diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Code/jinwei.me/mobile/js/less.js')
1 files changed, 3635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Code/jinwei.me/mobile/js/less.js b/Code/jinwei.me/mobile/js/less.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ba958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/jinwei.me/mobile/js/less.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3635 @@
2 * LESS - Leaner CSS v1.7.0
3 * http://lesscss.org
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Alexis Sellier <[email protected]>
6 * Licensed under the Apache v2 License.
7 *
8 */
10/** * @license Apache v2
11 */
13! function(a, b) {
14 function c(b) {
15 return a.less[b.split("/")[1]]
16 }
18 function d(a, b) {
19 "undefined" != typeof console && w.logLevel >= b && console.log("less: " + a)
20 }
22 function e(a) {
23 return a.replace(/^[a-z-]+:\/+?[^\/]+/, "").replace(/^\//, "").replace(/\.[a-zA-Z]+$/, "").replace(/[^\.\w-]+/g, "-").replace(/\./g, ":")
24 }
26 function f(a, c) {
27 var e = "{line} {content}",
28 f = a.filename || c,
29 g = [],
30 h = (a.type || "Syntax") + "Error: " + (a.message || "There is an error in your .less file") + " in " + f + " ",
31 i = function(a, c, d) {
32 a.extract[c] !== b && g.push(e.replace(/\{line\}/, (parseInt(a.line, 10) || 0) + (c - 1)).replace(/\{class\}/, d).replace(/\{content\}/, a.extract[c]))
33 };
34 a.extract ? (i(a, 0, ""), i(a, 1, "line"), i(a, 2, ""), h += "on line " + a.line + ", column " + (a.column + 1) + ":\n" + g.join("\n")) : a.stack && (h += a.stack), d(h, z.errors)
35 }
37 function g(a, b, c) {
38 var f = b.href || "",
39 g = "less:" + (b.title || e(f)),
40 h = document.getElementById(g),
41 i = !1,
42 j = document.createElement("style");
43 if (j.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), b.media && j.setAttribute("media", b.media), j.id = g, j.styleSheet) try {
44 j.styleSheet.cssText = a
45 } catch (k) {
46 throw new Error("Couldn't reassign styleSheet.cssText.")
47 } else j.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)), i = null !== h && h.childNodes.length > 0 && j.childNodes.length > 0 && h.firstChild.nodeValue === j.firstChild.nodeValue;
48 var l = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
49 if (null === h || i === !1) {
50 var m = b && b.nextSibling || null;
51 m ? m.parentNode.insertBefore(j, m) : l.appendChild(j)
52 }
53 if (h && i === !1 && h.parentNode.removeChild(h), c && D) {
54 d("saving " + f + " to cache.", z.info);
55 try {
56 D.setItem(f, a), D.setItem(f + ":timestamp", c)
57 } catch (k) {
58 d("failed to save", z.errors)
59 }
60 }
61 }
63 function h(a) {
64 return w.postProcessor && "function" == typeof w.postProcessor && (a = w.postProcessor.call(a, a) || a), a
65 }
67 function i(a, c) {
68 var d, f, h = "less-error-message:" + e(c || ""),
69 i = '<li><label>{line}</label><pre class="{class}">{content}</pre></li>',
70 j = document.createElement("div"),
71 k = [],
72 l = a.filename || c,
73 m = l.match(/([^\/]+(\?.*)?)$/)[1];
74 j.id = h, j.className = "less-error-message", f = "<h3>" + (a.type || "Syntax") + "Error: " + (a.message || "There is an error in your .less file") + '</h3><p>in <a href="' + l + '">' + m + "</a> ";
75 var n = function(a, c, d) {
76 a.extract[c] !== b && k.push(i.replace(/\{line\}/, (parseInt(a.line, 10) || 0) + (c - 1)).replace(/\{class\}/, d).replace(/\{content\}/, a.extract[c]))
77 };
78 a.extract ? (n(a, 0, ""), n(a, 1, "line"), n(a, 2, ""), f += "on line " + a.line + ", column " + (a.column + 1) + ":</p><ul>" + k.join("") + "</ul>") : a.stack && (f += "<br/>" + a.stack.split("\n").slice(1).join("<br/>")), j.innerHTML = f, g([".less-error-message ul, .less-error-message li {", "list-style-type: none;", "margin-right: 15px;", "padding: 4px 0;", "margin: 0;", "}", ".less-error-message label {", "font-size: 12px;", "margin-right: 15px;", "padding: 4px 0;", "color: #cc7777;", "}", ".less-error-message pre {", "color: #dd6666;", "padding: 4px 0;", "margin: 0;", "display: inline-block;", "}", ".less-error-message pre.line {", "color: #ff0000;", "}", ".less-error-message h3 {", "font-size: 20px;", "font-weight: bold;", "padding: 15px 0 5px 0;", "margin: 0;", "}", ".less-error-message a {", "color: #10a", "}", ".less-error-message .error {", "color: red;", "font-weight: bold;", "padding-bottom: 2px;", "border-bottom: 1px dashed red;", "}"].join("\n"), {
79 title: "error-message"
80 }), j.style.cssText = ["font-family: Arial, sans-serif", "border: 1px solid #e00", "background-color: #eee", "border-radius: 5px", "-webkit-border-radius: 5px", "-moz-border-radius: 5px", "color: #e00", "padding: 15px", "margin-bottom: 15px"].join(";"), "development" == w.env && (d = setInterval(function() {
81 document.body && (document.getElementById(h) ? document.body.replaceChild(j, document.getElementById(h)) : document.body.insertBefore(j, document.body.firstChild), clearInterval(d))
82 }, 10))
83 }
85 function j(a, b) {
86 w.errorReporting && "html" !== w.errorReporting ? "console" === w.errorReporting ? f(a, b) : "function" == typeof w.errorReporting && w.errorReporting("add", a, b) : i(a, b)
87 }
89 function k(a) {
90 var b = document.getElementById("less-error-message:" + e(a));
91 b && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
92 }
94 function l() {}
96 function m(a) {
97 w.errorReporting && "html" !== w.errorReporting ? "console" === w.errorReporting ? l(a) : "function" == typeof w.errorReporting && w.errorReporting("remove", a) : k(a)
98 }
100 function n(a) {
101 for (var b, c = document.getElementsByTagName("style"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
102 if (b = c[d], b.type.match(C)) {
103 var e = new w.tree.parseEnv(w),
104 f = b.innerHTML || "";
105 e.filename = document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ""), (a || w.globalVars) && (e.useFileCache = !0);
106 var g = function(a) {
107 return function(b, c) {
108 if (b) return j(b, "inline");
109 var d = c.toCSS(w);
110 a.type = "text/css", a.styleSheet ? a.styleSheet.cssText = d : a.innerHTML = d
111 }
112 }(b);
113 new w.Parser(e).parse(f, g, {
114 globalVars: w.globalVars,
115 modifyVars: a
116 })
117 }
118 }
120 function o(a, b) {
121 var c, d, e = /^((?:[a-z-]+:)?\/+?(?:[^\/\?#]*\/)|([\/\\]))?((?:[^\/\\\?#]*[\/\\])*)([^\/\\\?#]*)([#\?].*)?$/i,
122 f = a.match(e),
123 g = {},
124 h = [];
125 if (!f) throw new Error("Could not parse sheet href - '" + a + "'");
126 if (!f[1] || f[2]) {
127 if (d = b.match(e), !d) throw new Error("Could not parse page url - '" + b + "'");
128 f[1] = f[1] || d[1] || "", f[2] || (f[3] = d[3] + f[3])
129 }
130 if (f[3]) {
131 for (h = f[3].replace(/\\/g, "/").split("/"), c = 0; c < h.length; c++) "." === h[c] && (h.splice(c, 1), c -= 1);
132 for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++) ".." === h[c] && c > 0 && (h.splice(c - 1, 2), c -= 2)
133 }
134 return g.hostPart = f[1], g.directories = h, g.path = f[1] + h.join("/"), g.fileUrl = g.path + (f[4] || ""), g.url = g.fileUrl + (f[5] || ""), g
135 }
137 function p(a, b) {
138 var c, d, e, f, g = o(a),
139 h = o(b),
140 i = "";
141 if (g.hostPart !== h.hostPart) return "";
142 for (d = Math.max(h.directories.length, g.directories.length), c = 0; d > c && h.directories[c] === g.directories[c]; c++);
143 for (f = h.directories.slice(c), e = g.directories.slice(c), c = 0; c < f.length - 1; c++) i += "../";
144 for (c = 0; c < e.length - 1; c++) i += e[c] + "/";
145 return i
146 }
148 function q() {
149 if (a.XMLHttpRequest && ("file:" !== a.location.protocol || !a.ActiveXObject)) return new XMLHttpRequest;
150 try {
151 return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
152 } catch (b) {
153 return d("browser doesn't support AJAX.", z.errors), null
154 }
155 }
157 function r(a, b, c, e) {
158 function f(b, c, d) {
159 b.status >= 200 && b.status < 300 ? c(b.responseText, b.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")) : "function" == typeof d && d(b.status, a)
160 }
161 var g = q(),
162 h = y ? w.fileAsync : w.async;
163 "function" == typeof g.overrideMimeType && g.overrideMimeType("text/css"), d("XHR: Getting '" + a + "'", z.debug), g.open("GET", a, h), g.setRequestHeader("Accept", b || "text/x-less, text/css; q=0.9, */*; q=0.5"), g.send(null), y && !w.fileAsync ? 0 === g.status || g.status >= 200 && g.status < 300 ? c(g.responseText) : e(g.status, a) : h ? g.onreadystatechange = function() {
164 4 == g.readyState && f(g, c, e)
165 } : f(g, c, e)
166 }
168 function s(b, c, d, e) {
169 c && c.currentDirectory && !/^([a-z-]+:)?\//.test(b) && (b = c.currentDirectory + b);
170 var f = o(b, a.location.href),
171 g = f.url,
172 h = {
173 currentDirectory: f.path,
174 filename: g
175 };
176 if (c ? (h.entryPath = c.entryPath, h.rootpath = c.rootpath, h.rootFilename = c.rootFilename, h.relativeUrls = c.relativeUrls) : (h.entryPath = f.path, h.rootpath = w.rootpath || f.path, h.rootFilename = g, h.relativeUrls = e.relativeUrls), h.relativeUrls && (h.rootpath = e.rootpath ? o(e.rootpath + p(f.path, h.entryPath)).path : f.path), e.useFileCache && E[g]) try {
177 var i = E[g];
178 d(null, i, g, h, {
179 lastModified: new Date
180 })
181 } catch (j) {
182 d(j, null, g)
183 } else r(g, e.mime, function(a, b) {
184 E[g] = a;
185 try {
186 d(null, a, g, h, {
187 lastModified: b
188 })
189 } catch (c) {
190 d(c, null, g)
191 }
192 }, function(a, b) {
193 d({
194 type: "File",
195 message: "'" + b + "' wasn't found (" + a + ")"
196 }, null, g)
197 })
198 }
200 function t(a, b, c, d, e) {
201 var f = new w.tree.parseEnv(w);
202 f.mime = a.type, (e || w.globalVars) && (f.useFileCache = !0), s(a.href, null, function(h, i, j, k, l) {
203 if (l) {
204 l.remaining = d;
205 var n = D && D.getItem(j),
206 o = D && D.getItem(j + ":timestamp");
207 if (!c && o && l.lastModified && new Date(l.lastModified).valueOf() === new Date(o).valueOf()) return g(n, a), l.local = !0, void b(null, null, i, a, l, j)
208 }
209 m(j), i ? (f.currentFileInfo = k, new w.Parser(f).parse(i, function(c, d) {
210 if (c) return b(c, null, null, a);
211 try {
212 b(c, d, i, a, l, j)
213 } catch (c) {
214 b(c, null, null, a)
215 }
216 }, {
217 modifyVars: e,
218 globalVars: w.globalVars
219 })) : b(h, null, null, a, l, j)
220 }, f, e)
221 }
223 function u(a, b, c) {
224 for (var d = 0; d < w.sheets.length; d++) t(w.sheets[d], a, b, w.sheets.length - (d + 1), c)
225 }
227 function v() {
228 "development" === w.env ? (w.optimization = 0, w.watchTimer = setInterval(function() {
229 w.watchMode && u(function(a, b, c, d, e) {
230 if (a) j(a, d.href);
231 else if (b) {
232 var f = b.toCSS(w);
233 f = h(f), g(f, d, e.lastModified)
234 }
235 })
236 }, w.poll)) : w.optimization = 3
237 }("undefined" == typeof a.less || "undefined" != typeof a.less.nodeType) && (a.less = {}), w = a.less, x = a.less.tree = {}, w.mode = "browser";
238 var w, x;
239 w === b && (w = exports, x = c("./tree"), w.mode = "node"), w.Parser = function(a) {
240 function d() {
241 D = y, G.push({
242 current: C,
243 i: y,
244 j: z
245 })
246 }
248 function e() {
249 var a = G.pop();
250 C = a.current, D = y = a.i, z = a.j
251 }
253 function f() {
254 G.pop()
255 }
257 function g() {
258 y > D && (C = C.slice(y - D), D = y)
259 }
261 function h(a, b) {
262 var c = a.charCodeAt(0 | b);
263 return 32 >= c && (32 === c || 10 === c || 9 === c)
264 }
266 function i(a) {
267 var b, c, d = typeof a;
268 return "string" === d ? v.charAt(y) !== a ? null : (l(1), a) : (g(), (b = a.exec(C)) ? (c = b[0].length, l(c), "string" == typeof b ? b : 1 === b.length ? b[0] : b) : null)
269 }
271 function j(a) {
272 y > D && (C = C.slice(y - D), D = y);
273 var b = a.exec(C);
274 return b ? (l(b[0].length), "string" == typeof b ? b : 1 === b.length ? b[0] : b) : null
275 }
277 function k(a) {
278 return v.charAt(y) !== a ? null : (l(1), a)
279 }
281 function l(a) {
282 for (var b, c = y, d = z, e = y - D, f = y + C.length - e, g = y += a, h = v; f > y && (b = h.charCodeAt(y), !(b > 32)) && (32 === b || 10 === b || 9 === b || 13 === b); y++);
283 return C = C.slice(a + y - g + e), D = y, !C.length && z < B.length - 1 ? (C = B[++z], l(0), !0) : c !== y || d !== z
284 }
286 function m(a, b) {
287 var c = "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) ? a.call(F) : i(a);
288 return c ? c : void o(b || ("string" == typeof a ? "expected '" + a + "' got '" + v.charAt(y) + "'" : "unexpected token"))
289 }
291 function n(a, b) {
292 return v.charAt(y) === a ? (l(1), a) : void o(b || "expected '" + a + "' got '" + v.charAt(y) + "'")
293 }
295 function o(a, b) {
296 var c = new Error(a);
297 throw c.index = y, c.type = b || "Syntax", c
298 }
300 function p(a) {
301 return "string" == typeof a ? v.charAt(y) === a : a.test(C)
302 }
304 function q(a) {
305 return v.charAt(y) === a
306 }
308 function r(a, b) {
309 return a.filename && b.currentFileInfo.filename && a.filename !== b.currentFileInfo.filename ? E.imports.contents[a.filename] : v
310 }
312 function s(a, b) {
313 for (var c = a + 1, d = null, e = -1; --c >= 0 && "\n" !== b.charAt(c);) e++;
314 return "number" == typeof a && (d = (b.slice(0, a).match(/\n/g) || "").length), {
315 line: d,
316 column: e
317 }
318 }
320 function t(a, b, d) {
321 var e = d.currentFileInfo.filename;
322 return "browser" !== w.mode && "rhino" !== w.mode && (e = c("path").resolve(e)), {
323 lineNumber: s(a, b).line + 1,
324 fileName: e
325 }
326 }
328 function u(a, b) {
329 var c = r(a, b),
330 d = s(a.index, c),
331 e = d.line,
332 f = d.column,
333 g = a.call && s(a.call, c).line,
334 h = c.split("\n");
335 this.type = a.type || "Syntax", this.message = a.message, this.filename = a.filename || b.currentFileInfo.filename, this.index = a.index, this.line = "number" == typeof e ? e + 1 : null, this.callLine = g + 1, this.callExtract = h[g], this.stack = a.stack, this.column = f, this.extract = [h[e - 1], h[e], h[e + 1]]
336 }
337 var v, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G = [],
338 H = a && a.filename;
339 a instanceof x.parseEnv || (a = new x.parseEnv(a));
340 var I = this.imports = {
341 paths: a.paths || [],
342 queue: [],
343 files: a.files,
344 contents: a.contents,
345 contentsIgnoredChars: a.contentsIgnoredChars,
346 mime: a.mime,
347 error: null,
348 push: function(b, c, d, e) {
349 var f = this;
350 this.queue.push(b);
351 var g = function(a, c, d) {
352 f.queue.splice(f.queue.indexOf(b), 1);
353 var g = d === H;
354 f.files[d] = c, a && !f.error && (f.error = a), e(a, c, g, d)
355 };
356 w.Parser.importer ? w.Parser.importer(b, c, g, a) : w.Parser.fileLoader(b, c, function(b, e, f, h) {
357 if (b) return void g(b);
358 var i = new x.parseEnv(a);
359 i.currentFileInfo = h, i.processImports = !1, i.contents[f] = e, (c.reference || d.reference) && (h.reference = !0), d.inline ? g(null, e, f) : new w.Parser(i).parse(e, function(a, b) {
360 g(a, b, f)
361 })
362 }, a)
363 }
364 },
365 J = j;
366 return u.prototype = new Error, u.prototype.constructor = u, this.env = a = a || {}, this.optimization = "optimization" in this.env ? this.env.optimization : 1, E = {
367 imports: I,
368 parse: function(d, e, f) {
369 var g, h, i, j, k, l = null,
370 m = "";
371 if (y = z = D = A = 0, j = f && f.globalVars ? w.Parser.serializeVars(f.globalVars) + "\n" : "", k = f && f.modifyVars ? "\n" + w.Parser.serializeVars(f.modifyVars) : "", (j || f && f.banner) && (m = (f && f.banner ? f.banner : "") + j, E.imports.contentsIgnoredChars[a.currentFileInfo.filename] = m.length), d = d.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"), v = d = m + d.replace(/^\uFEFF/, "") + k, E.imports.contents[a.currentFileInfo.filename] = d, B = function(b) {
372 function c(b, c) {
373 l = new u({
374 index: c || i,
375 type: "Parse",
376 message: b,
377 filename: a.currentFileInfo.filename
378 }, a)
379 }
381 function d(a) {
382 var c = i - s;
383 512 > c && !a || !c || (r.push(b.slice(s, i + 1)), s = i + 1)
384 }
385 var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o = b.length,
386 p = 0,
387 q = 0,
388 r = [],
389 s = 0;
390 for (i = 0; o > i; i++)
391 if (k = b.charCodeAt(i), !(k >= 97 && 122 >= k || 34 > k)) switch (k) {
392 case 40:
393 q++, f = i;
394 continue;
395 case 41:
396 if (--q < 0) return c("missing opening `(`");
397 continue;
398 case 59:
399 q || d();
400 continue;
401 case 123:
402 p++, e = i;
403 continue;
404 case 125:
405 if (--p < 0) return c("missing opening `{`");
406 p || q || d();
407 continue;
408 case 92:
409 if (o - 1 > i) {
410 i++;
411 continue
412 }
413 return c("unescaped `\\`");
414 case 34:
415 case 39:
416 case 96:
417 for (n = 0, j = i, i += 1; o > i; i++)
418 if (m = b.charCodeAt(i), !(m > 96)) {
419 if (m == k) {
420 n = 1;
421 break
422 }
423 if (92 == m) {
424 if (i == o - 1) return c("unescaped `\\`");
425 i++
426 }
427 }
428 if (n) continue;
429 return c("unmatched `" + String.fromCharCode(k) + "`", j);
430 case 47:
431 if (q || i == o - 1) continue;
432 if (m = b.charCodeAt(i + 1), 47 == m)
433 for (i += 2; o > i && (m = b.charCodeAt(i), !(13 >= m) || 10 != m && 13 != m); i++);
434 else if (42 == m) {
435 for (g = j = i, i += 2; o - 1 > i && (m = b.charCodeAt(i), 125 == m && (h = i), 42 != m || 47 != b.charCodeAt(i + 1)); i++);
436 if (i == o - 1) return c("missing closing `*/`", j);
437 i++
438 }
439 continue;
440 case 42:
441 if (o - 1 > i && 47 == b.charCodeAt(i + 1)) return c("unmatched `/*`");
442 continue
443 }
444 return 0 !== p ? g > e && h > g ? c("missing closing `}` or `*/`", e) : c("missing closing `}`", e) : 0 !== q ? c("missing closing `)`", f) : (d(!0), r)
445 }(d), l) return e(new u(l, a));
446 C = B[0];
447 try {
448 g = new x.Ruleset(null, this.parsers.primary()), g.root = !0, g.firstRoot = !0
449 } catch (n) {
450 return e(new u(n, a))
451 }
452 if (g.toCSS = function(d) {
453 return function(e, f) {
454 e = e || {};
455 var g, h, i = new x.evalEnv(e);
456 "object" != typeof f || Array.isArray(f) || (f = Object.keys(f).map(function(a) {
457 var b = f[a];
458 return b instanceof x.Value || (b instanceof x.Expression || (b = new x.Expression([b])), b = new x.Value([b])), new x.Rule("@" + a, b, !1, null, 0)
459 }), i.frames = [new x.Ruleset(null, f)]);
460 try {
461 var j, k = [],
462 l = [new x.joinSelectorVisitor, new x.processExtendsVisitor, new x.toCSSVisitor({
463 compress: Boolean(e.compress)
464 })],
465 m = this;
466 if (e.plugins)
467 for (j = 0; j < e.plugins.length; j++) e.plugins[j].isPreEvalVisitor ? k.push(e.plugins[j]) : e.plugins[j].isPreVisitor ? l.splice(0, 0, e.plugins[j]) : l.push(e.plugins[j]);
468 for (j = 0; j < k.length; j++) k[j].run(m);
469 for (g = d.call(m, i), j = 0; j < l.length; j++) l[j].run(g);
470 e.sourceMap && (g = new x.sourceMapOutput({
471 contentsIgnoredCharsMap: E.imports.contentsIgnoredChars,
472 writeSourceMap: e.writeSourceMap,
473 rootNode: g,
474 contentsMap: E.imports.contents,
475 sourceMapFilename: e.sourceMapFilename,
476 sourceMapURL: e.sourceMapURL,
477 outputFilename: e.sourceMapOutputFilename,
478 sourceMapBasepath: e.sourceMapBasepath,
479 sourceMapRootpath: e.sourceMapRootpath,
480 outputSourceFiles: e.outputSourceFiles,
481 sourceMapGenerator: e.sourceMapGenerator
482 })), h = g.toCSS({
483 compress: Boolean(e.compress),
484 dumpLineNumbers: a.dumpLineNumbers,
485 strictUnits: Boolean(e.strictUnits),
486 numPrecision: 8
487 })
488 } catch (n) {
489 throw new u(n, a)
490 }
491 if (e.cleancss && "node" === w.mode) {
492 var o = c("clean-css"),
493 p = e.cleancssOptions || {};
494 return p.keepSpecialComments === b && (p.keepSpecialComments = "*"), p.processImport = !1, p.noRebase = !0, p.noAdvanced === b && (p.noAdvanced = !0), new o(p).minify(h)
495 }
496 return e.compress ? h.replace(/(^(\s)+)|((\s)+$)/g, "") : h
497 }
498 }(g.eval), y < v.length - 1) {
499 y = A;
500 var o = s(y, v);
501 i = v.split("\n"), h = o.line + 1, l = {
502 type: "Parse",
503 message: "Unrecognised input",
504 index: y,
505 filename: a.currentFileInfo.filename,
506 line: h,
507 column: o.column,
508 extract: [i[h - 2], i[h - 1], i[h]]
509 }
510 }
511 var p = function(b) {
512 return b = l || b || E.imports.error, b ? (b instanceof u || (b = new u(b, a)), e(b)) : e(null, g)
513 };
514 return a.processImports === !1 ? p() : void new x.importVisitor(this.imports, p).run(g)
515 },
516 parsers: F = {
517 primary: function() {
518 for (var a, b = this.mixin, c = J, d = []; C;) {
519 if (a = this.extendRule() || b.definition() || this.rule() || this.ruleset() || b.call() || this.comment() || this.rulesetCall() || this.directive()) d.push(a);
520 else if (!c(/^[\s\n]+/) && !c(/^;+/)) break;
521 if (q("}")) break
522 }
523 return d
524 },
525 comment: function() {
526 var b;
527 if ("/" === v.charAt(y)) return "/" === v.charAt(y + 1) ? new x.Comment(j(/^\/\/.*/), !0, y, a.currentFileInfo) : (b = j(/^\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/\n?/), b ? new x.Comment(b, !1, y, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0)
528 },
529 comments: function() {
530 for (var a, b = [];;) {
531 if (a = this.comment(), !a) break;
532 b.push(a)
533 }
534 return b
535 },
536 entities: {
537 quoted: function() {
538 var b, c, d = y,
539 e = y;
540 return "~" === v.charAt(d) && (d++, c = !0), '"' === v.charAt(d) || "'" === v.charAt(d) ? (c && k("~"), b = j(/^"((?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\.)*)"|'((?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\.)*)'/), b ? new x.Quoted(b[0], b[1] || b[2], c, e, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0) : void 0
541 },
542 keyword: function() {
543 var a;
544 if (a = j(/^%|^[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/)) {
545 var b = x.Color.fromKeyword(a);
546 return b ? b : new x.Keyword(a)
547 }
548 },
549 call: function() {
550 var b, c, d, e, f = y;
551 if (b = /^([\w-]+|%|progid:[\w\.]+)\(/.exec(C)) {
552 if (b = b[1], c = b.toLowerCase(), "url" === c) return null;
553 if (y += b.length, "alpha" === c && (e = F.alpha(), "undefined" != typeof e)) return e;
554 if (k("("), d = this.arguments(), k(")")) return b ? new x.Call(b, d, f, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0
555 }
556 },
557 arguments: function() {
558 for (var a, b = [];;) {
559 if (a = this.assignment() || F.expression(), !a) break;
560 if (b.push(a), !k(",")) break
561 }
562 return b
563 },
564 literal: function() {
565 return this.dimension() || this.color() || this.quoted() || this.unicodeDescriptor()
566 },
567 assignment: function() {
568 var a, b;
569 return a = j(/^\w+(?=\s?=)/i), a && k("=") ? (b = F.entity(), b ? new x.Assignment(a, b) : void 0) : void 0
570 },
571 url: function() {
572 var b;
573 if ("u" === v.charAt(y) && j(/^url\(/)) return b = this.quoted() || this.variable() || j(/^(?:(?:\\[\(\)'"])|[^\(\)'"])+/) || "", n(")"), new x.URL(null != b.value || b instanceof x.Variable ? b : new x.Anonymous(b), a.currentFileInfo)
574 },
575 variable: function() {
576 var b, c = y;
577 return "@" === v.charAt(y) && (b = j(/^@@?[\w-]+/)) ? new x.Variable(b, c, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0
578 },
579 variableCurly: function() {
580 var b, c = y;
581 return "@" === v.charAt(y) && (b = j(/^@\{([\w-]+)\}/)) ? new x.Variable("@" + b[1], c, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0
582 },
583 color: function() {
584 var a;
585 return "#" === v.charAt(y) && (a = j(/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/)) ? new x.Color(a[1]) : void 0
586 },
587 dimension: function() {
588 var a, b = v.charCodeAt(y);
589 if (!(b > 57 || 43 > b || 47 === b || 44 == b)) return a = j(/^([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%|[a-z]+)?/), a ? new x.Dimension(a[1], a[2]) : void 0
590 },
591 unicodeDescriptor: function() {
592 var a;
593 return a = j(/^U\+[0-9a-fA-F?]+(\-[0-9a-fA-F?]+)?/), a ? new x.UnicodeDescriptor(a[0]) : void 0
594 },
595 javascript: function() {
596 var c, d, e = y;
597 return "~" === v.charAt(e) && (e++, d = !0), "`" === v.charAt(e) ? (a.javascriptEnabled === b || a.javascriptEnabled || o("You are using JavaScript, which has been disabled."), d && k("~"), c = j(/^`([^`]*)`/), c ? new x.JavaScript(c[1], y, d) : void 0) : void 0
598 }
599 },
600 variable: function() {
601 var a;
602 return "@" === v.charAt(y) && (a = j(/^(@[\w-]+)\s*:/)) ? a[1] : void 0
603 },
604 rulesetCall: function() {
605 var a;
606 return "@" === v.charAt(y) && (a = j(/^(@[\w-]+)\s*\(\s*\)\s*;/)) ? new x.RulesetCall(a[1]) : void 0
607 },
608 extend: function(a) {
609 var b, c, d, e, f, g = y;
610 if (j(a ? /^&:extend\(/ : /^:extend\(/)) {
611 do {
612 for (d = null, b = null; !(d = j(/^(all)(?=\s*(\)|,))/)) && (c = this.element());) b ? b.push(c) : b = [c];
613 d = d && d[1], f = new x.Extend(new x.Selector(b), d, g), e ? e.push(f) : e = [f]
614 } while (k(","));
615 return m(/^\)/), a && m(/^;/), e
616 }
617 },
618 extendRule: function() {
619 return this.extend(!0)
620 },
621 mixin: {
622 call: function() {
623 var b, c, g, h, i, l, m = v.charAt(y),
624 o = !1,
625 p = y;
626 if ("." === m || "#" === m) {
627 for (d();;) {
628 if (b = y, h = j(/^[#.](?:[\w-]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/), !h) break;
629 g = new x.Element(i, h, b, a.currentFileInfo), c ? c.push(g) : c = [g], i = k(">")
630 }
631 return c && (k("(") && (l = this.args(!0).args, n(")")), F.important() && (o = !0), F.end()) ? (f(), new x.mixin.Call(c, l, p, a.currentFileInfo, o)) : void e()
632 }
633 },
634 args: function(a) {
635 var b, c, g, h, i, l, m = E.parsers,
636 n = m.entities,
637 p = {
638 args: null,
639 variadic: !1
640 },
641 q = [],
642 r = [],
643 s = [];
644 for (d();;) {
645 if (a) l = m.detachedRuleset() || m.expression();
646 else {
647 if (m.comments(), "." === v.charAt(y) && j(/^\.{3}/)) {
648 p.variadic = !0, k(";") && !b && (b = !0), (b ? r : s).push({
649 variadic: !0
650 });
651 break
652 }
653 l = n.variable() || n.literal() || n.keyword()
654 } if (!l) break;
655 h = null, l.throwAwayComments && l.throwAwayComments(), i = l;
656 var t = null;
657 if (a ? l.value && 1 == l.value.length && (t = l.value[0]) : t = l, t && t instanceof x.Variable)
658 if (k(":")) {
659 if (q.length > 0 && (b && o("Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types"), c = !0), i = a && m.detachedRuleset() || m.expression(), !i) {
660 if (!a) return e(), p.args = [], p;
661 o("could not understand value for named argument")
662 }
663 h = g = t.name
664 } else {
665 if (!a && j(/^\.{3}/)) {
666 p.variadic = !0, k(";") && !b && (b = !0), (b ? r : s).push({
667 name: l.name,
668 variadic: !0
669 });
670 break
671 }
672 a || (g = h = t.name, i = null)
673 }
674 i && q.push(i), s.push({
675 name: h,
676 value: i
677 }), k(",") || (k(";") || b) && (c && o("Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types"), b = !0, q.length > 1 && (i = new x.Value(q)), r.push({
678 name: g,
679 value: i
680 }), g = null, q = [], c = !1)
681 }
682 return f(), p.args = b ? r : s, p
683 },
684 definition: function() {
685 var a, b, c, g, h = [],
686 i = !1;
687 if (!("." !== v.charAt(y) && "#" !== v.charAt(y) || p(/^[^{]*\}/)))
688 if (d(), b = j(/^([#.](?:[\w-]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+)\s*\(/)) {
689 a = b[1];
690 var l = this.args(!1);
691 if (h = l.args, i = l.variadic, !k(")")) return A = y, void e();
692 if (F.comments(), j(/^when/) && (g = m(F.conditions, "expected condition")), c = F.block()) return f(), new x.mixin.Definition(a, h, c, g, i);
693 e()
694 } else f()
695 }
696 },
697 entity: function() {
698 var a = this.entities;
699 return a.literal() || a.variable() || a.url() || a.call() || a.keyword() || a.javascript() || this.comment()
700 },
701 end: function() {
702 return k(";") || q("}")
703 },
704 alpha: function() {
705 var a;
706 if (j(/^\(opacity=/i)) return a = j(/^\d+/) || this.entities.variable(), a ? (n(")"), new x.Alpha(a)) : void 0
707 },
708 element: function() {
709 var b, c, g, h = y;
710 return c = this.combinator(), b = j(/^(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+)%/) || j(/^(?:[.#]?|:*)(?:[\w-]|[^\x00-\x9f]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/) || k("*") || k("&") || this.attribute() || j(/^\([^()@]+\)/) || j(/^[\.#](?=@)/) || this.entities.variableCurly(), b || (d(), k("(") ? (g = this.selector()) && k(")") ? (b = new x.Paren(g), f()) : e() : f()), b ? new x.Element(c, b, h, a.currentFileInfo) : void 0
711 },
712 combinator: function() {
713 var a = v.charAt(y);
714 if (">" === a || "+" === a || "~" === a || "|" === a || "^" === a) {
715 for (y++, "^" === v.charAt(y) && (a = "^^", y++); h(v, y);) y++;
716 return new x.Combinator(a)
717 }
718 return new x.Combinator(h(v, y - 1) ? " " : null)
719 },
720 lessSelector: function() {
721 return this.selector(!0)
722 },
723 selector: function(b) {
724 for (var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = y, k = J;
725 (b && (g = this.extend()) || b && (h = k(/^when/)) || (f = this.element())) && (h ? i = m(this.conditions, "expected condition") : i ? o("CSS guard can only be used at the end of selector") : g ? d ? d.push(g) : d = [g] : (d && o("Extend can only be used at the end of selector"), e = v.charAt(y), c ? c.push(f) : c = [f], f = null), "{" !== e && "}" !== e && ";" !== e && "," !== e && ")" !== e););
726 return c ? new x.Selector(c, d, i, j, a.currentFileInfo) : void(d && o("Extend must be used to extend a selector, it cannot be used on its own"))
727 },
728 attribute: function() {
729 if (k("[")) {
730 var a, b, c, d = this.entities;
731 return (a = d.variableCurly()) || (a = m(/^(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-\*]*\|)?(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-]|\\.)+/)), c = j(/^[|~*$^]?=/), c && (b = d.quoted() || j(/^[0-9]+%/) || j(/^[\w-]+/) || d.variableCurly()), n("]"), new x.Attribute(a, c, b)
732 }
733 },
734 block: function() {
735 var a;
736 return k("{") && (a = this.primary()) && k("}") ? a : void 0
737 },
738 blockRuleset: function() {
739 var a = this.block();
740 return a && (a = new x.Ruleset(null, a)), a
741 },
742 detachedRuleset: function() {
743 var a = this.blockRuleset();
744 return a ? new x.DetachedRuleset(a) : void 0
745 },
746 ruleset: function() {
747 var b, c, g, h;
748 for (d(), a.dumpLineNumbers && (h = t(y, v, a));;) {
749 if (c = this.lessSelector(), !c) break;
750 if (b ? b.push(c) : b = [c], this.comments(), c.condition && b.length > 1 && o("Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector."), !k(",")) break;
751 c.condition && o("Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector."), this.comments()
752 }
753 if (b && (g = this.block())) {
754 f();
755 var i = new x.Ruleset(b, g, a.strictImports);
756 return a.dumpLineNumbers && (i.debugInfo = h), i
757 }
758 A = y, e()
759 },
760 rule: function(b) {
761 var c, g, h, i, j, k = y,
762 l = v.charAt(k);
763 if ("." !== l && "#" !== l && "&" !== l)
764 if (d(), c = this.variable() || this.ruleProperty()) {
765 if (j = "string" == typeof c, j && (g = this.detachedRuleset()), g || (g = b || !a.compress && !j ? this.anonymousValue() || this.value() : this.value() || this.anonymousValue(), h = this.important(), i = !j && c.pop().value), g && this.end()) return f(), new x.Rule(c, g, h, i, k, a.currentFileInfo);
766 if (A = y, e(), g && !b) return this.rule(!0)
767 } else f()
768 },
769 anonymousValue: function() {
770 var a;
771 return a = /^([^@+\/'"*`(;{}-]*);/.exec(C), a ? (y += a[0].length - 1, new x.Anonymous(a[1])) : void 0
772 },
773 "import": function() {
774 var b, c, g = y;
775 d();
776 var h = j(/^@import?\s+/),
777 i = (h ? this.importOptions() : null) || {};
778 return h && (b = this.entities.quoted() || this.entities.url()) && (c = this.mediaFeatures(), k(";")) ? (f(), c = c && new x.Value(c), new x.Import(b, c, i, g, a.currentFileInfo)) : void e()
779 },
780 importOptions: function() {
781 var a, b, c, d = {};
782 if (!k("(")) return null;
783 do
784 if (a = this.importOption()) {
785 switch (b = a, c = !0, b) {
786 case "css":
787 b = "less", c = !1;
788 break;
789 case "once":
790 b = "multiple", c = !1
791 }
792 if (d[b] = c, !k(",")) break
793 }
794 while (a);
795 return n(")"), d
796 },
797 importOption: function() {
798 var a = j(/^(less|css|multiple|once|inline|reference)/);
799 return a ? a[1] : void 0
800 },
801 mediaFeature: function() {
802 var b, c, d = this.entities,
803 e = [];
804 do
805 if (b = d.keyword() || d.variable()) e.push(b);
806 else if (k("(")) {
807 if (c = this.property(), b = this.value(), !k(")")) return null;
808 if (c && b) e.push(new x.Paren(new x.Rule(c, b, null, null, y, a.currentFileInfo, !0)));
809 else {
810 if (!b) return null;
811 e.push(new x.Paren(b))
812 }
813 } while (b);
814 return e.length > 0 ? new x.Expression(e) : void 0
815 },
816 mediaFeatures: function() {
817 var a, b = this.entities,
818 c = [];
819 do
820 if (a = this.mediaFeature()) {
821 if (c.push(a), !k(",")) break
822 } else if (a = b.variable(), a && (c.push(a), !k(","))) break; while (a);
823 return c.length > 0 ? c : null
824 },
825 media: function() {
826 var b, c, d, e;
827 return a.dumpLineNumbers && (e = t(y, v, a)), j(/^@media/) && (b = this.mediaFeatures(), c = this.block()) ? (d = new x.Media(c, b, y, a.currentFileInfo), a.dumpLineNumbers && (d.debugInfo = e), d) : void 0
828 },
829 directive: function() {
830 var b, c, g, h, i, l, m, n = y,
831 p = !0;
832 if ("@" === v.charAt(y)) {
833 if (c = this["import"]() || this.media()) return c;
834 if (d(), b = j(/^@[a-z-]+/)) {
835 switch (h = b, "-" == b.charAt(1) && b.indexOf("-", 2) > 0 && (h = "@" + b.slice(b.indexOf("-", 2) + 1)), h) {
836 case "@charset":
837 i = !0, p = !1;
838 break;
839 case "@namespace":
840 l = !0, p = !1;
841 break;
842 case "@keyframes":
843 i = !0;
844 break;
845 case "@host":
846 case "@page":
847 case "@document":
848 case "@supports":
849 m = !0
850 }
851 return i ? (c = this.entity(), c || o("expected " + b + " identifier")) : l ? (c = this.expression(), c || o("expected " + b + " expression")) : m && (c = (j(/^[^{;]+/) || "").trim(), c && (c = new x.Anonymous(c))), p && (g = this.blockRuleset()), g || !p && c && k(";") ? (f(), new x.Directive(b, c, g, n, a.currentFileInfo, a.dumpLineNumbers ? t(n, v, a) : null)) : void e()
852 }
853 }
854 },
855 value: function() {
856 var a, b = [];
857 do
858 if (a = this.expression(), a && (b.push(a), !k(","))) break;
859 while (a);
860 return b.length > 0 ? new x.Value(b) : void 0
861 },
862 important: function() {
863 return "!" === v.charAt(y) ? j(/^! *important/) : void 0
864 },
865 sub: function() {
866 var a, b;
867 return k("(") && (a = this.addition()) ? (b = new x.Expression([a]), n(")"), b.parens = !0, b) : void 0
868 },
869 multiplication: function() {
870 var a, b, c, d, e;
871 if (a = this.operand()) {
872 for (e = h(v, y - 1);;) {
873 if (p(/^\/[*\/]/)) break;
874 if (c = k("/") || k("*"), !c) break;
875 if (b = this.operand(), !b) break;
876 a.parensInOp = !0, b.parensInOp = !0, d = new x.Operation(c, [d || a, b], e), e = h(v, y - 1)
877 }
878 return d || a
879 }
880 },
881 addition: function() {
882 var a, b, c, d, e;
883 if (a = this.multiplication()) {
884 for (e = h(v, y - 1);;) {
885 if (c = j(/^[-+]\s+/) || !e && (k("+") || k("-")), !c) break;
886 if (b = this.multiplication(), !b) break;
887 a.parensInOp = !0, b.parensInOp = !0, d = new x.Operation(c, [d || a, b], e), e = h(v, y - 1)
888 }
889 return d || a
890 }
891 },
892 conditions: function() {
893 var a, b, c, d = y;
894 if (a = this.condition()) {
895 for (;;) {
896 if (!p(/^,\s*(not\s*)?\(/) || !k(",")) break;
897 if (b = this.condition(), !b) break;
898 c = new x.Condition("or", c || a, b, d)
899 }
900 return c || a
901 }
902 },
903 condition: function() {
904 var a, b, c, d, e = this.entities,
905 f = y,
906 g = !1;
907 return j(/^not/) && (g = !0), n("("), a = this.addition() || e.keyword() || e.quoted(), a ? (d = j(/^(?:>=|<=|=<|[<=>])/), d ? (b = this.addition() || e.keyword() || e.quoted(), b ? c = new x.Condition(d, a, b, f, g) : o("expected expression")) : c = new x.Condition("=", a, new x.Keyword("true"), f, g), n(")"), j(/^and/) ? new x.Condition("and", c, this.condition()) : c) : void 0
908 },
909 operand: function() {
910 var a, b = this.entities,
911 c = v.charAt(y + 1);
912 "-" !== v.charAt(y) || "@" !== c && "(" !== c || (a = k("-"));
913 var d = this.sub() || b.dimension() || b.color() || b.variable() || b.call();
914 return a && (d.parensInOp = !0, d = new x.Negative(d)), d
915 },
916 expression: function() {
917 var a, b, c = [];
918 do a = this.addition() || this.entity(), a && (c.push(a), p(/^\/[\/*]/) || (b = k("/"), b && c.push(new x.Anonymous(b)))); while (a);
919 return c.length > 0 ? new x.Expression(c) : void 0
920 },
921 property: function() {
922 var a = j(/^(\*?-?[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*:/);
923 return a ? a[1] : void 0
924 },
925 ruleProperty: function() {
926 function b(a) {
927 var b = a.exec(e);
928 return b ? (g.push(y + h), h += b[0].length, e = e.slice(b[1].length), f.push(b[1])) : void 0
929 }
930 var c, d, e = C,
931 f = [],
932 g = [],
933 h = 0;
934 for (b(/^(\*?)/); b(/^((?:[\w-]+)|(?:@\{[\w-]+\}))/););
935 if (f.length > 1 && b(/^\s*((?:\+_|\+)?)\s*:/)) {
936 for (l(h), "" === f[0] && (f.shift(), g.shift()), d = 0; d < f.length; d++) c = f[d], f[d] = "@" !== c.charAt(0) ? new x.Keyword(c) : new x.Variable("@" + c.slice(2, -1), g[d], a.currentFileInfo);
937 return f
938 }
939 }
940 }
941 }
942 }, w.Parser.serializeVars = function(a) {
943 var b = "";
944 for (var c in a)
945 if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(a, c)) {
946 var d = a[c];
947 b += ("@" === c[0] ? "" : "@") + c + ": " + d + (";" === ("" + d).slice(-1) ? "" : ";")
948 }
949 return b
950 },
951 function(d) {
952 function e(a, b, c) {
953 if (!(c instanceof d.Dimension)) throw {
954 type: "Argument",
955 message: "argument must be a number"
956 };
957 return null == b ? b = c.unit : c = c.unify(), new d.Dimension(a(parseFloat(c.value)), b)
958 }
960 function f(a, b, c) {
961 var e, f, g, h, i = b.alpha,
962 j = c.alpha,
963 k = [];
964 g = j + i * (1 - j);
965 for (var l = 0; 3 > l; l++) e = b.rgb[l] / 255, f = c.rgb[l] / 255, h = a(e, f), g && (h = (j * f + i * (e - j * (e + f - h))) / g), k[l] = 255 * h;
966 return new d.Color(k, g)
967 }
969 function g() {
970 var a, b = d.functions;
971 for (a in l) l.hasOwnProperty(a) && (b[a] = e.bind(null, Math[a], l[a]));
972 for (a in m) m.hasOwnProperty(a) && (b[a] = f.bind(null, m[a]));
973 a = d.defaultFunc, b["default"] = a.eval.bind(a)
974 }
976 function h(a) {
977 return d.functions.hsla(a.h, a.s, a.l, a.a)
978 }
980 function i(a, b) {
981 return a instanceof d.Dimension && a.unit.is("%") ? parseFloat(a.value * b / 100) : j(a)
982 }
984 function j(a) {
985 if (a instanceof d.Dimension) return parseFloat(a.unit.is("%") ? a.value / 100 : a.value);
986 if ("number" == typeof a) return a;
987 throw {
988 error: "RuntimeError",
989 message: "color functions take numbers as parameters"
990 }
991 }
993 function k(a) {
994 return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a))
995 }
996 d.functions = {
997 rgb: function(a, b, c) {
998 return this.rgba(a, b, c, 1)
999 },
1000 rgba: function(a, b, c, e) {
1001 var f = [a, b, c].map(function(a) {
1002 return i(a, 255)
1003 });
1004 return e = j(e), new d.Color(f, e)
1005 },
1006 hsl: function(a, b, c) {
1007 return this.hsla(a, b, c, 1)
1008 },
1009 hsla: function(a, b, c, d) {
1010 function e(a) {
1011 return a = 0 > a ? a + 1 : a > 1 ? a - 1 : a, 1 > 6 * a ? g + (f - g) * a * 6 : 1 > 2 * a ? f : 2 > 3 * a ? g + (f - g) * (2 / 3 - a) * 6 : g
1012 }
1013 a = j(a) % 360 / 360, b = k(j(b)), c = k(j(c)), d = k(j(d));
1014 var f = .5 >= c ? c * (b + 1) : c + b - c * b,
1015 g = 2 * c - f;
1016 return this.rgba(255 * e(a + 1 / 3), 255 * e(a), 255 * e(a - 1 / 3), d)
1017 },
1018 hsv: function(a, b, c) {
1019 return this.hsva(a, b, c, 1)
1020 },
1021 hsva: function(a, b, c, d) {
1022 a = j(a) % 360 / 360 * 360, b = j(b), c = j(c), d = j(d);
1023 var e, f;
1024 e = Math.floor(a / 60 % 6), f = a / 60 - e;
1025 var g = [c, c * (1 - b), c * (1 - f * b), c * (1 - (1 - f) * b)],
1026 h = [
1027 [0, 3, 1],
1028 [2, 0, 1],
1029 [1, 0, 3],
1030 [1, 2, 0],
1031 [3, 1, 0],
1032 [0, 1, 2]
1033 ];
1034 return this.rgba(255 * g[h[e][0]], 255 * g[h[e][1]], 255 * g[h[e][2]], d)
1035 },
1036 hue: function(a) {
1037 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(a.toHSL().h))
1038 },
1039 saturation: function(a) {
1040 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(100 * a.toHSL().s), "%")
1041 },
1042 lightness: function(a) {
1043 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(100 * a.toHSL().l), "%")
1044 },
1045 hsvhue: function(a) {
1046 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(a.toHSV().h))
1047 },
1048 hsvsaturation: function(a) {
1049 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(100 * a.toHSV().s), "%")
1050 },
1051 hsvvalue: function(a) {
1052 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(100 * a.toHSV().v), "%")
1053 },
1054 red: function(a) {
1055 return new d.Dimension(a.rgb[0])
1056 },
1057 green: function(a) {
1058 return new d.Dimension(a.rgb[1])
1059 },
1060 blue: function(a) {
1061 return new d.Dimension(a.rgb[2])
1062 },
1063 alpha: function(a) {
1064 return new d.Dimension(a.toHSL().a)
1065 },
1066 luma: function(a) {
1067 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(a.luma() * a.alpha * 100), "%")
1068 },
1069 luminance: function(a) {
1070 var b = .2126 * a.rgb[0] / 255 + .7152 * a.rgb[1] / 255 + .0722 * a.rgb[2] / 255;
1071 return new d.Dimension(Math.round(b * a.alpha * 100), "%")
1072 },
1073 saturate: function(a, b) {
1074 if (!a.rgb) return null;
1075 var c = a.toHSL();
1076 return c.s += b.value / 100, c.s = k(c.s), h(c)
1077 },
1078 desaturate: function(a, b) {
1079 var c = a.toHSL();
1080 return c.s -= b.value / 100, c.s = k(c.s), h(c)
1081 },
1082 lighten: function(a, b) {
1083 var c = a.toHSL();
1084 return c.l += b.value / 100, c.l = k(c.l), h(c)
1085 },
1086 darken: function(a, b) {
1087 var c = a.toHSL();
1088 return c.l -= b.value / 100, c.l = k(c.l), h(c)
1089 },
1090 fadein: function(a, b) {
1091 var c = a.toHSL();
1092 return c.a += b.value / 100, c.a = k(c.a), h(c)
1093 },
1094 fadeout: function(a, b) {
1095 var c = a.toHSL();
1096 return c.a -= b.value / 100, c.a = k(c.a), h(c)
1097 },
1098 fade: function(a, b) {
1099 var c = a.toHSL();
1100 return c.a = b.value / 100, c.a = k(c.a), h(c)
1101 },
1102 spin: function(a, b) {
1103 var c = a.toHSL(),
1104 d = (c.h + b.value) % 360;
1105 return c.h = 0 > d ? 360 + d : d, h(c)
1106 },
1107 mix: function(a, b, c) {
1108 c || (c = new d.Dimension(50));
1109 var e = c.value / 100,
1110 f = 2 * e - 1,
1111 g = a.toHSL().a - b.toHSL().a,
1112 h = ((f * g == -1 ? f : (f + g) / (1 + f * g)) + 1) / 2,
1113 i = 1 - h,
1114 j = [a.rgb[0] * h + b.rgb[0] * i, a.rgb[1] * h + b.rgb[1] * i, a.rgb[2] * h + b.rgb[2] * i],
1115 k = a.alpha * e + b.alpha * (1 - e);
1116 return new d.Color(j, k)
1117 },
1118 greyscale: function(a) {
1119 return this.desaturate(a, new d.Dimension(100))
1120 },
1121 contrast: function(a, b, c, d) {
1122 if (!a.rgb) return null;
1123 if ("undefined" == typeof c && (c = this.rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)), "undefined" == typeof b && (b = this.rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)), b.luma() > c.luma()) {
1124 var e = c;
1125 c = b, b = e
1126 }
1127 return d = "undefined" == typeof d ? .43 : j(d), a.luma() < d ? c : b
1128 },
1129 e: function(a) {
1130 return new d.Anonymous(a instanceof d.JavaScript ? a.evaluated : a)
1131 },
1132 escape: function(a) {
1133 return new d.Anonymous(encodeURI(a.value).replace(/=/g, "%3D").replace(/:/g, "%3A").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/;/g, "%3B").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29"))
1134 },
1135 replace: function(a, b, c, e) {
1136 var f = a.value;
1137 return f = f.replace(new RegExp(b.value, e ? e.value : ""), c.value), new d.Quoted(a.quote || "", f, a.escaped)
1138 },
1139 "%": function(a) {
1140 for (var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), c = a.value, e = 0; e < b.length; e++) c = c.replace(/%[sda]/i, function(a) {
1141 var c = a.match(/s/i) ? b[e].value : b[e].toCSS();
1142 return a.match(/[A-Z]$/) ? encodeURIComponent(c) : c
1143 });
1144 return c = c.replace(/%%/g, "%"), new d.Quoted(a.quote || "", c, a.escaped)
1145 },
1146 unit: function(a, b) {
1147 if (!(a instanceof d.Dimension)) throw {
1148 type: "Argument",
1149 message: "the first argument to unit must be a number" + (a instanceof d.Operation ? ". Have you forgotten parenthesis?" : "")
1150 };
1151 return b = b ? b instanceof d.Keyword ? b.value : b.toCSS() : "", new d.Dimension(a.value, b)
1152 },
1153 convert: function(a, b) {
1154 return a.convertTo(b.value)
1155 },
1156 round: function(a, b) {
1157 var c = "undefined" == typeof b ? 0 : b.value;
1158 return e(function(a) {
1159 return a.toFixed(c)
1160 }, null, a)
1161 },
1162 pi: function() {
1163 return new d.Dimension(Math.PI)
1164 },
1165 mod: function(a, b) {
1166 return new d.Dimension(a.value % b.value, a.unit)
1167 },
1168 pow: function(a, b) {
1169 if ("number" == typeof a && "number" == typeof b) a = new d.Dimension(a), b = new d.Dimension(b);
1170 else if (!(a instanceof d.Dimension && b instanceof d.Dimension)) throw {
1171 type: "Argument",
1172 message: "arguments must be numbers"
1173 };
1174 return new d.Dimension(Math.pow(a.value, b.value), a.unit)
1175 },
1176 _minmax: function(a, c) {
1177 switch (c = Array.prototype.slice.call(c), c.length) {
1178 case 0:
1179 throw {
1180 type: "Argument",
1181 message: "one or more arguments required"
1182 }
1183 }
1184 var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = [],
1185 n = {};
1186 for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++)
1187 if (g = c[e], g instanceof d.Dimension)
1188 if (h = "" === g.unit.toString() && l !== b ? new d.Dimension(g.value, l).unify() : g.unify(), j = "" === h.unit.toString() && k !== b ? k : h.unit.toString(), k = "" !== j && k === b || "" !== j && "" === m[0].unify().unit.toString() ? j : k, l = "" !== j && l === b ? g.unit.toString() : l, f = n[""] !== b && "" !== j && j === k ? n[""] : n[j], f !== b) i = "" === m[f].unit.toString() && l !== b ? new d.Dimension(m[f].value, l).unify() : m[f].unify(), (a && h.value < i.value || !a && h.value > i.value) && (m[f] = g);
1189 else {
1190 if (k !== b && j !== k) throw {
1191 type: "Argument",
1192 message: "incompatible types"
1193 };
1194 n[j] = m.length, m.push(g)
1195 } else Array.isArray(c[e].value) && Array.prototype.push.apply(c, Array.prototype.slice.call(c[e].value));
1196 return 1 == m.length ? m[0] : (c = m.map(function(a) {
1197 return a.toCSS(this.env)
1198 }).join(this.env.compress ? "," : ", "), new d.Anonymous((a ? "min" : "max") + "(" + c + ")"))
1199 },
1200 min: function() {
1201 return this._minmax(!0, arguments)
1202 },
1203 max: function() {
1204 return this._minmax(!1, arguments)
1205 },
1206 "get-unit": function(a) {
1207 return new d.Anonymous(a.unit)
1208 },
1209 argb: function(a) {
1210 return new d.Anonymous(a.toARGB())
1211 },
1212 percentage: function(a) {
1213 return new d.Dimension(100 * a.value, "%")
1214 },
1215 color: function(a) {
1216 if (a instanceof d.Quoted) {
1217 var b, c = a.value;
1218 if (b = d.Color.fromKeyword(c)) return b;
1219 if (/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/.test(c)) return new d.Color(c.slice(1));
1220 throw {
1221 type: "Argument",
1222 message: "argument must be a color keyword or 3/6 digit hex e.g. #FFF"
1223 }
1224 }
1225 throw {
1226 type: "Argument",
1227 message: "argument must be a string"
1228 }
1229 },
1230 iscolor: function(a) {
1231 return this._isa(a, d.Color)
1232 },
1233 isnumber: function(a) {
1234 return this._isa(a, d.Dimension)
1235 },
1236 isstring: function(a) {
1237 return this._isa(a, d.Quoted)
1238 },
1239 iskeyword: function(a) {
1240 return this._isa(a, d.Keyword)
1241 },
1242 isurl: function(a) {
1243 return this._isa(a, d.URL)
1244 },
1245 ispixel: function(a) {
1246 return this.isunit(a, "px")
1247 },
1248 ispercentage: function(a) {
1249 return this.isunit(a, "%")
1250 },
1251 isem: function(a) {
1252 return this.isunit(a, "em")
1253 },
1254 isunit: function(a, b) {
1255 return a instanceof d.Dimension && a.unit.is(b.value || b) ? d.True : d.False
1256 },
1257 _isa: function(a, b) {
1258 return a instanceof b ? d.True : d.False
1259 },
1260 tint: function(a, b) {
1261 return this.mix(this.rgb(255, 255, 255), a, b)
1262 },
1263 shade: function(a, b) {
1264 return this.mix(this.rgb(0, 0, 0), a, b)
1265 },
1266 extract: function(a, b) {
1267 return b = b.value - 1, Array.isArray(a.value) ? a.value[b] : Array(a)[b]
1268 },
1269 length: function(a) {
1270 var b = Array.isArray(a.value) ? a.value.length : 1;
1271 return new d.Dimension(b)
1272 },
1273 "data-uri": function(b, e) {
1274 if ("undefined" != typeof a) return new d.URL(e || b, this.currentFileInfo).eval(this.env);
1275 var f = b.value,
1276 g = e && e.value,
1277 h = c("fs"),
1278 i = c("path"),
1279 j = !1;
1280 if (arguments.length < 2 && (g = f), this.env.isPathRelative(g) && (g = this.currentFileInfo.relativeUrls ? i.join(this.currentFileInfo.currentDirectory, g) : i.join(this.currentFileInfo.entryPath, g)), arguments.length < 2) {
1281 var k;
1282 try {
1283 k = c("mime")
1284 } catch (l) {
1285 k = d._mime
1286 }
1287 f = k.lookup(g);
1288 var m = k.charsets.lookup(f);
1289 j = ["US-ASCII", "UTF-8"].indexOf(m) < 0, j && (f += ";base64")
1290 } else j = /;base64$/.test(f);
1291 var n = h.readFileSync(g),
1292 o = 32,
1293 p = parseInt(n.length / 1024, 10);
1294 if (p >= o && this.env.ieCompat !== !1) return this.env.silent || console.warn("Skipped data-uri embedding of %s because its size (%dKB) exceeds IE8-safe %dKB!", g, p, o), new d.URL(e || b, this.currentFileInfo).eval(this.env);
1295 n = j ? n.toString("base64") : encodeURIComponent(n);
1296 var q = '"data:' + f + "," + n + '"';
1297 return new d.URL(new d.Anonymous(q))
1298 },
1299 "svg-gradient": function(a) {
1300 function e() {
1301 throw {
1302 type: "Argument",
1303 message: "svg-gradient expects direction, start_color [start_position], [color position,]..., end_color [end_position]"
1304 }
1305 }
1306 arguments.length < 3 && e();
1307 var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
1308 n = "linear",
1309 o = 'x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"',
1310 p = !0,
1311 q = {
1312 compress: !1
1313 },
1314 r = a.toCSS(q);
1315 switch (r) {
1316 case "to bottom":
1317 f = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"';
1318 break;
1319 case "to right":
1320 f = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"';
1321 break;
1322 case "to bottom right":
1323 f = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"';
1324 break;
1325 case "to top right":
1326 f = 'x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="100%" y2="0%"';
1327 break;
1328 case "ellipse":
1329 case "ellipse at center":
1330 n = "radial", f = 'cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%"', o = 'x="-50" y="-50" width="101" height="101"';
1331 break;
1332 default:
1333 throw {
1334 type: "Argument",
1335 message: "svg-gradient direction must be 'to bottom', 'to right', 'to bottom right', 'to top right' or 'ellipse at center'"
1336 }
1337 }
1338 for (g = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="none"><' + n + 'Gradient id="gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" ' + f + ">", h = 0; h < m.length; h += 1) m[h].value ? (i = m[h].value[0], j = m[h].value[1]) : (i = m[h], j = b), i instanceof d.Color && ((0 === h || h + 1 === m.length) && j === b || j instanceof d.Dimension) || e(), k = j ? j.toCSS(q) : 0 === h ? "0%" : "100%", l = i.alpha, g += '<stop offset="' + k + '" stop-color="' + i.toRGB() + '"' + (1 > l ? ' stop-opacity="' + l + '"' : "") + "/>";
1339 if (g += "</" + n + "Gradient><rect " + o + ' fill="url(#gradient)" /></svg>', p) try {
1340 g = c("./encoder").encodeBase64(g)
1341 } catch (s) {
1342 p = !1
1343 }
1344 return g = "'data:image/svg+xml" + (p ? ";base64" : "") + "," + g + "'", new d.URL(new d.Anonymous(g))
1345 }
1346 }, d._mime = {
1347 _types: {
1348 ".htm": "text/html",
1349 ".html": "text/html",
1350 ".gif": "image/gif",
1351 ".jpg": "image/jpeg",
1352 ".jpeg": "image/jpeg",
1353 ".png": "image/png"
1354 },
1355 lookup: function(a) {
1356 var e = c("path").extname(a),
1357 f = d._mime._types[e];
1358 if (f === b) throw new Error('Optional dependency "mime" is required for ' + e);
1359 return f
1360 },
1361 charsets: {
1362 lookup: function(a) {
1363 return a && /^text\//.test(a) ? "UTF-8" : ""
1364 }
1365 }
1366 };
1367 var l = {
1368 ceil: null,
1369 floor: null,
1370 sqrt: null,
1371 abs: null,
1372 tan: "",
1373 sin: "",
1374 cos: "",
1375 atan: "rad",
1376 asin: "rad",
1377 acos: "rad"
1378 },
1379 m = {
1380 multiply: function(a, b) {
1381 return a * b
1382 },
1383 screen: function(a, b) {
1384 return a + b - a * b
1385 },
1386 overlay: function(a, b) {
1387 return a *= 2, 1 >= a ? m.multiply(a, b) : m.screen(a - 1, b)
1388 },
1389 softlight: function(a, b) {
1390 var c = 1,
1391 d = a;
1392 return b > .5 && (d = 1, c = a > .25 ? Math.sqrt(a) : ((16 * a - 12) * a + 4) * a), a - (1 - 2 * b) * d * (c - a)
1393 },
1394 hardlight: function(a, b) {
1395 return m.overlay(b, a)
1396 },
1397 difference: function(a, b) {
1398 return Math.abs(a - b)
1399 },
1400 exclusion: function(a, b) {
1401 return a + b - 2 * a * b
1402 },
1403 average: function(a, b) {
1404 return (a + b) / 2
1405 },
1406 negation: function(a, b) {
1407 return 1 - Math.abs(a + b - 1)
1408 }
1409 };
1410 d.defaultFunc = {
1411 eval: function() {
1412 var a = this.value_,
1413 b = this.error_;
1414 if (b) throw b;
1415 return null != a ? a ? d.True : d.False : void 0
1416 },
1417 value: function(a) {
1418 this.value_ = a
1419 },
1420 error: function(a) {
1421 this.error_ = a
1422 },
1423 reset: function() {
1424 this.value_ = this.error_ = null
1425 }
1426 }, g(), d.fround = function(a, b) {
1427 var c;
1428 return a && null != a.numPrecision ? (c = Math.pow(10, a.numPrecision), Math.round(b * c) / c) : b
1429 }, d.functionCall = function(a, b) {
1430 this.env = a, this.currentFileInfo = b
1431 }, d.functionCall.prototype = d.functions
1432 }(c("./tree")),
1433 function(a) {
1434 a.colors = {
1435 aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
1436 antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
1437 aqua: "#00ffff",
1438 aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
1439 azure: "#f0ffff",
1440 beige: "#f5f5dc",
1441 bisque: "#ffe4c4",
1442 black: "#000000",
1443 blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
1444 blue: "#0000ff",
1445 blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
1446 brown: "#a52a2a",
1447 burlywood: "#deb887",
1448 cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
1449 chartreuse: "#7fff00",
1450 chocolate: "#d2691e",
1451 coral: "#ff7f50",
1452 cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
1453 cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
1454 crimson: "#dc143c",
1455 cyan: "#00ffff",
1456 darkblue: "#00008b",
1457 darkcyan: "#008b8b",
1458 darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
1459 darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
1460 darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",
1461 darkgreen: "#006400",
1462 darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
1463 darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
1464 darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
1465 darkorange: "#ff8c00",
1466 darkorchid: "#9932cc",
1467 darkred: "#8b0000",
1468 darksalmon: "#e9967a",
1469 darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
1470 darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
1471 darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
1472 darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
1473 darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
1474 darkviolet: "#9400d3",
1475 deeppink: "#ff1493",
1476 deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
1477 dimgray: "#696969",
1478 dimgrey: "#696969",
1479 dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
1480 firebrick: "#b22222",
1481 floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
1482 forestgreen: "#228b22",
1483 fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
1484 gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
1485 ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
1486 gold: "#ffd700",
1487 goldenrod: "#daa520",
1488 gray: "#808080",
1489 grey: "#808080",
1490 green: "#008000",
1491 greenyellow: "#adff2f",
1492 honeydew: "#f0fff0",
1493 hotpink: "#ff69b4",
1494 indianred: "#cd5c5c",
1495 indigo: "#4b0082",
1496 ivory: "#fffff0",
1497 khaki: "#f0e68c",
1498 lavender: "#e6e6fa",
1499 lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
1500 lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
1501 lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
1502 lightblue: "#add8e6",
1503 lightcoral: "#f08080",
1504 lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
1505 lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
1506 lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
1507 lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
1508 lightgreen: "#90ee90",
1509 lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
1510 lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
1511 lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
1512 lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
1513 lightslategray: "#778899",
1514 lightslategrey: "#778899",
1515 lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
1516 lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
1517 lime: "#00ff00",
1518 limegreen: "#32cd32",
1519 linen: "#faf0e6",
1520 magenta: "#ff00ff",
1521 maroon: "#800000",
1522 mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
1523 mediumblue: "#0000cd",
1524 mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
1525 mediumpurple: "#9370d8",
1526 mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
1527 mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
1528 mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
1529 mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
1530 mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
1531 midnightblue: "#191970",
1532 mintcream: "#f5fffa",
1533 mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
1534 moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
1535 navajowhite: "#ffdead",
1536 navy: "#000080",
1537 oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
1538 olive: "#808000",
1539 olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
1540 orange: "#ffa500",
1541 orangered: "#ff4500",
1542 orchid: "#da70d6",
1543 palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
1544 palegreen: "#98fb98",
1545 paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
1546 palevioletred: "#d87093",
1547 papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
1548 peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
1549 peru: "#cd853f",
1550 pink: "#ffc0cb",
1551 plum: "#dda0dd",
1552 powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
1553 purple: "#800080",
1554 red: "#ff0000",
1555 rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
1556 royalblue: "#4169e1",
1557 saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
1558 salmon: "#fa8072",
1559 sandybrown: "#f4a460",
1560 seagreen: "#2e8b57",
1561 seashell: "#fff5ee",
1562 sienna: "#a0522d",
1563 silver: "#c0c0c0",
1564 skyblue: "#87ceeb",
1565 slateblue: "#6a5acd",
1566 slategray: "#708090",
1567 slategrey: "#708090",
1568 snow: "#fffafa",
1569 springgreen: "#00ff7f",
1570 steelblue: "#4682b4",
1571 tan: "#d2b48c",
1572 teal: "#008080",
1573 thistle: "#d8bfd8",
1574 tomato: "#ff6347",
1575 turquoise: "#40e0d0",
1576 violet: "#ee82ee",
1577 wheat: "#f5deb3",
1578 white: "#ffffff",
1579 whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
1580 yellow: "#ffff00",
1581 yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
1582 }
1583 }(c("./tree")),
1584 function(a) {
1585 a.debugInfo = function(b, c, d) {
1586 var e = "";
1587 if (b.dumpLineNumbers && !b.compress) switch (b.dumpLineNumbers) {
1588 case "comments":
1589 e = a.debugInfo.asComment(c);
1590 break;
1591 case "mediaquery":
1592 e = a.debugInfo.asMediaQuery(c);
1593 break;
1594 case "all":
1595 e = a.debugInfo.asComment(c) + (d || "") + a.debugInfo.asMediaQuery(c)
1596 }
1597 return e
1598 }, a.debugInfo.asComment = function(a) {
1599 return "/* line " + a.debugInfo.lineNumber + ", " + a.debugInfo.fileName + " */\n"
1600 }, a.debugInfo.asMediaQuery = function(a) {
1601 return "@media -sass-debug-info{filename{font-family:" + ("file://" + a.debugInfo.fileName).replace(/([.:\/\\])/g, function(a) {
1602 return "\\" == a && (a = "/"), "\\" + a
1603 }) + "}line{font-family:\\00003" + a.debugInfo.lineNumber + "}}\n"
1604 }, a.find = function(a, b) {
1605 for (var c, d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
1606 if (c = b.call(a, a[d])) return c;
1607 return null
1608 }, a.jsify = function(a) {
1609 return Array.isArray(a.value) && a.value.length > 1 ? "[" + a.value.map(function(a) {
1610 return a.toCSS(!1)
1611 }).join(", ") + "]" : a.toCSS(!1)
1612 }, a.toCSS = function(a) {
1613 var b = [];
1614 return this.genCSS(a, {
1615 add: function(a) {
1616 b.push(a)
1617 },
1618 isEmpty: function() {
1619 return 0 === b.length
1620 }
1621 }), b.join("")
1622 }, a.outputRuleset = function(a, b, c) {
1623 var d, e = c.length;
1624 if (a.tabLevel = (0 | a.tabLevel) + 1, a.compress) {
1625 for (b.add("{"), d = 0; e > d; d++) c[d].genCSS(a, b);
1626 return b.add("}"), void a.tabLevel--
1627 }
1628 var f = "\n" + Array(a.tabLevel).join(" "),
1629 g = f + " ";
1630 if (e) {
1631 for (b.add(" {" + g), c[0].genCSS(a, b), d = 1; e > d; d++) b.add(g), c[d].genCSS(a, b);
1632 b.add(f + "}")
1633 } else b.add(" {" + f + "}");
1634 a.tabLevel--
1635 }
1636 }(c("./tree")),
1637 function(a) {
1638 a.Alpha = function(a) {
1639 this.value = a
1640 }, a.Alpha.prototype = {
1641 type: "Alpha",
1642 accept: function(a) {
1643 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
1644 },
1645 eval: function(b) {
1646 return this.value.eval ? new a.Alpha(this.value.eval(b)) : this
1647 },
1648 genCSS: function(a, b) {
1649 b.add("alpha(opacity="), this.value.genCSS ? this.value.genCSS(a, b) : b.add(this.value), b.add(")")
1650 },
1651 toCSS: a.toCSS
1652 }
1653 }(c("../tree")),
1654 function(a) {
1655 a.Anonymous = function(a, b, c, d) {
1656 this.value = a.value || a, this.index = b, this.mapLines = d, this.currentFileInfo = c
1657 }, a.Anonymous.prototype = {
1658 type: "Anonymous",
1659 eval: function() {
1660 return new a.Anonymous(this.value, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.mapLines)
1661 },
1662 compare: function(a) {
1663 if (!a.toCSS) return -1;
1664 var b = this.toCSS(),
1665 c = a.toCSS();
1666 return b === c ? 0 : c > b ? -1 : 1
1667 },
1668 genCSS: function(a, b) {
1669 b.add(this.value, this.currentFileInfo, this.index, this.mapLines)
1670 },
1671 toCSS: a.toCSS
1672 }
1673 }(c("../tree")),
1674 function(a) {
1675 a.Assignment = function(a, b) {
1676 this.key = a, this.value = b
1677 }, a.Assignment.prototype = {
1678 type: "Assignment",
1679 accept: function(a) {
1680 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
1681 },
1682 eval: function(b) {
1683 return this.value.eval ? new a.Assignment(this.key, this.value.eval(b)) : this
1684 },
1685 genCSS: function(a, b) {
1686 b.add(this.key + "="), this.value.genCSS ? this.value.genCSS(a, b) : b.add(this.value)
1687 },
1688 toCSS: a.toCSS
1689 }
1690 }(c("../tree")),
1691 function(a) {
1692 a.Call = function(a, b, c, d) {
1693 this.name = a, this.args = b, this.index = c, this.currentFileInfo = d
1694 }, a.Call.prototype = {
1695 type: "Call",
1696 accept: function(a) {
1697 this.args && (this.args = a.visitArray(this.args))
1698 },
1699 eval: function(b) {
1700 var c, d, e = this.args.map(function(a) {
1701 return a.eval(b)
1702 }),
1703 f = this.name.toLowerCase();
1704 if (f in a.functions) try {
1705 if (d = new a.functionCall(b, this.currentFileInfo), c = d[f].apply(d, e), null != c) return c
1706 } catch (g) {
1707 throw {
1708 type: g.type || "Runtime",
1709 message: "error evaluating function `" + this.name + "`" + (g.message ? ": " + g.message : ""),
1710 index: this.index,
1711 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename
1712 }
1713 }
1714 return new a.Call(this.name, e, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)
1715 },
1716 genCSS: function(a, b) {
1717 b.add(this.name + "(", this.currentFileInfo, this.index);
1718 for (var c = 0; c < this.args.length; c++) this.args[c].genCSS(a, b), c + 1 < this.args.length && b.add(", ");
1719 b.add(")")
1720 },
1721 toCSS: a.toCSS
1722 }
1723 }(c("../tree")),
1724 function(a) {
1725 function b(a) {
1726 return "#" + a.map(function(a) {
1727 return a = c(Math.round(a), 255), (16 > a ? "0" : "") + a.toString(16)
1728 }).join("")
1729 }
1731 function c(a, b) {
1732 return Math.min(Math.max(a, 0), b)
1733 }
1734 a.Color = function(a, b) {
1735 this.rgb = Array.isArray(a) ? a : 6 == a.length ? a.match(/.{2}/g).map(function(a) {
1736 return parseInt(a, 16)
1737 }) : a.split("").map(function(a) {
1738 return parseInt(a + a, 16)
1739 }), this.alpha = "number" == typeof b ? b : 1
1740 };
1741 var d = "transparent";
1742 a.Color.prototype = {
1743 type: "Color",
1744 eval: function() {
1745 return this
1746 },
1747 luma: function() {
1748 var a = this.rgb[0] / 255,
1749 b = this.rgb[1] / 255,
1750 c = this.rgb[2] / 255;
1751 return a = .03928 >= a ? a / 12.92 : Math.pow((a + .055) / 1.055, 2.4), b = .03928 >= b ? b / 12.92 : Math.pow((b + .055) / 1.055, 2.4), c = .03928 >= c ? c / 12.92 : Math.pow((c + .055) / 1.055, 2.4), .2126 * a + .7152 * b + .0722 * c
1752 },
1753 genCSS: function(a, b) {
1754 b.add(this.toCSS(a))
1755 },
1756 toCSS: function(b, e) {
1757 var f = b && b.compress && !e,
1758 g = a.fround(b, this.alpha);
1759 if (1 > g) return 0 === g && this.isTransparentKeyword ? d : "rgba(" + this.rgb.map(function(a) {
1760 return c(Math.round(a), 255)
1761 }).concat(c(g, 1)).join("," + (f ? "" : " ")) + ")";
1762 var h = this.toRGB();
1763 if (f) {
1764 var i = h.split("");
1765 i[1] === i[2] && i[3] === i[4] && i[5] === i[6] && (h = "#" + i[1] + i[3] + i[5])
1766 }
1767 return h
1768 },
1769 operate: function(b, c, d) {
1770 for (var e = [], f = this.alpha * (1 - d.alpha) + d.alpha, g = 0; 3 > g; g++) e[g] = a.operate(b, c, this.rgb[g], d.rgb[g]);
1771 return new a.Color(e, f)
1772 },
1773 toRGB: function() {
1774 return b(this.rgb)
1775 },
1776 toHSL: function() {
1777 var a, b, c = this.rgb[0] / 255,
1778 d = this.rgb[1] / 255,
1779 e = this.rgb[2] / 255,
1780 f = this.alpha,
1781 g = Math.max(c, d, e),
1782 h = Math.min(c, d, e),
1783 i = (g + h) / 2,
1784 j = g - h;
1785 if (g === h) a = b = 0;
1786 else {
1787 switch (b = i > .5 ? j / (2 - g - h) : j / (g + h), g) {
1788 case c:
1789 a = (d - e) / j + (e > d ? 6 : 0);
1790 break;
1791 case d:
1792 a = (e - c) / j + 2;
1793 break;
1794 case e:
1795 a = (c - d) / j + 4
1796 }
1797 a /= 6
1798 }
1799 return {
1800 h: 360 * a,
1801 s: b,
1802 l: i,
1803 a: f
1804 }
1805 },
1806 toHSV: function() {
1807 var a, b, c = this.rgb[0] / 255,
1808 d = this.rgb[1] / 255,
1809 e = this.rgb[2] / 255,
1810 f = this.alpha,
1811 g = Math.max(c, d, e),
1812 h = Math.min(c, d, e),
1813 i = g,
1814 j = g - h;
1815 if (b = 0 === g ? 0 : j / g, g === h) a = 0;
1816 else {
1817 switch (g) {
1818 case c:
1819 a = (d - e) / j + (e > d ? 6 : 0);
1820 break;
1821 case d:
1822 a = (e - c) / j + 2;
1823 break;
1824 case e:
1825 a = (c - d) / j + 4
1826 }
1827 a /= 6
1828 }
1829 return {
1830 h: 360 * a,
1831 s: b,
1832 v: i,
1833 a: f
1834 }
1835 },
1836 toARGB: function() {
1837 return b([255 * this.alpha].concat(this.rgb))
1838 },
1839 compare: function(a) {
1840 return a.rgb ? a.rgb[0] === this.rgb[0] && a.rgb[1] === this.rgb[1] && a.rgb[2] === this.rgb[2] && a.alpha === this.alpha ? 0 : -1 : -1
1841 }
1842 }, a.Color.fromKeyword = function(b) {
1843 if (b = b.toLowerCase(), a.colors.hasOwnProperty(b)) return new a.Color(a.colors[b].slice(1));
1844 if (b === d) {
1845 var c = new a.Color([0, 0, 0], 0);
1846 return c.isTransparentKeyword = !0, c
1847 }
1848 }
1849 }(c("../tree")),
1850 function(a) {
1851 a.Comment = function(a, b, c, d) {
1852 this.value = a, this.silent = !!b, this.currentFileInfo = d
1853 }, a.Comment.prototype = {
1854 type: "Comment",
1855 genCSS: function(b, c) {
1856 this.debugInfo && c.add(a.debugInfo(b, this), this.currentFileInfo, this.index), c.add(this.value.trim())
1857 },
1858 toCSS: a.toCSS,
1859 isSilent: function(a) {
1860 var b = this.currentFileInfo && this.currentFileInfo.reference && !this.isReferenced,
1861 c = a.compress && !this.value.match(/^\/\*!/);
1862 return this.silent || b || c
1863 },
1864 eval: function() {
1865 return this
1866 },
1867 markReferenced: function() {
1868 this.isReferenced = !0
1869 }
1870 }
1871 }(c("../tree")),
1872 function(a) {
1873 a.Condition = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
1874 this.op = a.trim(), this.lvalue = b, this.rvalue = c, this.index = d, this.negate = e
1875 }, a.Condition.prototype = {
1876 type: "Condition",
1877 accept: function(a) {
1878 this.lvalue = a.visit(this.lvalue), this.rvalue = a.visit(this.rvalue)
1879 },
1880 eval: function(a) {
1881 var b, c = this.lvalue.eval(a),
1882 d = this.rvalue.eval(a),
1883 e = this.index;
1884 return b = function(a) {
1885 switch (a) {
1886 case "and":
1887 return c && d;
1888 case "or":
1889 return c || d;
1890 default:
1891 if (c.compare) b = c.compare(d);
1892 else {
1893 if (!d.compare) throw {
1894 type: "Type",
1895 message: "Unable to perform comparison",
1896 index: e
1897 };
1898 b = d.compare(c)
1899 }
1900 switch (b) {
1901 case -1:
1902 return "<" === a || "=<" === a || "<=" === a;
1903 case 0:
1904 return "=" === a || ">=" === a || "=<" === a || "<=" === a;
1905 case 1:
1906 return ">" === a || ">=" === a
1907 }
1908 }
1909 }(this.op), this.negate ? !b : b
1910 }
1911 }
1912 }(c("../tree")),
1913 function(a) {
1914 a.DetachedRuleset = function(a, b) {
1915 this.ruleset = a, this.frames = b
1916 }, a.DetachedRuleset.prototype = {
1917 type: "DetachedRuleset",
1918 accept: function(a) {
1919 this.ruleset = a.visit(this.ruleset)
1920 },
1921 eval: function(b) {
1922 var c = this.frames || b.frames.slice(0);
1923 return new a.DetachedRuleset(this.ruleset, c)
1924 },
1925 callEval: function(b) {
1926 return this.ruleset.eval(this.frames ? new a.evalEnv(b, this.frames.concat(b.frames)) : b)
1927 }
1928 }
1929 }(c("../tree")),
1930 function(a) {
1931 a.Dimension = function(c, d) {
1932 this.value = parseFloat(c), this.unit = d && d instanceof a.Unit ? d : new a.Unit(d ? [d] : b)
1933 }, a.Dimension.prototype = {
1934 type: "Dimension",
1935 accept: function(a) {
1936 this.unit = a.visit(this.unit)
1937 },
1938 eval: function() {
1939 return this
1940 },
1941 toColor: function() {
1942 return new a.Color([this.value, this.value, this.value])
1943 },
1944 genCSS: function(b, c) {
1945 if (b && b.strictUnits && !this.unit.isSingular()) throw new Error("Multiple units in dimension. Correct the units or use the unit function. Bad unit: " + this.unit.toString());
1946 var d = a.fround(b, this.value),
1947 e = String(d);
1948 if (0 !== d && 1e-6 > d && d > -1e-6 && (e = d.toFixed(20).replace(/0+$/, "")), b && b.compress) {
1949 if (0 === d && this.unit.isLength()) return void c.add(e);
1950 d > 0 && 1 > d && (e = e.substr(1))
1951 }
1952 c.add(e), this.unit.genCSS(b, c)
1953 },
1954 toCSS: a.toCSS,
1955 operate: function(b, c, d) {
1956 var e = a.operate(b, c, this.value, d.value),
1957 f = this.unit.clone();
1958 if ("+" === c || "-" === c)
1959 if (0 === f.numerator.length && 0 === f.denominator.length) f.numerator = d.unit.numerator.slice(0), f.denominator = d.unit.denominator.slice(0);
1960 else if (0 === d.unit.numerator.length && 0 === f.denominator.length);
1961 else {
1962 if (d = d.convertTo(this.unit.usedUnits()), b.strictUnits && d.unit.toString() !== f.toString()) throw new Error("Incompatible units. Change the units or use the unit function. Bad units: '" + f.toString() + "' and '" + d.unit.toString() + "'.");
1963 e = a.operate(b, c, this.value, d.value)
1964 } else "*" === c ? (f.numerator = f.numerator.concat(d.unit.numerator).sort(), f.denominator = f.denominator.concat(d.unit.denominator).sort(), f.cancel()) : "/" === c && (f.numerator = f.numerator.concat(d.unit.denominator).sort(), f.denominator = f.denominator.concat(d.unit.numerator).sort(), f.cancel());
1965 return new a.Dimension(e, f)
1966 },
1967 compare: function(b) {
1968 if (b instanceof a.Dimension) {
1969 var c, d, e, f;
1970 if (this.unit.isEmpty() || b.unit.isEmpty()) c = this, d = b;
1971 else if (c = this.unify(), d = b.unify(), 0 !== c.unit.compare(d.unit)) return -1;
1972 return e = c.value, f = d.value, f > e ? -1 : e > f ? 1 : 0
1973 }
1974 return -1
1975 },
1976 unify: function() {
1977 return this.convertTo({
1978 length: "px",
1979 duration: "s",
1980 angle: "rad"
1981 })
1982 },
1983 convertTo: function(b) {
1984 var c, d, e, f, g, h = this.value,
1985 i = this.unit.clone(),
1986 j = {};
1987 if ("string" == typeof b) {
1988 for (c in a.UnitConversions) a.UnitConversions[c].hasOwnProperty(b) && (j = {}, j[c] = b);
1989 b = j
1990 }
1991 g = function(a, b) {
1992 return e.hasOwnProperty(a) ? (b ? h /= e[a] / e[f] : h *= e[a] / e[f], f) : a
1993 };
1994 for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (f = b[d], e = a.UnitConversions[d], i.map(g));
1995 return i.cancel(), new a.Dimension(h, i)
1996 }
1997 }, a.UnitConversions = {
1998 length: {
1999 m: 1,
2000 cm: .01,
2001 mm: .001,
2002 "in": .0254,
2003 px: .0254 / 96,
2004 pt: .0254 / 72,
2005 pc: .0254 / 72 * 12
2006 },
2007 duration: {
2008 s: 1,
2009 ms: .001
2010 },
2011 angle: {
2012 rad: 1 / (2 * Math.PI),
2013 deg: 1 / 360,
2014 grad: .0025,
2015 turn: 1
2016 }
2017 }, a.Unit = function(a, b, c) {
2018 this.numerator = a ? a.slice(0).sort() : [], this.denominator = b ? b.slice(0).sort() : [], this.backupUnit = c
2019 }, a.Unit.prototype = {
2020 type: "Unit",
2021 clone: function() {
2022 return new a.Unit(this.numerator.slice(0), this.denominator.slice(0), this.backupUnit)
2023 },
2024 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2025 this.numerator.length >= 1 ? b.add(this.numerator[0]) : this.denominator.length >= 1 ? b.add(this.denominator[0]) : a && a.strictUnits || !this.backupUnit || b.add(this.backupUnit)
2026 },
2027 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2028 toString: function() {
2029 var a, b = this.numerator.join("*");
2030 for (a = 0; a < this.denominator.length; a++) b += "/" + this.denominator[a];
2031 return b
2032 },
2033 compare: function(a) {
2034 return this.is(a.toString()) ? 0 : -1
2035 },
2036 is: function(a) {
2037 return this.toString() === a
2038 },
2039 isLength: function() {
2040 return Boolean(this.toCSS().match(/px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex/))
2041 },
2042 isEmpty: function() {
2043 return 0 === this.numerator.length && 0 === this.denominator.length
2044 },
2045 isSingular: function() {
2046 return this.numerator.length <= 1 && 0 === this.denominator.length
2047 },
2048 map: function(a) {
2049 var b;
2050 for (b = 0; b < this.numerator.length; b++) this.numerator[b] = a(this.numerator[b], !1);
2051 for (b = 0; b < this.denominator.length; b++) this.denominator[b] = a(this.denominator[b], !0)
2052 },
2053 usedUnits: function() {
2054 var b, c, d = {};
2055 c = function(a) {
2056 return b.hasOwnProperty(a) && !d[e] && (d[e] = a), a
2057 };
2058 for (var e in a.UnitConversions) a.UnitConversions.hasOwnProperty(e) && (b = a.UnitConversions[e], this.map(c));
2059 return d
2060 },
2061 cancel: function() {
2062 var a, b, c, d = {};
2063 for (b = 0; b < this.numerator.length; b++) a = this.numerator[b], c || (c = a), d[a] = (d[a] || 0) + 1;
2064 for (b = 0; b < this.denominator.length; b++) a = this.denominator[b], c || (c = a), d[a] = (d[a] || 0) - 1;
2065 this.numerator = [], this.denominator = [];
2066 for (a in d)
2067 if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
2068 var e = d[a];
2069 if (e > 0)
2070 for (b = 0; e > b; b++) this.numerator.push(a);
2071 else if (0 > e)
2072 for (b = 0; - e > b; b++) this.denominator.push(a)
2073 }
2074 0 === this.numerator.length && 0 === this.denominator.length && c && (this.backupUnit = c), this.numerator.sort(), this.denominator.sort()
2075 }
2076 }
2077 }(c("../tree")),
2078 function(a) {
2079 a.Directive = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
2080 this.name = a, this.value = b, c && (this.rules = c, this.rules.allowImports = !0), this.index = d, this.currentFileInfo = e, this.debugInfo = f
2081 }, a.Directive.prototype = {
2082 type: "Directive",
2083 accept: function(a) {
2084 var b = this.value,
2085 c = this.rules;
2086 c && (c = a.visit(c)), b && (b = a.visit(b))
2087 },
2088 genCSS: function(b, c) {
2089 var d = this.value,
2090 e = this.rules;
2091 c.add(this.name, this.currentFileInfo, this.index), d && (c.add(" "), d.genCSS(b, c)), e ? a.outputRuleset(b, c, [e]) : c.add(";")
2092 },
2093 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2094 eval: function(b) {
2095 var c = this.value,
2096 d = this.rules;
2097 return c && (c = c.eval(b)), d && (d = d.eval(b), d.root = !0), new a.Directive(this.name, c, d, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.debugInfo)
2098 },
2099 variable: function(b) {
2100 return this.rules ? a.Ruleset.prototype.variable.call(this.rules, b) : void 0
2101 },
2102 find: function() {
2103 return this.rules ? a.Ruleset.prototype.find.apply(this.rules, arguments) : void 0
2104 },
2105 rulesets: function() {
2106 return this.rules ? a.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules) : void 0
2107 },
2108 markReferenced: function() {
2109 var a, b;
2110 if (this.isReferenced = !0, this.rules)
2111 for (b = this.rules.rules, a = 0; a < b.length; a++) b[a].markReferenced && b[a].markReferenced()
2112 }
2113 }
2114 }(c("../tree")),
2115 function(a) {
2116 a.Element = function(b, c, d, e) {
2117 this.combinator = b instanceof a.Combinator ? b : new a.Combinator(b), this.value = "string" == typeof c ? c.trim() : c ? c : "", this.index = d, this.currentFileInfo = e
2118 }, a.Element.prototype = {
2119 type: "Element",
2120 accept: function(a) {
2121 var b = this.value;
2122 this.combinator = a.visit(this.combinator), "object" == typeof b && (this.value = a.visit(b))
2123 },
2124 eval: function(b) {
2125 return new a.Element(this.combinator, this.value.eval ? this.value.eval(b) : this.value, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)
2126 },
2127 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2128 b.add(this.toCSS(a), this.currentFileInfo, this.index)
2129 },
2130 toCSS: function(a) {
2131 var b = this.value.toCSS ? this.value.toCSS(a) : this.value;
2132 return "" === b && "&" === this.combinator.value.charAt(0) ? "" : this.combinator.toCSS(a || {}) + b
2133 }
2134 }, a.Attribute = function(a, b, c) {
2135 this.key = a, this.op = b, this.value = c
2136 }, a.Attribute.prototype = {
2137 type: "Attribute",
2138 eval: function(b) {
2139 return new a.Attribute(this.key.eval ? this.key.eval(b) : this.key, this.op, this.value && this.value.eval ? this.value.eval(b) : this.value)
2140 },
2141 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2142 b.add(this.toCSS(a))
2143 },
2144 toCSS: function(a) {
2145 var b = this.key.toCSS ? this.key.toCSS(a) : this.key;
2146 return this.op && (b += this.op, b += this.value.toCSS ? this.value.toCSS(a) : this.value), "[" + b + "]"
2147 }
2148 }, a.Combinator = function(a) {
2149 this.value = " " === a ? " " : a ? a.trim() : ""
2150 }, a.Combinator.prototype = {
2151 type: "Combinator",
2152 _outputMap: {
2153 "": "",
2154 " ": " ",
2155 ":": " :",
2156 "+": " + ",
2157 "~": " ~ ",
2158 ">": " > ",
2159 "|": "|",
2160 "^": " ^ ",
2161 "^^": " ^^ "
2162 },
2163 _outputMapCompressed: {
2164 "": "",
2165 " ": " ",
2166 ":": " :",
2167 "+": "+",
2168 "~": "~",
2169 ">": ">",
2170 "|": "|",
2171 "^": "^",
2172 "^^": "^^"
2173 },
2174 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2175 b.add((a.compress ? this._outputMapCompressed : this._outputMap)[this.value])
2176 },
2177 toCSS: a.toCSS
2178 }
2179 }(c("../tree")),
2180 function(a) {
2181 a.Expression = function(a) {
2182 this.value = a
2183 }, a.Expression.prototype = {
2184 type: "Expression",
2185 accept: function(a) {
2186 this.value && (this.value = a.visitArray(this.value))
2187 },
2188 eval: function(b) {
2189 var c, d = this.parens && !this.parensInOp,
2190 e = !1;
2191 return d && b.inParenthesis(), this.value.length > 1 ? c = new a.Expression(this.value.map(function(a) {
2192 return a.eval(b)
2193 })) : 1 === this.value.length ? (this.value[0].parens && !this.value[0].parensInOp && (e = !0), c = this.value[0].eval(b)) : c = this, d && b.outOfParenthesis(), this.parens && this.parensInOp && !b.isMathOn() && !e && (c = new a.Paren(c)), c
2194 },
2195 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2196 for (var c = 0; c < this.value.length; c++) this.value[c].genCSS(a, b), c + 1 < this.value.length && b.add(" ")
2197 },
2198 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2199 throwAwayComments: function() {
2200 this.value = this.value.filter(function(b) {
2201 return !(b instanceof a.Comment)
2202 })
2203 }
2204 }
2205 }(c("../tree")),
2206 function(a) {
2207 a.Extend = function(b, c, d) {
2208 switch (this.selector = b, this.option = c, this.index = d, this.object_id = a.Extend.next_id++, this.parent_ids = [this.object_id], c) {
2209 case "all":
2210 this.allowBefore = !0, this.allowAfter = !0;
2211 break;
2212 default:
2213 this.allowBefore = !1, this.allowAfter = !1
2214 }
2215 }, a.Extend.next_id = 0, a.Extend.prototype = {
2216 type: "Extend",
2217 accept: function(a) {
2218 this.selector = a.visit(this.selector)
2219 },
2220 eval: function(b) {
2221 return new a.Extend(this.selector.eval(b), this.option, this.index)
2222 },
2223 clone: function() {
2224 return new a.Extend(this.selector, this.option, this.index)
2225 },
2226 findSelfSelectors: function(a) {
2227 var b, c, d = [];
2228 for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) c = a[b].elements, b > 0 && c.length && "" === c[0].combinator.value && (c[0].combinator.value = " "), d = d.concat(a[b].elements);
2229 this.selfSelectors = [{
2230 elements: d
2231 }]
2232 }
2233 }
2234 }(c("../tree")),
2235 function(a) {
2236 a.Import = function(a, c, d, e, f) {
2237 if (this.options = d, this.index = e, this.path = a, this.features = c, this.currentFileInfo = f, this.options.less !== b || this.options.inline) this.css = !this.options.less || this.options.inline;
2238 else {
2239 var g = this.getPath();
2240 g && /css([\?;].*)?$/.test(g) && (this.css = !0)
2241 }
2242 }, a.Import.prototype = {
2243 type: "Import",
2244 accept: function(a) {
2245 this.features && (this.features = a.visit(this.features)), this.path = a.visit(this.path), !this.options.inline && this.root && (this.root = a.visit(this.root))
2246 },
2247 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2248 this.css && (b.add("@import ", this.currentFileInfo, this.index), this.path.genCSS(a, b), this.features && (b.add(" "), this.features.genCSS(a, b)), b.add(";"))
2249 },
2250 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2251 getPath: function() {
2252 if (this.path instanceof a.Quoted) {
2253 var c = this.path.value;
2254 return this.css !== b || /(\.[a-z]*$)|([\?;].*)$/.test(c) ? c : c + ".less"
2255 }
2256 return this.path instanceof a.URL ? this.path.value.value : null
2257 },
2258 evalForImport: function(b) {
2259 return new a.Import(this.path.eval(b), this.features, this.options, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)
2260 },
2261 evalPath: function(b) {
2262 var c = this.path.eval(b),
2263 d = this.currentFileInfo && this.currentFileInfo.rootpath;
2264 if (!(c instanceof a.URL)) {
2265 if (d) {
2266 var e = c.value;
2267 e && b.isPathRelative(e) && (c.value = d + e)
2268 }
2269 c.value = b.normalizePath(c.value)
2270 }
2271 return c
2272 },
2273 eval: function(b) {
2274 var c, d = this.features && this.features.eval(b);
2275 if (this.skip && ("function" == typeof this.skip && (this.skip = this.skip()), this.skip)) return [];
2276 if (this.options.inline) {
2277 var e = new a.Anonymous(this.root, 0, {
2278 filename: this.importedFilename
2279 }, !0);
2280 return this.features ? new a.Media([e], this.features.value) : [e]
2281 }
2282 if (this.css) {
2283 var f = new a.Import(this.evalPath(b), d, this.options, this.index);
2284 if (!f.css && this.error) throw this.error;
2285 return f
2286 }
2287 return c = new a.Ruleset(null, this.root.rules.slice(0)), c.evalImports(b), this.features ? new a.Media(c.rules, this.features.value) : c.rules
2288 }
2289 }
2290 }(c("../tree")),
2291 function(a) {
2292 a.JavaScript = function(a, b, c) {
2293 this.escaped = c, this.expression = a, this.index = b
2294 }, a.JavaScript.prototype = {
2295 type: "JavaScript",
2296 eval: function(b) {
2297 var c, d = this,
2298 e = {},
2299 f = this.expression.replace(/@\{([\w-]+)\}/g, function(c, e) {
2300 return a.jsify(new a.Variable("@" + e, d.index).eval(b))
2301 });
2302 try {
2303 f = new Function("return (" + f + ")")
2304 } catch (g) {
2305 throw {
2306 message: "JavaScript evaluation error: " + g.message + " from `" + f + "`",
2307 index: this.index
2308 }
2309 }
2310 var h = b.frames[0].variables();
2311 for (var i in h) h.hasOwnProperty(i) && (e[i.slice(1)] = {
2312 value: h[i].value,
2313 toJS: function() {
2314 return this.value.eval(b).toCSS()
2315 }
2316 });
2317 try {
2318 c = f.call(e)
2319 } catch (g) {
2320 throw {
2321 message: "JavaScript evaluation error: '" + g.name + ": " + g.message.replace(/["]/g, "'") + "'",
2322 index: this.index
2323 }
2324 }
2325 return "number" == typeof c ? new a.Dimension(c) : "string" == typeof c ? new a.Quoted('"' + c + '"', c, this.escaped, this.index) : new a.Anonymous(Array.isArray(c) ? c.join(", ") : c)
2326 }
2327 }
2328 }(c("../tree")),
2329 function(a) {
2330 a.Keyword = function(a) {
2331 this.value = a
2332 }, a.Keyword.prototype = {
2333 type: "Keyword",
2334 eval: function() {
2335 return this
2336 },
2337 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2338 if ("%" === this.value) throw {
2339 type: "Syntax",
2340 message: "Invalid % without number"
2341 };
2342 b.add(this.value)
2343 },
2344 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2345 compare: function(b) {
2346 return b instanceof a.Keyword ? b.value === this.value ? 0 : 1 : -1
2347 }
2348 }, a.True = new a.Keyword("true"), a.False = new a.Keyword("false")
2349 }(c("../tree")),
2350 function(a) {
2351 a.Media = function(b, c, d, e) {
2352 this.index = d, this.currentFileInfo = e;
2353 var f = this.emptySelectors();
2354 this.features = new a.Value(c), this.rules = [new a.Ruleset(f, b)], this.rules[0].allowImports = !0
2355 }, a.Media.prototype = {
2356 type: "Media",
2357 accept: function(a) {
2358 this.features && (this.features = a.visit(this.features)), this.rules && (this.rules = a.visitArray(this.rules))
2359 },
2360 genCSS: function(b, c) {
2361 c.add("@media ", this.currentFileInfo, this.index), this.features.genCSS(b, c), a.outputRuleset(b, c, this.rules)
2362 },
2363 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2364 eval: function(b) {
2365 b.mediaBlocks || (b.mediaBlocks = [], b.mediaPath = []);
2366 var c = new a.Media(null, [], this.index, this.currentFileInfo);
2367 this.debugInfo && (this.rules[0].debugInfo = this.debugInfo, c.debugInfo = this.debugInfo);
2368 var d = !1;
2369 b.strictMath || (d = !0, b.strictMath = !0);
2370 try {
2371 c.features = this.features.eval(b)
2372 } finally {
2373 d && (b.strictMath = !1)
2374 }
2375 return b.mediaPath.push(c), b.mediaBlocks.push(c), b.frames.unshift(this.rules[0]), c.rules = [this.rules[0].eval(b)], b.frames.shift(), b.mediaPath.pop(), 0 === b.mediaPath.length ? c.evalTop(b) : c.evalNested(b)
2376 },
2377 variable: function(b) {
2378 return a.Ruleset.prototype.variable.call(this.rules[0], b)
2379 },
2380 find: function() {
2381 return a.Ruleset.prototype.find.apply(this.rules[0], arguments)
2382 },
2383 rulesets: function() {
2384 return a.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules[0])
2385 },
2386 emptySelectors: function() {
2387 var b = new a.Element("", "&", this.index, this.currentFileInfo),
2388 c = [new a.Selector([b], null, null, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)];
2389 return c[0].mediaEmpty = !0, c
2390 },
2391 markReferenced: function() {
2392 var a, b = this.rules[0].rules;
2393 for (this.rules[0].markReferenced(), this.isReferenced = !0, a = 0; a < b.length; a++) b[a].markReferenced && b[a].markReferenced()
2394 },
2395 evalTop: function(b) {
2396 var c = this;
2397 if (b.mediaBlocks.length > 1) {
2398 var d = this.emptySelectors();
2399 c = new a.Ruleset(d, b.mediaBlocks), c.multiMedia = !0
2400 }
2401 return delete b.mediaBlocks, delete b.mediaPath, c
2402 },
2403 evalNested: function(b) {
2404 var c, d, e = b.mediaPath.concat([this]);
2405 for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) d = e[c].features instanceof a.Value ? e[c].features.value : e[c].features, e[c] = Array.isArray(d) ? d : [d];
2406 return this.features = new a.Value(this.permute(e).map(function(b) {
2407 for (b = b.map(function(b) {
2408 return b.toCSS ? b : new a.Anonymous(b)
2409 }), c = b.length - 1; c > 0; c--) b.splice(c, 0, new a.Anonymous("and"));
2410 return new a.Expression(b)
2411 })), new a.Ruleset([], [])
2412 },
2413 permute: function(a) {
2414 if (0 === a.length) return [];
2415 if (1 === a.length) return a[0];
2416 for (var b = [], c = this.permute(a.slice(1)), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
2417 for (var e = 0; e < a[0].length; e++) b.push([a[0][e]].concat(c[d]));
2418 return b
2419 },
2420 bubbleSelectors: function(b) {
2421 b && (this.rules = [new a.Ruleset(b.slice(0), [this.rules[0]])])
2422 }
2423 }
2424 }(c("../tree")),
2425 function(a) {
2426 a.mixin = {}, a.mixin.Call = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
2427 this.selector = new a.Selector(b), this.arguments = c && c.length ? c : null, this.index = d, this.currentFileInfo = e, this.important = f
2428 }, a.mixin.Call.prototype = {
2429 type: "MixinCall",
2430 accept: function(a) {
2431 this.selector && (this.selector = a.visit(this.selector)), this.arguments && (this.arguments = a.visitArray(this.arguments))
2432 },
2433 eval: function(b) {
2434 var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = [],
2435 p = !1,
2436 q = [],
2437 r = [],
2438 s = a.defaultFunc,
2439 t = 0,
2440 u = 1,
2441 v = 2;
2442 for (e = this.arguments && this.arguments.map(function(a) {
2443 return {
2444 name: a.name,
2445 value: a.value.eval(b)
2446 }
2447 }), f = 0; f < b.frames.length; f++)
2448 if ((c = b.frames[f].find(this.selector)).length > 0) {
2449 for (j = !0, g = 0; g < c.length; g++) {
2450 for (d = c[g], i = !1, h = 0; h < b.frames.length; h++)
2451 if (!(d instanceof a.mixin.Definition) && d === (b.frames[h].originalRuleset || b.frames[h])) {
2452 i = !0;
2453 break
2454 }
2455 if (!i && d.matchArgs(e, b)) {
2456 if (l = {
2457 mixin: d,
2458 group: t
2459 }, d.matchCondition) {
2460 for (h = 0; 2 > h; h++) s.value(h), r[h] = d.matchCondition(e, b);
2461 (r[0] || r[1]) && (r[0] != r[1] && (l.group = r[1] ? u : v), q.push(l))
2462 } else q.push(l);
2463 p = !0
2464 }
2465 }
2466 for (s.reset(), n = [0, 0, 0], g = 0; g < q.length; g++) n[q[g].group]++;
2467 if (n[t] > 0) m = v;
2468 else if (m = u, n[u] + n[v] > 1) throw {
2469 type: "Runtime",
2470 message: "Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `" + this.format(e) + "`",
2471 index: this.index,
2472 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename
2473 };
2474 for (g = 0; g < q.length; g++)
2475 if (l = q[g].group, l === t || l === m) try {
2476 d = q[g].mixin, d instanceof a.mixin.Definition || (d = new a.mixin.Definition("", [], d.rules, null, !1), d.originalRuleset = c[g].originalRuleset || c[g]), Array.prototype.push.apply(o, d.evalCall(b, e, this.important).rules)
2477 } catch (w) {
2478 throw {
2479 message: w.message,
2480 index: this.index,
2481 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename,
2482 stack: w.stack
2483 }
2484 }
2485 if (p) {
2486 if (!this.currentFileInfo || !this.currentFileInfo.reference)
2487 for (f = 0; f < o.length; f++) k = o[f], k.markReferenced && k.markReferenced();
2488 return o
2489 }
2490 }
2491 throw j ? {
2492 type: "Runtime",
2493 message: "No matching definition was found for `" + this.format(e) + "`",
2494 index: this.index,
2495 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename
2496 } : {
2497 type: "Name",
2498 message: this.selector.toCSS().trim() + " is undefined",
2499 index: this.index,
2500 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename
2501 }
2502 },
2503 format: function(a) {
2504 return this.selector.toCSS().trim() + "(" + (a ? a.map(function(a) {
2505 var b = "";
2506 return a.name && (b += a.name + ":"), b += a.value.toCSS ? a.value.toCSS() : "???"
2507 }).join(", ") : "") + ")"
2508 }
2509 }, a.mixin.Definition = function(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
2510 this.name = b, this.selectors = [new a.Selector([new a.Element(null, b, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)])], this.params = c, this.condition = e, this.variadic = f, this.arity = c.length, this.rules = d, this._lookups = {}, this.required = c.reduce(function(a, b) {
2511 return !b.name || b.name && !b.value ? a + 1 : a
2512 }, 0), this.parent = a.Ruleset.prototype, this.frames = g
2513 }, a.mixin.Definition.prototype = {
2514 type: "MixinDefinition",
2515 accept: function(a) {
2516 this.params && this.params.length && (this.params = a.visitArray(this.params)), this.rules = a.visitArray(this.rules), this.condition && (this.condition = a.visit(this.condition))
2517 },
2518 variable: function(a) {
2519 return this.parent.variable.call(this, a)
2520 },
2521 variables: function() {
2522 return this.parent.variables.call(this)
2523 },
2524 find: function() {
2525 return this.parent.find.apply(this, arguments)
2526 },
2527 rulesets: function() {
2528 return this.parent.rulesets.apply(this)
2529 },
2530 evalParams: function(b, c, d, e) {
2531 var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n = new a.Ruleset(null, null),
2532 o = this.params.slice(0),
2533 p = 0;
2534 if (c = new a.evalEnv(c, [n].concat(c.frames)), d)
2535 for (d = d.slice(0), p = d.length, h = 0; p > h; h++)
2536 if (g = d[h], k = g && g.name) {
2537 for (l = !1, i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
2538 if (!e[i] && k === o[i].name) {
2539 e[i] = g.value.eval(b), n.prependRule(new a.Rule(k, g.value.eval(b))), l = !0;
2540 break
2541 }
2542 if (l) {
2543 d.splice(h, 1), h--;
2544 continue
2545 }
2546 throw {
2547 type: "Runtime",
2548 message: "Named argument for " + this.name + " " + d[h].name + " not found"
2549 }
2550 }
2551 for (m = 0, h = 0; h < o.length; h++)
2552 if (!e[h]) {
2553 if (g = d && d[m], k = o[h].name)
2554 if (o[h].variadic) {
2555 for (f = [], i = m; p > i; i++) f.push(d[i].value.eval(b));
2556 n.prependRule(new a.Rule(k, new a.Expression(f).eval(b)))
2557 } else {
2558 if (j = g && g.value) j = j.eval(b);
2559 else {
2560 if (!o[h].value) throw {
2561 type: "Runtime",
2562 message: "wrong number of arguments for " + this.name + " (" + p + " for " + this.arity + ")"
2563 };
2564 j = o[h].value.eval(c), n.resetCache()
2565 }
2566 n.prependRule(new a.Rule(k, j)), e[h] = j
2567 }
2568 if (o[h].variadic && d)
2569 for (i = m; p > i; i++) e[i] = d[i].value.eval(b);
2570 m++
2571 }
2572 return n
2573 },
2574 eval: function(b) {
2575 return new a.mixin.Definition(this.name, this.params, this.rules, this.condition, this.variadic, this.frames || b.frames.slice(0))
2576 },
2577 evalCall: function(b, c, d) {
2578 var e, f, g = [],
2579 h = this.frames ? this.frames.concat(b.frames) : b.frames,
2580 i = this.evalParams(b, new a.evalEnv(b, h), c, g);
2581 return i.prependRule(new a.Rule("@arguments", new a.Expression(g).eval(b))), e = this.rules.slice(0), f = new a.Ruleset(null, e), f.originalRuleset = this, f = f.eval(new a.evalEnv(b, [this, i].concat(h))), d && (f = this.parent.makeImportant.apply(f)), f
2582 },
2583 matchCondition: function(b, c) {
2584 return this.condition && !this.condition.eval(new a.evalEnv(c, [this.evalParams(c, new a.evalEnv(c, this.frames.concat(c.frames)), b, [])].concat(this.frames).concat(c.frames))) ? !1 : !0
2585 },
2586 matchArgs: function(a, b) {
2587 var c, d = a && a.length || 0;
2588 if (this.variadic) {
2589 if (d < this.required - 1) return !1
2590 } else {
2591 if (d < this.required) return !1;
2592 if (d > this.params.length) return !1
2593 }
2594 c = Math.min(d, this.arity);
2595 for (var e = 0; c > e; e++)
2596 if (!this.params[e].name && !this.params[e].variadic && a[e].value.eval(b).toCSS() != this.params[e].value.eval(b).toCSS()) return !1;
2597 return !0
2598 }
2599 }
2600 }(c("../tree")),
2601 function(a) {
2602 a.Negative = function(a) {
2603 this.value = a
2604 }, a.Negative.prototype = {
2605 type: "Negative",
2606 accept: function(a) {
2607 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
2608 },
2609 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2610 b.add("-"), this.value.genCSS(a, b)
2611 },
2612 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2613 eval: function(b) {
2614 return b.isMathOn() ? new a.Operation("*", [new a.Dimension(-1), this.value]).eval(b) : new a.Negative(this.value.eval(b))
2615 }
2616 }
2617 }(c("../tree")),
2618 function(a) {
2619 a.Operation = function(a, b, c) {
2620 this.op = a.trim(), this.operands = b, this.isSpaced = c
2621 }, a.Operation.prototype = {
2622 type: "Operation",
2623 accept: function(a) {
2624 this.operands = a.visit(this.operands)
2625 },
2626 eval: function(b) {
2627 var c = this.operands[0].eval(b),
2628 d = this.operands[1].eval(b);
2629 if (b.isMathOn()) {
2630 if (c instanceof a.Dimension && d instanceof a.Color && (c = c.toColor()), d instanceof a.Dimension && c instanceof a.Color && (d = d.toColor()), !c.operate) throw {
2631 type: "Operation",
2632 message: "Operation on an invalid type"
2633 };
2634 return c.operate(b, this.op, d)
2635 }
2636 return new a.Operation(this.op, [c, d], this.isSpaced)
2637 },
2638 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2639 this.operands[0].genCSS(a, b), this.isSpaced && b.add(" "), b.add(this.op), this.isSpaced && b.add(" "), this.operands[1].genCSS(a, b)
2640 },
2641 toCSS: a.toCSS
2642 }, a.operate = function(a, b, c, d) {
2643 switch (b) {
2644 case "+":
2645 return c + d;
2646 case "-":
2647 return c - d;
2648 case "*":
2649 return c * d;
2650 case "/":
2651 return c / d
2652 }
2653 }
2654 }(c("../tree")),
2655 function(a) {
2656 a.Paren = function(a) {
2657 this.value = a
2658 }, a.Paren.prototype = {
2659 type: "Paren",
2660 accept: function(a) {
2661 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
2662 },
2663 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2664 b.add("("), this.value.genCSS(a, b), b.add(")")
2665 },
2666 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2667 eval: function(b) {
2668 return new a.Paren(this.value.eval(b))
2669 }
2670 }
2671 }(c("../tree")),
2672 function(a) {
2673 a.Quoted = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
2674 this.escaped = c, this.value = b || "", this.quote = a.charAt(0), this.index = d, this.currentFileInfo = e
2675 }, a.Quoted.prototype = {
2676 type: "Quoted",
2677 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2678 this.escaped || b.add(this.quote, this.currentFileInfo, this.index), b.add(this.value), this.escaped || b.add(this.quote)
2679 },
2680 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2681 eval: function(b) {
2682 var c = this,
2683 d = this.value.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, function(d, e) {
2684 return new a.JavaScript(e, c.index, !0).eval(b).value
2685 }).replace(/@\{([\w-]+)\}/g, function(d, e) {
2686 var f = new a.Variable("@" + e, c.index, c.currentFileInfo).eval(b, !0);
2687 return f instanceof a.Quoted ? f.value : f.toCSS()
2688 });
2689 return new a.Quoted(this.quote + d + this.quote, d, this.escaped, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)
2690 },
2691 compare: function(a) {
2692 if (!a.toCSS) return -1;
2693 var b = this.toCSS(),
2694 c = a.toCSS();
2695 return b === c ? 0 : c > b ? -1 : 1
2696 }
2697 }
2698 }(c("../tree")),
2699 function(a) {
2700 function b(a, b) {
2701 var c, d = "",
2702 e = b.length,
2703 f = {
2704 add: function(a) {
2705 d += a
2706 }
2707 };
2708 for (c = 0; e > c; c++) b[c].eval(a).genCSS(a, f);
2709 return d
2710 }
2711 a.Rule = function(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
2712 this.name = b, this.value = c instanceof a.Value || c instanceof a.Ruleset ? c : new a.Value([c]), this.important = d ? " " + d.trim() : "", this.merge = e, this.index = f, this.currentFileInfo = g, this.inline = h || !1, this.variable = b.charAt && "@" === b.charAt(0)
2713 }, a.Rule.prototype = {
2714 type: "Rule",
2715 accept: function(a) {
2716 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
2717 },
2718 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2719 b.add(this.name + (a.compress ? ":" : ": "), this.currentFileInfo, this.index);
2720 try {
2721 this.value.genCSS(a, b)
2722 } catch (c) {
2723 throw c.index = this.index, c.filename = this.currentFileInfo.filename, c
2724 }
2725 b.add(this.important + (this.inline || a.lastRule && a.compress ? "" : ";"), this.currentFileInfo, this.index)
2726 },
2727 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2728 eval: function(c) {
2729 var d, e = !1,
2730 f = this.name;
2731 "string" != typeof f && (f = 1 === f.length && f[0] instanceof a.Keyword ? f[0].value : b(c, f)), "font" !== f || c.strictMath || (e = !0, c.strictMath = !0);
2732 try {
2733 if (d = this.value.eval(c), !this.variable && "DetachedRuleset" === d.type) throw {
2734 message: "Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.",
2735 index: this.index,
2736 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename
2737 };
2738 return new a.Rule(f, d, this.important, this.merge, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.inline)
2739 } catch (g) {
2740 throw "number" != typeof g.index && (g.index = this.index, g.filename = this.currentFileInfo.filename), g
2741 } finally {
2742 e && (c.strictMath = !1)
2743 }
2744 },
2745 makeImportant: function() {
2746 return new a.Rule(this.name, this.value, "!important", this.merge, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.inline)
2747 }
2748 }
2749 }(c("../tree")),
2750 function(a) {
2751 a.RulesetCall = function(a) {
2752 this.variable = a
2753 }, a.RulesetCall.prototype = {
2754 type: "RulesetCall",
2755 accept: function() {},
2756 eval: function(b) {
2757 var c = new a.Variable(this.variable).eval(b);
2758 return c.callEval(b)
2759 }
2760 }
2761 }(c("../tree")),
2762 function(a) {
2763 a.Ruleset = function(a, b, c) {
2764 this.selectors = a, this.rules = b, this._lookups = {}, this.strictImports = c
2765 }, a.Ruleset.prototype = {
2766 type: "Ruleset",
2767 accept: function(a) {
2768 this.paths ? a.visitArray(this.paths, !0) : this.selectors && (this.selectors = a.visitArray(this.selectors)), this.rules && this.rules.length && (this.rules = a.visitArray(this.rules))
2769 },
2770 eval: function(b) {
2771 var c, d, e, f, g = this.selectors,
2772 h = a.defaultFunc,
2773 i = !1;
2774 if (g && (d = g.length)) {
2775 for (c = [], h.error({
2776 type: "Syntax",
2777 message: "it is currently only allowed in parametric mixin guards,"
2778 }), f = 0; d > f; f++) e = g[f].eval(b), c.push(e), e.evaldCondition && (i = !0);
2779 h.reset()
2780 } else i = !0;
2781 var j, k, l = this.rules ? this.rules.slice(0) : null,
2782 m = new a.Ruleset(c, l, this.strictImports);
2783 m.originalRuleset = this, m.root = this.root, m.firstRoot = this.firstRoot, m.allowImports = this.allowImports, this.debugInfo && (m.debugInfo = this.debugInfo), i || (l.length = 0);
2784 var n = b.frames;
2785 n.unshift(m);
2786 var o = b.selectors;
2787 o || (b.selectors = o = []), o.unshift(this.selectors), (m.root || m.allowImports || !m.strictImports) && m.evalImports(b);
2788 var p = m.rules,
2789 q = p ? p.length : 0;
2790 for (f = 0; q > f; f++)(p[f] instanceof a.mixin.Definition || p[f] instanceof a.DetachedRuleset) && (p[f] = p[f].eval(b));
2791 var r = b.mediaBlocks && b.mediaBlocks.length || 0;
2792 for (f = 0; q > f; f++) p[f] instanceof a.mixin.Call ? (l = p[f].eval(b).filter(function(b) {
2793 return b instanceof a.Rule && b.variable ? !m.variable(b.name) : !0
2794 }), p.splice.apply(p, [f, 1].concat(l)), q += l.length - 1, f += l.length - 1, m.resetCache()) : p[f] instanceof a.RulesetCall && (l = p[f].eval(b).rules.filter(function(b) {
2795 return b instanceof a.Rule && b.variable ? !1 : !0
2796 }), p.splice.apply(p, [f, 1].concat(l)), q += l.length - 1, f += l.length - 1, m.resetCache());
2797 for (f = 0; f < p.length; f++) j = p[f], j instanceof a.mixin.Definition || j instanceof a.DetachedRuleset || (p[f] = j = j.eval ? j.eval(b) : j);
2798 for (f = 0; f < p.length; f++)
2799 if (j = p[f], j instanceof a.Ruleset && j.selectors && 1 === j.selectors.length && j.selectors[0].isJustParentSelector()) {
2800 p.splice(f--, 1);
2801 for (var s = 0; s < j.rules.length; s++) k = j.rules[s], k instanceof a.Rule && k.variable || p.splice(++f, 0, k)
2802 }
2803 if (n.shift(), o.shift(), b.mediaBlocks)
2804 for (f = r; f < b.mediaBlocks.length; f++) b.mediaBlocks[f].bubbleSelectors(c);
2805 return m
2806 },
2807 evalImports: function(b) {
2808 var c, d, e = this.rules;
2809 if (e)
2810 for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) e[c] instanceof a.Import && (d = e[c].eval(b), d && d.length ? (e.splice.apply(e, [c, 1].concat(d)), c += d.length - 1) : e.splice(c, 1, d), this.resetCache())
2811 },
2812 makeImportant: function() {
2813 return new a.Ruleset(this.selectors, this.rules.map(function(a) {
2814 return a.makeImportant ? a.makeImportant() : a
2815 }), this.strictImports)
2816 },
2817 matchArgs: function(a) {
2818 return !a || 0 === a.length
2819 },
2820 matchCondition: function(b, c) {
2821 var d = this.selectors[this.selectors.length - 1];
2822 return d.evaldCondition ? d.condition && !d.condition.eval(new a.evalEnv(c, c.frames)) ? !1 : !0 : !1
2823 },
2824 resetCache: function() {
2825 this._rulesets = null, this._variables = null, this._lookups = {}
2826 },
2827 variables: function() {
2828 return this._variables || (this._variables = this.rules ? this.rules.reduce(function(b, c) {
2829 return c instanceof a.Rule && c.variable === !0 && (b[c.name] = c), b
2830 }, {}) : {}), this._variables
2831 },
2832 variable: function(a) {
2833 return this.variables()[a]
2834 },
2835 rulesets: function() {
2836 if (!this.rules) return null;
2837 var b, c, d = a.Ruleset,
2838 e = a.mixin.Definition,
2839 f = [],
2840 g = this.rules,
2841 h = g.length;
2842 for (b = 0; h > b; b++) c = g[b], (c instanceof d || c instanceof e) && f.push(c);
2843 return f
2844 },
2845 prependRule: function(a) {
2846 var b = this.rules;
2847 b ? b.unshift(a) : this.rules = [a]
2848 },
2849 find: function(b, c) {
2850 c = c || this;
2851 var d, e = [],
2852 f = b.toCSS();
2853 return f in this._lookups ? this._lookups[f] : (this.rulesets().forEach(function(f) {
2854 if (f !== c)
2855 for (var g = 0; g < f.selectors.length; g++)
2856 if (d = b.match(f.selectors[g])) {
2857 b.elements.length > d ? Array.prototype.push.apply(e, f.find(new a.Selector(b.elements.slice(d)), c)) : e.push(f);
2858 break
2859 }
2860 }), this._lookups[f] = e, e)
2861 },
2862 genCSS: function(b, c) {
2863 var d, e, f, g, h, i, j = [],
2864 k = [];
2865 b.tabLevel = b.tabLevel || 0, this.root || b.tabLevel++;
2866 var l, m = b.compress ? "" : Array(b.tabLevel + 1).join(" "),
2867 n = b.compress ? "" : Array(b.tabLevel).join(" ");
2868 for (d = 0; d < this.rules.length; d++) h = this.rules[d], h.rules || h instanceof a.Media || h instanceof a.Directive || this.root && h instanceof a.Comment ? k.push(h) : j.push(h);
2869 if (!this.root) {
2870 g = a.debugInfo(b, this, n), g && (c.add(g), c.add(n));
2871 var o, p = this.paths,
2872 q = p.length;
2873 for (l = b.compress ? "," : ",\n" + n, d = 0; q > d; d++)
2874 if (i = p[d], o = i.length)
2875 for (d > 0 && c.add(l), b.firstSelector = !0, i[0].genCSS(b, c), b.firstSelector = !1, e = 1; o > e; e++) i[e].genCSS(b, c);
2876 c.add((b.compress ? "{" : " {\n") + m)
2877 }
2878 for (d = 0; d < j.length; d++) h = j[d], d + 1 !== j.length || this.root && 0 !== k.length && !this.firstRoot || (b.lastRule = !0), h.genCSS ? h.genCSS(b, c) : h.value && c.add(h.value.toString()), b.lastRule ? b.lastRule = !1 : c.add(b.compress ? "" : "\n" + m);
2879 if (this.root || (c.add(b.compress ? "}" : "\n" + n + "}"), b.tabLevel--), l = (b.compress ? "" : "\n") + (this.root ? m : n), f = k.length)
2880 for (j.length && l && c.add(l), k[0].genCSS(b, c), d = 1; f > d; d++) l && c.add(l), k[d].genCSS(b, c);
2881 c.isEmpty() || b.compress || !this.firstRoot || c.add("\n")
2882 },
2883 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2884 markReferenced: function() {
2885 if (this.selectors)
2886 for (var a = 0; a < this.selectors.length; a++) this.selectors[a].markReferenced()
2887 },
2888 joinSelectors: function(a, b, c) {
2889 for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.joinSelector(a, b, c[d])
2890 },
2891 joinSelector: function(b, c, d) {
2892 var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s;
2893 for (e = 0; e < d.elements.length; e++) j = d.elements[e], "&" === j.value && (h = !0);
2894 if (h) {
2895 for (r = [], i = [
2896 []
2897 ], e = 0; e < d.elements.length; e++)
2898 if (j = d.elements[e], "&" !== j.value) r.push(j);
2899 else {
2900 for (s = [], r.length > 0 && this.mergeElementsOnToSelectors(r, i), f = 0; f < i.length; f++)
2901 if (k = i[f], 0 === c.length) k.length > 0 && (k[0].elements = k[0].elements.slice(0), k[0].elements.push(new a.Element(j.combinator, "", j.index, j.currentFileInfo))), s.push(k);
2902 else
2903 for (g = 0; g < c.length; g++) l = c[g], m = [], n = [], p = !0, k.length > 0 ? (m = k.slice(0), q = m.pop(), o = d.createDerived(q.elements.slice(0)), p = !1) : o = d.createDerived([]), l.length > 1 && (n = n.concat(l.slice(1))), l.length > 0 && (p = !1, o.elements.push(new a.Element(j.combinator, l[0].elements[0].value, j.index, j.currentFileInfo)), o.elements = o.elements.concat(l[0].elements.slice(1))), p || m.push(o), m = m.concat(n), s.push(m);
2904 i = s, r = []
2905 }
2906 for (r.length > 0 && this.mergeElementsOnToSelectors(r, i), e = 0; e < i.length; e++) i[e].length > 0 && b.push(i[e])
2907 } else if (c.length > 0)
2908 for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) b.push(c[e].concat(d));
2909 else b.push([d])
2910 },
2911 mergeElementsOnToSelectors: function(b, c) {
2912 var d, e;
2913 if (0 === c.length) return void c.push([new a.Selector(b)]);
2914 for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) e = c[d], e.length > 0 ? e[e.length - 1] = e[e.length - 1].createDerived(e[e.length - 1].elements.concat(b)) : e.push(new a.Selector(b))
2915 }
2916 }
2917 }(c("../tree")),
2918 function(a) {
2919 a.Selector = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
2920 this.elements = a, this.extendList = b, this.condition = c, this.currentFileInfo = e || {}, this.isReferenced = f, c || (this.evaldCondition = !0)
2921 }, a.Selector.prototype = {
2922 type: "Selector",
2923 accept: function(a) {
2924 this.elements && (this.elements = a.visitArray(this.elements)), this.extendList && (this.extendList = a.visitArray(this.extendList)), this.condition && (this.condition = a.visit(this.condition))
2925 },
2926 createDerived: function(b, c, d) {
2927 d = null != d ? d : this.evaldCondition;
2928 var e = new a.Selector(b, c || this.extendList, null, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.isReferenced);
2929 return e.evaldCondition = d, e.mediaEmpty = this.mediaEmpty, e
2930 },
2931 match: function(a) {
2932 var b, c, d = this.elements,
2933 e = d.length;
2934 if (a.CacheElements(), b = a._elements.length, 0 === b || b > e) return 0;
2935 for (c = 0; b > c; c++)
2936 if (d[c].value !== a._elements[c]) return 0;
2937 return b
2938 },
2939 CacheElements: function() {
2940 var a, b, c, d = "";
2941 if (!this._elements) {
2942 for (a = this.elements.length, c = 0; a > c; c++)
2943 if (b = this.elements[c], d += b.combinator.value, b.value.value) {
2944 if ("string" != typeof b.value.value) {
2945 d = "";
2946 break
2947 }
2948 d += b.value.value
2949 } else d += b.value;
2950 this._elements = d.match(/[,&#\.\w-]([\w-]|(\\.))*/g), this._elements ? "&" === this._elements[0] && this._elements.shift() : this._elements = []
2951 }
2952 },
2953 isJustParentSelector: function() {
2954 return !this.mediaEmpty && 1 === this.elements.length && "&" === this.elements[0].value && (" " === this.elements[0].combinator.value || "" === this.elements[0].combinator.value)
2955 },
2956 eval: function(a) {
2957 var b = this.condition && this.condition.eval(a),
2958 c = this.elements,
2959 d = this.extendList;
2960 return c = c && c.map(function(b) {
2961 return b.eval(a)
2962 }), d = d && d.map(function(b) {
2963 return b.eval(a)
2964 }), this.createDerived(c, d, b)
2965 },
2966 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2967 var c, d;
2968 if (a && a.firstSelector || "" !== this.elements[0].combinator.value || b.add(" ", this.currentFileInfo, this.index), !this._css)
2969 for (c = 0; c < this.elements.length; c++) d = this.elements[c], d.genCSS(a, b)
2970 },
2971 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2972 markReferenced: function() {
2973 this.isReferenced = !0
2974 },
2975 getIsReferenced: function() {
2976 return !this.currentFileInfo.reference || this.isReferenced
2977 },
2978 getIsOutput: function() {
2979 return this.evaldCondition
2980 }
2981 }
2982 }(c("../tree")),
2983 function(a) {
2984 a.UnicodeDescriptor = function(a) {
2985 this.value = a
2986 }, a.UnicodeDescriptor.prototype = {
2987 type: "UnicodeDescriptor",
2988 genCSS: function(a, b) {
2989 b.add(this.value)
2990 },
2991 toCSS: a.toCSS,
2992 eval: function() {
2993 return this
2994 }
2995 }
2996 }(c("../tree")),
2997 function(a) {
2998 a.URL = function(a, b, c) {
2999 this.value = a, this.currentFileInfo = b, this.isEvald = c
3000 }, a.URL.prototype = {
3001 type: "Url",
3002 accept: function(a) {
3003 this.value = a.visit(this.value)
3004 },
3005 genCSS: function(a, b) {
3006 b.add("url("), this.value.genCSS(a, b), b.add(")")
3007 },
3008 toCSS: a.toCSS,
3009 eval: function(b) {
3010 var c, d = this.value.eval(b);
3011 if (!this.isEvald && (c = this.currentFileInfo && this.currentFileInfo.rootpath, c && "string" == typeof d.value && b.isPathRelative(d.value) && (d.quote || (c = c.replace(/[\(\)'"\s]/g, function(a) {
3012 return "\\" + a
3013 })), d.value = c + d.value), d.value = b.normalizePath(d.value), b.urlArgs && !d.value.match(/^\s*data:/))) {
3014 var e = -1 === d.value.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&",
3015 f = e + b.urlArgs; - 1 !== d.value.indexOf("#") ? d.value = d.value.replace("#", f + "#") : d.value += f
3016 }
3017 return new a.URL(d, this.currentFileInfo, !0)
3018 }
3019 }
3020 }(c("../tree")),
3021 function(a) {
3022 a.Value = function(a) {
3023 this.value = a
3024 }, a.Value.prototype = {
3025 type: "Value",
3026 accept: function(a) {
3027 this.value && (this.value = a.visitArray(this.value))
3028 },
3029 eval: function(b) {
3030 return 1 === this.value.length ? this.value[0].eval(b) : new a.Value(this.value.map(function(a) {
3031 return a.eval(b)
3032 }))
3033 },
3034 genCSS: function(a, b) {
3035 var c;
3036 for (c = 0; c < this.value.length; c++) this.value[c].genCSS(a, b), c + 1 < this.value.length && b.add(a && a.compress ? "," : ", ")
3037 },
3038 toCSS: a.toCSS
3039 }
3040 }(c("../tree")),
3041 function(a) {
3042 a.Variable = function(a, b, c) {
3043 this.name = a, this.index = b, this.currentFileInfo = c || {}
3044 }, a.Variable.prototype = {
3045 type: "Variable",
3046 eval: function(b) {
3047 var c, d = this.name;
3048 if (0 === d.indexOf("@@") && (d = "@" + new a.Variable(d.slice(1)).eval(b).value), this.evaluating) throw {
3049 type: "Name",
3050 message: "Recursive variable definition for " + d,
3051 filename: this.currentFileInfo.file,
3052 index: this.index
3053 };
3054 if (this.evaluating = !0, c = a.find(b.frames, function(a) {
3055 var c = a.variable(d);
3056 return c ? c.value.eval(b) : void 0
3057 })) return this.evaluating = !1, c;
3058 throw {
3059 type: "Name",
3060 message: "variable " + d + " is undefined",
3061 filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename,
3062 index: this.index
3063 }
3064 }
3065 }
3066 }(c("../tree")),
3067 function(a) {
3068 var b = ["paths", "optimization", "files", "contents", "contentsIgnoredChars", "relativeUrls", "rootpath", "strictImports", "insecure", "dumpLineNumbers", "compress", "processImports", "syncImport", "javascriptEnabled", "mime", "useFileCache", "currentFileInfo"];
3069 a.parseEnv = function(a) {
3070 if (d(a, this, b), this.contents || (this.contents = {}), this.contentsIgnoredChars || (this.contentsIgnoredChars = {}), this.files || (this.files = {}), !this.currentFileInfo) {
3071 var c = a && a.filename || "input",
3072 e = c.replace(/[^\/\\]*$/, "");
3073 a && (a.filename = null), this.currentFileInfo = {
3074 filename: c,
3075 relativeUrls: this.relativeUrls,
3076 rootpath: a && a.rootpath || "",
3077 currentDirectory: e,
3078 entryPath: e,
3079 rootFilename: c
3080 }
3081 }
3082 };
3083 var c = ["silent", "verbose", "compress", "yuicompress", "ieCompat", "strictMath", "strictUnits", "cleancss", "sourceMap", "importMultiple", "urlArgs"];
3084 a.evalEnv = function(a, b) {
3085 d(a, this, c), this.frames = b || []
3086 }, a.evalEnv.prototype.inParenthesis = function() {
3087 this.parensStack || (this.parensStack = []), this.parensStack.push(!0)
3088 }, a.evalEnv.prototype.outOfParenthesis = function() {
3089 this.parensStack.pop()
3090 }, a.evalEnv.prototype.isMathOn = function() {
3091 return this.strictMath ? this.parensStack && this.parensStack.length : !0
3092 }, a.evalEnv.prototype.isPathRelative = function(a) {
3093 return !/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/)/.test(a)
3094 }, a.evalEnv.prototype.normalizePath = function(a) {
3095 var b, c = a.split("/").reverse();
3096 for (a = []; 0 !== c.length;) switch (b = c.pop()) {
3097 case ".":
3098 break;
3099 case "..":
3100 0 === a.length || ".." === a[a.length - 1] ? a.push(b) : a.pop();
3101 break;
3102 default:
3103 a.push(b)
3104 }
3105 return a.join("/")
3106 };
3107 var d = function(a, b, c) {
3108 if (a)
3109 for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) a.hasOwnProperty(c[d]) && (b[c[d]] = a[c[d]])
3110 }
3111 }(c("./tree")),
3112 function(a) {
3113 function b(a) {
3114 return a
3115 }
3117 function c(a, b) {
3118 var d, e;
3119 for (d in a)
3120 if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) switch (e = a[d], typeof e) {
3121 case "function":
3122 e.prototype && e.prototype.type && (e.prototype.typeIndex = b++);
3123 break;
3124 case "object":
3125 b = c(e, b)
3126 }
3127 return b
3128 }
3129 var d = {
3130 visitDeeper: !0
3131 },
3132 e = !1;
3133 a.visitor = function(b) {
3134 this._implementation = b, this._visitFnCache = [], e || (c(a, 1), e = !0)
3135 }, a.visitor.prototype = {
3136 visit: function(a) {
3137 if (!a) return a;
3138 var c = a.typeIndex;
3139 if (!c) return a;
3140 var e, f = this._visitFnCache,
3141 g = this._implementation,
3142 h = c << 1,
3143 i = 1 | h,
3144 j = f[h],
3145 k = f[i],
3146 l = d;
3147 if (l.visitDeeper = !0, j || (e = "visit" + a.type, j = g[e] || b, k = g[e + "Out"] || b, f[h] = j, f[i] = k), j !== b) {
3148 var m = j.call(g, a, l);
3149 g.isReplacing && (a = m)
3150 }
3151 return l.visitDeeper && a && a.accept && a.accept(this), k != b && k.call(g, a), a
3152 },
3153 visitArray: function(a, b) {
3154 if (!a) return a;
3155 var c, d = a.length;
3156 if (b || !this._implementation.isReplacing) {
3157 for (c = 0; d > c; c++) this.visit(a[c]);
3158 return a
3159 }
3160 var e = [];
3161 for (c = 0; d > c; c++) {
3162 var f = this.visit(a[c]);
3163 f.splice ? f.length && this.flatten(f, e) : e.push(f)
3164 }
3165 return e
3166 },
3167 flatten: function(a, b) {
3168 b || (b = []);
3169 var c, d, e, f, g, h;
3170 for (d = 0, c = a.length; c > d; d++)
3171 if (e = a[d], e.splice)
3172 for (g = 0, f = e.length; f > g; g++) h = e[g], h.splice ? h.length && this.flatten(h, b) : b.push(h);
3173 else b.push(e);
3174 return b
3175 }
3176 }
3177 }(c("./tree")),
3178 function(a) {
3179 a.importVisitor = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
3180 if (this._visitor = new a.visitor(this), this._importer = b, this._finish = c, this.env = d || new a.evalEnv, this.importCount = 0, this.onceFileDetectionMap = e || {}, this.recursionDetector = {}, f)
3181 for (var g in f) f.hasOwnProperty(g) && (this.recursionDetector[g] = !0)
3182 }, a.importVisitor.prototype = {
3183 isReplacing: !0,
3184 run: function(a) {
3185 var b;
3186 try {
3187 this._visitor.visit(a)
3188 } catch (c) {
3189 b = c
3190 }
3191 this.isFinished = !0, 0 === this.importCount && this._finish(b)
3192 },
3193 visitImport: function(b, c) {
3194 var d, e = this,
3195 f = b.options.inline;
3196 if (!b.css || f) {
3197 try {
3198 d = b.evalForImport(this.env)
3199 } catch (g) {
3200 g.filename || (g.index = b.index, g.filename = b.currentFileInfo.filename), b.css = !0, b.error = g
3201 }
3202 if (d && (!d.css || f)) {
3203 b = d, this.importCount++;
3204 var h = new a.evalEnv(this.env, this.env.frames.slice(0));
3205 b.options.multiple && (h.importMultiple = !0), this._importer.push(b.getPath(), b.currentFileInfo, b.options, function(c, d, g, i) {
3206 c && !c.filename && (c.index = b.index, c.filename = b.currentFileInfo.filename), h.importMultiple || (b.skip = g ? !0 : function() {
3207 return i in e.onceFileDetectionMap ? !0 : (e.onceFileDetectionMap[i] = !0, !1)
3208 });
3209 var j = function(a) {
3210 e.importCount--, 0 === e.importCount && e.isFinished && e._finish(a)
3211 };
3212 if (d) {
3213 b.root = d, b.importedFilename = i;
3214 var k = g || i in e.recursionDetector;
3215 if (!f && (h.importMultiple || !k)) return e.recursionDetector[i] = !0, void new a.importVisitor(e._importer, j, h, e.onceFileDetectionMap, e.recursionDetector).run(d)
3216 }
3217 j()
3218 })
3219 }
3220 }
3221 return c.visitDeeper = !1, b
3222 },
3223 visitRule: function(a, b) {
3224 return b.visitDeeper = !1, a
3225 },
3226 visitDirective: function(a) {
3227 return this.env.frames.unshift(a), a
3228 },
3229 visitDirectiveOut: function() {
3230 this.env.frames.shift()
3231 },
3232 visitMixinDefinition: function(a) {
3233 return this.env.frames.unshift(a), a
3234 },
3235 visitMixinDefinitionOut: function() {
3236 this.env.frames.shift()
3237 },
3238 visitRuleset: function(a) {
3239 return this.env.frames.unshift(a), a
3240 },
3241 visitRulesetOut: function() {
3242 this.env.frames.shift()
3243 },
3244 visitMedia: function(a) {
3245 return this.env.frames.unshift(a.ruleset), a
3246 },
3247 visitMediaOut: function() {
3248 this.env.frames.shift()
3249 }
3250 }
3251 }(c("./tree")),
3252 function(a) {
3253 a.joinSelectorVisitor = function() {
3254 this.contexts = [
3255 []
3256 ], this._visitor = new a.visitor(this)
3257 }, a.joinSelectorVisitor.prototype = {
3258 run: function(a) {
3259 return this._visitor.visit(a)
3260 },
3261 visitRule: function(a, b) {
3262 b.visitDeeper = !1
3263 },
3264 visitMixinDefinition: function(a, b) {
3265 b.visitDeeper = !1
3266 },
3267 visitRuleset: function(a) {
3268 var b, c = this.contexts[this.contexts.length - 1],
3269 d = [];
3270 this.contexts.push(d), a.root || (b = a.selectors, b && (b = b.filter(function(a) {
3271 return a.getIsOutput()
3272 }), a.selectors = b.length ? b : b = null, b && a.joinSelectors(d, c, b)), b || (a.rules = null), a.paths = d)
3273 },
3274 visitRulesetOut: function() {
3275 this.contexts.length = this.contexts.length - 1
3276 },
3277 visitMedia: function(a) {
3278 var b = this.contexts[this.contexts.length - 1];
3279 a.rules[0].root = 0 === b.length || b[0].multiMedia
3280 }
3281 }
3282 }(c("./tree")),
3283 function(a) {
3284 a.toCSSVisitor = function(b) {
3285 this._visitor = new a.visitor(this), this._env = b
3286 }, a.toCSSVisitor.prototype = {
3287 isReplacing: !0,
3288 run: function(a) {
3289 return this._visitor.visit(a)
3290 },
3291 visitRule: function(a) {
3292 return a.variable ? [] : a
3293 },
3294 visitMixinDefinition: function(a) {
3295 return a.frames = [], []
3296 },
3297 visitExtend: function() {
3298 return []
3299 },
3300 visitComment: function(a) {
3301 return a.isSilent(this._env) ? [] : a
3302 },
3303 visitMedia: function(a, b) {
3304 return a.accept(this._visitor), b.visitDeeper = !1, a.rules.length ? a : []
3305 },
3306 visitDirective: function(b) {
3307 if (b.currentFileInfo.reference && !b.isReferenced) return [];
3308 if ("@charset" === b.name) {
3309 if (this.charset) {
3310 if (b.debugInfo) {
3311 var c = new a.Comment("/* " + b.toCSS(this._env).replace(/\n/g, "") + " */\n");
3312 return c.debugInfo = b.debugInfo, this._visitor.visit(c)
3313 }
3314 return []
3315 }
3316 this.charset = !0
3317 }
3318 return b
3319 },
3320 checkPropertiesInRoot: function(b) {
3321 for (var c, d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
3322 if (c = b[d], c instanceof a.Rule && !c.variable) throw {
3323 message: "properties must be inside selector blocks, they cannot be in the root.",
3324 index: c.index,
3325 filename: c.currentFileInfo ? c.currentFileInfo.filename : null
3326 }
3327 },
3328 visitRuleset: function(b, c) {
3329 var d, e = [];
3330 if (b.firstRoot && this.checkPropertiesInRoot(b.rules), b.root) b.accept(this._visitor), c.visitDeeper = !1, (b.firstRoot || b.rules && b.rules.length > 0) && e.splice(0, 0, b);
3331 else {
3332 b.paths && (b.paths = b.paths.filter(function(b) {
3333 var c;
3334 for (" " === b[0].elements[0].combinator.value && (b[0].elements[0].combinator = new a.Combinator("")), c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
3335 if (b[c].getIsReferenced() && b[c].getIsOutput()) return !0;
3336 return !1
3337 }));
3338 for (var f = b.rules, g = f ? f.length : 0, h = 0; g > h;) d = f[h], d && d.rules ? (e.push(this._visitor.visit(d)), f.splice(h, 1), g--) : h++;
3339 g > 0 ? b.accept(this._visitor) : b.rules = null, c.visitDeeper = !1, f = b.rules, f && (this._mergeRules(f), f = b.rules), f && (this._removeDuplicateRules(f), f = b.rules), f && f.length > 0 && b.paths.length > 0 && e.splice(0, 0, b)
3340 }
3341 return 1 === e.length ? e[0] : e
3342 },
3343 _removeDuplicateRules: function(b) {
3344 if (b) {
3345 var c, d, e, f = {};
3346 for (e = b.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
3347 if (d = b[e], d instanceof a.Rule)
3348 if (f[d.name]) {
3349 c = f[d.name], c instanceof a.Rule && (c = f[d.name] = [f[d.name].toCSS(this._env)]);
3350 var g = d.toCSS(this._env); - 1 !== c.indexOf(g) ? b.splice(e, 1) : c.push(g)
3351 } else f[d.name] = d
3352 }
3353 },
3354 _mergeRules: function(b) {
3355 if (b) {
3356 for (var c, d, e, f = {}, g = 0; g < b.length; g++) d = b[g], d instanceof a.Rule && d.merge && (e = [d.name, d.important ? "!" : ""].join(","), f[e] ? b.splice(g--, 1) : f[e] = [], f[e].push(d));
3357 Object.keys(f).map(function(b) {
3358 function e(b) {
3359 return new a.Expression(b.map(function(a) {
3360 return a.value
3361 }))
3362 }
3364 function g(b) {
3365 return new a.Value(b.map(function(a) {
3366 return a
3367 }))
3368 }
3369 if (c = f[b], c.length > 1) {
3370 d = c[0];
3371 var h = [],
3372 i = [];
3373 c.map(function(a) {
3374 "+" === a.merge && (i.length > 0 && h.push(e(i)), i = []), i.push(a)
3375 }), h.push(e(i)), d.value = g(h)
3376 }
3377 })
3378 }
3379 }
3380 }
3381 }(c("./tree")),
3382 function(a) {
3383 a.extendFinderVisitor = function() {
3384 this._visitor = new a.visitor(this), this.contexts = [], this.allExtendsStack = [
3385 []
3386 ]
3387 }, a.extendFinderVisitor.prototype = {
3388 run: function(a) {
3389 return a = this._visitor.visit(a), a.allExtends = this.allExtendsStack[0], a
3390 },
3391 visitRule: function(a, b) {
3392 b.visitDeeper = !1
3393 },
3394 visitMixinDefinition: function(a, b) {
3395 b.visitDeeper = !1
3396 },
3397 visitRuleset: function(b) {
3398 if (!b.root) {
3399 var c, d, e, f, g = [],
3400 h = b.rules,
3401 i = h ? h.length : 0;
3402 for (c = 0; i > c; c++) b.rules[c] instanceof a.Extend && (g.push(h[c]), b.extendOnEveryPath = !0);
3403 var j = b.paths;
3404 for (c = 0; c < j.length; c++) {
3405 var k = j[c],
3406 l = k[k.length - 1],
3407 m = l.extendList;
3408 for (f = m ? m.slice(0).concat(g) : g, f && (f = f.map(function(a) {
3409 return a.clone()
3410 })), d = 0; d < f.length; d++) this.foundExtends = !0, e = f[d], e.findSelfSelectors(k), e.ruleset = b, 0 === d && (e.firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = !0), this.allExtendsStack[this.allExtendsStack.length - 1].push(e)
3411 }
3412 this.contexts.push(b.selectors)
3413 }
3414 },
3415 visitRulesetOut: function(a) {
3416 a.root || (this.contexts.length = this.contexts.length - 1)
3417 },
3418 visitMedia: function(a) {
3419 a.allExtends = [], this.allExtendsStack.push(a.allExtends)
3420 },
3421 visitMediaOut: function() {
3422 this.allExtendsStack.length = this.allExtendsStack.length - 1
3423 },
3424 visitDirective: function(a) {
3425 a.allExtends = [], this.allExtendsStack.push(a.allExtends)
3426 },
3427 visitDirectiveOut: function() {
3428 this.allExtendsStack.length = this.allExtendsStack.length - 1
3429 }
3430 }, a.processExtendsVisitor = function() {
3431 this._visitor = new a.visitor(this)
3432 }, a.processExtendsVisitor.prototype = {
3433 run: function(b) {
3434 var c = new a.extendFinderVisitor;
3435 return c.run(b), c.foundExtends ? (b.allExtends = b.allExtends.concat(this.doExtendChaining(b.allExtends, b.allExtends)), this.allExtendsStack = [b.allExtends], this._visitor.visit(b)) : b
3436 },
3437 doExtendChaining: function(b, c, d) {
3438 var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = [],
3439 n = this;
3440 for (d = d || 0, e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
3441 for (f = 0; f < c.length; f++) j = b[e], k = c[f], j.parent_ids.indexOf(k.object_id) >= 0 || (i = [k.selfSelectors[0]], g = n.findMatch(j, i), g.length && j.selfSelectors.forEach(function(b) {
3442 h = n.extendSelector(g, i, b), l = new a.Extend(k.selector, k.option, 0), l.selfSelectors = h, h[h.length - 1].extendList = [l], m.push(l), l.ruleset = k.ruleset, l.parent_ids = l.parent_ids.concat(k.parent_ids, j.parent_ids), k.firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath && (l.firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = !0, k.ruleset.paths.push(h))
3443 }));
3444 if (m.length) {
3445 if (this.extendChainCount++, d > 100) {
3446 var o = "{unable to calculate}",
3447 p = "{unable to calculate}";
3448 try {
3449 o = m[0].selfSelectors[0].toCSS(), p = m[0].selector.toCSS()
3450 } catch (q) {}
3451 throw {
3452 message: "extend circular reference detected. One of the circular extends is currently:" + o + ":extend(" + p + ")"
3453 }
3454 }
3455 return m.concat(n.doExtendChaining(m, c, d + 1))
3456 }
3457 return m
3458 },
3459 visitRule: function(a, b) {
3460 b.visitDeeper = !1
3461 },
3462 visitMixinDefinition: function(a, b) {
3463 b.visitDeeper = !1
3464 },
3465 visitSelector: function(a, b) {
3466 b.visitDeeper = !1
3467 },
3468 visitRuleset: function(a) {
3469 if (!a.root) {
3470 var b, c, d, e, f = this.allExtendsStack[this.allExtendsStack.length - 1],
3471 g = [],
3472 h = this;
3473 for (d = 0; d < f.length; d++)
3474 for (c = 0; c < a.paths.length; c++)
3475 if (e = a.paths[c], !a.extendOnEveryPath) {
3476 var i = e[e.length - 1].extendList;
3477 i && i.length || (b = this.findMatch(f[d], e), b.length && f[d].selfSelectors.forEach(function(a) {
3478 g.push(h.extendSelector(b, e, a))
3479 }))
3480 }
3481 a.paths = a.paths.concat(g)
3482 }
3483 },
3484 findMatch: function(a, b) {
3485 var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = this,
3486 k = a.selector.elements,
3487 l = [],
3488 m = [];
3489 for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
3490 for (d = b[c], e = 0; e < d.elements.length; e++)
3491 for (f = d.elements[e], (a.allowBefore || 0 === c && 0 === e) && l.push({
3492 pathIndex: c,
3493 index: e,
3494 matched: 0,
3495 initialCombinator: f.combinator
3496 }), h = 0; h < l.length; h++) i = l[h], g = f.combinator.value, "" === g && 0 === e && (g = " "), !j.isElementValuesEqual(k[i.matched].value, f.value) || i.matched > 0 && k[i.matched].combinator.value !== g ? i = null : i.matched++, i && (i.finished = i.matched === k.length, i.finished && !a.allowAfter && (e + 1 < d.elements.length || c + 1 < b.length) && (i = null)), i ? i.finished && (i.length = k.length, i.endPathIndex = c, i.endPathElementIndex = e + 1, l.length = 0, m.push(i)) : (l.splice(h, 1), h--);
3497 return m
3498 },
3499 isElementValuesEqual: function(b, c) {
3500 if ("string" == typeof b || "string" == typeof c) return b === c;
3501 if (b instanceof a.Attribute) return b.op !== c.op || b.key !== c.key ? !1 : b.value && c.value ? (b = b.value.value || b.value, c = c.value.value || c.value, b === c) : b.value || c.value ? !1 : !0;
3502 if (b = b.value, c = c.value, b instanceof a.Selector) {
3503 if (!(c instanceof a.Selector) || b.elements.length !== c.elements.length) return !1;
3504 for (var d = 0; d < b.elements.length; d++) {
3505 if (b.elements[d].combinator.value !== c.elements[d].combinator.value && (0 !== d || (b.elements[d].combinator.value || " ") !== (c.elements[d].combinator.value || " "))) return !1;
3506 if (!this.isElementValuesEqual(b.elements[d].value, c.elements[d].value)) return !1
3507 }
3508 return !0
3509 }
3510 return !1
3511 },
3512 extendSelector: function(b, c, d) {
3513 var e, f, g, h, i, j = 0,
3514 k = 0,
3515 l = [];
3516 for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) h = b[e], f = c[h.pathIndex], g = new a.Element(h.initialCombinator, d.elements[0].value, d.elements[0].index, d.elements[0].currentFileInfo), h.pathIndex > j && k > 0 && (l[l.length - 1].elements = l[l.length - 1].elements.concat(c[j].elements.slice(k)), k = 0, j++), i = f.elements.slice(k, h.index).concat([g]).concat(d.elements.slice(1)), j === h.pathIndex && e > 0 ? l[l.length - 1].elements = l[l.length - 1].elements.concat(i) : (l = l.concat(c.slice(j, h.pathIndex)), l.push(new a.Selector(i))), j = h.endPathIndex, k = h.endPathElementIndex, k >= c[j].elements.length && (k = 0, j++);
3517 return j < c.length && k > 0 && (l[l.length - 1].elements = l[l.length - 1].elements.concat(c[j].elements.slice(k)), j++), l = l.concat(c.slice(j, c.length))
3518 },
3519 visitRulesetOut: function() {},
3520 visitMedia: function(a) {
3521 var b = a.allExtends.concat(this.allExtendsStack[this.allExtendsStack.length - 1]);
3522 b = b.concat(this.doExtendChaining(b, a.allExtends)), this.allExtendsStack.push(b)
3523 },
3524 visitMediaOut: function() {
3525 this.allExtendsStack.length = this.allExtendsStack.length - 1
3526 },
3527 visitDirective: function(a) {
3528 var b = a.allExtends.concat(this.allExtendsStack[this.allExtendsStack.length - 1]);
3529 b = b.concat(this.doExtendChaining(b, a.allExtends)), this.allExtendsStack.push(b)
3530 },
3531 visitDirectiveOut: function() {
3532 this.allExtendsStack.length = this.allExtendsStack.length - 1
3533 }
3534 }
3535 }(c("./tree")),
3536 function(a) {
3537 a.sourceMapOutput = function(a) {
3538 this._css = [], this._rootNode = a.rootNode, this._writeSourceMap = a.writeSourceMap, this._contentsMap = a.contentsMap, this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap = a.contentsIgnoredCharsMap, this._sourceMapFilename = a.sourceMapFilename, this._outputFilename = a.outputFilename, this._sourceMapURL = a.sourceMapURL, a.sourceMapBasepath && (this._sourceMapBasepath = a.sourceMapBasepath.replace(/\\/g, "/")), this._sourceMapRootpath = a.sourceMapRootpath, this._outputSourceFiles = a.outputSourceFiles, this._sourceMapGeneratorConstructor = a.sourceMapGenerator || c("source-map").SourceMapGenerator, this._sourceMapRootpath && "/" !== this._sourceMapRootpath.charAt(this._sourceMapRootpath.length - 1) && (this._sourceMapRootpath += "/"), this._lineNumber = 0, this._column = 0
3539 }, a.sourceMapOutput.prototype.normalizeFilename = function(a) {
3540 return a = a.replace(/\\/g, "/"), this._sourceMapBasepath && 0 === a.indexOf(this._sourceMapBasepath) && (a = a.substring(this._sourceMapBasepath.length), ("\\" === a.charAt(0) || "/" === a.charAt(0)) && (a = a.substring(1))), (this._sourceMapRootpath || "") + a
3541 }, a.sourceMapOutput.prototype.add = function(a, b, c, d) {
3542 if (a) {
3543 var e, f, g, h, i;
3544 if (b) {
3545 var j = this._contentsMap[b.filename];
3546 this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap[b.filename] && (c -= this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap[b.filename], 0 > c && (c = 0), j = j.slice(this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap[b.filename])), j = j.substring(0, c), f = j.split("\n"), h = f[f.length - 1]
3547 }
3548 if (e = a.split("\n"), g = e[e.length - 1], b)
3549 if (d)
3550 for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) this._sourceMapGenerator.addMapping({
3551 generated: {
3552 line: this._lineNumber + i + 1,
3553 column: 0 === i ? this._column : 0
3554 },
3555 original: {
3556 line: f.length + i,
3557 column: 0 === i ? h.length : 0
3558 },
3559 source: this.normalizeFilename(b.filename)
3560 });
3561 else this._sourceMapGenerator.addMapping({
3562 generated: {
3563 line: this._lineNumber + 1,
3564 column: this._column
3565 },
3566 original: {
3567 line: f.length,
3568 column: h.length
3569 },
3570 source: this.normalizeFilename(b.filename)
3571 });
3572 1 === e.length ? this._column += g.length : (this._lineNumber += e.length - 1, this._column = g.length), this._css.push(a)
3573 }
3574 }, a.sourceMapOutput.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3575 return 0 === this._css.length
3576 }, a.sourceMapOutput.prototype.toCSS = function(a) {
3577 if (this._sourceMapGenerator = new this._sourceMapGeneratorConstructor({
3578 file: this._outputFilename,
3579 sourceRoot: null
3580 }), this._outputSourceFiles)
3581 for (var b in this._contentsMap)
3582 if (this._contentsMap.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
3583 var c = this._contentsMap[b];
3584 this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap[b] && (c = c.slice(this._contentsIgnoredCharsMap[b])), this._sourceMapGenerator.setSourceContent(this.normalizeFilename(b), c)
3585 }
3586 if (this._rootNode.genCSS(a, this), this._css.length > 0) {
3587 var d, e = JSON.stringify(this._sourceMapGenerator.toJSON());
3588 this._sourceMapURL ? d = this._sourceMapURL : this._sourceMapFilename && (d = this.normalizeFilename(this._sourceMapFilename)), this._writeSourceMap ? this._writeSourceMap(e) : d = "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(e), d && this._css.push("/*# sourceMappingURL=" + d + " */")
3589 }
3590 return this._css.join("")
3591 }
3592 }(c("./tree"));
3593 var y = /^(file|chrome(-extension)?|resource|qrc|app):/.test(location.protocol);
3594 w.env = w.env || ("" == location.hostname || "" == location.hostname || "localhost" == location.hostname || location.port && location.port.length > 0 || y ? "development" : "production");
3595 var z = {
3596 debug: 3,
3597 info: 2,
3598 errors: 1,
3599 none: 0
3600 };
3601 if (w.logLevel = "undefined" != typeof w.logLevel ? w.logLevel : "development" === w.env ? z.debug : z.errors, w.async = w.async || !1, w.fileAsync = w.fileAsync || !1, w.poll = w.poll || (y ? 1e3 : 1500), w.functions)
3602 for (var A in w.functions) w.functions.hasOwnProperty(A) && (w.tree.functions[A] = w.functions[A]);
3603 var B = /!dumpLineNumbers:(comments|mediaquery|all)/.exec(location.hash);
3604 B && (w.dumpLineNumbers = B[1]);
3605 var C = /^text\/(x-)?less$/,
3606 D = null,
3607 E = {};
3608 if (w.watch = function() {
3609 return w.watchMode || (w.env = "development", v()), this.watchMode = !0, !0
3610 }, w.unwatch = function() {
3611 return clearInterval(w.watchTimer), this.watchMode = !1, !1
3612 }, /!watch/.test(location.hash) && w.watch(), "development" != w.env) try {
3613 D = "undefined" == typeof a.localStorage ? null : a.localStorage
3614 } catch (F) {}
3615 var G = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
3616 w.sheets = [];
3617 for (var H = 0; H < G.length; H++)("stylesheet/less" === G[H].rel || G[H].rel.match(/stylesheet/) && G[H].type.match(C)) && w.sheets.push(G[H]);
3618 w.modifyVars = function(a) {
3619 w.refresh(!1, a)
3620 }, w.refresh = function(a, b) {
3621 var c, e;
3622 c = e = new Date, u(function(a, b, f, i, k) {
3623 if (a) return j(a, i.href);
3624 if (k.local) d("loading " + i.href + " from cache.", z.info);
3625 else {
3626 d("parsed " + i.href + " successfully.", z.debug);
3627 var l = b.toCSS(w);
3628 l = h(l), g(l, i, k.lastModified)
3629 }
3630 d("css for " + i.href + " generated in " + (new Date - e) + "ms", z.info), 0 === k.remaining && d("less has finished. css generated in " + (new Date - c) + "ms", z.info), e = new Date
3631 }, a, b), n(b)
3632 }, w.refreshStyles = n, w.Parser.fileLoader = s, w.refresh("development" === w.env), "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define(function() {
3633 return w
3634 })
3635}(window); \ No newline at end of file
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