aj(at, "click", function() { aw() })]; aw = function() { var aF = az.length; while (aF--) { V.apply(T, az[aF]) } al.removeChild(ar); U.paddingBottom = ax; aa(au); aa(ar); T[P] = X }; W(ar, ab, au, ae, aC, ai, at, an); at[ag] = "Close Log"; ak(at, Z("\u2716")); aC[ag] = "Double-click to toggle log minimization"; al.insertBefore(ar, al.firstChild); T[P] = function(aH) { if (ay === O) { au.removeChild(au.firstChild) } else { ay++ } var aG = ak(au, ah(am)), aF = ak(aG, ah(am)); aG[ag] = (new Date).toLocaleTimeString(); W(aG, Y, aF, af); ak(aF, Z(aH)); au.scrollTop = au.scrollHeight }; T[P](aE); ap() } })() } else { if (typeof print === R) { T[P] = print } } } return T }(); F.logger = j; F.version = "1.4.1"; F.lib = {}; F.registerLibrary = function(N, O) { F.lib[N] = O; if (O.hasOwnProperty("init")) { O.init(g) } }; F.instances = k; F.getInstanceById = function(N) { return k[J[N]] }; F.Sketch = function(N) { this.attachFunction = N; this.options = { pauseOnBlur: false, globalKeyEvents: false }; this.onLoad = G; this.onSetup = G; this.onPause = G; this.onLoop = G; this.onFrameStart = G; this.onFrameEnd = G; this.onExit = G; this.params = {}; this.imageCache = { pending: 0, images: {}, operaCache: {}, add: function(P, O) { if (this.images[P]) { return } if (!n) { this.images[P] = null } if (!O) { O = new Image; O.onload = function(R) { return function() { R.pending-- } }(this); this.pending++; O.src = P } this.images[P] = O; if (D.opera) { var Q = d.createElement("div"); Q.appendChild(O); Q.style.position = "absolute"; Q.style.opacity = 0; Q.style.width = "1px"; Q.style.height = "1px"; if (!this.operaCache[P]) { d.body.appendChild(Q); this.operaCache[P] = Q } } } }; this.sourceCode = undefined; this.attach = function(P) { if (typeof this.attachFunction === "function") { this.attachFunction(P) } else { if (this.sourceCode) { var O = (new Function("return (" + this.sourceCode + ");"))(); O(P); this.attachFunction = O } else { throw "Unable to attach sketch to the processing instance" } } }; this.toString = function() { var O; var P = "((function(Sketch) {\n"; P += "var sketch = new Sketch(\n" + this.sourceCode + ");\n"; for (O in this.options) { if (this.options.hasOwnProperty(O)) { var Q = this.options[O]; P += "sketch.options." + O + " = " + (typeof Q === "string" ? '"' + Q + '"' : "" + Q) + ";\n" } } for (O in this.imageCache) { if (this.options.hasOwnProperty(O)) { P += 'sketch.imageCache.add("' + O + '");\n' } } P += "return sketch;\n})(Processing.Sketch))"; return P } }; var v = function(Q, N) { var O = [], U = [], V = N.length, S = 0; function T(W, Y) { var X = new XMLHttpRequest; X.onreadystatechange = function() { if (X.readyState === 4) { var Z; if (X.status !== 200 && X.status !== 0) { Z = "Invalid XHR status " + X.status } else { if (X.responseText === "") { if ("withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest && (new XMLHttpRequest).withCredentials === false && D.location.protocol === "file:") { Z = "XMLHttpRequest failure, possibly due to a same-origin policy violation. You can try loading this page in another browser, or load it from http://localhost using a local webserver. See the Processing.js README for a more detailed explanation of this problem and solutions." } else { Z = "File is empty." } } } Y(X.responseText, Z) } }; X.open("GET", W, true); if (X.overrideMimeType) { X.overrideMimeType("application/json") } X.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Fri, 01 Jan 1960 00:00:00 GMT"); X.send(null) } function P(X, W) { function Z(ac, aa) { O[X] = ac; ++S; if (aa) { U.push(W + " ==> " + aa) } if (S === V) { if (U.length === 0) { try { return new F(Q, O.join("\n")) } catch (ab) { throw "Processing.js: Unable to execute pjs sketch: " + ab } } else { throw "Processing.js: Unable to load pjs sketch files: " + U.join("\n") } } } if (W.charAt(0) === "#") { var Y = d.getElementById(W.substring(1)); if (Y) { Z(Y.text || Y.textContent) } else { Z("", "Unable to load pjs sketch: element with id '" + W.substring(1) + "' was not found") } return } T(W, Z) } for (var R = 0; R < V; ++R) { P(R, N[R]) } }; var I = function() { d.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", I, false); k = []; var O = d.getElementsByTagName("canvas"), U; for (var T = 0, P = O.length; T < P; T++) { var W = O[T].getAttribute("data-processing-sources"); if (W === null) { W = O[T].getAttribute("data-src"); if (W === null) { W = O[T].getAttribute("datasrc") } } if (W) { U = W.split(/\s+/g); for (var S = 0; S < U.length;) { if (U[S]) { S++ } else { U.splice(S, 1) } } v(O[T], U) } } var ac, aa, N, Z, ab = d.getElementsByTagName("script"), Q = []; for (ac = ab.length - 1; ac >= 0; ac--) { Q.push(ab[ac]) } for (ac = 0, aa = Q.length; ac < aa; ac++) { var Y = Q[ac]; if (!Y.getAttribute) { continue } var X = Y.getAttribute("type"); if (X && (X.toLowerCase() === "text/processing" || X.toLowerCase() === "application/processing")) { var V = Y.getAttribute("data-processing-target"); O = t; if (V) { O = d.getElementById(V) } else { var R = Y.nextSibling; while (R && R.nodeType !== 1) { R = R.nextSibling } if (R && R.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "canvas") { O = R } } if (O) { if (Y.getAttribute("src")) { U = Y.getAttribute("src").split(/\s+/); v(O, U); continue } N = Y.textContent || Y.text; Z = new F(O, N) } } } }; F.reload = function() { if (k.length > 0) { for (var N = k.length - 1; N >= 0; N--) { if (k[N]) { k[N].exit() } } } I() }; F.loadSketchFromSources = v; F.disableInit = function() { if (n) { d.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", I, false) } }; if (n) { D.Processing = F; d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", I, false) } else { this.Processing = F } })(window, window.document, Math);