- name: Disable unattended-upgrades systemd: name: unattended-upgrades state: stopped enabled: false - name: Install packages apt: name: - apt-transport-https - build-essential - ca-certificates - cifs-utils - vnstat - postfix - lsb-release - python3 - python3-dev - python3-pip - unzip - gnupg - rsync - sudo - htop - curl - tree - zip - vim - zsh - git update_cache: true - name: Enable bullseye-backport apt_repository: repo: deb https://deb.debian.org/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}-backports main contrib non-free state: present # Check https://wiki.debian.org/ZFS for additional information - name: Install ZFS apt: name: - linux-headers-amd64 - linux-headers-{{ ansible_kernel }} - zfsutils-linux - zfs-dkms update_cache: true fail_on_autoremove: yes default_release: "{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}-backports" - name: Load zfs kernel module modprobe: name: zfs state: present - name: Clean unneeded packages apt: autoremove: true purge: true - name: Remove useless packages from the cache apt: autoclean: yes - name: Run the equivalent of "apt-get clean" as a separate step apt: clean: yes