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Diffstat (limited to 'Back/ZJW/javascripts/webfont.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 828 deletions
diff --git a/Back/ZJW/javascripts/webfont.js b/Back/ZJW/javascripts/webfont.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8518477..0000000
--- a/Back/ZJW/javascripts/webfont.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
2 * Copyright 2013 Small Batch, Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14 * the License.
15 */
17(function(window, document, undefined) {
18 var j = void 0,
19 k = !0,
20 l = null,
21 p = !1;
23 function q(a) {
24 return function() {
25 return this[a]
26 }
27 }
28 var aa = this;
30 function ba(a, b) {
31 var c = a.split("."),
32 d = aa;
33 !(c[0] in d) && d.execScript && d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
34 for (var e; c.length && (e = c.shift());)!c.length && b !== j ? d[e] = b : d = d[e] ? d[e] : d[e] = {}
35 }
36 aa.Ba = k;
38 function ca(a, b, c) {
39 return a.call.apply(a.bind, arguments)
40 }
42 function da(a, b, c) {
43 if (!a) throw Error();
44 if (2 < arguments.length) {
45 var d = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
46 return function() {
47 var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
48 Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
49 return a.apply(b, c)
50 }
51 }
52 return function() {
53 return a.apply(b, arguments)
54 }
55 }
57 function s(a, b, c) {
58 s = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? ca : da;
59 return s.apply(l, arguments)
60 }
61 var ea = Date.now || function() {
62 return +new Date
63 };
65 function fa(a, b) {
66 this.G = a;
67 this.u = b || a;
68 this.z = this.u.document;
69 this.R = j
70 }
71 fa.prototype.createElement = function(a, b, c) {
72 a = this.z.createElement(a);
73 if (b)
74 for (var d in b)
75 if (b.hasOwnProperty(d))
76 if ("style" == d) {
77 var e = a,
78 f = b[d];
79 ga(this) ? e.setAttribute("style", f) : e.style.cssText = f
80 } else a.setAttribute(d, b[d]);
81 c && a.appendChild(this.z.createTextNode(c));
82 return a
83 };
85 function t(a, b, c) {
86 a = a.z.getElementsByTagName(b)[0];
87 a || (a = document.documentElement);
88 a && a.lastChild && a.insertBefore(c, a.lastChild)
89 }
91 function u(a, b) {
92 return a.createElement("link", {
93 rel: "stylesheet",
94 href: b
95 })
96 }
98 function ha(a, b) {
99 return a.createElement("script", {
100 src: b
101 })
102 }
104 function v(a, b) {
105 for (var c = a.className.split(/\s+/), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++)
106 if (c[d] == b) return;
107 c.push(b);
108 a.className = c.join(" ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "")
109 }
111 function w(a, b) {
112 for (var c = a.className.split(/\s+/), d = [], e = 0, f = c.length; e < f; e++) c[e] != b && d.push(c[e]);
113 a.className = d.join(" ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "")
114 }
116 function ia(a, b) {
117 for (var c = a.className.split(/\s+/), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++)
118 if (c[d] == b) return k;
119 return p
120 }
122 function ga(a) {
123 if (a.R === j) {
124 var b = a.z.createElement("p");
125 b.innerHTML = '<a style="top:1px;">w</a>';
126 a.R = /top/.test(b.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("style"))
127 }
128 return a.R
129 }
131 function x(a) {
132 var b = a.u.location.protocol;
133 "about:" == b && (b = a.G.location.protocol);
134 return "https:" == b ? "https:" : "http:"
135 };
137 function y(a, b, c) {
138 this.w = a;
139 this.T = b;
140 this.Aa = c
141 }
142 ba("webfont.BrowserInfo", y);
143 y.prototype.qa = q("w");
144 y.prototype.hasWebFontSupport = y.prototype.qa;
145 y.prototype.ra = q("T");
146 y.prototype.hasWebKitFallbackBug = y.prototype.ra;
147 y.prototype.sa = q("Aa");
148 y.prototype.hasWebKitMetricsBug = y.prototype.sa;
150 function z(a, b, c, d) {
151 this.e = a != l ? a : l;
152 this.o = b != l ? b : l;
153 this.ba = c != l ? c : l;
154 this.f = d != l ? d : l
155 }
156 var ja = /^([0-9]+)(?:[\._-]([0-9]+))?(?:[\._-]([0-9]+))?(?:[\._+-]?(.*))?$/;
157 z.prototype.toString = function() {
158 return [this.e, this.o || "", this.ba || "", this.f || ""].join("")
159 };
161 function A(a) {
162 a = ja.exec(a);
163 var b = l,
164 c = l,
165 d = l,
166 e = l;
167 a && (a[1] !== l && a[1] && (b = parseInt(a[1], 10)), a[2] !== l && a[2] && (c = parseInt(a[2], 10)), a[3] !== l && a[3] && (d = parseInt(a[3], 10)), a[4] !== l && a[4] && (e = /^[0-9]+$/.test(a[4]) ? parseInt(a[4], 10) : a[4]));
168 return new z(b, c, d, e)
169 };
171 function B(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, n, m, r) {
172 this.J = a;
173 this.Ha = b;
174 this.za = c;
175 this.ga = d;
176 this.Fa = e;
177 this.fa = f;
178 this.xa = g;
179 this.Ga = h;
180 this.wa = n;
181 this.ea = m;
182 this.k = r
183 }
184 ba("webfont.UserAgent", B);
185 B.prototype.getName = q("J");
186 B.prototype.getName = B.prototype.getName;
187 B.prototype.pa = q("za");
188 B.prototype.getVersion = B.prototype.pa;
189 B.prototype.la = q("ga");
190 B.prototype.getEngine = B.prototype.la;
191 B.prototype.ma = q("fa");
192 B.prototype.getEngineVersion = B.prototype.ma;
193 B.prototype.na = q("xa");
194 B.prototype.getPlatform = B.prototype.na;
195 B.prototype.oa = q("wa");
196 B.prototype.getPlatformVersion = B.prototype.oa;
197 B.prototype.ka = q("ea");
198 B.prototype.getDocumentMode = B.prototype.ka;
199 B.prototype.ja = q("k");
200 B.prototype.getBrowserInfo = B.prototype.ja;
202 function C(a, b) {
203 this.a = a;
204 this.H = b
205 }
206 var ka = new B("Unknown", new z, "Unknown", "Unknown", new z, "Unknown", "Unknown", new z, "Unknown", j, new y(p, p, p));
207 C.prototype.parse = function() {
208 var a;
209 if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("MSIE")) {
210 a = D(this);
211 var b = E(this),
212 c = A(b),
213 d = F(this.a, /MSIE ([\d\w\.]+)/, 1),
214 e = A(d);
215 a = new B("MSIE", e, d, "MSIE", e, d, a, c, b, G(this.H), new y("Windows" == a && 6 <= e.e || "Windows Phone" == a && 8 <= c.e, p, p))
216 } else if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Opera")) a: {
217 a = "Unknown";
218 var b = F(this.a, /Presto\/([\d\w\.]+)/, 1),
219 c = A(b),
220 d = E(this),
221 e = A(d),
222 f = G(this.H);
223 c.e !== l ? a = "Presto" : (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Gecko") && (a = "Gecko"), b = F(this.a, /rv:([^\)]+)/, 1), c = A(b));
224 if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Opera Mini/")) {
225 var g =
226 F(this.a, /Opera Mini\/([\d\.]+)/, 1),
227 h = A(g);
228 a = new B("OperaMini", h, g, a, c, b, D(this), e, d, f, new y(p, p, p))
229 } else {
230 if (-1 != this.a.indexOf("Version/") && (g = F(this.a, /Version\/([\d\.]+)/, 1), h = A(g), h.e !== l)) {
231 a = new B("Opera", h, g, a, c, b, D(this), e, d, f, new y(10 <= h.e, p, p));
232 break a
233 }
234 g = F(this.a, /Opera[\/ ]([\d\.]+)/, 1);
235 h = A(g);
236 a = h.e !== l ? new B("Opera", h, g, a, c, b, D(this), e, d, f, new y(10 <= h.e, p, p)) : new B("Opera", new z, "Unknown", a, c, b, D(this), e, d, f, new y(p, p, p))
237 }
238 } else if (/AppleWeb(K|k)it/.test(this.a)) {
239 a = D(this);
240 var b = E(this),
241 c = A(b),
242 d = F(this.a, /AppleWeb(?:K|k)it\/([\d\.\+]+)/, 1),
243 e = A(d),
244 f = "Unknown",
245 g = new z,
246 h = "Unknown",
247 n = p; - 1 != this.a.indexOf("Chrome") || -1 != this.a.indexOf("CrMo") || -1 != this.a.indexOf("CriOS") ? f = "Chrome" : /Silk\/\d/.test(this.a) ? f = "Silk" : "BlackBerry" == a || "Android" == a ? f = "BuiltinBrowser" : -1 != this.a.indexOf("Safari") ? f = "Safari" : -1 != this.a.indexOf("AdobeAIR") && (f = "AdobeAIR");
248 "BuiltinBrowser" == f ? h = "Unknown" : "Silk" == f ? h = F(this.a, /Silk\/([\d\._]+)/, 1) : "Chrome" == f ? h = F(this.a, /(Chrome|CrMo|CriOS)\/([\d\.]+)/, 2) : -1 !=
249 this.a.indexOf("Version/") ? h = F(this.a, /Version\/([\d\.\w]+)/, 1) : "AdobeAIR" == f && (h = F(this.a, /AdobeAIR\/([\d\.]+)/, 1));
250 g = A(h);
251 n = "AdobeAIR" == f ? 2 < g.e || 2 == g.e && 5 <= g.o : "BlackBerry" == a ? 10 <= c.e : "Android" == a ? 2 < c.e || 2 == c.e && 1 < c.o : 526 <= e.e || 525 <= e.e && 13 <= e.o;
252 a = new B(f, g, h, "AppleWebKit", e, d, a, c, b, G(this.H), new y(n, 536 > e.e || 536 == e.e && 11 > e.o, "iPhone" == a || "iPad" == a || "iPod" == a || "Macintosh" == a))
253 } else -1 != this.a.indexOf("Gecko") ? (a = "Unknown", b = new z, c = "Unknown", d = E(this), e = A(d), f = p, -1 != this.a.indexOf("Firefox") ? (a =
254 "Firefox", c = F(this.a, /Firefox\/([\d\w\.]+)/, 1), b = A(c), f = 3 <= b.e && 5 <= b.o) : -1 != this.a.indexOf("Mozilla") && (a = "Mozilla"), g = F(this.a, /rv:([^\)]+)/, 1), h = A(g), f || (f = 1 < h.e || 1 == h.e && 9 < h.o || 1 == h.e && 9 == h.o && 2 <= h.ba || g.match(/1\.9\.1b[123]/) != l || g.match(/1\.9\.1\.[\d\.]+/) != l), a = new B(a, b, c, "Gecko", h, g, D(this), e, d, G(this.H), new y(f, p, p))) : a = ka;
255 return a
256 };
258 function D(a) {
259 var b = F(a.a, /(iPod|iPad|iPhone|Android|Windows Phone|BB\d{2}|BlackBerry)/, 1);
260 if ("" != b) return /BB\d{2}/.test(b) && (b = "BlackBerry"), b;
261 a = F(a.a, /(Linux|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh|Windows|CrOS)/, 1);
262 return "" != a ? ("Mac_PowerPC" == a && (a = "Macintosh"), a) : "Unknown"
263 }
265 function E(a) {
266 var b = F(a.a, /(OS X|Windows NT|Android) ([^;)]+)/, 2);
267 if (b || (b = F(a.a, /Windows Phone( OS)? ([^;)]+)/, 2)) || (b = F(a.a, /(iPhone )?OS ([\d_]+)/, 2))) return b;
268 if (b = F(a.a, /(?:Linux|CrOS) ([^;)]+)/, 1))
269 for (var b = b.split(/\s/), c = 0; c < b.length; c += 1)
270 if (/^[\d\._]+$/.test(b[c])) return b[c];
271 return (a = F(a.a, /(BB\d{2}|BlackBerry).*?Version\/([^\s]*)/, 2)) ? a : "Unknown"
272 }
274 function F(a, b, c) {
275 return (a = a.match(b)) && a[c] ? a[c] : ""
276 }
278 function G(a) {
279 if (a.documentMode) return a.documentMode
280 };
282 function la(a) {
283 this.va = a || "-"
284 }
285 la.prototype.f = function(a) {
286 for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) b.push(arguments[c].replace(/[\W_]+/g, "").toLowerCase());
287 return b.join(this.va)
288 };
290 function H(a, b) {
291 this.J = a;
292 this.U = 4;
293 this.K = "n";
294 var c = (b || "n4").match(/^([nio])([1-9])$/i);
295 c && (this.K = c[1], this.U = parseInt(c[2], 10))
296 }
297 H.prototype.getName = q("J");
299 function I(a) {
300 return a.K + a.U
301 }
303 function ma(a) {
304 var b = 4,
305 c = "n",
306 d = l;
307 a && ((d = a.match(/(normal|oblique|italic)/i)) && d[1] && (c = d[1].substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()), (d = a.match(/([1-9]00|normal|bold)/i)) && d[1] && (/bold/i.test(d[1]) ? b = 7 : /[1-9]00/.test(d[1]) && (b = parseInt(d[1].substr(0, 1), 10))));
308 return c + b
309 };
311 function na(a, b, c) {
312 this.c = a;
313 this.h = b;
314 this.M = c;
315 this.j = "wf";
316 this.g = new la("-")
317 }
319 function pa(a) {
320 v(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "loading"));
321 J(a, "loading")
322 }
324 function K(a) {
325 w(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "loading"));
326 ia(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "active")) || v(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "inactive"));
327 J(a, "inactive")
328 }
330 function J(a, b, c) {
331 if (a.M[b])
332 if (c) a.M[b](c.getName(), I(c));
333 else a.M[b]()
334 };
336 function L(a, b) {
337 this.c = a;
338 this.C = b;
339 this.s = this.c.createElement("span", {
340 "aria-hidden": "true"
341 }, this.C)
342 }
344 function M(a, b) {
345 var c = a.s,
346 d;
347 d = [];
348 for (var e = b.J.split(/,\s*/), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
349 var g = e[f].replace(/['"]/g, ""); - 1 == g.indexOf(" ") ? d.push(g) : d.push("'" + g + "'")
350 }
351 d = d.join(",");
352 e = "normal";
353 f = b.U + "00";
354 "o" === b.K ? e = "oblique" : "i" === b.K && (e = "italic");
355 d = "position:absolute;top:-999px;left:-999px;font-size:300px;width:auto;height:auto;line-height:normal;margin:0;padding:0;font-variant:normal;white-space:nowrap;font-family:" + d + ";" + ("font-style:" + e + ";font-weight:" + f + ";");
356 ga(a.c) ? c.setAttribute("style", d) : c.style.cssText =
357 d
358 }
360 function N(a) {
361 t(a.c, "body", a.s)
362 }
363 L.prototype.remove = function() {
364 var a = this.s;
365 a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
366 };
368 function qa(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
369 this.V = a;
370 this.ta = b;
371 this.c = c;
372 this.q = d;
373 this.C = h || "BESbswy";
374 this.k = e;
375 this.F = {};
376 this.S = f || 5E3;
377 this.Z = g || l;
378 this.B = this.A = l;
379 a = new L(this.c, this.C);
380 N(a);
381 for (var n in O) O.hasOwnProperty(n) && (M(a, new H(O[n], I(this.q))), this.F[O[n]] = a.s.offsetWidth);
382 a.remove()
383 }
384 var O = {
385 Ea: "serif",
386 Da: "sans-serif",
387 Ca: "monospace"
388 };
389 qa.prototype.start = function() {
390 this.A = new L(this.c, this.C);
391 N(this.A);
392 this.B = new L(this.c, this.C);
393 N(this.B);
394 this.ya = ea();
395 M(this.A, new H(this.q.getName() + ",serif", I(this.q)));
396 M(this.B, new H(this.q.getName() + ",sans-serif", I(this.q)));
397 ra(this)
398 };
400 function sa(a, b, c) {
401 for (var d in O)
402 if (O.hasOwnProperty(d) && b === a.F[O[d]] && c === a.F[O[d]]) return k;
403 return p
404 }
406 function ra(a) {
407 var b = a.A.s.offsetWidth,
408 c = a.B.s.offsetWidth;
409 b === a.F.serif && c === a.F["sans-serif"] || a.k.T && sa(a, b, c) ? ea() - a.ya >= a.S ? a.k.T && sa(a, b, c) && (a.Z === l || a.Z.hasOwnProperty(a.q.getName())) ? P(a, a.V) : P(a, a.ta) : setTimeout(s(function() {
410 ra(this)
411 }, a), 25) : P(a, a.V)
412 }
414 function P(a, b) {
415 a.A.remove();
416 a.B.remove();
417 b(a.q)
418 };
420 function R(a, b, c, d) {
421 this.c = b;
422 this.t = c;
423 this.N = 0;
424 this.ca = this.Y = p;
425 this.S = d;
426 this.k = a.k
427 }
429 function ta(a, b, c, d, e) {
430 if (0 === b.length && e) K(a.t);
431 else {
432 a.N += b.length;
433 e && (a.Y = e);
434 for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
435 var f = b[e],
436 g = c[f.getName()],
437 h = a.t,
438 n = f;
439 v(h.h, h.g.f(h.j, n.getName(), I(n).toString(), "loading"));
440 J(h, "fontloading", n);
441 (new qa(s(a.ha, a), s(a.ia, a), a.c, f, a.k, a.S, d, g)).start()
442 }
443 }
444 }
445 R.prototype.ha = function(a) {
446 var b = this.t;
447 w(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "loading"));
448 w(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "inactive"));
449 v(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "active"));
450 J(b, "fontactive", a);
451 this.ca = k;
452 ua(this)
453 };
454 R.prototype.ia = function(a) {
455 var b = this.t;
456 w(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "loading"));
457 ia(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "active")) || v(b.h, b.g.f(b.j, a.getName(), I(a).toString(), "inactive"));
458 J(b, "fontinactive", a);
459 ua(this)
460 };
462 function ua(a) {
463 0 == --a.N && a.Y && (a.ca ? (a = a.t, w(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "loading")), w(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "inactive")), v(a.h, a.g.f(a.j, "active")), J(a, "active")) : K(a.t))
464 };
466 function S(a, b, c) {
467 this.G = a;
468 this.W = b;
469 this.a = c;
470 this.O = this.P = 0
471 }
473 function T(a, b) {
474 U.W.$[a] = b
475 }
476 S.prototype.load = function(a) {
477 var b = a.context || this.G;
478 this.c = new fa(this.G, b);
479 b = new na(this.c, b.document.documentElement, a);
480 if (this.a.k.w) {
481 var c = this.W,
482 d = this.c,
483 e = [],
484 f;
485 for (f in a)
486 if (a.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
487 var g = c.$[f];
488 g && e.push(g(a[f], d))
489 }
490 a = a.timeout;
491 this.O = this.P = e.length;
492 a = new R(this.a, this.c, b, a);
493 f = 0;
494 for (c = e.length; f < c; f++) d = e[f], d.v(this.a, s(this.ua, this, d, b, a))
495 } else K(b)
496 };
497 S.prototype.ua = function(a, b, c, d) {
498 var e = this;
499 d ? a.load(function(a, d, h) {
500 var n = 0 == --e.P;
501 n && pa(b);
502 setTimeout(function() {
503 ta(c, a, d || {}, h || l, n)
504 }, 0)
505 }) : (a = 0 == --this.P, this.O--, a && (0 == this.O ? K(b) : pa(b)), ta(c, [], {}, l, a))
506 };
507 var va = window,
508 wa = (new C(navigator.userAgent, document)).parse(),
509 U = va.WebFont = new S(window, new function() {
510 this.$ = {}
511 }, wa);
512 U.load = U.load;
514 function V(a, b) {
515 this.c = a;
516 this.d = b
517 }
518 V.prototype.load = function(a) {
519 var b, c, d = this.d.urls || [],
520 e = this.d.families || [];
521 b = 0;
522 for (c = d.length; b < c; b++) t(this.c, "head", u(this.c, d[b]));
523 d = [];
524 b = 0;
525 for (c = e.length; b < c; b++) {
526 var f = e[b].split(":");
527 if (f[1])
528 for (var g = f[1].split(","), h = 0; h < g.length; h += 1) d.push(new H(f[0], g[h]));
529 else d.push(new H(f[0]))
530 }
531 a(d)
532 };
533 V.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
534 return b(a.k.w)
535 };
536 T("custom", function(a, b) {
537 return new V(b, a)
538 });
540 function W(a, b) {
541 this.c = a;
542 this.d = b
543 }
544 var xa = {
545 regular: "n4",
546 bold: "n7",
547 italic: "i4",
548 bolditalic: "i7",
549 r: "n4",
550 b: "n7",
551 i: "i4",
552 bi: "i7"
553 };
554 W.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
555 return b(a.k.w)
556 };
557 W.prototype.load = function(a) {
558 t(this.c, "head", u(this.c, x(this.c) + "//webfonts.fontslive.com/css/" + this.d.key + ".css"));
559 for (var b = this.d.families, c = [], d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) c.push.apply(c, ya(b[d]));
560 a(c)
561 };
563 function ya(a) {
564 var b = a.split(":");
565 a = b[0];
566 if (b[1]) {
567 for (var c = b[1].split(","), b = [], d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) {
568 var f = c[d];
569 if (f) {
570 var g = xa[f];
571 b.push(g ? g : f)
572 }
573 }
574 c = [];
575 for (d = 0; d < b.length; d += 1) c.push(new H(a, b[d]));
576 return c
577 }
578 return [new H(a)]
579 }
580 T("ascender", function(a, b) {
581 return new W(b, a)
582 });
584 function X(a, b, c) {
585 this.a = a;
586 this.c = b;
587 this.d = c;
588 this.m = []
589 }
590 X.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
591 var c = this,
592 d = c.d.projectId,
593 e = c.d.version;
594 if (d) {
595 var f = c.c.u,
596 g = c.c.createElement("script");
597 g.id = "__MonotypeAPIScript__" + d;
598 var h = p;
599 g.onload = g.onreadystatechange = function() {
600 if (!h && (!this.readyState || "loaded" === this.readyState || "complete" === this.readyState)) {
601 h = k;
602 if (f["__mti_fntLst" + d]) {
603 var e = f["__mti_fntLst" + d]();
604 if (e)
605 for (var m = 0; m < e.length; m++) c.m.push(new H(e[m].fontfamily))
606 }
607 b(a.k.w);
608 g.onload = g.onreadystatechange = l
609 }
610 };
611 g.src = c.D(d, e);
612 t(this.c, "head", g)
613 } else b(k)
614 };
615 X.prototype.D = function(a, b) {
616 var c = x(this.c),
617 d = (this.d.api || "fast.fonts.com/jsapi").replace(/^.*http(s?):(\/\/)?/, "");
618 return c + "//" + d + "/" + a + ".js" + (b ? "?v=" + b : "")
619 };
620 X.prototype.load = function(a) {
621 a(this.m)
622 };
623 T("monotype", function(a, b) {
624 var c = (new C(navigator.userAgent, document)).parse();
625 return new X(c, b, a)
626 });
628 function Y(a, b) {
629 this.c = a;
630 this.d = b;
631 this.m = []
632 }
633 Y.prototype.D = function(a) {
634 var b = x(this.c);
635 return (this.d.api || b + "//use.typekit.net") + "/" + a + ".js"
636 };
637 Y.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
638 var c = this.d.id,
639 d = this.d,
640 e = this.c.u,
641 f = this;
642 c ? (e.__webfonttypekitmodule__ || (e.__webfonttypekitmodule__ = {}), e.__webfonttypekitmodule__[c] = function(c) {
643 c(a, d, function(a, c, d) {
644 for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e += 1) {
645 var g = d[c[e]];
646 if (g)
647 for (var Q = 0; Q < g.length; Q += 1) f.m.push(new H(c[e], g[Q]));
648 else f.m.push(new H(c[e]))
649 }
650 b(a)
651 })
652 }, c = ha(this.c, this.D(c)), t(this.c, "head", c)) : b(k)
653 };
654 Y.prototype.load = function(a) {
655 a(this.m)
656 };
657 T("typekit", function(a, b) {
658 return new Y(b, a)
659 });
661 function za(a, b, c) {
662 this.L = a ? a : b + Aa;
663 this.p = [];
664 this.Q = [];
665 this.da = c || ""
666 }
667 var Aa = "//fonts.googleapis.com/css";
668 za.prototype.f = function() {
669 if (0 == this.p.length) throw Error("No fonts to load !");
670 if (-1 != this.L.indexOf("kit=")) return this.L;
671 for (var a = this.p.length, b = [], c = 0; c < a; c++) b.push(this.p[c].replace(/ /g, "+"));
672 a = this.L + "?family=" + b.join("%7C");
673 0 < this.Q.length && (a += "&subset=" + this.Q.join(","));
674 0 < this.da.length && (a += "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(this.da));
675 return a
676 };
678 function Ba(a) {
679 this.p = a;
680 this.aa = [];
681 this.I = {}
682 }
683 var Ca = {
684 latin: "BESbswy",
685 cyrillic: "&#1081;&#1103;&#1046;",
686 greek: "&#945;&#946;&#931;",
687 khmer: "&#x1780;&#x1781;&#x1782;",
688 Hanuman: "&#x1780;&#x1781;&#x1782;"
689 },
690 Da = {
691 thin: "1",
692 extralight: "2",
693 "extra-light": "2",
694 ultralight: "2",
695 "ultra-light": "2",
696 light: "3",
697 regular: "4",
698 book: "4",
699 medium: "5",
700 "semi-bold": "6",
701 semibold: "6",
702 "demi-bold": "6",
703 demibold: "6",
704 bold: "7",
705 "extra-bold": "8",
706 extrabold: "8",
707 "ultra-bold": "8",
708 ultrabold: "8",
709 black: "9",
710 heavy: "9",
711 l: "3",
712 r: "4",
713 b: "7"
714 },
715 Ea = {
716 i: "i",
717 italic: "i",
718 n: "n",
719 normal: "n"
720 },
721 Fa = RegExp("^(thin|(?:(?:extra|ultra)-?)?light|regular|book|medium|(?:(?:semi|demi|extra|ultra)-?)?bold|black|heavy|l|r|b|[1-9]00)?(n|i|normal|italic)?$");
722 Ba.prototype.parse = function() {
723 for (var a = this.p.length, b = 0; b < a; b++) {
724 var c = this.p[b].split(":"),
725 d = c[0].replace(/\+/g, " "),
726 e = ["n4"];
727 if (2 <= c.length) {
728 var f;
729 var g = c[1];
730 f = [];
731 if (g)
732 for (var g = g.split(","), h = g.length, n = 0; n < h; n++) {
733 var m;
734 m = g[n];
735 if (m.match(/^[\w]+$/)) {
736 m = Fa.exec(m.toLowerCase());
737 var r = j;
738 if (m == l) r = "";
739 else {
740 r = j;
741 r = m[1];
742 if (r == l || "" == r) r = "4";
743 else var oa = Da[r],
744 r = oa ? oa : isNaN(r) ? "4" : r.substr(0, 1);
745 r = [m[2] == l || "" == m[2] ? "n" : Ea[m[2]], r].join("")
746 }
747 m = r
748 } else m = "";
749 m && f.push(m)
750 }
751 0 < f.length && (e = f);
752 3 == c.length && (c = c[2],
753 f = [], c = !c ? f : c.split(","), 0 < c.length && (c = Ca[c[0]]) && (this.I[d] = c))
754 }
755 this.I[d] || (c = Ca[d]) && (this.I[d] = c);
756 for (c = 0; c < e.length; c += 1) this.aa.push(new H(d, e[c]))
757 }
758 };
760 function Z(a, b, c) {
761 this.a = a;
762 this.c = b;
763 this.d = c
764 }
765 var Ga = {
766 Arimo: k,
767 Cousine: k,
768 Tinos: k
769 };
770 Z.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
771 b(a.k.w)
772 };
773 Z.prototype.load = function(a) {
774 var b = this.c;
775 if ("MSIE" == this.a.getName() && this.d.blocking != k) {
776 var c = s(this.X, this, a),
777 d = function() {
778 b.z.body ? c() : setTimeout(d, 0)
779 };
780 d()
781 } else this.X(a)
782 };
783 Z.prototype.X = function(a) {
784 for (var b = this.c, c = new za(this.d.api, x(b), this.d.text), d = this.d.families, e = d.length, f = 0; f < e; f++) {
785 var g = d[f].split(":");
786 3 == g.length && c.Q.push(g.pop());
787 var h = "";
788 2 == g.length && "" != g[1] && (h = ":");
789 c.p.push(g.join(h))
790 }
791 d = new Ba(d);
792 d.parse();
793 t(b, "head", u(b, c.f()));
794 a(d.aa, d.I, Ga)
795 };
796 T("google", function(a, b) {
797 var c = (new C(navigator.userAgent, document)).parse();
798 return new Z(c, b, a)
799 });
801 function $(a, b) {
802 this.c = a;
803 this.d = b;
804 this.m = []
805 }
806 $.prototype.D = function(a) {
807 return x(this.c) + (this.d.api || "//f.fontdeck.com/s/css/js/") + (this.c.u.location.hostname || this.c.G.location.hostname) + "/" + a + ".js"
808 };
809 $.prototype.v = function(a, b) {
810 var c = this.d.id,
811 d = this.c.u,
812 e = this;
813 c ? (d.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ || (d.__webfontfontdeckmodule__ = {}), d.__webfontfontdeckmodule__[c] = function(a, c) {
814 for (var d = 0, n = c.fonts.length; d < n; ++d) {
815 var m = c.fonts[d];
816 e.m.push(new H(m.name, ma("font-weight:" + m.weight + ";font-style:" + m.style)))
817 }
818 b(a)
819 }, c = ha(this.c, this.D(c)), t(this.c, "head", c)) : b(k)
820 };
821 $.prototype.load = function(a) {
822 a(this.m)
823 };
824 T("fontdeck", function(a, b) {
825 return new $(b, a)
826 });
827 window.WebFontConfig && U.load(window.WebFontConfig);
828})(this, document); \ No newline at end of file
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