# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import time import json import logging import urllib from selenium import webdriver import telegram from telegram.error import NetworkError from pymongo import MongoClient import ingrex Debug = True bot = None BOT_TOKEN = '' CHANNEL_NAME = '' Email = '' Passwd = '' PhantomJSPath = '' DBName = '' DBUser = '' DBPass = '' DBHost = '' BlockList = '' LOG_FILENAME = 'voh.log' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename=LOG_FILENAME, filemode='w') console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-8s: %(levelname)-4s %(message)s') # tell the handler to use this format console.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) class CookieException(Exception): ''' CookieError ''' def getTime(): return time.strftime('%x %X %Z') def readConfig(): global Email global Passwd global BOT_TOKEN global CHANNEL_NAME global PhantomJSPath global DBName global DBUser global DBPass global DBHost global BlockList configfile = open("./config.json") config = json.load(configfile) Email = config["Email"] Passwd = config["Passwd"] BOT_TOKEN = config["BOT_TOKEN"] CHANNEL_NAME = config["CHANNEL_NAME"] PhantomjsPath = config["PhantomjsPath"] DBName = config["DBName"] DBUser = config["DBUser"] DBPass = config["DBPass"] DBHost = config["DBHost"] BlockList = config["BlockList"] os.environ['TZ'] = 'Asia/Shanghai' time.tzset() def fetchCookie(): global Debug global Email global Passwd global PhantomJSPath logger = logging.getLogger('fetchCookie') logger.info(getTime() + ': Fetching Cookie...') driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(PhantomjsPath) driver.get('https://www.ingress.com/intel') # get login page link = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('a')[0].get_attribute('href') driver.get(link) if Debug: driver.get_screenshot_as_file('1.png') # simulate manual login driver.set_page_load_timeout(10) driver.set_script_timeout(20) driver.find_element_by_id('Email').send_keys(Email) if Debug: driver.get_screenshot_as_file('2.png') driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#next').click() time.sleep(3) driver.find_element_by_id('Passwd').send_keys(Passwd) if Debug: driver.get_screenshot_as_file('3.png') driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#signIn').click() time.sleep(3) if Debug: driver.get_screenshot_as_file('3.png') # get cookies temp = driver.get_cookies() csrftoken = '' SACSID = '' for a in temp: if (a['name'] == 'csrftoken'): csrftoken = a['value'] if (a['name'] == 'SACSID'): SACSID = a['value'] if csrftoken == '' or SACSID == '': logger.error(getTime() + ': Fetch Cookie Failed') raise CookieException with open('cookie', 'w') as file: cookie = 'SACSID='+SACSID+'; csrftoken='+csrftoken+'; ingress.intelmap.shflt=viz; ingress.intelmap.lat=29.098418372855484; ingress.intelmap.lng=119.81689453125; ingress.intelmap.zoom=17' file.write(cookie) driver.quit() logger.info(getTime() + ': Fetching Cookie Succeed') return True def sendMessge(bot, msg): "sendMsg" logger = logging.getLogger('sendMessage') while True: try: url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' url += BOT_TOKEN url += '/sendMessage?chat_id=' url += CHANNEL_NAME url += '&text=' url += urllib.parse.quote(msg) req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) data = resp.read() logger.info(data) logger.info(getTime() + ": sendMsg " + msg) break except NetworkError: time.sleep(1) def sendMonitor(bot, msg): logger = logging.getLogger('sendMonitor') while True: try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id="@voamonitor", text=msg) logger.info(getTime() + ": sendMsg " + msg) break except NetworkError: time.sleep(1) def formatMessage(raw): pattern = re.compile(BlockList) match = pattern.search(str(raw)) if match: return "Blocked" msg = '' plext = raw[2]['plext'] markup = plext['markup'] for mark in markup: if mark[0] == 'SECURE': msg += mark[1]['plain'] elif mark[0] == 'SENDER': player = mark[1]['plain'] team = mark[1]['team'] pattern = re.compile(':') match = pattern.search(player) if match: if team == 'RESISTANCE': player = player[:match.span()[0]] + ' 🐳' + player[match.span()[0]:] elif team == 'ENLIGHTENED': player = player[:match.span()[0]] + ' 🐸' + player[match.span()[0]:] msg += player elif mark[0] == 'PLAYER' or mark[0] == 'AT_PLAYER': player = mark[1]['plain'] team = mark[1]['team'] msg += player if team == 'RESISTANCE': msg += ' 🐳' elif team == 'ENLIGHTENED': msg += ' 🐸' elif mark[0] == 'TEXT': msg += mark[1]['plain'] pattern = re.compile('\[secure\]') match = pattern.search(msg) if match: if msg.find(':') != -1: msg = msg[:9] + '@' + msg[9:] else: msg = msg[:10] + '@' + msg[10:] else: msg = '@' + msg return msg def FindRecord(id): uri = 'mongodb://' + DBHost Conn = MongoClient(uri) Conn.api.authenticate(DBUser, DBPass, DBName) database = Conn[DBName] mycollection = database.entries res = mycollection.find({"id": id}) if res.count() == 0: return False else: return True def insertDB(time, id, msg): uri = 'mongodb://' + DBHost Conn = MongoClient(uri) Conn.api.authenticate(DBUser, DBPass, DBName) database = Conn[DBName] mycollection = database.entries post = {"id": id, "time": time, "msg": msg} mycollection.insert(post) Conn.close() def main(): logger = logging.getLogger('main') field = { 'minLngE6': 119618783, 'minLatE6': 29912919, 'maxLngE6': 121018722, 'maxLatE6': 30573739, } mints = -1 maxts=-1 reverse=False tab='all' while True: try: if fetchCookie(): break except CookieException: time.sleep(3) count = 0 while True: count += 1 with open('cookie') as cookies: cookies = cookies.read().strip() logger.info(getTime() + ": {} Fetching from Intel...".format(str(count))) while True: try: intel = ingrex.Intel(cookies, field) result = intel.fetch_msg(mints, maxts, reverse, tab) if result: mints = result[0][1] + 1 break except CookieException: while True: try: if fetchCookie(): break except CookieException: time.sleep(3) except Exception: pass for item in result[::-1]: message = ingrex.Message(item) if message.ptype == 'PLAYER_GENERATED': # logger.info(getTime() + str(item)) msg = formatMessage(item) if msg == 'Blocked': logger.info(getTime() + " " + message.text) else: msg = message.time + " " + msg # logger.info(getTime() + " " + msg) if FindRecord(message.guid) is False: insertDB(message.time, message.guid, msg) # sendMonitor(bot, msg) sendMessge(bot, msg) time.sleep(10) if __name__ == '__main__': readConfig() bot = telegram.Bot(BOT_TOKEN) while True: try: main() except Exception: sendMonitor(bot, 'Main Error')