.. ring0.xyz documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 9 11:54:09 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Hello World =========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Updates ------- - *January 2018* - :ref:`又一个新的博客 <2018newblog>` - *December 2017* - :ref:`2017 观影记录 <2017movie>` - `The One Device: Experience of Pixel 2 `__ - *October 2017* - `注销/删除一个互联网帐号有多难 `__ - *July 2017* - `我的大学 `__ - *March 2017* - `Macbook Pro Late 2016一周体验 `__ - *October 2016* - `Yubikey 4 入手 `__ - `ERROR 451: 本網頁基於國家法律而封鎖 `__ - *September 2016* - `Moto X 2014 XT1085刷CM指南 `__ - *August 2016* - `[这列火车] 从北京到莫斯科 `__ - *April 2016* - `安利好用的邮件服务之Fastmail `__ About me -------- - A developer - Familiar with C, Python, MATLAB and Golang - A user of Vim, Debian, Docker, Raspberry Pi, etc - Computer vision enthusiast - Ingress resistance Language Skills --------------- - Mandarin - Native or Bilingual proficiency - English - Professional working proficiency - Esperanto - Elementary proficiency Publications ------------ - `基于主色检测与灰度传播的彩色图像灰度化方法 `__ - `Texture filtering based physically plausible image dehazing `__ - `暗通道先验图像去雾的大气光校验和光晕消除 `__ - `Sky detection and texture smoothing-based high-visibility haze removal from images and videos `__ - `鲁棒图像去雾的大气光校正与透射率优化算法 `__ Coding around the web --------------------- - `Dehaze`_, implementation of dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms - `one-two-three...infinity`_, 📏 Calculating the sum from one to a billion in different programming languages, inspired by https://github.com/leachim6/hello-world - `brainfuck`_, 🙇 Simple Brainfuck interpreter implemented in C - GitHub `@clarkzjw`_ for recent / current coding .. _Dehaze: https://github.com/clarkzjw/Dehaze .. _one-two-three...infinity: https://github.com/clarkzjw/one-two-three...infinity .. _brainfuck: https://github.com/clarkzjw/brainfuck .. _@clarkzjw: https://github.com/clarkzjw Contact ------- - Feel free to contact me! - PGP: `0x1D017D3D `_ | `keybase.io `_ - Telegram: @clarkzjw - Mail to: `hello@jinwei.me `_ Other ----- - I am a volunteer of BOINC, supporting WorldCommunityGrid - I think Freedom is my birth right and I shall have it, including free speech and free software .. container:: row .. container:: project .. figure:: https://cdn.clarkzjw.cn/redtestbar.gif :align: left :target: https://tomli.blog/archives/2016/06/2124.html :alt: tomli.blog :height: 150 .. container:: row .. container:: project .. figure:: https://cdn.clarkzjw.cn/Sample_09-F9_protest_art,_Free_Speech_Flag_by_John_Marcotte.png :align: left :target: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Speech_Flag :alt: en.wikipedia.org :height: 150 Credit ------ - All original contents of this site are licensed under `CC BY-SA 3.0 CN `_ Hire me ------- I'm available for hire